

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 58 av 132

Hur hanterar SAS kundklagomål? : En kvalitativ studie av den interna processen

It is important that companies knows how to handle a complaint when they receive one from a customer. This information could the company take care of and use when they develop new services. Furthermore a good complain handling leads to satisfied and loyal customers which increases the revenue for the company. We have examined how SAS handle their internal information process and if this process affects the information and in that case how. The study is performed with a qualitative method, based on deep interviews.

Teknik och teknisk kompetens enligt förskolans pedagoger : En studie av pedagogernas syn på teknik

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus för studentboende

Uppsalahem AB is a municipally owned real estate concern that owns and administrates housing for nearly 30 000 people. The company puts a lot of effort into reducing the energy use of their housing stock. This project is a master?s thesis in the energy systems programme at Uppsala University, carried out in collaboration with Uppsalahem. The aim of this thesis is to provide energy saving measures for fourteen student housing buildings in Uppsala, Sweden.

Åtgärder för biologisk mångfald i parker : Fallstudier i Botkyrka, Haninge och Nynäshamn

Biodiversity consists of all life on Earth and in all forms. Biodiversity is often discussed at three levels: ecosystem, species and genetic variation within species. Biodiversity also provides many of the ecosystem services performed by nature and that we depend on, including cultural services such as aesthetic values, education and recreation. In Sweden the environmental objectives are central; there are 16 environmental quality objectives, and "A rich plant and animal life" is one of them. Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity is a prerequisite for achieving also most other environmental objectives. Another environmental quality objective that is tied to a rich biodiversity in cities and biodiversity is "Good built environment" where cities, towns and other built environment should provide a good living habitat and contribute to a good environment.

I´m a good parent and i take responsipility. A discourse analysis on discussions about the social services´ interventions in families with children on Familjeliv.se

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa hur bilden av socialtjänsten förmedlas på internetforumet Familjeliv.se. Vårt fokus har legat på barnfamiljers kontakt med socialtjänsten. Vi har undersökt om vi kan se några mönster i hur socialtjänsten beskrivs och om detta skiljer sig åt om är en ?klient? eller en socialarbetare som skriver inlägget. Syftet har också varit att belysa hur ett internetmedie påverkar sättet att kommunicera.

E-handel : Vilka faktorer styr konsumentens köp över Internet och då med fokus på hälsokostbranschen?

In today?s IT-community, consumers use the internet in a increasing rate to find information or to purchase products and services. This has led to a growth in the market, but also a greater competition between e-stores and web shops. To separate yourself from the masses has become more important, the question is; what strategy should the IT-salesman use? The meaning of this scientific study is to find and focus on witch the primary factors/aspects are, that controls and is the very foundation for the consumer making a purchase, by using the internet.

DUBBELDIAGNOS Upplevelser av bemötandet från psykiatrin, socialtjänsten, omgivningen och personalen på boendet.

With this study, we have chosen to continue our B-essay about dual-diagnosis. In the essay we have done some research on how this target group feels about the treatment from the dependent unit, psychiatry unit, social services unit and the housing environment. We wanted to know about the feelings because during the B-essay we found out that individuals whit the dual-diagnosis is skipped between different caregivers. We used a qualitative method with six interviews from two different housings in south of Sweden. The information we got we used in our result and analysis part, where we found out that the caretaker?s thought the treatment were fine and that it was the surroundings they found the most fault with..

Utformning av Lagerstyrningsstrategier och Planeringsverktyg för Inköp : En studie på Saab Support & Services

Reservdelsinköparna på avdelningen Support & Services på Saab är utspridda på sex orter i Sverige med skilda verksamheter och affärer. Dessa skillnader påverkar de logistiska beslut som tas och ökar svårigheten att använda en gemensam lagerstyrningsstrategi. I Tannefors, vilket är den ort som har tydligast uttalad lagerstyrningsstrategi, grundar sig de största lagerstyrningsproblemen i att systemstödet som används vid den dagliga planeringen inte är användarvänligt. På de mindre orterna där Saabs inköpsverksamhet inte bedrivits lika länge består problemen till stor del av att en uttalad lagerstyrningsstrategi saknas vilket leder till brister i planering, ett kortsiktigt tankesätt och brådskande expressbeställningar. För att möta dessa utmaningar har denna studie utformat en gemensam lagerstyrningsstrategi för de två största inköpsorterna, Tannefors och Nyköping, vilka kan ligga till grund för att kunna utöka strategin till alla Support & Services inköpsorter.Lagerstyrningsstrategin utformades genom att först genomföra en dubbel ABC-klassificering av alla artiklar och sedan gruppera ihop de klasser som kan styras likartat samt bestämma en önskad servicenivå för respektive grupp.

