

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 55 av 104

Book Smart eller Street Smart? : - En kvalitativ studie om lokala hotellchefers inställning och kommunikation av mjuka värden bland Umeås hotellkedjor

Hotell tillhör en bransch med svårigheten att skapa lojala kunder. Därför höjs kraven på hanteringen av mjuka värden, som kundtillfredsställelse. Genom att inkludera mjuka värden tillsammans med finansiella värden i en modell kan ledningen i hotellen balansera dem. Eftersom mjuka värden är starkt kopplade till personalens kompetens och motivation, är det svårt för en stor organisation som hotellkedjor att enbart lita till att företagsstrukturerna ska upprätthålla mjuka värden i organisationen. Den lokala ledningen har därför ett stort inflytande kring hur personalen och verksamheten närmast kunden hanterar mjuka värden.

Matematik i förskolan : Hur arbetar man med matematik i förskolan?

The word mathematics is often associated to addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. This is not the kind of mathematics that belongs to pre-school. In my essay I have chosen to write about how mathematics is used in pre-school. In the literature it is written that the best way of becoming familiar with mathematics, is to integrate it in the every day life but that there are educators that use traditional mathematics education in pre-school. The questions I would like to answer are:1.

Hur påvekar författares föreställningsramar och arbetsmetoder det arkeologiska materialet och dess framställning? - En exemplifierande jämförelse av två författare

This essay is comparing two authors and the way they make use of and explain some of the archaeological methods and artifacts through their books.The first author is the Swedish archaeologist Stig Welinder, who has written Jordbrukets första femtusen år (The First Five Thousand Years of Agriculture). The second author is the American archaeologist and writer Adrian Praetzellis, who has written the book Death by Theory.These books are very different in some ways, but not in others. The main difference is that Death by Theory is belles-lettres while Jordbrukets första femtusen år is science.Both authors explain and in some way apply the use of the terms ?artifact? and ?ethnoarchaeology?, which is the two main subjects of comparison in this essay. The way they present these subjects, through their different styles of writing, is compared and discussed.

Hur kan skadegörelse på skolgårdar motverkas? : en studie med fokus på vegetation

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Studie av web to print samt kartläggning av kunders behov för tillämpning av systemet CiPublisher

Customers put their printing suppliers to severe claims for shorter production time and faster deliveries.Printers always look for new solutions to increase the satisfaction of their customers. Oneexample of such a solution is web to print, where the customers book their printed matters atInternet.The solution involves design of printed matter by using templates that are made unique for thecustomer's printed matter. Web to print is suitable for reiterated printed matters. By using templatesthe customer doesn´t have to redo their layout for every new edition. Bromma tryck AB hasinvested the system CiPublisher, which is applied for the customer to make their printed matter atInternet.The purpose of the examination work is to investigate the needs of the customers of Brommatryck for a web to print solution and how such a system should be adapted.The result shows that the customer who is in need of a web to print solution wish such a system tobe easy managed and also usable.

Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck

The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.

Åtnjuter återköpande företag i Sverige en bättre aktiekursutveckling? : En studie av överavkastning och bakomliggande motiv

Sedan år 2000 har det varit tillåtet för svenska företag att köpa tillbaka sina egna aktier. Sedandess har ungefär 80 företag initierat återköpsprogram. Tidigare empiriska studier, bådeutländska och svenska, har visat på en positiv aktiekursutveckling för de återköpandeföretagen. Motiven bakom återköpen anses vara signalering om undervärdering, reducering av?free cashflow? och därigenom av agentkostnader samt options- och flexibilitetsrelaterademotiv.Vi har studerat aktiekursutvecklingen justerad för branschindex för återköpande företag upptill fem år efter återköpets annonsering.

