

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 60 av 111

Comparison of three IVC systems for mice, with focus on growth and nest building in juvenile mice

Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is the most commonly used system when housing rodents. IVC systems are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare for two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6NCrl mice) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. 108 mouse pups from each strain (in total 216 mice) were selected after weaning at an age of three weeks and tested during 5 weeks.

Konstruktion av fackla för biogas

Värmekollektor in Sunne is a company whose main occupation is to collect the gas produced inlandfills. The gas contains about 50 % of Methane which is a greenhouse gas 20 times worse than CO2and should therefore not be allowed to leak into the atmosphere. The Methane is in as large amount aspossible used in different plants for example heating of households. But there are occasions when aflare is needed to burn the excess gas at standstills or testing of new landfills. The Flare only burns themethane to reduce the hazarder?s effect of the environment, it does not take advantage of the energy inthe gasThe goal of this master thesis was for me to create a foundation for an in-house production offlares for Värmekollektor.

Vindkraftsplanering i skogsmark

The aim of this study about wind power planning in forest was to examine the factors and restrictions, which represent technical limitations, biodiversity, tourism and amount of energy for wind farms in Kronoberg County. Suitable areas for wind power were identified from the collected information about planning principles and potential conflicts. From the suitable areas the potential energy gain is calculated. Methods used were mainly a literature review, interviews with experts and practitioners, GIS analysis and a rough calculation of the energy gain. The section of information and facts describes in general wind power planning and possible conflicts.

Smart seed : fördröjd groning hos raps : försök med frö-coating samt litteraturgenomgång om frögroning, coating och praktisk tillämpning i reläodling

Oilseed rape constitutes a good break crop within a cereal dominated cropping system. The normal sowing time for winter rape in Sweden is August. It's a time in the cropping year characterized by a heavy work load, such as harvest and soil management. In addition, it is often a period with large precipitation. Thus, it is sometimes problematic for the farmer to do the sowing of winter rape at the optimal time.

Möjliga alternativ för att ersätta direktverkande el i flerbostadshus

I have in my thesis, examined the possibilities in terms of energy for a condominium association.To have an effective and good energy is becoming increasingly important with today's rising electric and oil prices. In my thesis I have used the condominium association Kärralyckan, which is situated in Falkenberg. The buildings at Kärralyckan are built in the mid-1970s, and are heated by electric radiators. The tap water is heated by an electric boiler.Based on that calculation I can show the various energyststem. The different solutions have been developed by contact manufacturers and installers through phone calls and e-mail.According to the results shows that geothermal heating has been a great solution for Kärralyckan.

Munksjökajen : Stadsplanering i Jönköping

Munksjökajen is an old industrial estate on the western shore of Munksjön in Jönköping. The purpose of this thesis is to develop Munksjökajen in accordance with the program for Jönköping?s future development ? Stadsbyggnadsvisionen ? drawn up by the city council.Munksjökajens relations to the surrounding areas have been investigated as well as the need for public transport and possibilities for commercial, municipal and private businesses to operate in the area.The final proposal has a relatively high degree of preserved industrial buildings. New buildings vary in shape and expression in order to create an interesting and diverse environment. The proximity to the lake adds character to the neighbourhood and the water is accentuated by the integration of it in the area..

Kvarteret Mjölnaren : bostadsgård på bjälklag

Uppsalahem, Uppsalas municipal renting company, builds about 250 new apartments every year. Mjölnaren in Kungsängen is a project which contributes with about 130 new renting apartments finished in 2010/2011. This report has lead up to a proposal. Focus lies on how to create a courtyard on beam joists where shape, style and different types of functions are important elements. The report also brings up ground materials, details, plants, availability and built up plantings. All these aspects together are what create a well functioning and pleasant courtyard. All through the work with this report I have taken part of the meetings concerning the project.


In cooperate with Asko Cylinda we have developed a new heat system too short the process time and reduce the energy consume in a dishwasher and still have it too be a class AAA. The environment and quality is important for the company too still be the number one on the market, If they want too keep that position the product developed of new innovations will be very important. The systems we have developed are more effective and reduce energy up too 25 %. The process time is reduced too less than two hours, from the today two and half-hour. The solutions are too heat up the rinse water and the dishwater at the same time, with a new heating system and it make are solutions unique and effective. Its good for the dish and the environment.

