

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 27 av 47

Det omedvetna Sverige 2008 : en retorisk analys av Bang och QX

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Elin Wägner depicts the middle-aged woman who lives in the country in Sweden, in the 1920?s. The question at issue is: What problems and what subjects for rejoicing does she raise? My aim is to try to understand the women?s situation, as well as how Elin Wägner describes the situation in her four novels from the 1920?s: Den namnlösa (1922), Silverforsen (1924), Natten till söndag (1926) och Svalorna flyga högt (1929). At the same time I intend to compare the woman of the 1920?s to the situation of women today.I am Writing from a feministic literary theory called ?omläsning? according to the description of Gunilla Domellöf.

"Vi har fått jorden till låns av våra barn och barnbarn" : Hur undervisas hållbar utveckling på högstadiet?

The discussion about high culture and popular culture in our society has been going on for decades. In few places is it as loud as within culture journalism and the critics? society, where the question of what is good taste and what is dumb entertainment constantly gets brought to the surface. Film is a particularly vulnerable area, since it is such a universally appealing and rather young medium. In America and England several studies have been performed of the reviewing society and reveiwers? use of high and low art-discourse in their Writing.

En gång missbrukare, alltid missbrukare? : En studie om före detta drogmissbrukares upplevelser av stigma

The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.

Män i tights och kvinnor i byxor : En kritisk undersökning av hur film kan användas i historieundervisningen för att lära eleverna studera förändringar i genus och hur dessa kan relateras till sin samtidskontext

Film is a tool frequently used by teachers, but it is often limited to showing students how historical time periods looked like, or as a way for students to search for historical inaccuracies. The aim of this essay is to study whether it is possible to use two films based on the legend of Robin Hood as a way to teach students how to contextualize gender history. Through the use of film analysis and gender analysis of two different versions of Robin Hood, The adventures of Robin Hood and Robin Hood: Prince of thieves were analyzed. The study has shown that it is indeed possible to use film as a source material for the study of gender history, and that film can tell us a lot about the contemporary view of gender, masculinity and femininity. The didactical analysis concluded that there was no theoretical objection of using film as a source material; however, there are some things that a teacher should be aware of. Although film may be a good way to create a varied study environment and benefit students with reading- and Writing disabilities, there is a risk that time-constraints and lack of knowledge of film and its methodology on, behalf of both teachers and students, may make it hard to implement.

Självbild och kamratrelationer hos elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Vi är i samma liv

Studiens syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan elevers läs- och skriv svårigheter och självförtroende samt om självbildsuppfattningen påverkar läs- och skrivinlärning samt kamratrelationer. Syftet konkretiseras genom följande frågeställningar: Är självbilden en påverkansfaktor i kamratrelationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Är läs- och skrivsvårigheter en påverkansfaktor för självförtroendet i skolprestationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Uppfattar elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter sin skolsjälvbild mer negativt än elever utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Den teoretiska bakgrunden och tidigare forskning visar både samband och olikheter i resultat av liknande studier. Sambanden i frågeställningarna undersöktes med kvantitativ enkätundersökning av 58 respondenter. Undersökningen av eleverna i de specifika klasserna har inte gett något underlag till att det skulle finnas något samband mellan försämrat själförtroende, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och kamratrelationer.

Elin Wägner : 20-talets kvinnosyn

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Elin Wägner depicts the middle-aged woman who lives in the country in Sweden, in the 1920?s. The question at issue is: What problems and what subjects for rejoicing does she raise? My aim is to try to understand the women?s situation, as well as how Elin Wägner describes the situation in her four novels from the 1920?s: Den namnlösa (1922), Silverforsen (1924), Natten till söndag (1926) och Svalorna flyga högt (1929). At the same time I intend to compare the woman of the 1920?s to the situation of women today.I am Writing from a feministic literary theory called ?omläsning? according to the description of Gunilla Domellöf.

De olympiska vinterspelen i spalterna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets bevakning av OS i Sotji 2014.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Sportbladet watches over the Olympic games in Sotji, 2014. This study aims to find out why certain topics is more popular Writing about and why others are not. The study also analyses the news distribution in terms of gender and nationalism.To find answers to this questions, a quantitative content analyses was used.  The results is based on 220 texts collected from eleven days news reporting in Sportbladet. Ice hockey and cross-country skiing was, without a doubt, the most popular sports according to news, interest and reporting. These two sports occupied a great deal of space in the newspaper and also had most articles.Furthermore, this study shows the domination of men amongst news pages according to both space and frequency in Sportbladet during the Olympic games in Sotji. In spite of that fact, women was assigned more space in the news paper throughout the Olympic games compared to the daily reporting.

