863 Uppsatser om Word-of-Mouth - Sida 53 av 58
Företagsvärdering : En fallstudie av Betsson AB
The online gambling market has during recent years experienced high growthmostly due to the popularity of online poker. Today other games such as casinoare growing in popularity and more customers are turning to the onlinegambling market instead of the regular gambling market. As with all growthmarkets more and more companies establishes on the online gambling marketeven though high external risk factors such as regulations and nationalbans. Companies such as Betsson connected to the online gambling marketsuch are experiencing high growth which has made them interesting objectsfor investing.This bachelor thesis intends to study competitive advantages, investigate possibilitiesto keep and increase market share, and use this information combinedwith a financial analysis. The purpose of the thesis is to describe andanalyze the future of Betsson AB from the perspective of an investor.
Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem
The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.
Utvärdering av kvalité och dess behov inom förprovtryck
It always has been a need for the abiltiy to create color proofs. When an error occurs late in the production process, itis allways complicated and difficult to correct the error. In this project, digital proofs been made and discussions havebeen held with several people in the printing industry, in order to examine how well excisting digital proofs, meet thedemand of the market. And how close the digital proofs can come to the actual printsheat from the press. The study hasbeen shown that the one thing that has had the most influence on the outcome for the quality of a digital proof, is theprintshop operator?s knowledge about color management and proofing systems.
 Dans i grundskolans tidigaste år :  Dans i skolan på kommunala skolor respektive friskolor
Examensarbete lärarutbildningen 2010-06-16 Madelen Handell Svensson Vt 2010 Estetiskt lärande och SpecialpedagogikAbstractIndividualized is among the most important things for students. The teacher always has to provide for every pupil's needs, both special needs and challenge.Dance is a rhythmic exercise that often is carried out to musical. Dance uses human body as a medium and is movements, rhythm and expression of feelings. Dance is a combination of various feelings[1].Dance awakes feelings that are easier to describe in experiences than in words. The word dance is defined differently in different countries, it varies as well from time to time and from person to person[2].
Framtidens stadsträd för en fungerande grönstruktur
The effect of climate change places demands on how we build cities. Cities have to be built denser to meet the objectives of sustainability but as a result of this densification city green areas are at risk of exploitationand disappearing. The question this raises is whether there has to be an opposition between a dense and a green city?Urban trees are playing a very important role in cities. They stand as the major part of the vegetation in citieswhich are otherwise dominated with concrete and stone.
Att skriva, skriva om och skriva om sig själv : En komparativ undersökning av Inger Edelfeldts och Bengt Martins omarbetade berättelser om homosexualitet
Inger Edelfeldt (1956) and Bengt Martin (1933-2010) are two Swedish writers of different generations. Both of them did, between the years 1968 to 1983, write about adolescent men coming to terms with their homosexuality. Edelfeldt wrote two versions of the same story, with slight but significant differences, the main being different implied readers (adult versus adolescent). Bengt Martin wrote about three young homosexual characters: Joakim, Bengt and Bengt. The story about Joakim is presented as fiction but bears many resemblances with Martin?s autobiography.
Ha lite jävla stake! : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur manlighet respektivekvinnlighet framställs i Filip och Fredriks podcast
The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.
Mätning av implementeringen av lean inom sjukvård
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how an instrument originally developed for measuring changes toward lean thinking inservice organizations in general should be adjusted in order to be of use in service organizations within the healthcare sector, andin hospital organizations in specific. The adjustments are suggested based on difficulties specifically arising when implementinglean within the healthcare sector.Thesis starting point is a pre-existing lean assessment instrument developed for service organizations in general. The thesis appliesa qualitative method and integrates literature from the health care sector and lean production movement with the expertise of tenacademics and practitioners in order to find difficulties associated with the implementation of lean within the healthcare sector.These difficulties then lie as the substratum for the adjustments suggested to be made on the instrument.The thesis finds that lean, as a philosophy, does not differ between service organizations in general and service organizationswithin healthcare settings. However, due to deficits in the general understanding of lean some adaptions on the instrument mustbe made. First, some words associated with production must be changed to words associated with healthcare.
Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv
The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research.The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year.
Påverkan av probiotika på kariesbildande bakterier in vivo
Cavities used to be a very common problem but over time humans have learned to take care of their teeth. However, there are still many who have problems. This problem is due to microorganisms and in particular the various streptococci and lactobacilli producing acids which loosens up the enamel on teeth. These bacteria can be found at various places in the mouth and saliva. Besides being a discomfort it can be a major problems and the damaged tooth needs to be removed or make a dental filling.
