

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 46 av 108

Prestations- och kvalitetsstudie av maskiner för rensning av skogsdiken

Ditch cleaning is increasingly important in Swedish forestry. This study compare different concepts concerning machinery, namely two general-purpose excavators of different sizes, 8 tonnes and 15 tonnes, versus a dedicated machine constructed solely to deal with ditch-cleaning. The machines were tested on rough as well as on gentle terrain and on open terrain as well as in Young stands in connection with thinning. The conclusions were that the excavators are more versatile and have greater capacity than the dedicated machine, while the latter excels in quality of work. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in performance between the both excavators..

Fyra barns erfarenheter via interaktion - ett nedslag i tiden

The purpose of my study is to examine how children through interaction are recognized and understood by other children and teachers at the preschool for one hour in the afternoon. This study gives voice to what Young children in preschool do after snack. The overall purpose of this study is to find out what Young children's experiences will be in preschool through interaction. The purpose of my research is to gain knowledge about how the time and opportunity for interaction exists between children 1;7-2;5 years, and educators as well as other children, and how this interaction appears during afternoon activities in the preschool.My research questions are:1) What experiences do children get in terms of their development of identity for one hour in the afternoon? 2) How does the interaction that the Youngest children are involved in during the afternoon appear? And how long time does every occasion last? The study is based on the interactionist perspective and systems theory.

Högstadieungdomars upplevelse av stress: en fokusgruppsstudie i årskurs 9

Högstadietiden är en period då ungdomar ställs inför ökade krav och förväntningar, både från sig själv och omgivningen. Ofta blir stress en del av vardagen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ungdomar i årskurs nio upplever stress. Studien genomfördes genom fokusgruppsdiskussioner och innehållet bearbetades med kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys. Nio flickor och fyra pojkar deltog i studien.

Optimalt mottagningsstall för kalvar : en fältstudie

A cattle producer that buys calves that are Younger than six months to the herd should have a starter stable to prevent infection spreading in the herd. According to the Swedish animal welfare regulation there has to be a starter stable if more than 50 calves that are Younger than four months are bought in yearly to the herd. The aim of the study was to improve the knowledge about bovine buildings and management of starter stables to obtain optimal weight gain and health of the calves. The hypothesis 1) The Younger the calves are when purchased, the higher the calf mortality and 2) Purchasing calves from a high number of herds involves a higher risk of calf health problems and calf mortality were tested in the study. The objective of the study was to give advices by way of presenting ideal solutions of how a starter stable should be constructed and managed. A field study was done during June to September 2008 to collect knowledge and experience from existing starter stables.

Företag i Mästarklass - En kvalitativ studie av MSAB, ASSA ABLOY, AAK och HEXPOL

This essay focus on three companies within the MSAB group. All companies have shown an incredible share price development since MSAB´s initial investment and ownership. The companies has been examined from the CEO´s perspective to map out similar factors of success. The aim of the study was to compare and see if the companies operate in line with Jim Collins (2001) study of how Great companies operate. The analysis show that, despite the Young age of MSAB, ASSA ABLOY and AAK, they all fulfill Collins hard criterias for Great companies..

Av gammal vana : En kvalitativ studie om varför svenskar inte e-handlar livsmedel i större utsträckning

The food industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Swedish e-commerce today. However, e-commerce still represents a very small part of the total food sales in Sweden. Experts have noted that, in order for e-commerce to expand in this field, Internet food sales must increase.The aim of this study is to form an understanding of why Swedes do not purchase more food products online. The theoretical framework consists of various marketing theories concerning consumer behavior and the acceptance of new innovations. The methodology used for the purpose of this study has a qualitative approach and in order to answer the questions at hand two focus groups were assembled.

En komparativ studie av svensk och lettisk arbetslagstiftning i skuggan av Laval-målet

After the last European Union expansion the east European countries became members of the European Union. This meant that they would become apart of the Schengen agreement and that they would be able to travel, live and work anywhere in Europe. This came as a shock tothe Scandinavian trade unions that were worried that work migration would escalate, and that it would lead to social dumping, which would make the working conditions worse for the native workers. .The Swedish labour market is build up by the principal of negotiations. The evolution of the labour laws comes from the rules and regulations of collective agreements.The Lex Britannia principal was made to regulate the working conditions for guest workers in Sweden, by making it possible for trade unions to take industrial action against foreign companies to make them sign a Swedish collective agreement.Even though Swedish labour law includes an obligation to maintain industrial peace it is not valid for foreign companies.

