

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 14 av 92

Gated communities : The american dream - den svenska mardrömmen?

This is an essay about gated communities and their impact on society. The key questions of my essay are: why people choose to live in gated communities; how the city is impacted by gated communities and what the difference concerning the reasons and impact of gated communities in Florida and Sweden is, and what this difference might depend on. I am using postmodern urbanism as a starting point, and I look closer on Edward J. Soja?s theories about the postmodern metropolis.

Hur en grupp gymnasieelever uppfattar en översättning : Med utgångspunkt i The Hunger Games

Omkring 30 elever i de senare åren av gymnsieutbildningen fick av mig diskussionsuppgifter i vilka de skulle jämföra en svensk översatt text med dess originalversion på engelska. Sammanlagt svarade 17 elever på uppgifterna. Genom frågor för enskilda reflexioner inom ämnet, samlade jag mycket information vilket jag sedan kom att använda för att resonera kring min huvudsakliga fråga. Frågan behandlar hur personer utan nämnvärda förkunskaper eller intresse inom översättningsteori reagerade på en översatt text i jämförelse med dess originalversion. Diskussionsuppgiften genererade goda reflexioner hos ungdomarna som kan liknas vid dem som förs inom de teoretiska skolorna.

Kartläggning av rapporterade olyckor med djurtransporter i dagspress i Sverige

When farm animals are transported there are several factors that can affect their welfare. If the vehicle has an accident the welfare of the animals transported will probably be compromised. The aim of this study was to make a survey of accidents with animal transportation vehicles in Sweden. The survey included the number of accidents from January 2000 to May 2014, the cause of the accidents and how the animal welfare was affected by the accident. The authorities which were likely to have reports about accidents involving animal transports were contacted. There were no collected records about transportation accidents and the authorities referred to eachother for information.

Vilka faktorer bidrar till att spelare fastnar i MMORPG spel?

Massiva onlinerollspel är idag mycket populära och försäljningen och spelandet utav dessa ökar markant. I och med detta väcks frågan om vad det är i dessa onlinespel som gör att människor spelar och fortsätter spela. Denna uppsats inriktas främst mot MMORPG:s, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, då författarna anser att det är i denna onlinespelsgenre den största möjligheten att finna och definiera de faktorer, som påverkarspelares vilja att spela, finns. För att ta reda på dessa faktorer skapades en enkät vars frågor utformades med en gameflowmodell i baktanken. Denna enkät lades sedan ut på sex olika onlinespelsanknutna forum, där totalt 105 spelare anonymt deltog.

Berättelsens labyrinter : Interaktiv fiktion och dess narrativa aspekter

This essay examines the narrative aspect of interactive fiction. The study uses Janet H. Murrays analysis of the digital environment and the properties of it as procedural, participatory, spatial and encyclopedic. From this, her three characteristic pleasures in digital narratives - immersion, agency and transformation - are examined from the perspective of interactive fiction. The study also examines Nick Montforts analysis of interactive fiction as a potential narrative and a simulated world or environment.

HTTP Live Streaming : En studie av strömmande videoprotokoll

Användningen av strömmande video ökar snabbt just nu. Ett populärt konceptär adaptive bitrate streaming som går ut på att en video kodas i flera olikabithastigheter. Dessa videor tas sedan och delas upp i små filer och görstillgänglig via internet. När du vill spela upp en sådan video laddar du först hemen fil som beskriver vart filerna finns och i vilka bithastigheter de är kodade i.Mediaspelaren kan där efter börja ladda hem filerna och spela upp dom. Om defysiska förutsättningarna, som exempelvis nedladdningshastighet eller CPUbelastning,ändras under uppspelningen kan mediaspelaren enkelt byta kvalitépå videon genom att börja ladda filer av en annan bithastighet och slippa attvideon laggar.

Ungas datoranvändning finns det några könsskillnader?

The purpose of this study was to examine if there are gender differences in computer use among the young. Our aim was to find out in what respects boys and girls differ, if at all. The main method of investigation is a literature review. We have also made a complementary empirical study in a public library. The literature studied principally covers computer use at home and in school.

Hur du når Level 90 i ett Serious Game : Feedback för motivation och lärande i digitala spel

Denna rapport är ämnad att undersöka vilken sorts feedback digitala spel kan ge föratt främja motivation och lärande. Studien utförs kvalitativt med fokusgrupper somdatainsamlingsmetod och med högstadieelever som målgrupp. Syftet med studien äratt undersöka dessa aspekter i digitala spel för att se hur de kan överföras till lärospeleller serious games på ett effektivt och ändamålsenligt sätt. Frågeställningenutformas dock med ett något bredare omfång för att möjliggöra andra eventuellaanvändningsområden för resultaten. Resultaten från studien jämförs med existerandelitteratur och slutsatserna visar att digitala spel främjar lärande och motivation genomatt tillåta en stegvis kunskap, en intuitiv förståelse genom att sätta information i enrelevant kontext eller handling och där spelaren hela tiden har ett syfte med att utföraen uppgift.

