

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 59 av 111

Optimal välfärd och hälsa för kalvar :

In order to optimize calf welfare and health it is important to know the behavior of cattle in free ranging conditions. When the cow is about to give birth to a calf she will leave the heard about 12 hours before. It is then rather obvious that isolating the cow about calving time in a single pen is imitating the cows? natural behavior. To save space and minimize building cost it?s common that the farmers build calving pens for four of five cows especially at larger farms.

Näsbyholm - parken och de närmaste omgivningarna ur ett historiskt och nutida perspektiv

The goal of this work has been to search historical materials, to identify the park's historical development, to prepare proposals on measures and that work should be the basis for further research. The aim has been to train us in searching for and use of materials and to gain an understanding of the process of work with older plants. In the process we have sought and found materials in archives, through literary and oral sources, and email contacts. Because of its excellent location perched on an islet in the low landscape Näsbyholm was long a fortress. The old castle on Näsbyholm was from the late 1400s but the site was fortified much earlier. The islet was at this time completely surrounded by water and there was a drawbridge over the narrow waterline. The owners are liable since the late 1200s.

Sjöingenjör : Möjligheternas Yrke

Kärnkraften ser vi som ett miljövänligt och bra alternativ för framtiden. Därför kändes det intressant att undersöka om vi som blivande sjöingenjörer har en framtid där efter våran karriär till sjöss. Syftet med detta arbete är att få ökad insikt om vilka teoretiska kunskaper, praktiska och personliga egenskaper som gör sjöingenjören attraktiv i ledande befattningar vid kärnkraftsverk. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och en intervju. Undersökningen skickades ut till Sveriges samtliga kärnkraftverk och intervjun gjordes med en anställd på ett utav dem.

Sjöingenjör : Möjligheternas Yrke

Kärnkraften ser vi som ett miljövänligt och bra alternativ för framtiden. Därför kändes det intressant att undersöka om vi som blivande sjöingenjörer har en framtid där efter våran karriär till sjöss. Syftet med detta arbete är att få ökad insikt om vilka teoretiska kunskaper, praktiska och personliga egenskaper som gör sjöingenjören attraktiv i ledande befattningar vid kärnkraftsverk. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och en intervju. Undersökningen skickades ut till Sveriges samtliga kärnkraftverk och intervjun gjordes med en anställd på ett utav dem.

Hästavmaskningsmedels påverkan på miljö och välfärd

Healthy, natural pastures is very valuable for biodiversity in the form of both plants and animals. An efficient use of pastures helps to preserve biodiversity, but grazing animals needs to be de-wormed to keep them healthy and to prevent harmful parasites spread on the pasture. The awareness about the environmental impact of the frequent use of deworming agents is low among the public. Some people are unaware that the absorption in horses of anthelmintics is incomplete, which make the circumstances about enviromental effect important to investigate further. The scientific evidence in this area is limited and more studies and trials are needed to deepen the knowledge about the effects of anthelmintics in the environment.

DGPS användning på tröskor och dess olika funktioner :

With the days DGPS-technology can a position of 5 centimetres decides. With this exactly position is the technology very interesting for the agriculture. I think this technology can come more and more in the future. You can also move the fact and information further to the spreader, sprayer and seeders. If the combine is equipped with harvest accounting, can you with help of the system make harvest maps.

Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie

With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.

Metodik för identifiering av T-stycke med risk för termisk utmattning

Thermal fatigue is a serious problem in todays power plants. A large amount of damages around the world circles around that subject. The damage can come from the mechanism of two flows mixing with different temperatures in a T-junction. It is a fundamental prerequisite that these T-junctions are frequently tested for damages. An amount of criterias steers the rate of testings.

Undersökning om möjligheten till småskalig vattenkraft i Björkefalls kvarn

I dagsläget när intresset för miljövänlig energi ökar, ses den småskaliga vattenkraften som ett sätt att minska Sveriges import av energi. I Sverige finns det tusentals nedlagda kvarnar och små vattenkraftstationer som med små medel skulle kunna börja leverera energi. I Björkefall i Olofströms kommun finns en privatägd och övergiven kvarn. Detta arbete undersöker möjligheterna till en småskalig vattenkraftstation i denna åt Olofströms Kraft AB.Småskalig, vattenkraft, elkraft, generator, turbin .

Majstorkning :

The corn plant came to Europe with Christopher Columbus in the 14th century and have ever since bin cropped here, but corn haven?t bin very common in Scandinavia until recently. The mainly use for this crop silage but even corn for grain is cropped in Europe. Corn for grain is a common part of feed in beef and chicken farming. In Sweden corn for grain is pretty rare but almost 1000 hectares are used for this crop, Lantmännen Sverige is the biggest buyer of corn at the moment.

