

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 45 av 47

?[?] hon var ingenting annat än mor nu? : En feministisk studie av Anne Charlotte Lefflers noveller ?En bal i societeten? och ?I krig med samhället?

In this essay I study two novellas by Anne Charlotte Leffler, ?En bal i societeten? and ?I krig med samhället?. In order to do this, I use some of the differences between male and female Writing that Ingeborg Nordin Hennel discusses in her study ?Ämnar kanske fröken publicera något??: Kvinnligt och manligt i 1880-talets novellistik. For the analysis of ?I krig med samhället? I also use the text ?Stabat mater? by Julia Kristeva.

Transparens i svensk valkampanjfinansiering

Despite the fact that the issue has been discussed for several decades, there are still no rules in Sweden mandating political parties and candidates to disclose received donations. Because of this lack of transparency, Sweden is not fulfilling some of its international obligations and has fallen behind in the international trend to increase the transparency of election campaign finance. The lack of disclosure rules in Sweden has led to extensive criticism, most notably from the Council of Europe´s group of states against corruption, Greco, who criticized Sweden in light of the guidelines on the subject from the Council of Europe. At this Writing, a new proposal for disclosure rules is being prepared at the Department of Justice, DoJ. The proposal is to be presented in spring 2013.

Det berättande spelet : En studie om berättande datorspel och dess filmatiseringar

A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I?m letting those emotions direct the ?understanding? and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ?really is about?, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of  the novel?s ?meaning? the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading.

Säker hantering av lösgående nötkreatur :

After I heard that two deadly accidents in farming 2003 were created by work with cattle, I got the idea of Writing this degree project. So far there are not too many reports written about safety for the worker nor the animal. Therefore it will fit in with a report about safe handling of free stalled cattle. The Swedish Board of Agriculture would also like to do an information material about outside stalled cattle with this degree project as a background. The collecting of material was made by visiting farmers. The goal was to visit 15 ? 20 herds and when this is being written 19 herds have been visited.

Att skriva ett kurskompendium för tätkontroll och läcksökning.

  SAMMANFATTNINGLackage fran en komponent i form av vatska eller gas ar ett ofta underskattat problem som kan geupphov till samre produktkvalitet, energiforluster och i slutandan ge ekonomiska konsekvenser omlackaget blir for stort. Det finns dessutom en miljo- och halsorisk om en produkt eller komponentlacker ut storre mangder kemikalier eller metaller. Kan lackaget minskas finns med andra ord storavinster att hamta.Nolek AB bygger instrument for att hitta lackage, lacksokning, och mata lackage, tatkontroll.Foretaget arrangerar utbildningar for sina kunder men har tidigare inte haft nagot uppdateratmaterial for detta andamal. Syftet med examensarbetet ar att producera delar till ett nyttutbildningspaket inom tatkontroll, lacksokning och provtryckning samt att undersoka teorier forskrivande av pedagogiska texter. Arbetets resultat utgors av ett kurskompendium samt enPowerPoint-presentation kopplad till kompendiet.

Trädens betydelse för gatan :

?The trees importance to the street? discusses just that, the trees importance to the street. The purpose of this paper has been to examine what influence the trees have on streets. By Writing about good examples of how trees can add good qualities to a street I wish to inspire to more use of trees in future city-planning. I have examined three streets in Malmö and three streets in Berlin and analyzed the trees influences there through the help of literature by three authors: Great Streets (1993) and The Boulevard Book (2002) by Allan B. Jacobs, Trees in Urban Design (1993) by Henry F.

Kender du overhovedet Azorno : En paranoid och skamfylld läsning av Inger Christensens Azorno

A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I?m letting those emotions direct the ?understanding? and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ?really is about?, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of  the novel?s ?meaning? the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading.

"Anders Andersson hade eld i sin tjärdal" : en analys av Jonas Åströms dagböcker 1868-1891

"Anders Andersson had a fire in his tar-kiln ". Analysis of Jonas Åström 's peasant-diary 1868-1891 Peasant diaries are notes written by farmers, crofters and other people connected with small-scale agriculture. The notes give unique information about diverse aspects of rural life, for example, personal relationships and work, travel and regularity of church attendance. One such diary was written by Jonas Åström who lived in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden. The main aim of this study is to describe the work done by farmers in the 19th century, focusing on their use of forest resources, as recorded in his diary.

Är vi jämställda nu? - om kvinnliga brandmän och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning vid Malmö Brandkår.

