

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 47 av 108

Bottensedimentets betydelse för flodpärlmusslans föryngring ? en metodutveckling

The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is an endangered species. To survive, the Young mussels demand a fairly coarse bottom material containing an appropriate quantity of organic substrate to survive without suffocating. In order to estimate if a bottom is suitable for juvenile mussels, samples of the sediment are needed. To obtain samples a sampling device called the Mulv collector has been developed within this project. Bottom samples were collected from 18 stations in 4 south Swedish streams, Vramsån, Kling-storpsbäcken, Brönnestadsån and Bräkneån.

Kosmopolitiska identiteter och lojalitet : En studie om identitetsskapande hos svenskfödda ungdomar med utomsvensk härkomst

The purpose of this study is to illustrate, analyze and discuss how a group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselves in relation to personal experiences of belonging and loyalty. I have chosen a qualitative research methodology in the form of one group interview and two individual interviews.The result of the study shows that the group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselvs with one or more nation-states in different ways depending on different concept metaphors that underlie the concept of nation in different national discourses..

Unga pappor i Örebro : En fokusgruppsstudie kring upplevelser och behov

 Titel: Ska lika behandlas olika eller olika behandlas lika - En studie om äldre Syrianers deltagande i den kommunala äldreomsorgenFörfattare: Alexander Hammerlund och Zryan KarimHandledare: Runa Baianstovu Deniz SammanfattningEnligt de styrande regelverken för äldreomsorgen ska beviljade insatser styras av behovet oavsett vilket kön, kultur, religion, språktillhörighet etcetera som personen har. Den demografiska utvecklingens problematik är inte endast ett svenskt utan även ett globalt fenomen eftersom det kommer att ställa andra och högre krav på äldreomsorgen allteftersom omsorgsbehoven ökar. Föreliggande uppsats syfte är att undersöka äldre syrianers deltagande i den kommunala äldreomsorgen. Dessutom ämnas två frågeställningar besvaras dels kring vilket behov som finns av den offentliga äldreomsorgen. Dessutom rör frågeställningarna vad som kan påverka deltagandet i den offentliga äldreomsorgen och kan det påverkas av religiösa, språkliga eller kulturella faktorer? Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en kvantitativ ansats vars databearbetningsprocess baserar sig på en enkätundersökning innehållandes totalt 31 respondenter.

Svenska hushålls vedarbete : en fallstudie i Umeåregionen

In Sweden there are 354 000 private individuals owning forest. Of these forest owners there are at least two thirds that are self-employed, which means that about 215 000 forest owners conduct some kind of work in their own forest. Those numbers do not refer to firewood production, but every year 7.3 million piled cubic meters of firewood are used for heating Swedish households. This implies that many households are also producing firewood. The objective of this study was to assess and analyse the small-scale firewood production in the Umeå-region in terms of persons engaged in the work, equipment used, produced volumes and share of forest-owning households involved in these activities. According to results from a questionnaire, the average firewood producing person is a man between 40-60 years old.

Framtidens företagare : en diskurs analys av unga företagare i tidningar om företagande

Hur framställer man idé om företagande för unga? Vi har med hjälp avden kritiska diskusanalysen analyserat tidningar om företagande för att se hur de, via sin egen positionering i företagsdiskursen, framställer idén om företagande för unga. Varför är samhället intresserat av att så många ska starta företag idag? I uppsatsen analyseras en möjlig förändring när det gäller synen på ungdomar: från problem till ett nytt ideal som betonar entreprenörskap och företagande. Uppsatsen undersöker bredden och innehållet i denna diskurs..

Barn i och kring kyrkobyggnaden fram till och med 1600-talet

The purpose of this essay was to find out if it is possible to:? Detect different groups of gender among children in grave materiel and church art and if that was the case, in what way?? What different groups of children can be seen in these two categories?? What does the material say about children's position in society? The time span is from early Christian time to 17-th century and the geographical region is Sweden and Denmark. I got my information from published literature and different pages on the Internet. The conclusions were that gender among children can be detected in both types of material but different groups were not ?visible? to the same degree.

Fysisk kapacitet hos fysiskt aktiva och inaktiva ungdomar

Background: During the last decade physical activity among Swedish adolescents has decreased. Changes regarding physical fitness can also be seen, for instance the cardio respiratory capacity has decreased mainly among Young men while muscular capacity has decreased in both genders. Physical inactivity and impaired physical fitness are both important health related parameters. 18-year olds have fulfilled their physical development and are physically on top of their development, it makes this group interesting to examine. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate differences between physically active and inactive Young men and women, concerning cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular fitness and balance.