Årstidsdynamik för kvicksilver i ett sövattensediment :

The limit for mercury in fish, set by health authorities, is exceeded in about half of the lakes in Sweden. Methyl mercury (MeHg) is the most toxic form of mercury and accumulates in fish. Therefore transformation of inorganic mercury (Hg) to methylmercury (MeHg) is an important process that we need to understand in order to possibly counteract the negative effects of mercury in the environment. The seasonal dynamics of mercury biogeochemistry is likely of great importance for the accumulation of MeHg in the aquatic food web. In thesis the chemical speciation and transformations of Hg and MeHg in bottom waters and sediments is followed in Ängessjön, a small lake located on the east coast in the middle of Sweden. The lake is not directly affected by any industrial pollution and concentrations of Hg in the sediment reflect the atmospheric deposition in this area, as well as processes taking place along the hydrological pathways from soil to lake. Samples from sediment, bottom- and streamwater were collected in average every second month during the period Feb.

Uppföljning av dagvattenmagasin på Lärkgatan i Växjö stad. : Monitoring of storm water management on Lärkgatan in Växjö city.

Dagvattenmagasin byggs för att fördröja och avlasta ledningssystemet dådagvattenmängderna i dem är stora för att sedan leda tillbaka vattnet i ledningssystemetnär vattenmängderna har sjunkit.Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka och analysera vad som behövs göras för attanvända ett dagvattenmagsinet som är dimensionerat för tioårsregn redan vid femårs- ochtvåårsregn.Arbetet grundas på fältstudier och analys av hur systemet är uppbyggt. Beräkningar hargjorts för studera flöden i ledningar och fyllnadsgrad i magasin. Resultatet visar att det ärmöjligt att med relativt enkla åtgärder kunna utnyttja det aktuella magasinet redan vid 2-och 5-årsregn..

Vindkraftverk av UHPC 2.2 : En undersökning av högpresterande betong med syntetfiberarmeringen STRUX

Användandet av betong som ersättare för stål vid produktionen av vindkraftverkstorn har ökat den senaste tiden. Betongtorn är betydligt billigare än ståltorn men problem som sprickbildningar, frostsprängningar och följaktligen armeringskorrosion har uppstått bl a på grund av vibrationer från rotorn. I fundamentet i vindkraftverk kan ovan nämnda problem också uppstå och det uppfyller således inte alltid funktionskraven. Det här examensarbetet undersöker möjligheten att eliminera dessa problem genom att använda en sorts högpresterande betong kallad UHPC 2.2 med syntetfiberarmeringen, STRUX. Jämförelser mellan tidigare empiri om högpresterande betong och laborativa tester på UHPC 2.2 visar att den senare är beständigare och ger möjligheter till en större sprickfrihet.

Design Program for Dessie Campus, Wollo University, Ethiopia

A geographical position and its social, cultural and political context as well as climate and specific physical characteristics define the scope for a landscape design project. This has become clearer for us in our master project where we have made a Design Program for the outdoor environment of Wollo University in Dessie, Ethiopia and analysed and reflected on the work and process. The aim for the project has been to design an attractive and functional outdoor environment for the Campus, based on the inventories and the needs and wishes of clients and users. But, the aim has also been for us as landscape architect students to gain a greater knowledge about landscape architecture and the design process by position ourselves outside our usual context. The method has been open and seeking where the site, literature studies, dialogues with people and our own experiences from the field study in Ethiopia has influenced the work. Wollo University is situated 400 kilometers north of Addis Ababa, in a mountainous landscape. It faces problems of heavy rainfall during the summer, soil erosion, a lack of essential facilities, and is still a construction site with empty spaces in-between buildings and infrastructure.

Utvärdering av svensk vindkraft : Skillnaden mellan skogs- och traditionella placeringar

During the last years commercial Wind Power Turbines (WPT) has become larger regardingto the generator sizes and hub heights. Available hub heights around 100 meters is nowcommon, which has led to profitability for WPT located in forests where there normally are tolow wind speeds. The current knowledgement regarding turbulence and the variation in thewind profile for the outcome of the power production for the WPT in forests is limited.In this Master of Science thesis an investigation concerning forest located wind power plantshas been made. The purpose has been to investigate if plants located in forest perform lesscompared to wind power turbines located at more common locations.The analyses are based on statically material for determining the availability,production/generator size, production/hub height, production/swept area and how thetopography affect the production results.The analyses show that the variation in production result for WPT located in forest comparedto turbines located at other locations is small. The availability is high and the productionresults are good..

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