Läslust : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar gällande att väcka läslust hos barn i förskoleklass

Children's language development is highly connected to the success of every school. Especially when it comes to the children learning reading and Writing skills, regardless of what method the schools use in order to achieve this. An early intervention can facilitate the learning of reading comprehension. Reading aloud and playing with the language learning is the greatest gift we can give our children and students. Children learn how to use a book by turning the pages and see how the words and texts are structured.

Räkna med dyskalkyli! : En studie om ett specialpedagogiskt problem som kallas dyskalkyli

According to some researchers, dyscalculia is at least as prevalent as dyslexia. Somewhere between 3.6-6 % of all pupils have specific mathematics difficulties named dyslexia. If this be true, it should present the most complex special education predicament by far in schools today. Despite the statistics, dyscalculia is still a rather unknown concept.The cause of dyscalculia is not yet fully analyzed. There are several theories and many researchers see similarities between dyscalculia and the special educational problem of reading and Writing, dyslexia.

Intressekonflikten mellan polisiära spaningsmetoder och förhör

This essay is about the meeting of the pedagogic mission and the reality of the conditions in preschools. It is about the frustrations that I, as a pedagogue, experience when I cannot fulfill this mission. An example of this is working when understaffed.My purpose is the acknowledgment of two main areas of the curriculum: caring and learning. This essay demonstrates the diversity of the occupation and it ?s constant need of positioning.

Hiphop : Kunskap, språkutveckling och ett lustfyllt lärande

The purpose of this study is to investigate the educational opportunities that exist within hip hop music, i.e. to highlight the possible strengths and opportunities in informal learning. The aim was to answer the following questions:In what way do young people acquire knowledge through music?How can hip hop music affect language learning / vocabulary?How can hip hop motivate and support young people in school?The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six youths, three hip hop directors and a well-known researcher who has investigated that Hip Hop pedagogy.The results show that there are many benefits of learning that takes place in the context of hip hop music; from my informants? statements one can accordingly see the role of hip hop music plays in the absorption of knowledge. The conclusion is that hip hop music can lead to alternative learning about politics and society, as the music often deals with various social conditions and policy issues.

?Kom igen nu då, tagga till. Engelska ord och uttryck i gymnasieelevers texter ? en jämförelse

Our aim in this study is to explore if the schoolchildren?s written language differs from the?National tests? in Swedish and from Facebook. We specifically want to see if we candiscover words and expressions mainly from the English language or other languages in the?National tests? in Swedish written by the schoolchildren in the ages between 18-20 yearsold. The methods that we used to discover the results in this study was; to interview threeteachers, have 30 schoolchildren answer a questionnaire survey, analyze 30 written ?Nationaltests? in Swedish by the schoolchildren and finally analyze two Facebook walls from twoschoolchildren.

IT-Instrument : En intervju-och observationsundersökning kring användandet av digitala instrument inom undervisningen i ämnena historia och engelska i en gymnasieskola

This essay is a study of the use of IT technology by teachers of English and History at a Swedish upper secondary school. It is based on four interviews and four observations. In my analysis of these I have made use of the theory of Social Shaping of technology, a theory which puts emphasis on a teacher´s purpose regarding the use of IT technology in order to empower the teaching process. As a researcher I aim to explore the reasoning on the part of the teacher and to that end I use the method of interviews and observations. This study shows different ways of using IT technology varying from one teacher to another.

Autismspektrumtillstånd och läs-och skrivsvårigheter : Fyra lärares uppfattningar om elevers läs-och skrivproblematik

Denna studie handlar om na?gra gymnasiela?rares uppfattningar om integrerade elever som har en dokumenterad autismspektrumtillsta?nd samt la?s-och skrivproblematik. Studien har en kvalitativ utga?ngspunkt och underso?kningen a?r baserad pa? halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra pedagoger som arbetar pa? olika gymnasier i so?dra Sverige. Resultatet visar att ma?nga av dessa elever klarar sig relativt bra na?r de fa?r hja?lp genom olika anpassningar som go?rs i klassrummet.

"Sanningens ögonblick" : En uppsats om organisationsprinciper och deras betydelse för kundorienteringen hos folkbibliotek

In Writing this study, I wanted to examine which principles of organization that are possible for Swedish public libraries to use, and what these principles mean for the libraries customerorientation. This is done by examining a number of written sources, as well as studying the organization of six public libraries. I found several possible principles, but a number of principles have been more commonly used than others. Historically most public libraries were organized according to the functions needed to be carried out within the organization, but today it is much more common to use subject-based organizations, with some examples of organizing according to user-groups and needs. I have also encountered the possibility of organizing according to the sources that are to be handled, or the way in which these sources are used by the customers.

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