

554 Uppsatser om Weather station - Sida 23 av 37

Automatisering av härdugn

Examensarbetet har utförts på Metso Refiner Segments AB i Hagfors, Värmland. Gjuteriet arbetar mot pappersindustrin och produkten de tillverkar kallas för malsegment. Malsegmenten sitter monterad på två stora skivor i en raffinör, vilket används för att framställa mekanisk pappersmassa. För att minska personalkostnaderna och för att få bort ett monotont moment för operatörerna vill Metso automatisera den station där malsegmenten härdas. Värmebehandlingen sköts idag av två operatörer och är tänkt att efter en automatisering kunna skötas av en operatör.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för lutfrenare i möbel

During the year 2014, Artex AB has worked to launch a new product whose function is to locally purify the air. The product is a headboard and its purpose is to give the user clean air while sleeping. The air purifier has different speeds and it`s up to the user to choose which effect that will be on. To get the best experience of the product as possible, the air purifier shall be controlled by a mobile application. In that way the user can increase and decrease the fan speed, even when the user not is home.

Likviditetsva?gen till mer informerade investeringsbeslut : En studie om sambandet mellan a?garkoncentration och likviditet pa? Nasdaq OMX.

Abstract Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business and Economics at the Linnaeus University, 2013 Authors: William Funseth and Tobias Åkesson Supervisor: Magnus Willesson Examiner: Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin Title: The liquidity route to more informed investment decisions - A study on the relationship between concentration of ownership and liquidity on Nasdaq OMX. Background and problem: Previous studies have shown that liquidity can explain differences in returns in corporate shares, the company's cost of capital and the valuation of the company. Based on the effects of liquidity we developed a research question concerning how concentration of ownership effects liquidity of corporate shares the studies conducted for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX during a period with major changes on the stock market and is also investigating weather other company-specific differences can explain differences in liquidity. Purpose: The study's purpose is to study the relationship between ownership concentration and liquidity, and whether other factors might explain differences in liquidity. Method: The study is conducted with a quantitative method and it?s based on data collected from 2006-2011 for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX.

Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?

?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.

PPP - Ethernet gateway RS232 - RJ45 network adapter for an Echelon ?Data Concentrator?

För närvarande läses elmätare av en gång per år, detta leder till att kunders elräkning baseras på ett schablonbaserat belopp. Enligt riksdagens proposition 2002/03:85 skall dock alla elkunder, senast fr.o.m. 1 juli 2009, faktureras efter faktisk elförbrukning varje månad. Detta har lett till en stor marknad för fjärravlästa elmätare som nu är ett måste för att kunna utföra den tätare avläsning som krävs. E.ON ES Sverige AB som är beställare av detta examensarbetet har specialiserat sig på att installera, underhålla och läsa av fjärravlästa elmätare åt nätägare.

Värmning av avloppsvatten med spillvärme för att förbättra kvävereningen -Temperaturens inverkan på kvävereningen

The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.

Analys av gåendes rörelsemönster på Stortorget, Nygatan och Drottninggatan i Gävle

The town square is an important public space and is often described as the city´s living room. By creating a lively city center a sense of security is developed among the citizens which makes them wanting to use the town square regardless the time of the day. One important meeting point in Gävle is the centrally located Stortorget, sited between Drottninggatan and Nygatan. The town square went through an extensive renovation followed by both positive and negative reactions among the City´s inhabitants.  The aim with the study was to investigate the main walking paths and meeting points as a planning support to Gävle Municipality in their work with a new city plan. By studying the pedestrian movement patterns at Stortorget, Nygatan and Drottninggatan, the main walking paths and meeting points during all hours of the day was obtained.

Helandet av Stockholms sår : En analys av projektet Västra City

Over the years, what people have considered as the center of Stockholm City has gone from the medieval Stortorget in Old Town to the contemporary Sergels Torg. But more recently it has become unclear how the area really works. It is difficult to say where the actual central part of Stockholm lies, because while the Central Station is where the majority of people arrive into town, it is not necessarily close to Sergelstorg (considered the center of town) or other attractive commercial areas. There's also another issue with where the center of Stockholm is located. The railways and roads running along Klarabergs Viaduct acts as a divide between the areas of Kungsholmen and Norrmalm; these rails, roads and water separate the two areas from each other. In response to this problem of area division, a plan is being made to construct a new district near the center to mend the gap between the districts. The idea is that the center of Stockholm city will become more lively and attractive. The plan includes building new housing, commercial areas and a larger terrace called Mälarterrassen. In addition, improved mobility within the area is being planned by having better public transportation lines like City banan and tram named Spårväg City construction, as well as more pedestrian areas shall make the area become a district to thrive in.How the area will actually operate in the future is still unclear and many questions still exist about how the area will be able to compete and, above all, integrate with the other districts. The parts considered to be most important for the area is the scale of residential property and an attractive area that keeps people in the area and to encourages them to pass through the area. Perhaps the best solution would be to have something special planned in this area that can attract people in the community ? a city park, for example?.

