863 Uppsatser om Word-of-Mouth - Sida 14 av 58
Less is More - en studie om utformningen av inlägg på sociala medier
Theory has concluded that consumers evaluate advertising not only based on what the advertiser's message aims to communicate, but also how the message is communicated. As the most popular activity on the world's largest social media channels is to upload and share photos, it has become crucial for advertisers to define strategies that maximize the reach of photo posts. Two observed variations of images used in posts are graphical images and digital photographs. The aim of this study is to investigate which of these two strategies that generate most positive impact on the sender and its brand. 230 users of the Chinese Facebook and Twitter counterpart, Sina Weibo, were exposed to manipulated Sina Weibo posts after which they answered a survey.
Att skapa en motkultur : En religionspsykologisk undersökning av Livets Ord som religiös minoritet i en sekulär kulturell kontext
In this textual analysis I have examined the book Att följa Jesus by Ulf Ekman and information from Word of Life's official website. The aim of this study is to see how a religious leader is shaping the identity of the groups members after a certain pattern that differs from the surrounding, secular society. The research focus  of this essay includes several aspects:  how a culture is formed in a religious minority in contrast to the prevailing cultural context; how the material can be explained by Paul Pruyser?s theory on the psychological worlds; how what Ulf Ekman writes about distinguishing themselves from the environment differs from how other religious minority groups distinguish their identity;  and,  how the psychological world, expected behavior, and context of Word of Life can be structured by Valerie DeMarinis? model of assessment. I have placed Word of Life in a realistic illusionistic world developed from Paul Pruyser?s theory of psychological worlds.
Munhålestatus hos arbetande hästar :
Seventy-two working horses (they had been ridden with bit and bridle within the last two weeks) were examined in the oral cavity. Findings and status were noted. The horses were randomly chosen among individuals without clinical symptoms from the mouth and gastrointestinal system.
The result showed that 93% of the horses had changes in the mucus membranes, 86% in the form of ulcerations. The P2 region was most commonly affected followed by wounds more caudally in the mouth (P3-M3 region).
UNDER TV? M?NAR En semantisk kartl?ggning av m?ne som ett kigo
This essay will examine the seasonal word known as kigo ?? which mainly appears
in the japanese haiku. The purpose is to offer a suggestion of how a systematic explanation of the semantic peculiarities of kigo could be conducted. The object of this semantic analysis is the kigo tsuki ? (moon).
Semantisk särdragsanalys: behandlingsmetodens effekt på benämningsförmågan hos tre personer med ordfinnandesvårigheter till följd av afasi
Semantic feature analysis (SFA) is a treatment technique used foraphasic word finding difficulties after stroke. The method has earlier beenevaluated with positive outcome regarding words that have been trainedduring intervention while more varied results have been presented regardinguntrained words. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the effectsof the method on naming in untrained nouns and verbs, in both confrontationnaming and in discourse. The present study is the first to evaluate SFA withSwedish-speaking persons. A single-subject design was used.
Användarspridd reklam på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om hur användarspridd information på Facebook uppfattas av användarna
In this Bachelor?s essay we discuss whether eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is perceived as advertisement or as normal information, which is not influenced by any company, on the platform Facebook. The information which we were interested in is the one spread by normal users, and user?s perception of it. To find our results we have conducted a study in which we have used the method interview, which gives qualitative results.
Viral Marknadsföring
Bakgrund: I massmedia har det på senare tid börjat uppmärksammas ett nytt fenomen inom internetbaserad marknadsföring som kallas för viral marknadsföring. Det har dock inte gjorts några studier om vad begreppet egentligen innebär. Syfte: Att ge en innebörd åt begreppet viral marknadsföring och att undersöka de faktorer som kan påverka möjligheten att kunna utnyttja viral marknadsföring. Avgränsningar: I denna studie har vi avgränsat oss genom att säga att teorierna kring viral marknadsföring endast går att applicera på Internet. I studien behandlas endast konsumentrelaterade produkter.