Lämplig röjningstidpunkt utifrån björkstubbskottens konkurrens

The purpose of this report was to investigate if there are any correlation between spruce medium height in Young spruce stands and the number of birch stump shoots. The purpose was also to investigate if there are any correlation between the spruce height growth after clearing and the mean height of birch stump shoots. The reason for this investigation is that the problem with birch stump shoots after clearing can be expensive if there must be additional clearings before the first thinning. The study provides no apparent association and therefore no special clearance height is recommended. In the final stages of the work there are given some comments on the study´s weaknesses. Finally topics for further research are suggested..

Muslimska ungdomars relation till religion och modernitet i Sverige och Danmark : En genomgång av två aktuella studier

This thesis explores how Muslim youths? lifeworlds are depicted and narrated in the following two studies on Muslim youth in Sweden and Denmark: Muslima (2007) and Samtidsislam (2010). The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: In what ways do these works treat the aspects of the lifeworlds that are being highlighted in their studies of Muslim youth in contemporary Sweden and Denmark? An underlying aim is to analyse the results within the framework of theories of socialisation, cultural emancipation and rituals and traditions.With a hermeneutic approach I analyse the texts and operationalize the research question into four themes: the effects of socialization, cultural emancipation, rituals and traditions and secularization. The texts are treated in the analysis with textual analysis and hermeneutic method.

Empowerment i multisystemisk terapi- en kvalitativ studie av MST teamet i Halmstad

The study was performed based on a qualitative method using a hermeneutical approach used to interpret the semi-structured interviews. The study aimed to investigate the Multisystemic therapy (MST) team in Halmstad municipality perceptions on the treatment method multisystemic therapy for youths from the ages of 12-18 years old.The questions were: Does the MST therapists experience that the MST is a method that leads to an improved situation for Young people who receive the method? What do the MST therapists describe as opportunities and obstacles in the work with the method?The study builds on previous research on MST and empowerment based on MST. The study shows three therapists and an MST leader's experiences of the treatment and how it is aimed at influencing the parents and the youth for a change. From therapists statements it highlights how the MST method is designed for the Young people?s motivation to change by means of the internal and external networks.

Identitetsskapande mammor : på gott och ont

This is a qualitative social psychology study, which aims to describe how mothers with 1-2 year old children develop their identities, seen from Symbolic Interactionistic perspective. Five Young mothers have been interviewed, through qualitative interviews and self reports. Through this data I have attempted to establish how these women develop their identities when they have been mothers for 1 or 2 years. The conclusions I have drawn is that the identities change radically with becoming a mother and all respondents take different decisions outfrom their identities as mother. There seems to exist a need of more knowledge about how to bring the identity of a woman and a mother together and create a new entity.

I rymden kan ingen höra dig stereotypisera : En analys av rasismen i fem science fiction-filmer och hur den påverkar demokratin

Movies can be a source to enjoyment, cultural enrichment and relaxation. But movies are also filled with messages and subtext, that effects the one who watches the movie. One of the effects are the reproducing of stereotypes and racism. This essay concentrates on the five best grossing science fiction movies in Sweden between the years 2009 ? 2014.

Den abstrakta tråkigheten : villkor och möjligheter, utifrån ungas perspektiv, att relevansgöra digitala medier som en resurs för lärande i skolan

Children and teenagers of today have grown up with digital media. According to Olle Findahl's report "The Swedes and the Internet" (2009), adults as well as children are online more and more. Our experience is that at many workplaces as good as everyone use computers and everyone is expected to have digital skills. However at most schools the reality is far from this. According to Findahl's report from 2009, 99 percent of all pupils (in Sweden) have access to computers and Internet, yet it is rare that they get school assignments where the use of Internet is acquired (Findahl 2009).The purpose of our paper is to understand how digital media can be used as a resource for learning, through the perspective of Young people.

Det enskilda trädet som meningsbärare : erfarenheter av två trädplanteringsprojekt i Helsingborg

Individual trees can act as carriers of meaning. When a person attributes deep meanings to a specific tree, a relationship between the person and the tree is created. To avoid conflicts between users and planners, increased awareness is required of how important individual trees may be to a person. The objective of this study was to elucidate persons? relationships with individual urban trees.

Makalös arbetsbelastning : Studie om arbetsrelaterad stress och faktorer som påverkar psykosocial arbetsmiljö inom human service organisationer i offentlig sektor

The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun.

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