Att uträtta affärer på ett "smartare" sätt : En studie av två hotellkedjors tillämpning av Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction and research question:  This study investigates the widely discussed notion ?Corporate Social Responsibility? and its practice in the tourism industry. In the contemporary society more companies are realizing the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its potential as a means of differentiation.  The author?s interest in this particular phenomenon was awakened after reading about the business case of Scandic Hotels. This is a company that nowadays is referred to as ?Scandinavia?s leading hotel chain?.

Energieffektivisering och solenergi i en universitetsbyggnad : Undervisningshuset och Biblioteket i Uppsala

Akademiska hus is a real estate company that specializes in providing Swedish universities with housing facilities for educational and research purposes. The company strives to reduce its use of energy by 40% between the years 2000 and 2025. The aim of this thesis is to determine which measures can be taken to reduce the need of purchased energy in a building that is used by theSwedishUniversityof Agricultural Sciences inUppsala.In order to determine the results of various changes to the building envelope and ventilation system, the building was modelled in the computer simulation program VIP-Energy. Other proposed changes to make the use of energy more efficient concerned water use and lighting. The need of purchased energy can also be reduced by producing electricity or heat on site, using solar energy.Results show that economically viable measures include upgrading windows and faucets, adjusting control systems for ventilation and lighting, and installing roof mounted solar panels for power production.

Like a Bridge over Troubled Water - en studie om ledarskap inom socialtjänsten vid organisationsförändringar

A common experience is that leadership could be better handled during reorganizations within the social services. The purpose of this study is to examine how social welfare secretaries experience their managers during reorganizations. How do social welfare secretaries experience the manger?s role and actions? While developing the interview questions it became relevant to illustrate further aspects: To describe how social welfare secretaries experience the reorganizations that they have gone through and their experience of the everyday leadership around the managers?; openness, availability, clarity, trust and skills regarding managing stress among their staff. The study is built on qualitative interviews with six social welfare secretaries within units working with economical social assistance in different districts in the city of Gothenburg.

Arkitekturer i operativsystem : en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel

Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kernel baserade system är en lösning på detta problem där man bantat ner kernel till så lite som ett tiotal kilobyte och flyttar ut tjänster som normalt ligger i kernel till user space.

Socialtjänstens barnskyddsarbete En studie av socialsekreterares riskbedömningar avseende barn som utsätts för våld eller sexuella övergrepp i hemmet.

The overall aim was to examine how the public interest to protect children from violence and sexual abuse at home, is realized by social workers. The study´s central focus was the risk assessments as Social services are obliged to do when they receive a report containing concern that children are being exposed to violence or sexual abuse at home. The study addresses the following questions:o How do social workers go about practically, and what support and knowledge is being used to determine whether the Social services need to intervene for the protection of a child?o What risk and protective factors are taken into account by social workers in the assessment process?o What contextual factors do social workers experience are affecting them in the assessment process?o Which support does the documentation system BBIC provide in the assessment process?The study material was collected through qualitative group interviews, with a modified vignette methodology as tools. The study included a total of twelve social workers, with varying numbers in each interview group.

Vidareutveckling av häftfixtur för sammansvetsning av Volvo hjullastares lyftramverk : Ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera produktionen

This report is about how HDR (HighDynamicRange) can be created and used in combination with Tone mapping. This work has been carried out together with Kapsch TrafficCom AB in Jönköping.The objective of this project is to:Evaluate and investigate the effects given to pictures by HDR and tone mapping.Evaluate if the technology may lead to improvements in Kapsch?s systems.To construct a program which is able to handle some form of tone mapping or HDR-algorithm.These questions will be answered in this report:What kind of effects has HDR and tone mapping-algorithms on pictures?Can the HDR-technology give better data in Kapsch?s systems?The research method used in this report is called action research. This means the authors has investigated the technology by reading different documentations and by testing different algorithms to see what kind of result they give. The report describes some of the tests made to see if the technology is appropriate in Kapsch?s system.There is two smaller reports made by the authors which documenting some of the work.The first report describes the work with different settings for a camera to create pictures with HDR-quality.

Rekommendationssystem för interaktiva musiktjänster : en utredning av aktuella trender och attityder gentemot framtidens rekommendationssystem diskuterat ur forskar-, industri- & användarperspektiv

Parallel to new technological advancements, including the development of interactive recommender systems, digital music services on the Internet, such as Spotify, have in a short time span gradually replaced former physical media such as CDs and MP3-players and become pioneers on a market with an otherwise uncertain future. By subscribing to the service, users have access to a vast library of music and from any device with Internet access. In order to provide a satisfactory and useful musical experience, different ways of coping with the vastness is required - which is precisely what recommender systems are for. Improved filtering techniques and use of devices built in sensors, make way for new opportunities of more precise and contextually tailored suggestions for track selection, which in turn leads to potential privacy issues when using interactive music services. But where do we stand today? By compiling, exemplifying and discussing three different perspectives with relating to the development of interactive music recommender systems, the objective for this paper is to provide a for science, industry and user, objectively nuanced account of current potentials and expectations.

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