

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 66 av 139

Kan Hedvig lösa De mystiska tecknen? : en studie av två biblioteksdataprogram för barn

This thesis examines which function the information technology may have in thechildren's library, with the example from two library computer programmes. One is anexpert system, Hedvig, which will help children to choose and to find books, and theother is a computer game, The mysterious signs, that will teach children library user education.The main question is: What conceptions do the project-leaders, the children'slibrarians and the children have concerning the function of these two programmes in thechildren's library?The study is based upon qualitative interviews with two projects-leaders, fourlibrarians, three computer programmers and twenty-eight children.The theoretical material consists of examples on other library computer programmesfor children developed in Denmark and USA, some American studies in children'sabilities to use computerized information retrieval systems, and studies concerningchildren's relations to computers.The adult's conceptions of the computer programmes are divided into categories asfollows: Democracy, aspect of sex, complement, marketing, reading promotion,development of competence, information technology development, pedagogics, adulteducational activities, compensation and armusement, pedagogics, usefulness,effectiveness and information. These categories shall be seen as the conclusions of the thesis..

Varför barn får kontaktperson och kontaktfamilj : En aktstudie om barnens bakgrund och skäl till insats

The aim of this study was to look into why children receive the interventions contact person and contact family. This was done by studying case-files. The main questions were:-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention linked to parents and which are the most common?-       How common is it that there are reasons for the intervention and problems linked to children and which are the most common?-       Is there any indication of connections between reasons, age, gender or type of intervention? If so, what are the connections?The main results of this study were that most of the children lived with a single mother, often with a weak social network, and in need of relief. It was more common that reasons were linked to children then parents and the most common reasons indicated a need for an extra adult.

Funktionell och aerob träning för U16 ishockeyspelare

The aim of this study was to examine if it was possible to improve fitness and strength in young ice hockey players with help of a training programme based on functional training and aerobic training. The training programme was performed on Halmstad Hockey U-16 team where 17 boys participated in the study. We performed the training in a period of sex weeks with three training occasions each week. These consisted of two functional training sessions and one fitness session. In the beginning we emphasized the importance of a correct performance and technique.

Ung och stressad : En kvalitativ studie om unga tjejers upplevelser och hantering av skolans krav

A considerable number young of students are suffering from sociopsychological complaints. The psychological complaints emerge from differnt sources. Important factors for psychological well being are experiences of a satisfactory social network, efficient coping strategies and a supportive school climate.The aim of this study was to examine how young girls in the age of 16-18 years old experience and cope with demands from school. To fulfill the aim of this study we have five questions: What do the girls apprehend as a satisfactory/unsatisfactory working environment? How do the girls define stress? How do the girls cope with stress? What importance has leisure time? What importance has the social network? The method we used for this study was qualitative and the material was collected through four focus groups.

Hur kön konstrueras i tillämpningen av 3 § LVU i Förvaltningsrätten

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender is created in the Administrative Court´s application of care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act. The theoretical starting point is the gender perspective. My empirical work consists of 27 court cases from 2010 and 2011. These are investigated for common themes by a qualitative content analysis. The result and analysis consist of four court cases representing one theme each.

Utveckling av metod för retrospektiv bestämning av absorberad dos i korall medelst elektronspinnresonans

This diploma work was performed at the department for radiation physics at the Health University in Linköping. Its aim was to develop a method to retrospectively quantify the absorbed dose in coral. Coral is a material which suites well as a retrospective dosimeter because when exposed to radioactivity its induced free radicals are stable in time. The number of radicals is proportional to the accumulated dose so the dose can be calculated by quantifying the radicals. Therefore, coral can tell us something about the past environment and also be used in dating purposes.A young, modern coral from the Red Sea was studied and also a fossil one which I was given from the Natural History Museum in Stockholm.

Om förtryckande strukturer

This paper is a critique of an article in the Swedish magazine Filosofisk Tidskrift (Philosophical Magazine), in which professor Per Bauhn maintains that there is something wrong with having a group perspective in moral and political matters. In this article Bauhn makes three conclusions. The first one is that you violate Hume's law if you draw the conclusion that something is an oppression only from descriptive premises, which for example communitarians does according to Bauhn. He argues that ?oppression? is a normative term, and therefore it requires at least one normative premise.

En trojansk My Little Pony : En genusvetenskaplig kulturanalys av Sara Granérs seriebok All I Want for Christmas is planekonomi ur ett gurleskt och skevt perspektiv

Sweden has an active and growing culture of feminist comic book artists that use comedy as a mean of disseminating political ideas and critic. In this essay I do a reparative reading of Sara Granér?s comic book All I Want for Christmas is planekonomi in order to find out if it advocates alternative orders and/or ways of expression. By exploring what the comic book does to me as a reader and how, using the term ?skev? ? a hybrid of queer that examines normativity not strictly tied to sexuality ? and gulesque theory ? a mix of feminism, cuteness, the grotesque and riot grrrl ?, I show that the comic book, through the use of comedy, works as a trojan My Little Pony, reclaiming the girly franchise, while challenging several so-called dichotomies, such as: femininity/masculinity; youth/adult; high art/kitsch.

