

2061 Uppsatser om Welfare measures - Sida 12 av 138

Djurförbud : en analys av domar enligt 29 § Djurskyddslagen samt definition av resurs- och funktionskrav

The aim of this study is to with the help of my data, conduct statistic analyses about animal welfare mistakes and scarities, as a preventive measure for the public sector point of view and how farmers handle their animals in these cases, when and how these mistakes and scarities are likely to appear and in this way perhaps manage the existing problems. The aim of using judicial decisions of banning ownership and caretaking of animals according to the 29 § is that this judicial decision is the outermost fortification of animal welfare. In November 1938 the pro tempore investigator handed over a report with a proposition according the animal welfare legislation. Pro tempore proposed that the court should in some cases, be able to order a person guilty of cruelty against animals to a ban of owning or taking care of animals. This proposal unfortunately was turned down. The question about introduce a ban against owning or taking care of animals into the Swedish animal welfare legislation was again discussed in April 1967 at an interpellation debate in the parliaments second chamber.

Herrelösa katter i Skåne : problem och hantering

The large number of surrendered and feral cats is a big animal welfare problem all over the world. Populations of feral cats arise through a large number of unwanted cats which can lead to surrender of these, through cats allowed to roam free outside which can lead to the owner losing these and through the reproduction that occurs amongst these surrendered or lost cats. One aim of this study is to give an account of this problem. It is however difficult to draw general conclusions about these populations of cats since studies all over the world has been carried out on different types of populations, during different conditions and different periods of time. The welfare of many of these cats is presumably low because they are exposed to risks as disease, starvation, climate, traffic, other animals and humans.

Att arbeta med en arbetslinje : Närbyråkratens syn

Malmö, like many other bigger cities in Europe, faces a double undertaking when facing the challenges the future. Not only must the municipal be able to provide its citizens with welfare and a high standard of living, it must also establish a level of economic growth that allows the city to act as catalyst for the surrounding area. In order to provide the population with welfare and the economy with a qualified working force, these two challenges have been combined into one plan for the future called Welfare for Everybody. As part of this plan, new organisations have been created with the purpose collaborating with the social services office and support people in their transaction from welfare recipients to self-providing workers. The purpose of our thesis is to build on Michael Lipsky's classic work "Street-level Bureaucracy" and by conducting interviews with a number of front line workers study how they view their role, the client group and how they motivate the working line.

Inhysningssystem för växande ungtjurar

The purpose of this study was, if possible, to find a housing system for growing bulls that was as optimal as possible for the animal welfare. In order to select housing systems you must take into account the size of the group, body weight and the type of floor. Seven of the international most common housing systems were compared, straw bedding, deep straw bedding, sliding straw bedding, concrete slatted floor, rubber coated slatted floor, cubicles and feeding cubicles. Studies that have examined the proportion of tail, claw and leg injuries and the presence of unnatural behavior in the different systems. In summary, all studies showed that soft underlay were beneficial for the animals in terms of the proportion of bone lesions and swellings.

Effektiva godstransporter : kartläggning av bakomliggande faktorer på transporters utförande

The society of today can?t manage without transportation. We need transports to getfood, to go to work and to create new products. The transportation ofgood is thus an important part in the function of the society and they?ll increase, bothin number and in amount.

RESILIENS P? NATIONELL OCH INTERNATIONELL NIV? En kvalitativ studie om Sveriges och EU:s strategier f?r att f?rebygga radikalisering och v?ldsbejakande extremism.

This thesis examines how the EU and Sweden aim to prevent radicalization through their strategies on preventing violent extremism (PVE). It contributes to PVE knowledge by examining how both actors plan preventive measures to combat radicalization and promote resilient societies. Analyzing Sweden's anti-terrorism strategy (Skr. 2014/15:146) and the EU strategy (COM(2020) 795 final), this study shows similarities in their approaches, particularly in targeting schools and youth with their preventive measures. Emphasis is placed on education to promote democratic and critical thinking, thus promoting resilience against radicalization.

Alldeles för byråkratisk? : En studie av Djurskyddsmyndighetens organisation

The purpose of this essay is to describe the organization of the Swedish Animal WelfareAgency during the time it was in operation. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency was established in 2005 by the government who saw it as necessary in order to strengthen the protection of cruelty to animals in Sweden. However, the agency was shut down already in2007 and its responsibilities as an agency was moved back to the government and the department of agriculture. During its time in operation, the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency, received much criticism, among other things because of its interpretations of the law which were seen as too focused on details and thus ?bureaucratic?.

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Välfärd hos växande nötkreatur ? finns den?

