

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 15 av 92

Att bo och arbeta på samma plats : Gränslöst arbete och psykologiska kontrakt

   To work and live in the same place where ones employer also is the landlord, can create a situation with many special requirements for the individual. Constrains regarding time, space and impact on social life is likely to appear. Based on theory and empirical research about the Boundaryless work and the Psychological contract the purpose of this report is to examine employees who live and work at the same place. This is done by studying the regulation regarding time and space factors and the psychological contracts in expectations and in violation of the psychological contract and the risks associated with this like Locked-in factors. The study includes interviews with managers and employees (n=9).

Olympiska spelen i Berlin 1936- Nazisternas propagandaolympiad. : En pressundersökning om svenska tidningars rapportering kring Berlinolympiaden 1936 under Nazitysklands regi.

The purpose of this study is to examine four Swedish newspapers' views on the Nazi regime in Germany during the 1930's, and examine what information the Swedish public received through their reporting about the Berlin Olympics in 1936. The survey method of the study examines four Swedish newspapers with different political views, and how they described the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany in 1936 during the Nazi Germany regime. The theoretical perspective used in the study is the agenda setting theory, where the focus is on how the Olympic Games were depicted in the Swedish press against the agenda setting theory. The results show the difference in reporting about the Berlin Olympics, based on the newspaper's views of the Nazi Germany regime. Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet show a positive attitude toward Nazi Germany, while Ny Dag shows great displeasure toward the Nazi Germany regime. Arbetet shows, like Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, a relatively positive attitude toward Nazi Germany, even though the newspaper sometimes expressed criticism directed against Hitler and his regime..

Behavior Cards - ett programmeringsverktyg för barn

This thesis presents the work of developing and testing a programming tool specially designed for children. The purpose of this tool is to make children capable of creating visual simulations and games that consist of actors interacting in a virtual world. The name of the programming tool is Behavior Cards, which comes from the fact that actors are programmed by giving them cards representing different kinds of behaviors. Behaviors are to some extent pre-programmed and can include general events specifying how the actors should act in different situations, in contrast to specifying every possible situation that can occur. The idea is that Behavior Cards should be easier to use than a more traditional text based programming tool, but it should also be expressive within the domain of visual games.

Omsorgskvalitet i äldreomsorgen : Ett begrepp i utveckling

This study is based on interviews with heads of unit, care staff and senior representatives from a total of six people. We have in this study directed our focus on care quality in the elderly as a concept in development. It appears, when the elderly do not have any dependents, it is even more important that staff supports some extra where no relatives are involved.Quality of life is the broader concept of good quality care and where a good quality of care is a necessary condition for a good quality of life. According to the social services care is the target that older people will live a good life and be allowed to live in a safe environment, which we intend to investigate in this study. Opportunity for greater influence should now be given to older people and their families on how interventions should be designed and implemented.

Digitala krigsspel i taktikutbildning

Försvarsmaktens budget blir allt mindre, detta innebär att man inte kan öva i samma omfattning med riktig ammunition och fordon. Intresset för digitala krigsspel och simulationer har därmed ökat. Men för att använda sig av spel i utbildning måste man veta hur man skall använda dem.Syftet med uppsatsen har således varit att undersöka om man kan använda sig av digitala krigsspel i sig självt som en bärare för lärande. Kan deltagarna lära sig taktik genom att bara spela ett spel? Det finns flera olika synsätt som stöder alternativt motbevisar om hur lärande sker då man använder sig av spel för lärande.

Filmberättandets kraft : om att vara pedagog och konstnärlig ledare i skolan

This essay follows a Media Teacher in her work as a coordinator and an artistic leader for a European project called Legalopoli concerning laws and ethics in a senior level school for 13-16 year-olds in Mora, Sweden. The students write film stories about how their characters have to make choices in ethical dilemma situations. Then the learners create interactive computer games together through practical film work. At the same time we can see how the educator also gets into difficult ethical situations, when she is working with the students. This forces her to self-reflection.

Här var det "lajvat" : En samtalsanalytisk studie i hur liveness frammanas i live two-way affiliated interviews i SVT:s nyhetsrapportering

Denna uppsats studerar liveness i nyhetsintervjuer mellan nyhetsankare och korrespondenter i direktsändning i SVT:s kvällssändningar av Aktuellt och Rapport. I uppsatsen studeras främst hur liveness frammanas i dessa intervjuer och om frammaningen påverkas av vilket kön och/eller intervjuroll intervjudeltagarna har. Uppsatsen använder sig av samtalsanalys som metod och utgår ifrån ett antal centrala begrepp som angriper materialet på tre olika nivåer, strukturell-, handlingssekvens- och detaljnivå. Teorier som finns med som utgångspunkt berör institutionella kontra vardagliga samtal, live two-way affiliated interviews, liveness samt autentiska samtal. Även samtalsanalys som teori samt begrepp som hör dit är centrala.

Nyhetsjournalistik : En studie om Aftonbladets nyhetsjournalistiks möjligheter att leva upp till objektiv samhällsgranskning

The purpose of this study has been to find out what possibilities the journalists at the newspaper Aftonbladet have to live up to the proposed ideas and values that defines journalism, as well as how these values are presented to the readers. With this as a starting-point we have studied what kind of society Aftonbladet presents to its readers as well as how this society is supposed to work and also what it`s like. To be able to answer this question we have first researched through theories and earlier studies, literature about journalism, media science, semiotics, history and laws. With the help of the investigation we found fitting tools to perform the analysis. With the theory as groundwork we have, through the qualitative approach analyzed seven news articles from seven Aftonbladet newspapers during one week.Our study shows that the Afonbladet?s journalists have not been able to present occurrences in society in a correct and impartial manner - because they exaggerate insignificant details and neglect to show real attention to serious societal structures by using sensationalism, dramatization and a very superficial approach to the stories that they are conveying.