En studie i kommunikativt ledarskap inom vuxenutbildninen i Malmö

The purpose of my study is to examine whether the need for competence development in the communicative leadership exists among the six school leaders at the current adult education unit in Malmö. By observing the communication between the parties I hoped to get the following questions answered: What are the preconditions for the school leaders, in their daily communication with the staff, for getting the staff to feel noticed and confirmed? In what ways do the school leaders communicate with their staff to motivate them to development? I also wanted to highlight the school leaders' awareness of their own communication skills. The theories and models I have used are Haberma?s theory of the communicative action, Spitzberg and Cupach?s relational competence model and Engquist?s theory of level of abstractions.

Barns perspektiv på fritidshemmet och skolan : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om barns upplevelse av skolans och fritidshemmets samverkan

Who is integrating school-holiday home? It is for the teachers, recreational pedagogue or the students? How do the students think and act to keep the different activities apart?My purpose was to study how children sort the day between school and recreational home interactions. The issues were: How do they distinguish between the different activities during the day?  See the students their stay after school program as part of the school day? Who decides whether you have to go to school, and whether you have to go to after school program? And do you really have to?I have interviewed six students at an elementary school, based from a phenomenographic perspective, I've used myself of issues that students have been able to respond from a school perspective and after-school perspective. My interview questions have been comparative in nature, where the same question have given different answers depending on whether the question focused on school or the afterschool program.

Blyg och delaktig? : Pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta för att främja blyga barns delaktighet

The purpose of this study was to examine pedagogues? experience working with shy children and their opportunities for participation in preschool. An increasing number of children are registered in preschools today; this leading to larger groups of children and the chance for the individual child to practice its rights of having its voice heard are therefore becoming more difficult.The literature review will start with what the UNCRC and the pre-school curriculum, Lpfö 98, say about children?s participation and their right to have their voices heard. After that, shortly about the shy child, and then moving on to what is important in the work with children?s participation.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser och erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsåtgärder inom sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En litteraturstudie

Background:The adult inpatient psychiatric care is regulated by law and allows certain amount of coercion, most commonly restraint, forced medication and seclusion. To be treated according to this law you need to suffer from a serious mental disorder, oppose to the care and have an indispensable need of care. Many studies describe patients experiences to be treated with coercion but few about health care workers experiences.Aim:To describe health care workers experiences of performing coercion in psychiatric compulsory care.Method:A literature review was made and eight articles is the basis for the result.Results:From the articles used inthis study four themes were created. These are coercions impact on relations, health care workers feelings during coercion, coercion as a necessary evil and health care workers need for reflection. The themes are presented as headlines in the result.Conclusion:To use coercive measures brings out many different feelings among health care workers.

Redovisning till verkligt värde av förvaltningsfastigheter : En rättvisande bild?

Syfte: Syftet är att analysera hur redovisning till verkligt värde av förvaltningsfastigheter påverkar den rättvisande bilden av ett företag.Bakgrund:                        Värdering av anläggningstillgångar till anskaffningsvärde har länge varit vägledande i Europa. Trots att denna metod är tillförlitlig anses den inte ge en rättvisande bild av företaget. Detta kan istället värdering till verkligt värde anses göra då detta sätt att redovisa skapar relevans i redovisningen. Denna redovisningsmetod är dock förknippad med minskad tillförlitlighet, stora svängningar i resultat och för sin konjunkturförstärkande effekt. Redovisning till verkligt värde har fastighetsbranschen använt sig av sedan införandet av IAS/IFRS 2005.

Simma eller försvinna : En studie av läroplaner samt elevers och lärares uppfattningar om simkunnighet och behovet av att kunna simma.

Today the ability to swim is taken for granted by most people. Most of Sweden?s adult population can swim which is reflected in the reduced number of accidental drownings. About 1900 AD when Sweden?s population was about five million the average drownings per year was 1100.

Identitetens Ljudspår: musik, smak & subkultur

This essay presents a picture of swedish reggae listeners and how their love of music give meaning to their lives and unite them in a sub-culture. Based on interviews with six young men about their involvement in reggae, it also investigates the relationship between music and identity, or more clearly; how identity is expressed through music. Furthermore, I discuss the notion of taste according to Bourdieu, and argue against his statement that taste in music affirms the class and social background of an individual. Results from my empirical data have indicated that reggae music is difficult to associate to a distinct lifestyle, which inclines me to argue that it has managed to transcend phenomena such as ethnicity, class and cultural affiliation..

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