Från gles skog och brokiga ungskogar till homogen produktionsskog : en skogshistorisk studie av Hällforsmarken under 1900-talet

The forest in the northern part of Sweden has changed dramatically during the last centuries. The forest has gone through a large-scale transformation, from it being only used locally for domestic purposes to becoming very important raw material for Sweden in the industrial age. The strategy by foresters during the second half of the 20th century has been to create pure production forests for commercial forestry. This has mainly succeeded and we have today homogenous production forests that give a high profit to the owners. The aim of the study is to compare the state of the forest in the former state forest Hällforsmarken in the years 1925 and 2000 and to interpret the changes which has taken place.

Social preference and diet learning in goat kids at pasture

AbstractHerbivores can be classified into either hiders or followers depending on their postpartum behaviour. The two behaviour types affect the spatial relationship between the mother and her infant. Goats are seen as hiders, although the environment plays a central role when it comes to the behaviour. Therefore, in the first part of this study the aim was to investigate how the goat kids? spatial relationship changed in the transition from indoor housing to pasture.

Vattnet i vår kropp : Förskolebarns tankar om vattnet innom oss

AbstractThis study deals with preschool children's ideas about water in our body. Ten children with the age of four to five were interviewed individually, the interviews were qualitative. The children were also asked to draw their answers and answer questions about a picture that represented the excretory system. The results of my study show that children did not have any knowledge about the water being vital for us. Preschool children had no knowledge of why it is important to drink water.

Livsfrågor i religionsundervisningen på gymnasiet

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to get increased knowledge of how teachers motivate and teach youth about existential questions at junior highchool. My issue for this composition is to find out how ? and how much ? teachers in fact teach about existential questions in the religious education.I interviewed four teachers at junior highschool, with various experiences. One teacher had about thirty years of experience in teaching, and one teacher was quite Young and unexperienced.The result indicates that the youth were interested in a lot of existential questions. The study also indicates the teachers view of youth?s identity-work and their existential questions.The resultat is compared with studies of Dahlin, Hartman and Sjödin..

Unga vuxna cancerpatienters uppfattning av stöd från sjuksköterska under onkologisk behandling- en kvalitativ behandling

BAKGRUND: I Sverige fick 57 830 personer en cancerdiagnos år 2013. I åldersgruppen 20 till 34 år rapporterades år 2012 cirka 1000 nya fall av cancer. Risken att insjukna i cancer ökar med stigande ålder men drabbar även yngre personer. Att insjukna i en cancersjukdom är för de flesta personer ett trauma. Unga vuxna befinner sig i en period av psykisk, fysisk, social och existentiell utveckling.

Avgörande faktorer vid strategival i samband med direktinvesteringar: Fallstudie beträffande direktinvesteringar i central- och östeuropa

Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att, utifrån ett fingerat fall, klargöra vilka faktorer som idag har störst betydelse för framgången av en direktinvestering i en produktionsanläggning för tillverkning av plastdetaljer i öst- och västeuropa. Syftet är också att utvärdera och förbättra den arbetsmodell för tillvägagångssätt vid lokaliseringsval som använts. Metod Uppsatsen bygger både på en kvalitativ och på en kvantitativ metod, vilka används parallellt. Arbetsgången följer den systematiska modell som Young et al föreslår, applicerad på ett simulerat fallscenario, och nödvändig information för de olika momenten i modellen är inhämtad från litteraturstudier, intervjuer och en enkät. Slutsatser Ett beslut om nyetablering genom direktinvestering kräver noggranna förberedelser, vilka både är tids- och resurskrävande.

Hegemoniska och icke-hegemoniska maskuliniteter - En kritisk diskursanalys av politiska texters och unga m?ns perspektiv p? v?ld i utsatta omr?den

There is a lack of consensus within politics on how to deal with the so-called youth problem that exists in vulnerable areas. The politicians' positions are communicated in speech and writing and influence the majority society's attitude to children in vulnerable areas. Children are at the same time a vulnerable group in society. They are dependent on adults and need their guidance and support throughout their upbringing. In vulnerable areas live children whose health is affected by social and economic vulnerability and discrimination from the outside world. By looking into how hegemonic masculinity as norms are formulated in Swedish political documents, in relation to experiences of stigmatization and violence among children from vulnerable areas, this study wishes to examine if children?s right to a life without violence is being respected in vulnerable areas.

Rekrytering av skogsmaskinförarelever

The purpose of this study is to give a picture of the current status for the recruitment to forest machine operator educations in Sweden, how many the educators are and the outcome of this activity. The three at present different types of education are upper secondary school, polytechnic school and vocational school. The method used for the survey is telephone interviews, pre-broadcast issues were discussed and the responses were recorded. The results are then compiled and presented in linear form. The conclusions one can draw is that education is desirable and important. To get Young people interested in forest machine operator education it is very important that the forest industry continues to develop attractive employment..

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