The aim of the study was to see how intake of probiotic tablets containing Lactobacillus reuteri PTA ATCC 5289 and Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 affects the levels of oral Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli over a three-week period.
Kulturella skillnader mellan hemsidor och deras inverkan på internationell marknadsföring
Kubera Production som har sitt kontor i Skellefteå är en strategisk kommunikationsbyrå som interesserar sig för hur kulturella skillnader mellan hemsidor kan analyseras och dokumenteras. Inledningsvis presenteras de två frågorna som ligger bakom den här rapporten. De är:Hur påverkar kulturella skillnader utvecklingen av nya hemsidor runt om i världen?Hur kan man eventuellt se och dokumentera de kulturella skillnaderna?Målet är att skapa en broschyr med klara riktlinjer som företaget kan ha använding av vid etablering utomlands. Vad som inte ingår i det här arbetet är grundliga undersökningar av ett land och dess kultur.I teoridelen kan läsaren ta del i hur hemsidor framställs, vilka program som kan användas men också om internationell marknadsföring och vad som är viktigt vid utlandsetablering av ett företag.
IKT i gymnasieskolan, finns det? - Pedagogers, skolledares och skolråds uppfattning om IKT användandet i gymnasieskolan.
SyfteSyftet med studien är att utforska på vilket sätt pedagoger inom gymnasieskolan använder information och kommunikationsteknik, IKT, som verktyg i undervisningen. I studien har jag även undersökt hur pedagogernas arbete påverkats av de kompetensinsatser de erbjudits.FrågeställningarHur använder pedagoger inom de fria och kommunala gymnasieskolorna IKT som verktyg inom undervisningen?Hur har pedagogernas undervisningsarbete med IKT påverkats av de kompetensutbildningar de erbjudits?Vad anser respondenterna om vikten av att integrera IKT i undervisningen på gymnasiet?Hur menar pedagogerna att man, inom gymnasieprogrammen, kan utveckla skolans arbete med att integrera IKT i undervisningen?MetodJag inledde mitt arbete med att utföra en pilotintervju. Därefter valde jag att använda mig av en kvalitativ intervjuform med strukturerade frågor. Mina data fick jag genom att intervjua en person i ledande position, fem pedagoger inom fristående och kommunala gymnasieskolor i Västra Götaland.
Avkodning gällande ordläsning på svenska och engelska hos svenska typiska läsare och elever med lässvårigheter i årskurs 4
Olika språk har olika ortografiskt djup och svenska språket anses som ett mer ortografiskt ytligt (regelbundet) språk än engelska språket som anses vara mer ortografiskt djupt (oregelbundet). I Sverige studerar elever det främmande språket engelska från lågstadiet. Flertalet forskare menar att det kan finnas tvärspråkliga överföringar mellan en förmåga i modersmålet och samma förmåga i det främmande språket. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka avkodning (ordläsning) på svenska och engelska hos elever med lässvårigheter och typiska läsare i årskurs fyra. I studien inkluderades 48 elever uppdelat på två grupper; 19 elever med lässvårigheter och 29 typiska läsare.
En balanserad rapport? Om svenska medier i Egyptens andra revolution
This bachelor thesis is a critical study in which we are studying if the swedish reports of the so called ?second revolution? in Egypt have been objective. We have been studying this by using Jörgen Westerståhls objectivity model and we have chosen to investigate whether the reports have been objective balance-wise. The second revolution is a term which describes the protests and demonstrations that led to the military action in which the elected president Muhammad Mursi were forced to resign on the 4th of July, 2013The study includes articles from five leading Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. We have been studying all the articles that include the word ?Egypt?.
"Man måste ju typ lära sig, annars går det inte" : World of Warcraft och lärande av engelska
Det här examensarbetet har sin utgångspunkt i elevernas intresse av att spela onlinespelet Word of Warcraft (WoW) vilket har lett fram till en undersökning om spelets eventuella påverkan på elevernas färdigheter i engelska, och hur den i så fall ser ut. Eftersom spelet inte finns på svenska är de flesta spelarna beroende av sina färdigheter i engelska för att kunna förstå och göra sig förstådd i spelet. Arbetet utgår från tre huvudfrågeställningar:1. Finns det ett samband mellan elevernas resultat i engelska och deras spelande av World of Warcraft? Om det finns ett samband, hur kan det beskrivas?2.