Identitetsskapande och socialisering i onlinespel : Formandet av en digital identitet

As social interactions migrate to the ubiquitous Internet we are facing a change in theway we relate to each other, which presents interesting new opportunities foranonymity to create identities. An aspect of this radically evolving technology thatexhibits strong possibilities for altering or producing identities is the rapidly growingonline game genre MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game) which isentertainment that millions of people all over the globe engage in daily. Thisrelatively new platform for socialising has become of cultural and social significance,which is why it calls for examination and research. Thus, the main research questionsasked in this thesis are as following: How does players of MMOGs utilise the nighcomplete anonymity to present or modify their identities online? In which ways areMMOGs used as a platform for socialising and development of social groupdynamics? After observing a large group of players in a popular MMOG, as well asconducting several interviews with key identities within the group, I discovered three fundamental parts of identity creation, and created a model for use and applicationin different social situations and constellations..

VIX: ett mått på marknadsosäkerhet : Hur påverkas VIX av schemalagda nyhetspubliceringar?

This study is based on interviews with heads of unit, care staff and senior representatives from a total of six people. We have in this study directed our focus on care quality in the elderly as a concept in development. It appears, when the elderly do not have any dependents, it is even more important that staff supports some extra where no relatives are involved.Quality of life is the broader concept of good quality care and where a good quality of care is a necessary condition for a good quality of life. According to the social services care is the target that older people will live a good life and be allowed to live in a safe environment, which we intend to investigate in this study. Opportunity for greater influence should now be given to older people and their families on how interventions should be designed and implemented.

Mötet med det otänkbara : Värdekonflikter i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för kvinnlig könsstympning

When professionals meet people from other cultures, there are some problematic issues that may appear, especially when considering human rights. Every individual has the right to live as they choose, and have the right to their own culture and traditions even if they have immigrated to another country. Female genital mutilation is a tradition that violates human rights. In this study we will look at what conflicts of values that professionals can have while meeting clients who have been mutilated. We have made qualitative interviews with four professionals working in a small town in Sweden in an area where many immigrants live.

Läs: spela!

Abstract Svanvik, Robin (2013). Läs: spela! En jämförande studie av elevers uppfattningar om datorspel, skönlitteratur och lärande. Svanvik, Robin (2013). It Reads: Play! A comparative study of students' beliefs about computer games, fiction reading and learning. This essay is part of a masters degree of pedagogy and investigates the experiences of 10 high-school students concerning playing computer-games-off-the-shelf (COTS) on the one hand, and reading fictional, printed novels on the other. The aim of this study was to learn more about the students' thoughts about playing COTS and reading novels; also, what differences and similarities there might be between these activities. Furthermore, I wanted to know what they thought they might learn from these activities. The theoretical point of departure for the study is twofold: Firstly, a theory of learning as expressed by Illeris (2007) and, secondly, a sociocultural perspective on learning, represented by Säljö (2000, 2005/2010) which includes the educational benifit of both playing COTS, represented by Gee (2007), and reading fiction, represented by Probst (1990) and Langer (1995). The method used in this study is mainly qualitative by nature.

Att spela ett yrke : En kvantitativ studie om svenska speljournalister och deras professionalisering

This work aims to improve our knowledge about Swedish video game journalists, a new occupation in a quickly expanding business. Through a survey sent out to over 50 Swedish video game journalists, the result indicate some unexpected facts. Men largely dominate the profession; just 10 % of the work forces are females. This relation was notable in our survey, as well as in earlier studies. Video game journalists between 26 and 35 years old seems to be the largest age group, which we think is a bit surprising considering how new this form of journalism is, and the fact the internet provides opportunities for every enthusiastic video game writer.

Hur hanteras vildsvinets (Sus scrofa) populationstillväxt i Sverige idag?

The wild boar was reintroduced to Sweden in the 1970´s from enclosures that they had escaped from and by a government decision in 1988 they were considered a part of the natural fauna again. The purpose with this report is to examine the effects of the wild boars? reintroduction both on their welfare and on other aspects, such as how their population growth affects Sweden. This was done by gathering information from scientific literature and by performing three interviews. Another purpose is to briefly overlook live trapping and other common regulation methods.

Livespelningars organisering : Hur organiseras och styrs dagens liveunderhållning?

The purpose of our study is to provide a deeper understanding of the organization at alive concert. We want to identify and bring together different agents implicit knowledge and make it explicit. We contribute to the theoretical discussion by examining how liveconcerts are organized and why, what goals there are to participate in the organizationof the concerts as well as how the organization manage and control towards these goals.Our study is based on 15 interviews with different agents involved in the creation of liveconcerts. The study has shown that the organization of live concerts is similar to atemporary, imaginary organization because there is a temporary and implicit structure.Relationships are created by the agents? cooperation and customer relations with thesubcontractors.

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