Enkätundersökning hos skogsägare inom SCA Skog Norrbottens Förvaltningsområde

This report has been done in collaboration with SCA Skog, Norrbottens Forest Management Area. The purpose of the survey is to try to find out what the forest owners who either live in Norrbottens Forest Management area or outside but has their forest holdings in the administrative area has the vision of SCA Forest and their forest services offered by the administration. But also to find out the presences of other timber buying players who procures timber in the administrative area. This study seeks to determine if there are deficiencies that may need changes or improvements to the prevailing conditions in Norrbottens management area. The literature study is about how to design a questionnaire based on what you want to know and what to consider in order to eliminate the problem of constructing a questionnaire. A questionnaire was sent to 400 randomly selected forest owners who have their forest holdings within SCA Forest Norrbotten Management Area. And of the 400, it was 181 respondents with 39 women and 138 men.

Den tecknade Pippi Långstrump - något obehagligt som krafsar på liveversionen?

Syfte:Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur Pippi Långstrump, Tommy samt Annika framställs i dessa två filmer genom en jämförelse mellan de tecknade respektive otecknade karaktärerna.Detta syfte tänker jag uppfylla genom följande frågeställningar:Vilken bild ges av Pippi Långstrump i livefilmen jämfört med den nyare tecknade versionen? Vilka skillnader och likheter finns det? Stämmer den tecknade Pippi-bilden bättre överens med dagens barnkultur?Hur karaktäriseras rollerna Tommy och Annika i respektive film? Vilka skillnader och likheter finns det?Finns det slutligen någonting som man har lagt till respektive tagit bort från liveversionen i den tecknade versionen när det gäller äventyr som Pippi hamnar i? I så fall vad/vilka?Metod:Jag har i denna uppsats använt mig av en kvalitativ metod. Syftet med en kvalitativ metod är att få en djupare kunskap än den som ges med kvantitativa metoder. Det finns dock en mängd olika former av kvalitativ metod och det är vanligt att man som forskare gör egna tillämpningar och tolkningar av metoden. Jag har gjort en jämförande film- och innehållsanalys av filmerna Pippi Långstrump flyttar in som liveversion respektive tecknad version.

Internetbaserad självhjälpsbehandling versus live gruppbehandling vid depression: en randomiserad studie.

Denna studie genomfördes i syfte att jämföra grupp- med Internetbaserad KBT-behandling vid lätt till måttlig depression. Totalt inkluderades 69 personer i studien. Dessa randomiserades till grupp- eller Internetbaserad behandling. Beroendemåtten för depression Hamilton, MADRS-S, BDI användes vid f ör- och eftermätning. En mixed design 2 x 2 ANOVA med en mellangruppsfaktor (live vs Internet) och en tidsfaktor (före och efter behandling) genomfördes för varje beroendemått.

Rätten att välja fel - Självbestämmande för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

The purpose of this paper was to look at the perception of self-determination for adults with intellectual disabilities from their perspective. We wanted to examine the experience of the space available for self-determination in some key areas of life, and how their own thoughts and ideas have been addressed by others. Through interviews with six people with intellectual disabilities, we have found that a single definition of self-determination is elusive. The key seems to be that you get the opportunity to do what you want, to have your voice heard and to receive and take responsibility. The space for self-determination is perceived by respondents as both large and small.

Balansering av ett rundbaserat strategispelsystem : En reflekterande text rörande arbetet att skapa ett verktyg för balansering av precautionstridsystemet i spelet Dreamlords ? The Reawakening

Följandet arbete är en reflekterande text som handlar om hur jag skapade ett verktyg för att balansera det rundbaserade precautionstridsystemet av spelet Dreamlords ? The Reawakening.I början förklaras mitt syfte och mål med arbetet som följs av en frågeställning kopplat till det. Jag kommer även att beskriva olika teorier som jag tittade närmare på angående spelbalansering. För att inleda läsaren till spelet Dreamlords ska jag även förklara den generella spelprincipen av hela spelet. Därefter tar jag upp min arbetsprocess som handlar om hur jag strukturerade upp mitt arbete.

Att rekonstruera världen : tillämpade på de moderna olympiska spelen

The aim of this essay is to illustrate a modern phenomenon, the Olympic Games, by applying the ideas of Mircea Eliade concerning space, time and myth. This literature study is mainly divided in two parts, one descriptive and one analytic. In the first part Eliade?s ideas and some criticism, which has been pointed against his theoretical approaches as well as his character, are presented. In the second part an analysis is carried out, based on the previously presented ideas and elements essential for the Olympics; the idea of the Olympics, the place, the ceremonies, the competition and the concept of individual idolism.I have discussed what seems like gnostic tendencies in Eliade?s ideas, in the sense that both Eliade?s ideas and the concept of Gnosticism argue that knowledge is a necessary condition for salvation, as well as the fact that Eliade and his ideas have not always a pro-Christian approach.

Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar

The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development of language and stimulate reading. From this point of view we have examined why the children´s departments in public libraries offer CD-ROM games which are based upon characters from the literature, how they are used in the daily activity and how they can contribute to the development of the children´s department.We have made literary studies and empirical investigations including interviews, observation studies etc. The results from this studies shows that both young and adults appreciate the CD-ROM games.

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