2016 Uppsatser om Young stands - Sida 31 av 135
Rekonstruktionsplanen : Funktion, fastställelse och innehåll
This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.
Gymnasieflickor & idrott och hälsa : Faktorer som påverkar flickors motivation till att delta fysiskt i undervisningen
The aim of this piece of work is to highlight and investigate young female?s motivation in participation of P.E classes and the degree to which the content of classes affect their motivation. To support this piece of work two theories have been utilized, the Self-determination Theory and a gender related perspective theory. The research consists of six qualitative interviews of young females who are perceived to be less motivated. These interviews focus on their views and attitudes in relation to P.E within the Swedish high school setting.
Millennials- Den nya och krävande generationen
Psykologisk forskning visar på att unga medarbetare, den så kallade
Millennialgenerationen, efterfrågar en annan typ av ledarskap än deras äldre
föregångare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga medarbetares
föreställningar om transformativt ledarskap samt i vilken utsträckning dessa
föreställningar motiverar dem i arbetet. Hypotes: Transformativt ledarskap är
gynnsamt för unga vuxnas motivation på arbetsplatsen jämfört med andra
ledarstilar så som laissez-faire och transaktionellt ledarskap.
Undersökningsmetoden som använts var en webbaserad enkätdesign med 28 deltagare
i åldrarna 20-38. Resultatet stödjer studiens syfte och hypotes, det
transformativa ledarskapet var det som motiverade unga vuxna mest på
Berättelser från kommunikativa mellanrum - Om socionomstudenters erfarenhetsbaserade lärande i projektet Unga möter Unga
In recent years there has been a growing interest directed towards focusing on the importance of clear evidence for interventions in social work. To enable the measurement it?s necessary to develop concrete models with manuals on how social work should be designed. Evaluation of the benefits is made in relation to how well the method can detect evidence of clear measurable results. When measuring the result it?s of importance to emphasis on pre and post the situation, not the situation where social work takes place.
Sverigedemokraternas kampanj mot den nya våldtäktsvågen 2010 : Strategi, motiv och funktioner hos SD:s våldtäktsmetaforik
This bachelor thesis consists of an analysis of museum environment. In the research, case studies have been done at the, Stockholm based museums, Swedish museum of Natural history?s exhibition Natur i Sverige (Nature in Sweden) and the Nordiska museet?s (Nordic history) exhibition Modemakt (Power of fashion) and learning environment Lekstugan (playhouse). The purpose of the research was to study how cultural heritage is used and developed within the museum pedagogy aimed at children. The research is based on a multimodal approach with focus on learning resources.The research examines the museums focus on children and youngsters, what the goals for this focus looks like on respective museum and how the focus is visible in the actual museums.
Hallmöbel för förskolor
I have together with Frimeko AB developed new hallway furniture for preschools. The background to the project is the fact that all the existing hallway furniture?s on the market today have a similar design and same features. None of the furniture stands out immediately. Companies who work with school furniture in general have been inspired by each other, and therefore is the collections monotonous.
En rättsjämförande utvärdering av det svenska giftorättssystemet - Harmoniseringsmöjligheter?
This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.
Ajuourhållning av ungskogsdata med hjälp av digitala flygbilder :
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible for SCA to update their stand register with use of digital aerial photos photographed with a Zeiss/Intergraph DMC. ?Updating? in this study implies the delineation of stands and estimating stand variables such as average stand height, volume density, stand volume, and tree species composition in order to identify stands which can be of current interest for thinning.
The study also includes how the aerial photo material and experience of the interpreter can influence the quality of the interpreted variables.
The aerial photo interpretations were made by both experienced and inexperienced interpreters.
Mobility Management : vad är det?
Mobility Management is about affecting and changing the demand of mobility. It?s not about what traditional planning?s been focused on; to supply for the demand. The demand of mobility is created by us humans since the traffic exists of us. That means that Mobility Management is about changing our needs.
Kan inställningen till framtida sexualvanor och deltagande i gynekologisk cellprovskontroll påverkas av HPV-vaccinering? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys.