The effect of rapeseed oil and palm oil supplement and milking frequency on milk yield and milk fat quality

Milk fat is an important feature in many different milk products and other foodstuffs and it is often crucial for the dairy plants that the milk fat is stable for different manufacturing processes. Lipolysis is the enzymatic degradation of fat and is the one of the causes for an elevated amount of free fatty acids (FFA) in milk. Further, the change in fatty acid (FA) composition in milk can affect the stability of the product and also the manufacturing process. Both internal and external factors, at farm level or at the dairy plants can affect both FA composition and content of FFA. Milking frequency (MF=number of milkings per cow and day) and the composition of feed are two examples of factors generally performed at farm level. The objective of the present study was to evaluate how FA composition of milk and amount of FFA are influenced by two different ingredients supplemented to concentrate.

Deaktivering av metanisering katalysatorer

A titania-supported nickel catalyst was prepared and tested in methanation in order to evaluate its catalytic properties (activity, selectivity and specially, activity loss), and compare it with an alumina-supported nickel catalyst.The titania-supported catalyst did not only show higher stability than alumina, but also presented a different cause of deactivation, carbon formation. In addition, a kinetic model was obtained for the titania-supported catalyst, and a study of the effect of different operating conditions (temperature, composition and partial pressures of synthesis gas and water) on the deactivation rate and carbon formation of this catalyst was performed.

Design och förädling av en liten och kustnära trädgård :

2. SUMMARY A small garden exposed to a harsh coastal climate can be difficult to design. Limitations in space and in plant varieties increase the needs of an in-depth knowledge to achieve wanted goals. In this degree project the challenge has been to create a functional and position adapted garden for a very small beach house lot in Mölle, a little harbour village at the south coast of Kullaberg. ?Villa Malm?, is situated directly on the bedrock in a close settlement where the gardens, in most cases are very small and exposed to strong salty winds.

Vattnets väg genom ett romerskt bad. - tekniken bakom marmorn.

This essay focuses on the technical systems and functions behind how a Roman bath operated. I will present a general view by going through each part of the waters path through the bath one by one. Since there is no such thing as a standardised Roman bath I will, under each headline, present the sub subject with a presentation of the workings and then exemplifying through archaeological findings and ancient literary sources.This essay is therefore meant to present a thorough and clear presentation of the technical aspects of a roman bath. The aim is to give the reader an understanding of how a bathhouse worked in general and why. To this I want to present problems that the Romans were faced with and how they solved them..

Effekt av biotopvård på öringpopulationen i två vattendrag

I have done a follow up study of the restoration of two rivers, Röälven and Grundan, in order to evaluate the effects of the restoration on the endemic population of trout. Both rivers have been used for timber floating during many years throughout the 20th century, and because of this, had all obstacles such as rocks and wood parts removed. In 2004-2005 both rivers were restored, and rocks and wood were put back into the rivers. Spawning grounds were created and boulder dams were constructed to promote the streaming water. The result showed that the trout population of both rivers increased after the restoration, but also that the trout population of Röälven increased more than that of Grundan.

Ett objekt : om arkitekturen i ett föremål för handling

This thesis is covering my design of an architectural object for the use in a pedagogical setting. The purpose is to create contextual premises for students, making possible the testing of designs, involving plants suitable for the urban environment. Hence, the main features in the object design is suggestive to the urban outdoor rooms - rooms that are formed amongst the city facades. The thesis is also about the design process set out from a technical reality, based on camera imagery. To a large extent, the thesis consists of reflections concerning the object's function towards pedagogy, perception and materials. Furthermore, the object claims to be a hybrid between architecture and landscape architecture.

Sådd av tallfrön med vattenryggsäck : en laboratoriestudie

Föryngring av skog är en nödvändig, men kostsam åtgärd och därför är det eftersträvansvärt att hitta en föryngringsmetod som är både kostnadseffektiv och ger en bra föryngring. Ett sätt att få en billigare föryngringsåtgärd är att använda frösådd. Vid en lyckad sådd gör det stora plantuppslaget att plantorna får bra förutsättningar för god kvalitet. Dessa plantor får dessutom bättre rotutveckling och stabilitet än planterade plantor. Användningen av skogssådd är dock begränsad av bl.a.

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