

6 Uppsatser om Williamson - Sida 1 av 1

Framtiden för ett bränsletillverkande företag

SammanfattningTitel: Framtiden för ett bränsletillverkande företag Seminariedatum: 2005-01-18 Ämne/Kur's: FEK 591 Magisterseminarium, 10 poäng Författare: Christian Hulteberg, 790308-4171 Michael Eriksson, 730508-2732 Handledare: Allan T. Malm Stefan Yard Nyckelord: Scenarioanaly's, Optionsstrategi, Williamson Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsat's är att finna en proces's för att ta fram framtidsoptioner i form av sdtrategier åt ett bränsletillverkande företag i Sverige. Samt att med hjälp av denna proces's presentera en uppsättning strategioptioner i form av en strategiportfölj. Metod: Egen utveckling av Williamsonsmetod för att få fram optioner på framtiden, baserad på scenarioanaly's Empiri: Den empiri som använt's kommer i huvudsak ifrån vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Slutsatser: De huvudsakliga slutsatserna är att den metod som tagit's fram för att få fram strategioptioner fungerar tillfredställande och den presenterade optionsportföljen ger en bra position inför framtiden..

Fashionably fit for the future? ? A demonstrative study unravelling the concept of scenario planning

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to clarify and evaluate the concept of scenario planning.Methodology: Our research methodology has a qualitative approach and uses deductive reasoning. The theoretical field of strategy formulation has been reviewed and in specific the concept scenario planning was unravelled and mapped. Thereafter, our model was tested in a case study where the empirical data was collected through personal interviews. Theoretical field: Literature and articles from the strategic management field have been reviewed with a focus on strategy formulation, scenario planning and Williamson?s theory for the creation of a portfolio for strategic options.Empirical base: Personal interviews and secondary sources such as financial reports, articles mainly from industry media and articles found in the databases ELIN and Affärsdata.Analysis: The analysis work constitutes the testing of our model for scenario planning, integrated into Williamson?s portfolio of strategic options for the future.Result: The work has resulted in a clarified model of scenario planning with links to strategic management schools.

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This thesis examines the verification of the terms and conditions stated in contracts based on the Public Procurement Act. In March 2013 the Swedish state procurement commission released " Good Business - A Strategy for Sustainable Public Procurement " (SOU 2013:12), which found that the proportion of control and verification is relatively low. The thesis examine how verification is carried out and looks for an explanation to why verification is not more oftenly performed. To answer these questions two care studies, based on seven semi-structured interviews, is presented as the empirical material. Network theory has been used to analyse the empirical results, and aspects of commonly used theories such as contract management and "Markets and Hierarchies" by Williamson has also been taken into account.

Monetär ersättning som motivationsfaktor på kårbolag

This thesis examines the verification of the terms and conditions stated in contracts based on the Public Procurement Act. In March 2013 the Swedish state procurement commission released " Good Business - A Strategy for Sustainable Public Procurement " (SOU 2013:12), which found that the proportion of control and verification is relatively low. The thesis examine how verification is carried out and looks for an explanation to why verification is not more oftenly performed. To answer these questions two care studies, based on seven semi-structured interviews, is presented as the empirical material. Network theory has been used to analyse the empirical results, and aspects of commonly used theories such as contract management and "Markets and Hierarchies" by Williamson has also been taken into account.

En empirisk studie av uppföljning av inköp av tjänster inom Lagen om offentlig upphandling

This thesis examines the verification of the terms and conditions stated in contracts based on the Public Procurement Act. In March 2013 the Swedish state procurement commission released " Good Business - A Strategy for Sustainable Public Procurement " (SOU 2013:12), which found that the proportion of control and verification is relatively low. The thesis examine how verification is carried out and looks for an explanation to why verification is not more oftenly performed. To answer these questions two care studies, based on seven semi-structured interviews, is presented as the empirical material. Network theory has been used to analyse the empirical results, and aspects of commonly used theories such as contract management and "Markets and Hierarchies" by Williamson has also been taken into account.

En ovanligt hållbar konstruktion? : En kritisk analys över hur ideologi reproducerats i Kånkens produktbeskrivningar

I denna studie identifieras genom Williamsons (2002) reklamavkodningsteori hur varumärket Fjällräven reproducerar konsumentismens ideologi, genom att kommunicera sin populära ryggsäcksmodell Kånken, i tryckta reklammaterial i form av produktbeskrivningar från tre olika år (1979, 1994 och 2015).  Studiens syfte är tvåfaldigt, delvis handlar det om att undersöka om reklamavkodningsteorin är relevant i att förklara hur ideologi reproduceras och också om den är applicerbar i en svensk kontext. Dessa syften besvarades med en huvudsaklig frågeställning, samt av två underfrågeställningar, vilka formulerades utifrån de teoretiska begreppen adressering och differentiering. I analysförfarandet applicerades ett multimodalt ramverk anpassat för tryckt reklammaterial.Studien har funnit att produktbeskrivningarna använt olika ideologiska referenssystem för att differentiera Kånken som produkt och för att adressera mottagaren. Slutsatsen är att Fjällräven har reproducerat ideologi genom två meningsskapande konstruktioner som handlar om differentiering av produkter och adressering av konsumenter.