

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 25 av 132

Perspektiv på prostitution - En analys av hur Sveriges lösningar på prostitutionsproblemet tar sig uttryck

In Sweden, prostitution is politically defined as a social problem, more precisely, as a form of male violence against women. The definition is distinctly manifested in the government bill Kvinnofrid, characterised by the unique Swedish law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services.This thesis examines how the Swedish solutions of prostitution are carried out. By interviewing central actors working with prostitution in different ways we aim to answer the question: What measures are taken to decrease prostitution and what implications does the Swedish solution have?The analysis is divided into two parts. First, we analyse the concrete measures taken against prostitution ? what is done, how, and why? Second, we analyse the complexity of prostitution measures by applying complementary analytical perspectives: the symbolic and the discourse perspective.The study shows that measures taken to decrease prostitution vary and depend on individual actors? understandings of the political definition.

Funktionshinder barriär eller genväg till biblioteket? En fallstudie om rörelsehindrades och synskadades biblioteksanvändning

The aim of this Masters thesis is to, from a users perspective, investigate which factors affect the library use for six persons with disabilities or visual handicaps. My method has been a case study and the methods applied are interviews and observation. As a theoretical framework I use Tom Wilsons theories and models about information behaviour and transform them to a model about library use. Answers are sought to the following questions: - What does the library use look like for six persons with disabilities or visually handicaps? - How do they experience the library in their own municipality? - Which factors affect the disabled persons library use and experience of the library? All interviewees showed a very positive attitude towards the library and the majority of them visited the library regularly or received audio books by mail.

Samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och socialsekreterares uppfattning av samverkan och dess betydelse.

 Collaboration is a tool many organizations use to achive a certain goal. In previous research it can be read about both advantages and disadvantages of collaboration and also that a well-functioning collaboration is difficult to achieve. In previous research there is a shortage of scientific researches illustrating the outcome of collaboration. I have chosen to examine the cooperation between the social services and schools of the municipality of Växjö. The purpose of this essay is to understand what experiences staff working with children/young people in school and social services have of collaboration between each others organizations.

Biblioteken som stöd för invandrare under integrationsprocessen - En kvalitativ studie på stadsbiblioteken i Malmö och Lund

The aim of the study was to examine how the public libraries participate in the integration of immigrants in the Malmö-/Lund region. Librarians and immigrants were interviewed about the services offered by the libraries in the area of multiculturalism and what kind of service that is requested by the immigrants. The interviews also included possibilities to contribute to increased knowledge among the native Swedish people about different cultures represented among immigrants in Sweden. From the qualitative analyses it is concluded that the libraries represented in the study contribute to the integration of immigrants. The respondents gave multiple examples of the libraries? usefulness in the integration process by offering immigrants possibilities to develop their knowledge in the Swedish language, and also to find information about the Swedish society and culture.

Uppgradering av reklamationssystem : Windows Presentation Foundation

Porsche är ett tysk bilföretag mest känt för sportbilar och är en del av Volkswagen koncernen. Volkswagen Group Sverige tillgodoser Porsche Sverige med ett reklamationssystem som heter PRT.PRT är en webbapplikation som är skriven med Active Server Pages och Visual Basic 6 komponenter. PRT är i dagsläget svårunderhållet och allmänt småbuggit att använda och jobba med. Systemet körs även på gamla servrar som Volkswagen Group Sverige vill sluta att använda. Detta har gett att Volkswagen Group Sverige vill avveckla detta system och skriva om PRT till en klient som kan nås remote istället för via webben.

DNSSEC en säkerhetsförbättring av DNS : en studie om Svenska kommuners syn på DNSSEC

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka varför få svenska kommunerna valt att installera DNSSEC på sina domäner. DNS är en av de viktigaste protokollen på Internet och behövs för att sammanlänka IP-adresser med mer lättförståeliga adresser för oss människor. DNS skapades utan att tänka på säkerheten, för att kunna göra DNS säkrare utvecklades ett säkerhetstillägg till DNS detta fick namnet DNSSEC.Vi har använt oss av litteraturstudie, experiment och intervjuer för att skapa en djupare kunskap och förståelse om hur DNS och DNSSEC fungerar samt besvara varför få kommuner har valt att installera DNSSEC.Under vår litteraturstudie läste vi om flera sårbarheter i DNS och hur dessa kan utnyttjas för att utsätta en organisation för attacker såsom cacheförgiftning och MITM. Vi testade dessa sårbarheter och bekräftade det. Efter installationen av DNSSEC kunde inte angreppen längre genomföras i vår testmiljö.Under intervjuerna kom vi fram till att den vanligaste orsaken att kommuner inte väljer att installera DNSSEC är okunskap om tillvägagångsättet för en installation och att de tycker deras nuvarande DNS fungerar bra, det blir då ingen prioriterad fråga.

Increasing Services - A Case Study at ABS Regarding the Change Process towards Service Orientation

The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the issues concerning the transformation process of a product oriented company into a service oriented company, and how these issues can be overcome. We will exemplify this by developing a dewatering pump rental concept for ABS, and identify the drivers and barriers for ABS when implementing the service oriented rental concept in Sweden and Poland. This master thesis is based on the systems perspective. The reason for this is the required holistic perspective, where the system has to be regarded from different points of departure in order to be understood. The theoretical studies include services and change management.