Med utgångspunkt i Malmö Brandkårs jämställdhetsprojekt "Kvinnlig brandman" vill vi genom denna uppsats exemplifiera hur en sådan satsning aktualiserar föreställningar om jämställdhet och kön inom organisationen. Uppfattningarna kring kön och jämställdhet var många, och resonemangen ofta paradoxala. Samtidigt fanns det en slående likhet mellan åsikterna hos en majoritet av personalen i den operativa styrkan gällande kvinnliga brandmän. Denna likhet tyder på en, motsägelserna till trots, överordnad gemensam förståelse av brandmannayrket.Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är i huvudsak två. Dels ämnar vi belysa hur de olika, både officiella och inofficiella, föreställningarna kring jämställdhet inom organisationen får betydelse för förståelsen och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning.

Krigarkvinna i det hedniska Norden : En undersökning av två samtida skildringar av sköldmön Ladgerd i den fornnordiska religionen

The essay has its beginning in the source material that deal with ancient Norse religion before the people in the Nordic countries became Christian. The fact that there are no contemporary written or authentic sources available that can tell us something about the Norse religion during the Viking age is problematic. Archeological source materials is available, but tend to talk more about power relationships and social status than the old Norse religion and the way people practiced their faith. Medieval Christian writers are a source of knowledge of the Norse religion; however, they can only highlight the Norse religion from a Christian point of view and ways of evaluating the pagan faith, making them less reliable.The written sources of this paper are based on the written by two medieval Christian writers, Saxo Grammaticus and Snorri Sturluson. These sources are among the first to treat the Norse religion process after the introduction of Christianity in Scandinavia.

Hur arbetar violinpedagoger med notläsningslärande? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fenomenet notläsning

Title: How do violin teachers work with music reading? - A qualitative interview study on the phenomena music reading. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how five violin teachers in mixed ages and from different backgrounds teach music reading to their students. The paper is based on semi structured interviews. The result shows that there are as many methods as respondents, but you can find three major methods and that a majority of the teachers thinks that one should teach violin to beginners without reading music.

Ägarlägenheter : - framtidens investering?

AbstractBachelors thesis, Bygg och fastighetsekonomprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad Vårterminen 2009Authors: Emma Stenberg och Emma SvenssonTutor: Sven-Ola CarlssonTitle: Ägarlägenheter - en framtida investering Background and problemThe concept of owner?s apartment has been discussed in Sweden since the 19th century. It was not until the first of may 2009 that it got legislated to be allowed in Sweden. The concept that people should be allowed to own their apartments instead of owning a part of the tenant-owner?s association is a new phenomenon in Sweden.

Skapande möten - en studie i interaktionism och skapande i musik

Title: Creating meetings - a study in interactionism and creating music. In this study I had my focus on teenagers in a school class. My aim was to explore how pupils experience the processes of creating music together and how they choose to organize their interactions during these creative processes. As analytical tools I used sociological and sociopedagogical concepts and theories. Interactionism provided models toward individualization as well as socialization, related to learning, knowledge and creativity.

Samverkan mellan bibliotekarie och lärare kring elever med dyslexi : En intervjustudie av fyra bibliotekariers erfarenheter kring elever med dyslexi och samverkan med lärare kring dyslektiska elever  

This research focus on key groups; students with dyslexia, librarians and teachers, and interaction between these two professional groups regarding students with dyslexia. In searching for the exchange of knowledge and experience to meet dyslexic students needs, I have in this study turned the attention to librarians and their experiences with students with dyslexia.The purpose of the research has been through semi-structured qualitative interviews with four librarians, to explore and describe how they experience their work, in working with pupils with severe reading and Writing problems, dyslexia, and interaction with teachers on this user group. The qualitative approach in the gathering of the empirical evidence is based on a desire to have an indepth and thoroughly understanding of the librarians experience.All informants in this study indicate that they see it as a natural part of their duty to keep themselves updated about dyslexia and what materials to suit the dyslexic user group. The informants have knowledge of dyslexia and have great knowledge and keep abreast on the latest technology of compensatory aids - alternative tools.The informants have primary a consulting and supply function for teachers and dyslexic students, where they are consulted on  suitable material in both fiction and facts in various disciplines. The informants highlights the importance of planning and preparation time to find suitable material, as audio books or easy read, so students who have a need for this also can be provided.

"Smartphonen är som en egen liten hjärna". En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogers syn på smartphonens användbarhet som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för elever i behov av särskilt stöd i gymnasieskolan

Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether and how nine teachers of special education for older students, primarily at Upper secondary school, consider the smartphone an appropriate pedagogical means of assistance to improve participation and to support students with special education needs within and outside the school environment. Theory: The theoretical framework for the study is the sociocultural perspective on learning. The sociocultural perspective is related to the relational perspective and sociocultural learning theory involves learning and participation in school. It views the human being as socially active within a certain historical and cultural context which actively influences the way we act, how we learn and develop through interaction with others in the social, everyday practice. The latter is of vital importance here.

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