Komponentuppdelning av elnätetpå lokalnivå

Sweden will, in accordance with the EU-directive 2003/54/EC, move from post-regulating the electricity power grid-tariffs by using a fictitious grid, to a regulation in advance which uses the actual power grid as a starting point. For this purpose a component breakdown of the grid needs to be made to determine the value of the network and by that the tariff price that is reasonable for the network business in question to charge.The primary breakdown criteria is the voltage-level and type of region. Voltage-level is crucial for the cost and complexity of a grid-part, because the higher the voltagelevel is, there are more and stricter laws and rules to follow. This work is limited to the distributionpart of the grid, in other words voltage levels from 20 kV and below.The type of region is crucial to the type of components you can and want to use. In city environments both overhead-wires and independent substations are undesirable for both practical, safety and aesthetic reasons.

Alternativa stråbränslen i växtföljden :

The purpose of this report is to find out which crops, that are good for strawfuel, and can be grown i the area around the city of Lund. The background of this report it that Lunds energy is planning to bild a biofuelheated thermal power station in Örtofta outside of Lund. I have in the report limited me to the crops hemp, whole crop (triticale), reed canary grass, elephant grass and jerusalem artichoke. I have through a documentary research checked the crops, cultivabillity in the south of Sweden, and how they should fit, in the Scanian crop sequence. Hemp is an annual crop which probably could manage in the Scanian crop sequence. Whole crop often triticale because of it´s high yield and low rate of shed seed. Could also fit into the crop sequence of crop in Scanian. Triticale is annual, and could be grown at the same kind of fields as used to wheat, whith is why it would be possible to grow it in Scania. Reed canary grass is a reedlike grass that is easy grown at most soils.


Syftet med denna uppsats var att utifrån Hadenius och Weibulls synsätt se hur en händelse blir en nyhet och ur ett historiskt perspektiv studera hur Krylbosmällen blev en nyhet i tidningarna. Syftet var även att se vilken teori tidningarna hade om orsaken till Krylbosmällen. För att besvara syftet användes en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod, där jag undersökte fem olika tidningar och litteratur. När andra världskriget startade förhöll sig Sverige neutrala mellan de västallierade och Tyskland och deras allierade. Efter påtryckningar från Tyskland ingick Sverige ett transiteringsavtal med dem.

Borrning och gängning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med industrirobot

To make wave power more competitive on the market Uppsala University leads projects that examine how to accomplish better efficiency in the production. One of these projects is described in this report and examines whether it is possible to make the production of dovetails more efficient by using an industry robot of type ABB IRB6000 S3 M91. This project is using an already presented working method, from a previous project, which involves that the robot picks up the dovetail and moves against fixed cutting machines where the dovetail will be drilled, threaded and milled. Drilling and threading are the sub operations that will be examined in this project where experiments are made with the presented working method and with equipment from Uppsala University.Experiments show whether it is possible to drill the holes in the dovetail within specifications by using the specific robot and the presented working method. The threading operation is examined theoretically if it is possible to accomplish by using the same working method.

Den pedagogiska måltiden : en jämförande studie av olika pedagogiska inriktningar

Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för hur lunchmåltiden ser ut på förskolor med olika pedagogiska inriktningar. Detta får vi genom att undersöka om man kan se spår av dessa under måltidssituationen. I studien tar vi även reda på vilka spår av Lpfö 98 som framkom under lunchsituationen. Inriktningarna som ingår i arbetet är Montessori, Reggio Emilia och ?I ur och skur?.

Dimensioneringsberäkningar av medföljande jordlina i kabelnät

Mellanspänningsnätet består till stor del av markförlagd kabel. Praxis hos Vattenfall är att förlägga medföljande jordlina tillsammans med kabeln. Denna studie tittar på frågeställningen om vilken dimension som ska användas på medföljande jordlina.I studien kartläggs distributionsnätets uppbyggnad utifrån de ingående komponenternas bidrag till jordfelströmmar. Överslagsberäkningar används för att lösa uppgiften.Uppdraget var att undersöka vilken dimension som erfordras på medföljande jordlinan i mellanspänningsnät, (10-20kV) för enkel- och samförläggning. Studien rör anläggningar med kortslutningsström på högst 16 och 20 kA.Beräkningsmetoderna utgår från kända felströmmar och impedanser i kablar och stationer.

Riskmodell för uppkomst av skogsbränder: pilotstudie i Arvika

Beredskapsenheten på länsstyrelsen i Värmland driver ett projekt om risk och sårbarhetsanalyser i länet som benämns ?Säkerhet i Värmland?. Detta examensarbete studerar skogsbränder utifrån ett riskperspektiv och är ett led i projektet. Målen med studien är att åstadkomma en riskmodell för skogsbränder som kan användas vid planering på lokal- och regional nivå i samhället. Studien delas upp i två delar.

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