During an investigation of animal welfare in animal production, the focus has for a long time been focused on the absence of stress, suffering and injuries, and positive emotions have not been prioritized. However, in recent years that has been drastically changed. The public interest have increased for buying animal products from animals that have had a decent life, which have led to that play, exploratory behavior and other positive behaviours has come to play a significant role in welfare assessment. The welfare of cattle is difficult to assess since there is currently no ancestors to study, it is thus difficult to determine which behaviors can be regarded as natural and thus positively related, acordingly the welfare of cattle have been forgotten and research on positive emotions of cattle have not been prioritized. The aim of this study was to observe which behavior growing cattle performe, and if there was any differences of which kind of behavior that was observed, if the cattle is keept on slatted floor or on a deep straw bedding. Furthermore, antoher purpose was to investigate if the observed behaviours indicate a positive, negative or natural welfare, and if it is possible to use the observed behaviours in a welfare assessment.

Självskadebeteende : Bemöter kuratorer ungdomar med självskadebeteende omedvetet olika?

The aim with this study was to learn about the experiences of field workers and welfare officers in the field of possible self-harm behavior among young people.Our problem was: Do field workers and welfare officers treat young people with deliberate self-harm differently and - How do field workers and welfare officers describe deliberate self- harm?Our study was conducted through qualitative semistructured interviews with twelve interviewee?s.The result of this study shows that there is a difference in how young people with self-harm behavior are being treated - based on their gender.One possible cause for this result could be the old tradition mindset of viewing boys and girls differently ? and thus, treating them differently when they seek help.Our study shows there is a possibility of treating boys and girls differently ? which shows that we made a thought-provoking point.

Pantbankens roll i den svenska välfärdsstaten

Our purpose with this study was to look at the pawnbrokers role in the Swedish welfare state from the customers perspective. Our purpose was also to see how the customers used the loan. We wondered why people used the pawnbroker's and how the pawnbroker's could be understood as a providing alternative related to the three spheres state, market and family? Above looking at previous science we also did three interviews with people who worked at a pawnshop, a budgetadvisor and a smaller investigation with customers of a pawnshop.We came to the conclusion that the customer needed the money from the loan to buy food in many cases, according to the investigation we did with the customers. According to the employees the customers needed the money for different things, such as paying the bills or unexpected expenses.

Var lägger man problemet ? hos barnet eller den omgivande miljön? : En textanalytisk studie av dokument skrivna av specialpedagogen i förskolan

The purpose with this thesis was to study the special pedagogical perspectives that stood out in documents written by the special teachers in preschool. In order to maintain the thesis research questions a text analysis was carried out on the document ?Handledningssamtal? that was used by the special teachers in their contact with the teachers in preschool. The documents were analyzed based in the special educational perspectives and the results and measures from the analysis were divided into three levels; individual, group and organizational level. Finally a study of the connection between the analysis and the measures was carried out and the result was reported in a typology schedule inspired by earlier research.

Vad innebär barnfattigdom i en välfärdsstat som Sverige?  : En jämförande studie om hur begreppet barnfattigdom har förändrats över tid i den offentliga debatten

The purpose of this essay was to study some selected magazine articles by examining how the concept of child poverty is produced in the public debate, and to see if the definition of the term has changed over time. The theoretical approach on which this study is based has been used as a tool to provide better understanding on the subject. Furthermore, theories of consumer society, the "collateral damage" and the theory of welfare regimes have been used. In the previous research presented in the paper focuses on linking children and families living in precarious economic conditions, consumer standards and welfare systems that characterize society.This study has a qualitative approach as it attempts to capture and increase understanding of how the concept of child poverty can be understood from a Swedish context. The study is based on newspaper articles that are studied using a structural text analysis.

Adoptivfamiljer : "Födelsemeddelande" från socialtjänst till barnavårdscentral

Child health care in Sweden is today automatically informed of newborns in the district and itis therefore natural for the maternal and child health nurses to contact and invite the new family to the child welfare clinic. So far the social services in the studied county have not reported new adoptive families to the child welfare clinics; instead the families have to contact the clinic themselves. The aim of this study was to investigate how social services inform the child welfare clinics of new adoptive families. The aim was also to investigate how and when the maternal and child health nurse thinks that contact should be established and what information/knowledge she feels a need of in contact with new adoptive families. The study has a qualitative design and interviews have been conducted with social workers, a representative of an adoption agency and maternal and child health nurses working in child welfare clinics.

Performance of laying hens in a cognitive bias task : effect of time since change of environment

In the debate on laying hen welfare, and specifically housing conditions, the main focushas been on physiological and behavioural measures. What is lacking is knowledge of howthe hen experiences the situation ? her state of mind.This study is an attempt to gain insight into the private mental states of former batteryhens. It uses a cognitive bias method based on spatial judgement, i.e. judgement of aambiguous stimulus placed spatially in between a reinforced and an unreinforced stimulus.This method has previously shown differences in judgement by animals in enriched versuspoor housing.

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