

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 65 av 111

Antipredator behavior by the red-tailed guenon, Cercopithecus ascanius

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Torkat bioavfall som jordförbättringsmedel

The main project Dry preservation of source-separated organic household wastes involves a new technique for treatment of biowaste through drying. Investigations are going on to determine how the dried biowaste best can be used to close the natural circular flow of nutrients. The objective of this degree project is to determine if the dried biowaste can be used as a soil conditioner. By restoring the nutrients in the material to the ground, the natural circular flow is closed. A declaration of contents, including the nutrient levels, C/N ratio, pH and the electrical conductivity of the dried biowaste, was constructed and a germination test was done to make sure that the material did not inhibit sprouting.

Energikartläggning av avfallsförbränningen i Uppsala

Vattenfall Heat Uppsala runs the waste incineration plant in Uppsala, which produces district heating, process steam, district cooling and electricity. Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has decided to introduce an energy management system with the aim to increase the energy efficiency of the plant. The basis in such a system is to make an energy mapping.In this thesis an energy mapping has been performed at the waste incineration plant with the aim to identify and determine the size of energy flows. The investigated energy flows are used fuel, produced and used steam, produced district heating and cooling. Also the use of electricity to run the processes has been investigated.

Prefabricerade väggelement av hampabetong

Lime Hempcrete consists of lime, water and hemp and creates an insulating, sound-absorbing, lightweight and environmentally friendly material that can be used in wall, roof and floor structures (Bevan & Woolley 2008). This construction method is not yet developed in Sweden as there has been a ban on the cultivation of the hemp plant. This ban on the cultivation of hemp was removed in 2003, when the material got a boost. You can use it in many different ways and not just in the construction industry (Ahlsten, 2010).In this study we have investigated the possibility to produce prefabricated wall elements of LHC. We have also studied its mechanical properties and dehydration time.

Rejektvattenbehandlingens inverkan på kvävereduktionen vid Arboga reningsverk

Under 90-talet uppdagades övergödningsproblematiken i Östersjön, varför omgivande länder enades gällande åtgärder för att minska problemen. De svenska reningsverk som genom sina utsläpp av kväve och fosfor påverkade Östersjön tvingades då införa gränsvärden för kväve- och fosforutsläppen. Vid Arboga reningsverk, vars recipient är Arbogaån som mynnar i Galten, Mälaren, har kvävereducering sedan en tid tillbaka varit i drift. Dock krävdes från och med år 2012 att totalkvävehalten i utgående avloppsvatten ej översteg 15 mg tot-N/l. Införandet av detta gränsvärde resulterade i åtgärder för att minska kväveutsläppen.Rejektvattenbehandling är en vanlig metod för att minska halterna totalkväve i utgående avloppsvatten.

Renen och nötkreaturet, en jämförelse mellan två olika typer av idisslare :

The aim of this literature review was to make a comparison between the feeding requirements of Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and meat producing cattle (Bos taurus) within farming. Reindeer are an intermediate feeding type; they have the ability to adapt to short term seasonal changes in food. They avoid eating fibre as much as possible and display highly selective behaviour while foraging. Adaptation to harsh environments with a limited amount of food has made reindeer dependent upon easily digestible food and consequently their digestive systems are less capable of processing plants with high fibre content. Herding is an extensive system which requires a significant amount of land and labour and describes the reindeer industry.

Validering av vattenkraftmodeller i ARISTO

This master thesis was made to validate hydropower models of a turbine governor,Kaplan turbine and a Francis turbine in the power system simulator ARISTO atSvenska Kraftnät. The validation was made in three steps. The first step was to makesure the models was implement correctly in the simulator. The second was tocompare the simulation results from the Kaplan turbine model to data from a realhydropower plant. The comparison was made to see how the models could generatesimulation result that was similar to the reference power station.

Ett träd och dess liv : Förskolebarns uppfattningar om träd

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool children's perceptions of trees in and it was done through qualitative interviews. The children were drawing trees and told me what the tree needs to grow and what happens to the leaves in autumn. In a playful way, they learned more about trees and the purpose was also to examine whether they had acquired new experiences and thoughts on the trees, photosynthesis and decomposition. Then the children were interviewed again to see if their answers were different. The results showed that the children gave different answers at the second interview.

På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter

Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.

