

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 54 av 779

Matematikintresse. Lärares uppfattningar av ett attitydmål

AimThe main aim of this study was to find out how teachers reflect on their work with developing pupils? interest towards mathematics in grade nine. As a teacher in mathematics, it is important to be aware of different views on interest towards mathematics and how it is possible to work in that direction. Since developing interest towards mathematics is written the in syllabus as criteria for teaching mathematics in grade nine, it is important to know and take an active role in finding ways to approach the issue.Main issues? How do teachers in grade nine reflect over their work with development of interest towards mathematics?? How are teachers? Beliefs Systems reflected in their work with interest?MethodThe main focus of this study was teachers? perspective on their own work on developing interest towards mathematics.

Krishantering : Granskning av krisarbete i grundskolan

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

CSR - etiskt eller praktiskt? -Ett globaliseringsperspektiv.

Ett nytt globalt system, inte nytt i tiden, dock i omfattning och påverkan, håller på att förändra maktordningen och de politiska relationerna så som vi känner dem. Detta innebär bland annat att ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer blir mer oklar och tar nya former. Begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) syftar på det etiska ansvar företag bör ta för sin verksamhet, såväl inom den egna organisationen som i det omgivande samhället. Den frågeställning den här uppsatsen söker besvara gäller varför CSR blivit en allt viktigare del av företagens policy? Uppsatsens fokus ligger på globaliseringsteori och slutsatsen blir att förklaringarna till CSR kan delas in i såväl etiska och praktiska, som kosmopolitiska.

Får anställda den motivation de behöver? : En studie om motivation på organisationen Sida

Purpose: To examine if the management of the public sector organization Sida actively work with how to motivate their employees. We also examine which factors of motivation dominate amongst the employees.Method: A case study with a qualitative approach was conducted, using semi structured interviews and a survey to gather data. By connecting motivation theories with collected data, we analysed the results to find similarities, differences and relations between them.Theory: The study is based on motivation theories and other contributing research.Conclusions: The study shows that management actively work with how to motivate their employees. But the employees are not aware of how management work with motivation. The majority of the motivation factors are highly valued, but the dominating factors are personal growth, stimulating work assignments and the ability to know the results of their work..

Nedskrivning av goodwill : I vilken utsträckning redovisas upplysningar om koncerngoodwill i enlighet med IAS 36 p134?

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

"Man måste brinna för det man gör": en studie av arbetsledarnas arbetssituation inom handikapp- och äldreomsorgen i Halmstad kommun.

The focus in this paper was on managers in the middle position in the care of the elderly and people with disabilities. The aim was to develop knowledge about the conditions of work among managers in the middle position and what they characterized as good leadership and which strategies they used in their work. The empirical data consisted of nine qualitative interviews with managers in the middle position in the municipality of Halmstad.The frameworks that mainly limited the middle managers' discretion were laws, political regulations and most of all it was the allocated budget. Their discretion was found closer to the operation such as working methods, recruitment and changes in job schedules. The middle managers spent the majority of their working hours with personnel administrative work and that they often had to prioritise among their tasks.

Vägen till arbete? : En studie om aktivering i den s.k rehabiliteringskedjan inom sjukförsäkringen med speciellt fokus på arbetslivsintroduktion.

AbstractThe aim in this dissertation is to investigate into the working of the rehabilitation process as to actors involved. A specific focus has been set on the component ?Work introduction?. The study shows that the road back to work is a complex matter. Individuals involved have different backgrounds and living situations, which influence this rehabilitation.

All-inclusiveturism : "The price of greatness is responsibility"