Intern och extern butiksmiljö : En studie om hur butikschefen kan forma sin butiksmiljö för att uppmärksamma konsumenterna
För en butik är det viktigt att framställa sig på ett inspirerande sett för att locka in kunder i butiken. Det börjar redan med att bygga upp en bra exteriör bestående av bland annat fasad, skyltfönster och skyltar. Butiken måste få kunden intresserad redan utanför för att den ska känna en vilja att handla. Kunden bygger snabbt upp en attityd mot butiken och det är viktigt att den blir positiv för att kunden ska vilja besöka butiken. Väl inne så är det interiören som påverkar kunden ifall den vill stanna kvar och göra sina köp.
Pojkars och flickors brinnande intressen : En analys av 10 elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv
The main purpose of this study is to analyze texts written by pupils during the national test in the subject Swedish for grade 9 in order to identify and illustrate how they have met the instructions for the writing task including genre. The texts have been analyzed using Palmér & Östlund-Stjärnegårdh?s (2005) model for student text analysis. This model has been supplemented by studying word and sentence length, as well as indexes for level of readability (LIX) and word variation (OVIX) in order to illustrate possible differences in a gender perspective. The results of this study are in line with previous research, as the girls? texts are longer and more descriptive, while the boys? texts are shorter and show a wider range of word variation.
Det gömda könet ? fittan, vaginan och snippan. En studie om diskursiva problem runt kvinnans kön i Sverige.
In Sweden today it is problematic to talk about the woman's sex. Many women are embarrassed over their sex, nor do they have particularly strong knowledge of their sex or its functions. Language difficulties also contribute to problems for Swedish women when they come in contact with a professional who works with the female sex. In our study we have researched which denomination is most commonly used for the female sex and also how the public sees the word ?fitta?.
Bloggar som marknadsföringskanal ? En kartläggning av Lindex AB
It?s a fact that fashion companies today are searching for new ways to win consumers.Traditional marketing methods have been replaced with new marketing techniques onInternet. Fashion blogs have a high traffic and because of that they are relevant in themarketing context. Lindex has developed from being a store of underwear to be oneof the largest fashion companies in Sweden with Internet sales which actively workswith bloggers through it?s website.Our purpose in this study is to analyze and describe how a fashion company as Lindexis practical using blogs as a marketing method.
Ludwig Wittgenstein som folkskollärare
This paper studies the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein during his years (1920?26) as an elementary school teacher in remote Niederösterreich, Austria. The paper gives a survey of his life, and also a brief account of three of his main works: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations and Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. Attention is given to his alphabetical word list, Wörterbuch für Volksschulen, published for educational use in elementary schools. The study is focused on Wittgenstein?s educational practise, and establishes a connection between his experience as a teacher and his late philosophy..
Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet
In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.
Marknadsföringsverktyg : Ideella idrottsföreningar
Syftet med uppsatsen var att skapa en förståelse för vilka marknadsföringsverktyg ideella idrottsföreningar använde. Därefter stämma av med den befintliga teorin och om möjligt ge ett teoretiskt bidrag till marknadsföringsteorierna utifrån ideella idrottsföreningars synvinkel.Teorierna inom sportmarknadsföring anger i dagsläget att de vanligaste marknadsföringsverktygen är; direktmarknadsföring, annonsering, sponsring, personlig försäljning, sales promotion och public relations. I analysen framkom det att ideella idrottsföreningar till viss del använde alla de ovanstående marknadsföringsverktygen, men att det mest frekventa tillvägagångssättet vid marknadsföring var annonser i tryckt media. Det uppkom även att ideella idrottsföreningarna använde word?of-mouth (WOM) och sina egna hemsidor vid sin marknadsföring.
Gas eller? : En kvalitativ studie om varumärkesuppbyggande i extrema tillväxtföretag
Syftet med studien var att belysa och diskutera hur syskon till personer med funktionshinder som medför någon form av beteendeavvikelse upplevde och hanterade sin situation under uppväxten. De specifika frågeställningarna var vilka situationer syskonen utan funktionshinder upplevde som problematiska i sin vardag och hur de hanterade dessa situationer samt vilket agerande syskonen tyckte fungerade i de svåra vardagssituationerna kontra vilket agerande de inte ansåg fungerade. Som metod intervjuades tre vuxna syskon till personer med funktionshinder och syskonens handlingssätt, tankar och känslor åskådliggjordes. Resultatet visade att en person i de allra flesta fall tycktes bli påverkad av att ha syskon med funktionshinder. På vilket sätt syskonet utan funktionshinder blev påverkat skilde sig dock åt syskonen emellan.