?Det är för barnens bästa som vi gör det?? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens anmälningsskyldighet vid misstanke att barn far illa

Employees of the criminal correctional system have a duty to notify social services if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment, according to Chapter 14, § 1 SoL. Despite the obligation to report, studies show that this is not done at all times. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how the criminal correctional system in Kalmar looks at notification if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment. To examine this, we used qualitative research method based on semi-structuring interviews; these were carried out with six employees, working in the criminal correctional system. The answers that emerged during the interviews have been analyzed using Yeheskel Hasenfeld theory of human services organizations, and trough previous research.

Service i förändring : hur serviceförändringen upplevs av dem som påverkas av den

Målet med denna uppsats i landsbygdsutveckling är att undersöka hur landsbygdsbor upplevt den serviceförändring som ägt rum under deras livstid, hur det påverkat servicens tillgänglighet och hur de förhåller sig till servicen. Uppsatsen baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med sju personer ifrån Ramsberg, i Bergslagen och som huvudsakligen analyseras utifrån Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet. Studien visar att upplevelsen av förändringarna är kopplad till om förändringarna upplevs ske utifrån ett kommunikativt handlande eller kommer som en tvingande kraft utifrån abstrakta idéer. Den visar även att upplevelsen av servicen påverkas av vilka möjligheter till social interaktion den medför där det kommunikativa handlandet kan ske..

Hur uppfattas pcSKOG AB och pcSKOG-gård av privata skogsägare? : en undersökning av en programvara för privatskogsbruket

pcSKOG-gård is a computerised manager plan for private forest owners, developed by the pcSKOG AB. The program is based on forest stand data, joined with a map of the forest and GIS-applications. The purpose is to offer a program for private forest owners managing the forest and with the possibility of updating the actual status of the forest. The company pcSKOG AB is the leading producer of programs for forest management and has developed the program since 1997. The program is currently the most common program used by private forest owners in Sweden. The aim of this thesis, leading to MSc in forestry, is to investigate the purpose of the private forest owners when purchasing the pcSKOG-gård. The thesis also studies how private forest owners use the program, what they use it for and how the private forest owners state that the program has achieved to fulfil their expectations. The thesis is also a market research concerning the knowledge and attitudes the private forest owners have about the program and associated services. The study material has been collected during two phases.

Webbens klassifikationssystem. En komparativ studie

This thesis deals with subject-based hierarchical search-services on the World Wide Web. The purpose is to investigate how systems of this kind facilitate information retrieval through subject-based information seeking. Its starting point is taken from the study of texts and qualitative analyses of search-services on the World Wide Web. Important aspects and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web are explained as well. Three systems are examined: Mölndals Stadsbiblioteks Länkkatalog, Svesök, and Alta Vista.

Automatiserad uppsättning av distribuerade system i molnet för mjukvarutestning

Molntja?nster av olika slag har blivit allt vanligare i samha?llet de senaste a?ren. Bland de mest anva?nda molntja?nsterna finns Dropbox, Microsoft Azure och Amazon Web Services (AWS). Den sistna?mnda molntja?nsten a?r na?got som fo?retaget Infor har fa?tt o?gonen pa?.AWS erbjuder inte endast datalagring som Dropbox go?r utan a?ven dataexekvering, databaslo?sningar, na?tverkslo?sningar, driftsa?ttning och hantering av datorsystem.

BBIC i samverkan för barnets bästa

Purpose of this study is to investigate whether BBIC had an effect on the interaction between social services and schools. To find this out, a comparative study carried out between two municipalities in southern Sweden who has worked with the BBIC system different lengths of time. The empirical data is based on six qualitative interviews with heads of unit in social services, principals in secondary schools, and social workers who work with children- and youth investigations. The theoretical framework consists of Bronfenbrenners Ecology model, systems theory as organizational theory and the theory of autopoiesis, and Danermark model of collaboration. The results of the survey show that respondents do not find that their inter-organizational collaboration has been significantly affected by the implementation of BBIC, but that BBIC provides a good basis for collaboration due to the logic and structure of the system..

Ett nödvändigt begränsat agerande - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av handlingsutrymme

Social workers in the Social Services are seen as professionals and they are associatedwith a substantial degree of freedom to carry out their work in order to interpret theSocial Services Act and make decisions. This freedom is referred to as discretion andis a central aspect of the role of the social worker. But the social worker is employedwithin an organisation that exists in an environment influenced of political decisionswhich sets boundaries to how far the freedom stretches. The general aim with thisthesis is to gain insight in how social workers within the Social Services experiencetheir discretion. Secondary this thesis also aims to explore how discretion is shapedand negotiated.

24-timmarsmyndighetens användbarhet

The communication with government and municipality through Internet has in-creased during the last couple of years. Therefore we have chosen to focus our bachelor thesis in this particularly area and the needs for usable web services for the citizens. In this bachelor thesis we are studying a increasing group users, namely elderly citizens. During the study we have analysed E-governments ser-vices usability through usability tests. The combination of conversations and meetings with individuals, observations of interactions and literature studies give us the opportunity to explore the users needs.

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