

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 53 av 779

Datering av röta i hålekar :

I have chosen in this work to examine which factors are affecting the artificially creation of a tree cavity containing decomposed wood. The purpose of the work is to find out which factors are affecting the most when a tree cavity is created, and to apply these results when you artificially try to create a tree cavity. The need to create tree cavities comes from the situation where many tree cavity living beetles finds themselves today. When existing trees are to pass out there will be no suitable inheritors yet. The work was initially to focus on cavities created from cut branches.

Vägen till framgång : En semiotisk analys av Tv3s representation av myten om det goda livet.

In the research field of the cultivation theory focus has shifted from TV in general to studying specific genres instead. It is proposed that there are similarities in otherwise different shows and that these shows give it´s voyeurs a solution to their problems.  The purpose however of this study is to investigate how the myth about the good life is posed in Tv3´s supply.  The theories used in this study are closely linked by their meaning. Narrative talks about the fact that texts, video in this case, contain stories. Ideology is the set of visions and beliefs one person has on the world and myth makes social, historic and cultural decided power orders in to facts.

Förskolans matematik : pedagogers arbete med de yngsta förskolebarnen

The study´s main purpose is to examine how three educators who work with children ages 1-3  in three different preschools working with mathematics in preschool. I have used a qualitative research in the form of interviews to obtain educators perspectives on their working. The educator´s stories about their working methods are the most important findings and it turned out that the interviewed educators was working fairly similar in terms of mathematics learning with the youngest children  in preschool. They both schedule mathematics in various activities and work with it in everyday situations. Their different approaches can be divided into five different categories which are: planned theme work and experiences, body and play, interaction and conversation, environment and materials, visualize mathematics..

Vilka faktorer påverkar incitament för CSR? ? En flerfallsstudie på norsk fiskodlingsindustri

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, har kommit att bli ett allt viktigare fenomen i dagens samhälle. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och identifiera bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar vilka incitamenten är för CSR inom norsk fiskodlingsindustri.Uppsatsen utfördes i form av en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie där vi genomförde semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem norska fiskodlingsföretag. Empirin visade att det finns stora skillnader i företagens syn på CSR beroende på storlek. Ekonomi visade sig vara det starkaste incitamentet för CSR, dock fanns undantag där även idealistiska incitament visade sig vara av betydelse.I analysen kunde tydliga kopplingar göras mellan empirin och både intressentteorin och Carroll?s pyramid.

Arbetsgivares ansvar för rehabilitering : Vägen tillbaka i arbete, lång eller kort?

Aim and questions: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the responsibilities employers have for rehabilitation and to explore how it conforms to an employers' actual condi-tions. Furthermore, the intention is to increase knowledge of how employers interact with other partners in the rehabilitation process and what affects sick people to return to work. The following three questions form the basis of this paper: What are employers? responsibilities for rehabilitation under the law and how is it consistent with an employer's actual conditions? What is the role of employers in the rehabilitation co- operation with other actors? What factors influence sick people to return to work?Method: The paper has used a true scientific and a legal sociological method to examine how the regulated employer responsibility for rehabilitation relates to what is practical in re-ality. To achieve the purpose, four empirical interviews were conducted with Örebro Municipality, Insurance, occupational health Previa and a doctor, which all of them have an important role in the rehabilitation process.

Kulturfrämjande arbete i förskolan : Sex pedagogers syn på hur de arbetar med barnens olika kulturella bakgrunder

The purpose of this study has been to examine what approach and experience pedagogues at pre-schools, with a limited amount of nationalities, have regarding cultural promoting work in pre-schools. The concept ?cultural promoting? mainly regards the children's cultural backgrounds. The first question formulation focussed on the what the concepts ?cultural promoting? and ?cultural diversity? meant to the pedagogues.

Den allvarsamma leken : Om källan till mening i arbetet

Based on 30 years of work experience in TV and film production, I have made a phenomenological analysis of my perception of meaning in work - how it arises and how it is undermined. The story starts in my experience of early professional film making in the 1980's and describes how a change to work in TV production required the development of a new professional identity. The text also illustrates how as a female director I have managed my role in a male dominated and structured work environment. Being defined as an exception from the male norm has pushed me towards femininist reflection and the need to redefine my own work role - the generally accepted view having felt uncomfortable. An analysis of structural change in TV and film production shows how market pressures and ways of thought have increasingly invaded cultural endeavour. Professional spheres of influence are weakened, while developments in the media are characterised by a commercialism which encroaches more and more upon artistic, spiritual and moral values. This attitude, where quality is in retreat, has transformedprogramme makers from creative originators into becoming suppliers of raw material in a factory- like process geared to produce great volume at low cost.The aim of this essay is to show how changes in society and in TV and film making have affected my perception of my work.

