

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 64 av 111

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above.

Lactobacillus reuteri som probiotisk terapi mot bakteriell vaginit hos avelsråttor :

Lactobacillus reuteri has been used as probiotics in piglet and chicken feedings as well as in different diary products for humans. In this EEF-work I have shown that L. reuteri can be an alternative for treatment of vaginitis in laboratory rats used for breeding. In a breeding stock with 3000 animals some animals had a vaginal infection with ??haemolytic streptococci group G.

Har kronisk gastrit ett samband med främmande kroppar i mag-och tarmsystemet hos hund?

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Monitoring and pest control of Fruit flies in Thailand : new knowledge for integrated pest management

Fruit flies (Tephritidae) are serious pests that cause enormous losses for farmers in many countries. The frequent use of insecticides in controlling fruit flies in fruits and vegetable has not resulted in sustainable management of the pest. Problems associated with this complete reliance on chemical control are many residues of insecticides in crops, health problems for farmers, contamination of water and soil, insecticide resistance development and decrease in natural enemy populations. The implementation of control measures that do not imply an added burden to the environment and/or the farmers is urgent. More knowledge about the ecology of fruit flies is the basis for finding new and better ways to control this pest.

Upplevelser av natur utan visuella intryck :

In nature settings people often experience positive emotions. Litterature and theories about the positive effect of nature on humans are largely based upon visual impressions and aesthetic preference. The purpose of the present study is to examine how visually impaired individuals that lack visual impressions experience nature. The background is about what it means to be visually impaired and what it is like to be visually impaired in a nature setting, followed by a presentation of the five human senses and about stimulation of senses in healing gardens. That is followed by theories about the health promoting effect of nature, about why nature and therapeutic gardens make people feel good. After that theories about experiences and relations with settings are presented.

?Det är järnet i blodet som väger? : Elevers uppfattningar om materia en kvalitativ undersökning i årskurs 3

The purpose of this investigation was to find out more about students? spontaneous ideas about properties and transformations of matter. Examples of matter chosen are such which students know about from everyday life and focus is mainly on the questions if students know that all matter has weight and that matter is preserved in transformations.The method used is semi structured qualitative interviews with individual students. Different experiments were carried out together with the students who afterwards were interviewed. However, the students show varying answers and no generalizations can be done.

Diagnos av stiktion i reglerventiler för prediktivt underhåll

This master thesis reviews advances in detection and diagnosis of static friction (stiction) in control valves. Control valves suffering from stiction results in oscillating control loops which in turn decreases both the process stability and reliability. Perstorp AB sees a necessity to automatically detect stiction in valves before the effects of the malfunctioning valves have become too severe. This thesis presents an introduction to maintenance, control loops and how stiction in valves can affect performance of control loops.A selection of methods presented in the literature are introduced and examined using normal operating data from the site in Perstorp. Common for all selected methods is their intuitive ideas and that they are based on normal operating data and minimum amount of process knowledge.

Integrering av pelletsfabrik med Rya kraftvärmeverk i Göteborg : en teknisk och ekonomisk utredning

Göteborg Energi has a surplus of district heating during spring, summer and fall. The heat surplus is due to a constant production of waste heat from oil refineries and heat from waste incineration over the year. It would be desirable to increase the demand for heat and the uptime for the newly built combined heat and power generation plant, Rya Kraftvärmeverk. One alternative could be to integrate Rya Kraftvärmeverk with a pellet production facility. By producing heat, electricity and pellet in a joint process the energy use can be decreased.

Fältskiktsarter i naturlika planteringar : vilka råd kan ekologer ge?

This paper appeals to professionals working with green questions. It intends to create a discussion about which plant species that can be established in a fieldlayer of a naturelike planting on fertile agricultural land. To initiate the essay, a studie of which values that can be connected with an establishment of a fieldlayer was performed . A part of Tor Nitzelius Park in Alnarp, a so called naturlike planting on fertile agricultural land, was used as a model for the choice of species. With the aid of soil values, photos and a list of current species, interviews with four ecologists were performed.

Det som andra kallar en kliché kallar vi för en klassiker

Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.

Modellering av dagvattennät utgående från markhöjder

Enligt Svenskt Vatten ska dagvattensystem vara dimensionerade för att klara ett regnmed en återkomsttid på 10 år. För att utvärdera om ett system är rätt dimensionerat kanen dagvattenmodell upprättas. Det är då viktigt att veta vilka nivåer ledningarna har mendenna information är bristfällig hos många kommuner. Ledningarna borde dock följatopografin i generella drag och borde därför kunna uppskattas därifrån.Syftet med denna studie var därför att utveckla en metod för hur vattenledningarnasnivåer kunde ansättas på ett enkelt sätt utifrån marknivån och hur stor betydelse detskulle ha vid dagvattenmodellering. Ett ytterligare syfte var att även bedöma Lidingöstads dagvattensystem, där information om ledningarnas nivåer saknades, utifrån dennametod.

Vägen till framgång : En studie om festivaler i Stockholm

The purpose of this paper is to examine how events can be successful and stay competitive.Festivals are a big part of the event world and it can be difficult to understand why certainfestivals are successful and others not. In this paper we have conducted a comparison betweentwo major festivals in Stockholm. Both of them reached success, but nevertheless one of themfailed, while the other one is still successful. With this comparison, it appeared that there aremany aspects that help a festival to reach success but also factors that can make a festival afailure. To conduct this study, a number of interviews have been carried through; these havelater been put in relation to different theories about festivals.

Skönhetssömn - sanning eller myt?

Det har aldrig tidigare gjorts några studier som kopplar ihop utseende med sömnbrist. Det är väl känt att sömndeprivation påverkar hälsa. Tanken att attraktivitet också skulle bli negativt påverkat kan baseras på studier som visar att ett friskt utseende och hudkvalitet har effekter på attraktivitet. Förmågan att avgöra om en person är trött utan signaler från beteenden har heller inte tidigare blivit undersökt. I den här studien fotograferades 23 deltagare vid ett baselinetillfälle och efter 36 timmars sömndeprivation.

Fosforläckage från växtodling - orsaker och ågärder :

Phosphorus is essential to all plants and is taken up from the soil as the ion H2PO4 - (and to some extent HPO42-). Plant availability depends on, among other factors, the soil pH. In order to provide for plant available phosphorus, it is applied as mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure. However, that causes phosphorus leaching from arable land to surrounding surface waters and lakes and contributes to the eutrofication. There are three types of soils in Sweden that are at higher risk of contributing to phosphorus leakage.

Fodrets inverkan på resultatet vid undersökning av förekomst av ockult blod i avföringen hos hund :

Hemoplus® (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Tyskland) is a guaiac-based fecal occult blood test developed for human medicine. Guaiac-based tests make use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin so the test is not specific for human hemoglobin and can therefore be used in veterinary medicine. Peroxidase-containing foods such as meat (hemoglobin and myoglobin) can cause false-positive results of the test. To ensure that a positive result is not caused by diet, it has been suggested that canine patients should be fed a meatless diet for a few days prior to fecal occult blood testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of commercial dog food on guaiac-based tests. In this study fecal samples from healthy dogs were analyzed with Hemoplus®.

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