Human Papilloma virus (HPV) can lead to cervical cancer, a common form of cancer in Sweden and globally. A vaccine has been developed for the most carcinogenic strains of HPV. In Sweden it is planned that the vaccine be included in the public national vaccination program for children. The aim of this study was to illustrate attitudes towards future sexual habits and preventive cervical cancer screening among young women and parents of girls vaccinated against HPV. This study is a part of a larger project where interviews with young women aged 17 to 26 years and parents of girls aged 13 to 17 years compose the foundation.
Either you're in or you're out...: Inkongruens och kreativitet - ett sätt att komma in?
The media landscape has exploded during the last decade, which has lead to a massive advertising clutter. Consumers defend themselves against this intrusive marketing by creating an advertising filter that sorts and blocks. These changing conditions have lead to new and tougher demands on creators and advertisers to create more efficient marketing communication that stands out in the clutter and penetrates the consumers? advertising filter. Many creators and researchers claim that creativity is the most efficient method to stand out in the clutter and generate sought communication effects.
Intern marknadsföring : intern satsning för extern framgång
Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka den interna marknadsföringen (IM) inom Ernst & Young genom att identifiera de IM-aktiviteter som genomförs inom företaget för att motivera sina anställda. IM har operationaliserats som intern marknadsorientering (IMO) enligt Lings och Greenleys (2005) IMO-modell. Modellen består av fem beteendedimensioner med tillhörande aktiviteter. IMO inom Ernst & Young (avgränsat till huvudkontoret i Stockholm) och framförallt aktiviteterna som typifierar beteendedimensionerna har undersökts i en kvalitativ fallstudie med deduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och telefonenkäter med HR- och marknads- och informationsansvariga samt genom instudering av sekundärdata. Resultatet från datainsamlingen i en jämförelse med den teoretiska plattformen visade på att Ernst & Young i stor utsträckning har en IMO då företaget genomför beteendedimensionernas typifierade aktiviteter.
En kär lek : En studie om gymnasieungdomars uppfattning av kärlek och kärleksrelationer
This essay is a part of a project called ?Young peoples representation of love and relationships? and was initialized in Barcelona in January 2006. The University of Barcelona cooperates with the University college of Södertörns Högskola to compare perception of love among youths in both countries. The project focuses on teenagers between 13-19 years of age. The project uses four types of questionnaires with questions about love, feelings, empathy and relationships witch were compiled by research workers at the University of Barcelona.?A Love-ly game? is a qualitative study that is based on a questionnaire-investigation made in a Gymnasium-school in a suburb south of Stockholm.
"Jag tror att våra ord är ingenting" : Om hur ungdomar som deltagit i upplopp beskriver sina livsvillkor, bakgrunden till upplopp samt använder hiphop som symboliskt motstånd
The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how young men who have participated in a riot describe their life-situations regarding to their relations to the police, their neighbourhood, employment, the background to the riots and how they use hip-hop as a resistance to subordination. The study is conducted through three semi-structured qualitative group interviews and to some extent field studies. The theoretical points of departure are Slavoj Zizeks theory of violence, which is divided into subjective, symbolic and systemic violence, and subcultural theory. The results of the study show that the young men in their daily life are exposed to by both systemic and symbolic violence, feel secure within their neighbourhood and find themselves harassed by the police. A major finding is that the riot primarily can be understood as an act to get society conscious of their situations, while they found themselves marginalised, lacking employment and youth club.
Riskbilder och kontroll av ungas IKT-användning: En fallstudie
The use of Internet by children and teenagers has become a special field of interest. Certain risks are associated with young peoples use of this media and national and international measures have been taken to assess and counter these risks.Library and informationscience have approached the subject of risks by looking at different software´s, so called Internet filters, that is used to control and censor the access to Internet based resources. In the USA, where public services and institutions that provide Internet resources to children and youth have started to require censorship of the Internet, a debate has arisen concerning the use of so called Internet filters.The theoretical basis of this master´s thesis is related to the conception of risk, gender and childhood. The focus of the paper lies on young peoples use of information and communication technology (ICT) and how risks associated with young peoples use of the Internet is constructed by different parties involved in supplying Internet resources. By means of a case study at a primary school in Skåne and at the company Netscan in Malmö.