

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 65 av 139

Att prata om, till eller med elever : En kvalitativ studie om lärares sätt att möta elever i svårigheter

To talk about, talk to or with children. A conversation between a child and its teacher should be more than the teacher telling the child what to do, how to act. It should be more like a respectful and reverent meeting between two people where the adult sets the tone. The purpose of this research is to investigate teachers' experiences of conversations with children in need of special assistance. Our issues: What do teachers say about how they meet children in need of support? How do teachers response to students who are in difficulty? What ability have teachers and their school's to meet children in need of support and what appear to be particularly important or problematic issues for them in that work? In order to find some answers to our questions we interviewed ten teachers at two schools.

Teknik i förskolan : En studie om hur 4 - 5 åringars uppfattningar om material och dess egenskaper kan utvecklas genom en pedagogisk aktivitet

The purpose of this work is to investigate how 4-5 year olds perceptions of materials and material properties can be developed through an educational activity. The study is based on two interviews with eight children in that age category. The interviews were conducted before and after an activity where the children were first introduced to the subject by the tale of The three little pigs (Harris, 2009) and then given the opportunity to explore various materials related to the book. The kids got to experiment and explore how water affected materials and to compare different materials properties. The children were also attracted to build and create the material that was offered during the activity.

Kampanjen Läsrörelsen. Tradition eller nytänkande?

A reading campaign, Läsrörelsen The Reading Movement took place in Sweden 2000 until 2002. It was started by some adult educationists, and was supported by over 120 organizations. The aim of my study was to examine which messages the campaign wanted to mediate. As the campaign meant that reading was important for democracy, I wanted to study if there was any public debate about reading around 1900 when the democracy process had just started in Sweden. I have also studied if reading is regarded in the same way by the rulers of Sweden as it was by the campaign.

Musikalisk barnteater : Musikens funktion i barnteaterberättandet på Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg

Muscial theatre for children ? the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. Sweden, Växjö, 2006.The aim of this essay is to examine music in theatre for children. There is not much recent research about the subject so this essay is a way to discern this part of the theatre and to get more people interested in the matter. The survey will focus on how music is used in an institutional theatre (Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg) that works with plays for children.

Det enskilda trädet som meningsbärare : erfarenheter av två trädplanteringsprojekt i Helsingborg

Individual trees can act as carriers of meaning. When a person attributes deep meanings to a specific tree, a relationship between the person and the tree is created. To avoid conflicts between users and planners, increased awareness is required of how important individual trees may be to a person. The objective of this study was to elucidate persons? relationships with individual urban trees.

Möte mellan ledarna: fritidsgårdens och skolans samarbete ur ett fritidsledarperspektiv

Sammanfattning: Det här är en empirisk studie om fritidgårdens samarbete med sex olika högstadieskolor i en medelstor kommun. Vi valde endast en fritidsgård för att det är den enda som finns i kommunen. Eftersom att det finns stor kriminalitet bland ungdomarna i den här kommunen undersöker vi vilka åtgärder skolan och fritidsgården tar tillsammans för att hjälpa ungdomarna ifråga.Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och analysera samarbetet mellan fritidsgården och högstadieskolorna ur ett ledarperspektiv. Undersökningen genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie.En av de största hinder är att struktur och mål är oklara i samarbetena. Fritidsledarna och skolans ledning har stor flexibilitet i utbildningsbakgrunden och olika erfarenheter och därför kunde de ge mycket mer i de här samarbetena om mål och struktur var tydligare.

Makalös arbetsbelastning : Studie om arbetsrelaterad stress och faktorer som påverkar psykosocial arbetsmiljö inom human service organisationer i offentlig sektor

The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun.

En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers yrkeskompetenser baserad på intervjuer med biblioteksanvändare och bibliotekarier

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine what expectations a few, adult, frequent library users have on librarians' competences at a specific library. We also aim to compare how well the library users' expectations relates to how the librarians describe their own competences.The method used to gather the empirical information in this study is the qualitative semi-structured interview. We interviewed six library users and the four librarians who are employed at the library where we placed our study. The results of our interviews were analyzed with the help of a model based on Anders Ørom?s librarian identities.