Bredbandsmarknaden i Sverige : En studie av konsumentens kriterier

Bredbandsmarknaden idag är en expanderande sektor. Fler och fler bredbandsoperatörer dyker upp på den svenska marknaden för att möta den växande efterfrågan. Samtidigt har det stora utbudet av bredbandsoperatörer gjort det svårare för konsumenten att välja bredband. Det finns flera faktorer som är avgörande när konsumenten väl har bestämt sig för att göra en beställning. Faktorer som pris, hastighet, tillgänglighet samt support/service kan vara skillnaden mellan att en konsument väljer en operatör före en annan.

Sanna av-slöjanden eller ren dikt? En analys av fyra självbiografier ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the descriptions of characters and settings in four autobiographies. The main question is: What picture of women and men, of the West and the Orient do these books provide? To answer this question we have formed three sub questions, which are: In what ways are main and minor characters described? In what ways are the key settings, and the Western and Oriental societies described? Which themes are dealt with, and from what points of departure? The theoretical framework is based on a postcolonial theoretical perspective, where the concept of binary opposites and Edward W. Said?s ideas about orientalism are crucial.

Bovin neosporos : vilken roll spelar hunden?

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Stress hos hund ? stressreducerande åtgärder på vårdavdelningen

Stress is common in today?s society, but the word stress has numerous connotations. The aim of this study was to investigate how dogs are effected by stress and what the veterinary nurse can do to help dogs to avoid or at least mitigate stress within the veterinary hospital. The goal was also to see how dogs perceive the environment in the veterinary hospital and what behaviours dogs demonstrate when they enter the hospital and during their stay. Studies have shown that dogs have a reluctant feeling on entering a veterinary hospital. They can feel stressed by coming to a new environment, as well as by being put in a cage with no control over what is going to happen to them.

Betygssystemskiftena 1995 och 2012 : Hur kunskapssynen speglas i politiskt ställningstagande

This report describes a comparative study of the change in grading system in the year of 1995 and the coming year of 2012. The objective is to analyze and compare the political debate from two Swedish parties, the Social democrats and the Moderates, from a number of the parties political periodicals. Futher the objective is to show, from the periodicals debate, what approach to knowledge the parties are presenting. The theoretical base of this study is rooted in the political background of grading system and in literature defining different theories about knowledge and approach to knowledge. The investigation is qualitative and the main research method is text analysis.The conclusions is that the parties overall stood their ground and kept their opinions throughout the two debates and the change in grade systems.

Det digitala skolbiblioteket. En möjlighet för utveckling av såväl verksamhet som yrkesroll?

The aim of this paper is to study if implementation of a school library management system called FreeLib has created favourable conditions for the school librarians to cooperate with other professions and become a more forward working place. I have studied relevant literature about school libraries, organisation, digital libraries and documents that regulate school and library activities today as well in the past. In order to fulfil my purpose I have done a qualitative survey with six school librarians from Swedish primary schools with pupils at the age of 6 -16 years old. To identify strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities I found in the material I used a method called SWOT analysis. According to this study the use of the digital FreeLib system has developed a better teamwork between school librarians at different schools.

?Jag tänker inte sitta hemma och sticka? ? En studie av sex nyblivna pensionärers informationsbehov och biblioteksvanor.

This study is about information needs and library habits among newly retired people. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the affective and cognitive needs that come with retirement. In what way do the information needs of this group change due to retirement? In order to answer this question we make use of two theoretical models; Role theory and Wilson?s model of information needs. When it comes to library habits, we use Andersson and Skot-Hansens model to examine how newly retired people use the library now and how they could use it on basis of their needs in their new role.

From Value to Growth Stocks: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The value investing philosophy, which can be traced at least to the teaching of Graham and Dodd in the 1930?s, entails identifying and investing in potentially under valued stocks with a potential for extraordinary returns. The focus of this thesis is to identify patterns and characteristics in financial accounting data preceding creation of shareholder value. The authors of this thesis utilize a multivariate discriminant analysis in order to identify indicators of value creation and subsequent extraordinary returns in value stocks. A discriminant function is derived which successfully identifies which value stocks will eventually become growth stocks.

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