

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 56 av 132

Mellanchefens förmåga att göra rätt saker effektivt : En attitydundersökning av de lokala cheferna på Niscayah AB

 This thesis aims to through certain parts of the brand equity investigate the trust of consumers for a brand that recently experienced a product-harm crisis. It also wants to investigate why this trust exist, if it does. Structured interviews were carried out at 60 respondents in Uppsala. The results show that the respondents have positive associations with ICA, they think that ICA maintains a high quality on their products and services and that 50% more often choose to do their grocery shopping at ICA. The conclusion of the study is that ICA has a strong brand equity resulting in brand trust from consumers, which is founded in the brand reliability and brand intentions of the company. .

Förstudie: Internt moln : En fallstudie för effektivare IT-administration

This is a report of a prestudy commissioned by a medium-sized Swedish company before an imminent major change in IT systems. The change aims to provide a simplified IT administration within the company through a cloud-based approach.The preliminary study provides an interpretation of the concept of cloud computing. It also covers a review of different models to use in order to achieve an internal cloud. Suggestions on how to proceed with the change process are also provided, and which models might be appropriate for the specific company..

Corporate Social Responsibility : Strategisk Tillämpning Mellan Olika Branscher

Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis thesis intends to exam the strategic use of Corporate Social Responsibility within fifthteen different companies, classified/divided into three various industries. The aim is to compare the three different industries, to look for disparities and similarities in their use of CSR. The disseration looks into both variance and resemblance in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility between the companies within the same branch of trade and between the industries.The industries of intrestThe three industries that the study has focus on is consumer, manufacturing and service related industries. Where the consumer industry is classified as companies with direct sales towards private consumers, the physical citizen. The manufacturing industry is classified as companies that manufacture products but that does´nt sell their products directly to the regular consumer.

Remote directory sharing - RAccess

Det finns idag inget enkelt sätt att dela mappar och filer mellan datorer över Internet utan att behöva spara dessa på flera ställen. Detta är ett problem då man ibland inte vill ha all sin information spridd över flera källor eller inte har nog med utrymme för att spara samma data på flera ställen.Problemet i fråga blir att koppla ihop datorer över Internet. Då datorer kan flyttas runt mellan olika nätverk och därför ha olika IP-adresser krävs en lösning som håller reda på detta. En användbar lösning ska inte kräva att användarna ska veta om denna information. Eftersom projektet är över Internet så krävs det att det är väldefinierat hur kommunikation utförs.Projektet delades in i tre komponenter, en klient, en server och en master-server, som kunde utvecklas sida vid sida av varandra då den enda interaktionen mellan modulerna är nätverkskommunikationen.

Kinetikmodellering av NO-oxidation i en åldrad dieseloxidationskatalysator

Det finns idag inget enkelt sätt att dela mappar och filer mellan datorer över Internet utan att behöva spara dessa på flera ställen. Detta är ett problem då man ibland inte vill ha all sin information spridd över flera källor eller inte har nog med utrymme för att spara samma data på flera ställen.Problemet i fråga blir att koppla ihop datorer över Internet. Då datorer kan flyttas runt mellan olika nätverk och därför ha olika IP-adresser krävs en lösning som håller reda på detta. En användbar lösning ska inte kräva att användarna ska veta om denna information. Eftersom projektet är över Internet så krävs det att det är väldefinierat hur kommunikation utförs.Projektet delades in i tre komponenter, en klient, en server och en master-server, som kunde utvecklas sida vid sida av varandra då den enda interaktionen mellan modulerna är nätverkskommunikationen.

Utveckling av marknadsstrategi för Rejlers Ingenjörer AB

Det finns idag inget enkelt sätt att dela mappar och filer mellan datorer över Internet utan att behöva spara dessa på flera ställen. Detta är ett problem då man ibland inte vill ha all sin information spridd över flera källor eller inte har nog med utrymme för att spara samma data på flera ställen.Problemet i fråga blir att koppla ihop datorer över Internet. Då datorer kan flyttas runt mellan olika nätverk och därför ha olika IP-adresser krävs en lösning som håller reda på detta. En användbar lösning ska inte kräva att användarna ska veta om denna information. Eftersom projektet är över Internet så krävs det att det är väldefinierat hur kommunikation utförs.Projektet delades in i tre komponenter, en klient, en server och en master-server, som kunde utvecklas sida vid sida av varandra då den enda interaktionen mellan modulerna är nätverkskommunikationen.