Sammanfattning ? "All inclusiveturism: The price of greatness is responsibility"Datum: 18 januari 2013Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 ECTSInstitution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, HST, Mälardalens högskolaFörfattare: Per Barkström (9th October 1986) Malin Blomstedt (20th November 1980)Title: All inclusiveturism: "The price of greatness is responsibility"Handledare: Finn Wiedersheim-PaulNyckelord: All-inclusiveturism, långsiktig hållbar samhällsutveckling, CSR, hållbar turism, ekonomiskt läckageFrågeställning: Är det möjligt för resebranschen att bidra mer till en långsiktig hållbar samhällsutveckling än den gör idag gällande All-inclusiveturismen? Hur bör resebranschens förhållningssätt gentemot All-inclusiveturism gestaltas ur ett CSR-perspektiv?Syfte: Huvudsyftet är att beskriva hur resebranschen kan justera sitt förhållningssätt gentemot All-inclusiveturism för att bättre gagna en långsiktig hållbar samhällsutveckling i de länder där verksamhet bedrivs. Delsyftet bottnar i att undersöka och analysera hur den rådande All-inclusiveturismen påverkar samhället ur ett långsiktigt hållbart samhällsperspektiv.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och baseras på sekundärdata i form artiklar, rapporter och böcker för ämnet relevant litteratur samt primärdata i form av personliga intervjuer med profiler som förespråkar hållbar turism. En fallstudie av den svenska resebranschens förhållningssätt till en långsiktig hållbar samhällsutveckling genomfördes med en deduktiv ansats. Vidare tolkades referensramen och empirins insamlade material för att skapa en analys och slutsats.Slutsats: Givet att nedanstående förslag implementeras kan resebranschen justera sitt förhållningssätt gentemot All-inclusiveturism för att bättre gagna en långsiktig hållbar samhällsutveckling i de länder där verksamhet bedrivs.1.

Folkhälsa - "Inte bara en morot i handen" - en kvalitativ studie av det kommunala folkhälsoarbetet i Västra Götalandsregionen

ABSTRACT. Introduction: In the Swedish government?s public health policy the municipalities are emphasized as one of the most important actors. Based on their broad range of operations the municipalities have good opportunities to influence the health situation of its citizens. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the local public health coordinators in Region Västra Götaland are working and what barriers they experience in their work.

Jämställdhetsarbete - det lagstadgade arbetet som inte prioriteras : En studie kring jämställdhetsarbete i privata företag

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze how widely and intensive genderequality issues are considered within Swedish companies. Qualitative interviews werearranged with personnel managers within each company, and complemented with aquestionnaire amongst the employees. The collected information was analysed on the basis ofgender theory, organization and change theory, theory of equal opportunities and historicalstatistics. The outcome of the analysis indicates that companies find gender equality of highinterest, and important to address within the daily work. However the analysis also shows thateven though the companies find gender equality important it is only adopted within few areas,and not across all departments.

Design av Tjänster : Komplex affärsutveckling över tid och rum

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

Smärtbedömning ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Doing business ethically and responsibly is not an option for Electrolux, it's a given : En studie om Electrolux strategiska CSR-arbete

Företag har under den senaste tiden upplevt ökade och förändrade krav från intressenter, vilket kan påvisas genom hur intresset för Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har intensifierats. Electrolux är ett av de företag som upplevt hur kraven förändrats, vilket i kombination med en miljökrävande verksamhet utgjort utmaningar för företaget. Ett sätt att möta intressenternas krav är genom utökat strategiskt arbete, varpå CSR kan vara ett framgångsrikt sådant tillvägagångssätt. I denna uppsats genomförs en fallstudie av Electrolux där vi ämnar besvara frågeställningen: Ur ett strategiskt perspektiv; Hur har intressenters ökade och förändrade krav påverkat karaktären av Electrolux CSR-arbete mellan år 2000-2015? Studiens analysmodell baseras på; intressent- och legitimitetsteori, Porter & Kramers steg för strategiskt hållbarhetsarbete samt Carrolls CSRpyramid.

Konsten att skapa lojalitet : En undersökning om relationsskapande åtgärder i mindre tjänsteföretag

Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.

Mångkulturalitet i skolan : en grupp gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till att arbeta med etnisk mångkulturalitet i skolan

The aim of this study has been to investigate a group of upper secondary school teachers? approach to work with the ethnic multi-culturalism that characterises the Swedish society of today and to point to the obstacles and possibilities the teachers see to work with this. With the help of interviews with eight teachers satisfying results could be reached. The results showed that it was possible to distinguish three different ways to think and act when it comes to the work with ethnic multi-culturalism in school and teaching. The approaches entailed different consequences on the way the teachers conduct their teaching.

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