Lövsuccessioner i sluttningar längs nedre Umeälven :

Secondary deciduous forests, which have their origin in earlier pasture- and meadow-land in slopes along the lower reaches of the Ume river, are thought to contain high nature conservation values, in spite of a relatively low age. The aim of this study was to clarify how factors as historical use, exposition, disturbance dynamics and successional age influences the conservation values in these types of riparian forests and how this can be implicated in the practical work with conservation and management at Umeå municipality. Sample plots were placed in seven stands with a variation of their historical use, exposition, disturbance dynamics and age of succession. Conservation values as structure, tree-regeneration, abundance and composition of vascular plants, amount of dead wood and the abundance of signal-species were measured and registered. The species composition and especially the composition of tree species, differed between forests with different exposition and different historical use.

Screens : tävling om strandpromenaden i Helsingborg

The competition for the beach promenade in Helsingborg was announced in 2001 and was arranged by the city of Helsingborg. My contribution to the competition represents the main part of my thesis in the Landscape Architecture Programme. The competition entry is based on the concept of crossing screens of vertical elements which connect the pattern and structure of the city to the beach and the water. The different materials and designs of the screens relate to the various characters of the different parts of the area and they form a sequence and uniting theme along the beach. In addition to the competition entry which was made in 2001, the thesis contains a second part, made in the spring of 2006. It consists of an Introduction with the competition programme and a description of the starting points, a part called Method where the process is described, and the Conclusion with reflections on the competition entry and the process where I also introduce and comment on some other projects which in different ways have are connected to my concept. .

Geotermi i Ungern : Undersökning av Ungerns energisituation inriktat på geotermi samt kapacitetsfaktorn för det största geotermiska värmeverket i Mellaneuropa.

Hungary?s share of renewable energy in 2010 was 7.9 %, and their renewable energy goal for 2020 is 14.65 %. Geothermal energy is one option that could help to achieve the goal, since Hungary has favorable bedrock, the temperature gradient is above average and thepermeability is high. Today Hungary is importing just over half of its primary energy supply. Because of political conflicts between nations Hungary wants to expand its own production of energy.

Koloniträdgården - odling eller rekreation? :

The movement of the allotment gardens reached Sweden in the beginning of the last century. The allotment gardens quickly spread among the big towns from Malmö in the south and to the far north of the country. Today, there are about 42 000 owners of allotment gardens in Sweden. This work will show the differencies and similarities comparing the original ideas of allotment gardens with how they are used today. The specific questions were; what are the reasons to acquire an allotment garden; is it used for raising vegetables and fruit or only for growing flowers; is what is cultivated there also gathered and used or is it cultivated only for the pleasure of gardening; and finally how the owners of the allotment gardens spend their time there ? by cultivating the land or by recreational activities. Literature studies were made as well as an inquiry at one allotment garden area i Lund. The ideas of the original allotment gardens in the beginning of the 20th century were as much based on the need of getting out of the aparment to a healthy environment, as cultivating vegetables for economical reasons.

Villa Berg : gestaltningsförslag inspirerat av funktionalismen

The functionalism started in southern Europe after world war one and got its breakthrough in Sweden with the Stockholm Exhibition in 1930. Poverty caused many people living in overcrowded conditions which the functionalists wanted to change by using less expensive materials and giving healthier living conditions to the people. The industrialization brought new materials and working methods which made this possible. The Swedish functional style is recognised by its light plaster facing and nearly horizontal roofs. Also the garden design of that time was influenced by the functionalistic ideas. The garden was now introduced as a pleasure garden for not only the rich but for everyone.

Biobränsleanvändning och Flameless oxidation i degelugnar för glassmältning

Idag värms glasugnar upp med antingen gasol eller olja, detta projekt vill visa på möjligheten att istället använda gas från biobränsleförgasning som förbränns utan synliga flammor. Detta skulle miljömässigt ge fördelarna att biobränslen inte bidrar till växthuseffekten och ge förutsättningar för att minska kväveoxidutsläppen genom bättre teknik än dagens.För att visa att det är möjligt att både behålla produktionen och reducera kväveoxiderna med förgasningsgas konstruerades en modell av ugnen och strömningsbilden studerades i vattenmodell. För att undersöka värmeöverföringen i ugnen behöver en eller flera kalorimetrar konstrueras för att kunna användas vid varma försök. Dimensionsberäkningar gjordes som visade att detta är möjligt med vissa typer av kalorimetrar..

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