

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 16 av 108

Varning för snabblån - En studie om effekter av varningar i rörlig marknadsföring av snabblån

Payday loans are becoming a challenge of increasing gravity for society. Statistics show that the number of Young adults with financial issues related to such loans has been growing over the past few years. Despite efforts to halt this trend, little is changing. Government mandated warning labels in commercials are typically used to inform about the risks associated with the consumption of certain goods and services, such as alcohol and tobacco. Despite issues related to payday loans, there is currently no legislation in Sweden mandating the inclusion of warnings in marketing of such loans.

Hinder för fysisk aktivtet hos ungdomar i övre tonåren

AbstractEmilia Rönnberg.Barriers to physical activity in adolescents in their late teens. Vetenskaplig C- uppsats HT 12 Physical activity has been essential to human health and well-being since several thousand years. In Sweden, it has been shown that both adults and Young people are less physically active than the rest of Europe- a large proportion of Young people today do not meet the recommendations for physical activity (60 minutes per day). The purpose of this study was to determine what proportion of Young people, i.e. high school students, did not meet the recommendations for physical activity.

"Dom kallar oss invandrare!" : En undersökning som bygger på hur ungdomar av "andra generationens invandrare" identifierar sig själva.

This investigation is aimed to analyze and gain insight into how Young people of the "second generation immigrants" identify themselves in a society where they are seen as immigrants of the environment in view of the name. Also, how they identify themselves during trips to their home/country of origin are of relevance to see if they are affected in their own identification, depending on how they believe they are seen from the outside.Through a survey, the statistics were produced, which serves as a preliminary to the larger part of the investigation where six individuals were interviewed in order to give deeper answers to the questions sought. The answers that emerged were then analyzed in relation to selected theories.In connection with the investigation it has emerged that the Young people in question often identify themselves in such a way that they think that the surroundings look at them. It is in relation to how others see them as they see themselves, which creates a distance between the surroundings and themselves. With increased knowledge on both sides, this distance between the environment and the Young people in this investigation maybe could reduce..

Fabriksflickans bildning. Gerda Meyerson och Föreningen Hem för arbeterskor 1898-1923.

The purpose of this master thesis is to describe and analyse Gerda Meyerson's educational project for Young working-class women in Stockholm between 1898 and 1923. In 1898 Meyerson founded a home for Young working-class women where her project could be implemented. It is the educational practises at this home and Meyerson's own words about working womens way of life thats in focus of this investigation. From a class and gender perspective the thesis examines the problems, the solutions and finally the goals of Meyerson's intentions for the Young women. The problems were mainly the womens lack of self-esteem and bad moral reputation in society.

Alla ser såren, men det är inte där det gör ont: en studie om varför flickor skär sig och adekvat behandling

The aim with this study was to examine professional peoples' view on the reason why females, under the age of 18 years old, self-harm and the professionals view on their treatment. The study is qualitative and based on eight interviews with professional personnel who work with Young females with self-harm behavior in the region of Skåne. To be able to analyze our qualitative interviews we used two theories; the attachment theory and trauma theory. The results of this study show that there are many different functions with the self-harm behavior and that the cause of the behavior can be different among the females. Most of the Young females seem to self-harm to reduce anxiety but some also do it to punish themselves, to feel alive or to belong to a group of friends.

Barn- och ungdomars uppfattning om sin övervikt och fetma som ett problem samt skillnader i aktivitetsnivån hos barn- och ungdomar beroende på deras sociala familjesituation

BackgroundIncreased prevalence of obesity in children- and Young adults and risk for diseases related to obesity will increase the burden on medical care. It is important to identify early risk factors that can be noticed by nurses in the daily work.AimThe aim was to investigate whether children- and Young adults themselves perceive overweight as a problem and if there was a difference in the measured activity levels between overweight children- and Young adults in families with different socio-economic family status.Method descriptionExisting survey from the Obesity Centre at the Akademiska Sjukhuset were examined together with the results from an accelerometer, where children- and Young adults activity was recorded, compared to their perception of how active they were. The results were compared using a statistical software program and compiled with descriptive and non-parametric statistics.ResultsThe results do suggest that the majority of children- and Young adults experiencing excessive weight have a problem in their everyday lives. Nearly half overestimate themselves as more active than what the actual measurements with accelerometer demonstrated. Much time is spent in front of the TV and computers.