En branschanalys av den svenska mobilmarknaden -Strategi, konkurrenssituationen och 4G:s påverkan

Background and problemThe Swedish mobile market is highly competitive despite the oligopoly that currently exists. A short product life cycle together with fads and new innovations puts pressure on the operators to respond to the ever changing environment and to develop and adapt their strategies after it.As a previous study regarding a specific operator?s strategy was cancelled due to the extensive confidentiality surrounding it, an interest was sparked to perform an industry analysis as this is clearly something the actors spend a great deal of time on developing. The launch of the 4G network will offer new opportunities for the operators regarding products services. It may also impact the competition on the overall market.PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to present a deep analysis of the industry and give the reader a comprehensive picture of existing conditions.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus

In Sweden, a big part of the energy use is used in the housing sector. Political goals and targets are set up which the housing sector needs to work towards. Apartment buildings are a major part of the housing sector in Sweden and therefore reduction of energy use in these kinds of buildings are key to lower the energy use in Sweden. But there are not only political incentives to reduce the energy use. Some energy?saving measures are directly profitable and should thus be performed.

"Då rökte jag på. Sen började jag lite med tjack och sånt också." :en studie om hur ungdomars missbruk påverkar familjen

The purpose of our report was to analyze the effects of youth drug abuse on the families concerned. Youth drug abuse made us wonder about the effects on the family as a whole, of those involved with drug abuse. To answer this question, we decided to employ an empiric study in the form of interviews with four teenagers, five parents and four drug counselors. Because our intent was to understand rather than try to measure the problems involved, we decided on a qualitative method. Our method built upon semi-structured interviews using open questions, where the interviewees were free to express their own thoughts and opinions.

Service Level Management : Equalize unloadingencrustation at Stora Enso ? Skoghalls bruk

The report is part of the university´engineer program within Industrial Organization and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Managment at Jönköping´s university.Skoghall´s mill underlies a large supply chain, which means there should be a lot of areas in need of small improvement measures. This report illustrates a small part of one of these areas and is focused on the loading distribution services in the terminal Vänern.At the moment there´s a very unequal load of the load carriers SECU box and Container at the terminal. Skoghall´s mill has the desire to equalize the high and low load levels of the 2 loading carriers named previously. One of the options to solve the problem is to set a limit of how much the carriers can load per week or per day. The mill also wants it to be investigated if the proposition would influence the customers in any way and if both the company and its customers could handle a lower level of delivery services in case the proposition was to be applied.The goal to be achieved with this thesis is to provide balance to the unequall loading of the 2 load carriers, SECU and Container, and investigate whether or not the Skoghall´s mill´s customers, could manage the lower degree of delivery service that the proposition would imply.For this goal to be achieved, random sample investigations were taken from orders of a customer that is provided with SECU load carriers and the same was made with a Container´s customer.

The Effects of Technology-Based Self-Service on Grocery Retail : A Swedish Case

Technology based self-service (TBSS) used in supermarket self-scanning checkouts is a relatively new phenomenon in Sweden. Studies on TBSS as a self- checkout device have been formerly carried out but with focus on the customer perspective. The authors therefore saw a challenge in covering the self-scan checkout concept, from a company perspective. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate, through a management perspective, the changes brought about by implementing an innovative TBSS system in Swedish supermarkets, and its effect on the competitiveness of the company. This is done by presenting and linking the theoretical framework and empirical study in the research.

Från monopol till konkurrens : förslag på differentieringskoncept för nya aktörer på den omreglerade apoteksmarknaden

The purpose was to create differentiation concepts due to the upcoming deregulation of the Swedish pharmacy monopoly. Apart from the theory, the study is based on interviews with pharmacy customers and experiences from former pharmacy market deregulations in some of the other Scandinavian countries. The result shows that a differentiation concept that could work in a shorter perspective is a low service quality but with lower prices and a unique location. In a longer perspective it seems like the concept should change to a more service orientated differentiation concept with a variation of high quality services to gain competitive advantage..

Kravspecifikation för upphandling av medicintekniska produkter

AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirbarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .

Alkylering av etengas över zeolit H-betakatalysator med silica sol som bindemedel

Det finns idag inget enkelt sätt att dela mappar och filer mellan datorer över Internet utan att behöva spara dessa på flera ställen. Detta är ett problem då man ibland inte vill ha all sin information spridd över flera källor eller inte har nog med utrymme för att spara samma data på flera ställen.Problemet i fråga blir att koppla ihop datorer över Internet. Då datorer kan flyttas runt mellan olika nätverk och därför ha olika IP-adresser krävs en lösning som håller reda på detta. En användbar lösning ska inte kräva att användarna ska veta om denna information. Eftersom projektet är över Internet så krävs det att det är väldefinierat hur kommunikation utförs.Projektet delades in i tre komponenter, en klient, en server och en master-server, som kunde utvecklas sida vid sida av varandra då den enda interaktionen mellan modulerna är nätverkskommunikationen.

Svävare: Konstruktion av hytt till en svävare

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

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