Gallringsinventering från helikopter utrustad med profilerande laser och kamera för låghöjdsfotografering

Today Holmen Skog finds and selects suitable thinning stands using data on upper height and basal area. These figures are often based on basic forest data that has been updated with the help of growth prediction models. The problem is that these figures are not always correct. The aim of this study was to investigate if a combination of data from a profiling laser and a digital camera for low elevation photography, can be used for collecting data on number of stems per ha, tree species mixture as well as basal area weighted mean height and upper height for stands. The possibility to use these data to assess the need for thinning cutting was also investigated.Laser data and aerial photographs were collected from a helicopter operating at an approximate height of 100 meters.

Barn till alkoholmissbrukare : en studie av barnens uppväxtvillkor och det sociala nätverkets betydelse

Our purpose with this paper was to examine what effect a parent's drinking problem can have for the children in the family. A combination of literature study and qualitative interview analysis was used. The most important research questions were: How do the parent's problems affect the child? In what ways can the social network around the child help it to develop normally despite problems in the home environment? To what extent a parent's drinking problem affects a child depends on many different factors. Based on earlier research and interview data we drew the conclusion that growing up in a family where a parent has a drinking problem has a negative effect on all children.

Segelbåt, fjällstuga, husvagn och lyxbil... Är dessa att anse som onyttig egendom för fåmansbolaget?

Background: The Stop rule for buying in property was introduced through 1976 years legislation and its formemost purpose was to prevent companies to acquire property that was useless for the company. Assets such as cars, boats and arts were of current interest. At the same time as this stop rule was introduced, another stop rule was also introduced and this was meant to work to forbid the partner to buy property from the close company to a price that would lead to sell at loss for the company. After a government decision (1999:2000, Abolished Stop rules) the close company is no longer living under this restriction since these two stop rules have been abolished since January 2001. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which criteria are the basis to judge whether the assets is to consider as useful or not for the close company.

Högutbildade ekonomistudenters minskade intresse för eget företagande : En studie av Företagsekonomistudenter på Södertörns Högskola

AbstractTo benefit the economic growth of a country, it is important for the inhabitants to make the decision to become business owners. Sweden today, apart from the rest of Europe, is facing a growing problem. The numbers of companies are growing, but the numbers of company owners are not. As a result of this, the employment is not able to develop under the same conditions, when the opportunities of employment decrease. Research shows, that the interest for owning a company among the Swedish youth has increased.

Talande vid datorspel : Vilken roll har engelskt tal vid datorspel för utvecklingen av ungdomars muntliga produktion?

This study aims to find possible effects from the use of Voice over internet protocol software together with computer gaming on Young Adults English output. The study also tries to find effects of media usage on output and if there exists differences between boys and girls. This is done through analysis based on data collected from 28 informants, age 16-18. The data consists of recordings of individual stories coupled with a survey. The empirical data is analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative way.

Skam och anknytning : Anknytningstypens samvariation med upplevelse och hantering av skam

Denna undersökning hade för avsikt att granska relationen mellan skam och vuxenanknytning. Både skam och anknytning har genom tidigare forskning visat sig vara arbetsmodeller som grundläggs tidigt i människors liv och som påverkar vår självuppfattning, självkänsla och hur vi relaterar och fungerar med andra människor. Dessa inre modeller förblir relativt stabila under vår livstid. Med hjälp av självskattningsformulär mättes deltagarnas anknytningstyp och deras upplevelse och hantering av skam. Resultaten visar på en signifikant skillnad mellan anknytningskategori och självrapporterad nivå av skamuppleverser.

Förebyggande effekter av fysisk aktivitet på depression : ? en litteraturstudie

Objective: To study the evidence on physical activity (PA) as an effective preventive strategy for depression.Methods: A search of electronic databases was performed for articles between 2007 and 2012, both original research and review articles, concerning the link between PA and depression on children, youth and adults. Three reviews, five longitudinal and two cross sectional studies were included.Results:  PA reduced the likelihood of depression in many studies and a sedentary or inactive lifestyle increased the risks for mental health symptoms such as depression. One study showed that low PA in childhood increased the odds of depression as an adult and other studies on teenagers saw a connection and mediation between PA and self-esteem whereas physical fitness showed no mediating effect. Many of the studies and reviews point out the insecurity regarding the dose-response association and the difficulties in defining causality.Conclusion: PA might have a preventive effect on depression. Some evidence exist to support that PA in childhood prevents depression in adults.

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