Be Wise condomise: a study in Botswana on the spread of AIDS information and how the information is being received

AIDS is a huge problem in the world and it is spreading rapidly, especially in Africa. Botswana is one of the worlds worst-hit countries, with over one-third of the inhabitants infected by HIV/AIDS. The measures that have been taken to stop the spread of AIDS are to inform and enlighten people on how the disease is spread and how to protect oneself. The aim of this thesis is to investigate what different ways of informing people about AIDS different organisations make use of in Botswana. The thesis also addresses how some receivers of the AIDS information experience it.

En ny tid kräver en ny politik : En jämförande studie om ungdomars politiska engagemang i två sociala landskap, Sverige och Grekland.

The object of this paper is concerned with the subject youth and politics. The aim of the paper is to study what influence our today modern societies has between two social landscapes, Greece and Sweden and try to give an explanation to why Young peoples political engagement is different in the two countries. To fulfil my aim of this paper I have used a few questions, these questions will give me an insight in how Young people look at politics, what their interests are and if they feel that they can and ought to act political. The theoretical starting points I?ve used I?ve chosen with reflection to look at the social landscape we live in and its changes over time.

Imperfekt-Presens-Futurum : en examenskonsert av, med och runt Anna-Karin Westerlund

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for Young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that Young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Vilka faktorer avgör då skogsägaren söker samarbetspartner för planering och genomförande av skogsvård?

Silviculture in Young stands in Sweden is below the mark concerning what has to be done in the forest, and it is time to solve the problem. The problem will not be solved only by the private forest owners, professional help is needed. Skogsägarna Mellanskog is one of four forest unions in Sweden who wants to play a role and take responsibility for forestry in the middle of Sweden. This academic essay is based on a market survey sent to 350 forest owners in the Örebro district. 186 of them answered the questions, giving a response frequence of 53 percentage. The purpose of the essay is to find the determining factors which will make a forest owner to find a collaborator when planning and carrying out the silviculture measures in Young stands. The result of the survey shows that the forest owners are anxious about the price and the costs. The costs have a severe effect if the silviculture measures in Young stands will be carried out or not.

Från institution till samhälle : LSU-dömda ungdomars upplevelse av delaktighet i utslussning och eftervård

The aim of our study is to gain increased knowledge and understanding of how Young people who has been sentenced to closed institutional care experience their own possibility to participate and influence the transition and aftercare, and which, if any, importance they believe this has for their readjustment to society. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with four Young persons, of which three, at the time for our interviews, where in the transitionphase, and one had left the institution a few years ago. The study?s theoretical framework is based on Erving Goffmans theory about stigma and the empowerment theory.

Jag blev glad

vuxnas läsning av skönlitteratur I became happier and wiser: Young adults reading of fiction [123[upps-01.gif This Masters thesis explores Young adults 18-26 years old, reading of fiction: their reading preferences, the meaning of reading and their access to literature. A study was made by way of a questionnaire, including 56 Young adults, and seven qualitative interviews with two groups: one at a folk highschool and the other at a public library. The theories we have used to analyse the results are: theories of gender and youth, theories of literary genres, reader-response criticism, literature sociology and the theories of cultural sociology by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the analysis the results are compared to other studies of reading habits. Results from this study show that the Young adults read fiction from several genres among popular- and quality literature.

Kulturanvändande bland Unga : En studie om kulturvanor, ungdomars livsvillkor och bibliotekets roll

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own understanding about how Young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

Vad är svaret på tidningsdöden? : En kvalitativ studie om unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion

The media industry, and especially the news, in Sweden is living in a dark world that seems to get even darker by the minute. According to Nordicom (2013) the number of readers in the ages 15-24 has dropped by 24 percentage points between 2007 and 2012. This is a big problem for the news industry, but also for democracy that require citizens that are well-read and know what is going on in society. Enda and Mitchel (2013) found that 65% of people in the USA have stopped reading a certain news source since it no longer fits their needs. Maybe with a better understanding for Young adults needs this trend can change.This qualitative study was conducted using interviews with eight respondents to find out why Young adults who study at a university consume news.

"Det beror ju inte på vart man är utan hur man känner" : En studie om ungdomars användande av svordomar och könsord i skolan

This essay is about Young peoples? use of swearwords and four-letter words. Through a questionnaire we have examined in what way 102 Swedish high school students use swearwords and four-letter words. We have also examined if there are any differences between girls and boys linguistic usage and what these differences may be. Our results show that almost all youths use swearwords and that a majority of them use four-letter words as well. The results also show that there are not any major differences between girls and boys.

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