Demand and economic potential for working horses in Swedish municipalities

The aim of my study is to answer the question whether there is a potential for services by working horses in the Swedish municipalities. The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish Farmers Union (LRF) has started a cooperation called Climate School (Klimatskolan), with the purpose to increase knowledge in environmental and climate related issues in context of agriculture. This Master thesis is in the framework of the Climate School.Global warming is a problem that gets much attention today. Global warming and climate change are two subjects that are very much in focus on the political agenda. The municipalities of Sweden have a big responsibility concerning environmental work and to develop their own environmental thinking.

Underröjning i förstagallring :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Sydved and the aim of the work was to investigate the economical output of removing understorey trees before first thinning. Four treatments were studied. - no cleaning before thinning - cleaning of all trees less than DBH 5 cm before thinning - cleaning of all trees less than DBH 7 cm before thinning - cleaning of all trees less then DBH 9 cm before thinning The result shows a decrease of the cost per m3 for the harvester with about 38% if all trees less than DBH 9 cm was cleaned before thinning compared with the un-cleaned area. At the same time the total net revenue increases with about 22%. .

Arbetsklimatets betydelse för mobbning : En studie om 2 rektorer och 4 lärares syn på arbetsklimatet inom personalgruppens inverkan på mobbning

I have done a study to see what perceptions held by two principals and four teachers, if adult behavior and attitudes towards each other will affect the climate between the students and put it in relation to the fundamental values of work and policy documents. I have also examined how they describe their work environment in their daily work and how they work to combat bullying.I have used qualitative interviews as a method to get answers to my questions. The interviews took place at two different schools, in which I interviewed a headmaster and two teachers at both schools. What emerged during the interviews were compiled and processed with aid based on previous research and theories which focus is in a social constructionist approach.The results as it shows in my study highlights a consensus among the interviewees that the personnel group working atmosphere affects the climate between the students and that there is a good understanding of the impact they have. The study also shows that the experience of their work climate affects by how the communication between management and staff looks likes and how many resources there are in the form of personnel.

Vägvisning för säker logistik vid hästtävlingar : att vägleda nybörjare och erfarna inom ridsport

This report describes how I worked with a spatial information problem, where the focus was to produce clearer barriers between horses and spectators at equestrian competitions. My background as a competition rider, combined with my knowledge of the spatial design, has caused me to react to how the information on riding and racing facilities deficiencies. Experienced people in the riding know how they should act with the horse. But novices who are unfamiliar with the situation is not aware of the risks it may pose to move among horses. The study was conducted on the national facility Strömsholm which both experienced and novice equestrian visits.

Kontroll av slakttransporter : en jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Danmark

Animal welfare during transport has for a long time been a problem around the world. Many animals are transported in stressful environments for slaughter. Even during Roman and Antiquity times wild animals were transported from Africa to the amusement parks in Rome. The aim of our work was to compare how well Sweden and Denmark are performing their inspections of transports of cattle and pigs for slaughter. Today, overloaded transports and poor treatment is not uncommon in Europe and every year 22 million animals are transported between countries.

Förvärvsprocesser - vad köper biblioteken in och varför? En undersökning av förvärv gällande skönlitteratur på Lunds huvudbibliotek och fyra stadsdelsbibliotek

In this Master's thesis we investigate the collection management regarding fiction for adults. The apprehension of fiction has changed over the years. From the beginning it was considered to be mostly educational rather than being the purpose of entertainment. As for today these views are not opposites to each other. Regarding this we discuss the problem concerning terms of quality.

Mångfaldsarbete, en intersektionell strategi? : En studie av kommuners kombinerade jämställdhets- och mångfaldsplaner.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the term diversity in five Swedish municipality?s combined gender equality- and diversity plans. The purpose is also to investigate who or whom of the employers that are included in the term diversity and if gender equality is included in the diversity work. The material is analyzed on the basis of theory of intersectionality and discourse analysis. The outcome of the analysis indicates that the municipalities use the term diversity in many different ways in the combined gender equality- and diversity plans.

Kartläggning av omställningsarbete vid formspruta

This study will chart the changeover work, with a standpoint in the SMED-theory, at the company Peter Ernst AB in Värnamo. They are suppliers in plastic moulding industry and delivers to amongst other Saab in Trollhättan and Scania. The company are in a very competitive market, and they have to make manufacturing more efficient and rationalise their costs to be able to compete. A big problem, which the company has identified, is their long changeovers. It brings higher costs, a more stressful work climate and holds back the company from becoming more efficient.Field studies will be conducted on the changeover, which will be observed and filmed.

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