

261 Uppsatser om War memory - Sida 3 av 18

Seriell återgivning av två-röstslistor: ord organiseras inte efter röst

AbstractTitle: Serial recall of two-voice lists: Words are not perceptually organized by voice.The present study examined how voice affects the perceptual grouping of words in short-term memory that are auditory presented. Three different voice-lists were used: single-voice, alternating-voice and split-voice. In single-voice lists all words were presented in the same voice. In alternating-voice lists words were presented alternately in a male and a female voice. Finally, in split-voice lists words were presented grouped four and four in a male and a female voice.

Nyckeln till arkiven : En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om interoperabilitet och kollektivt minne

In the democratic process, of discussion and decision making, there is a need of reliable and authentic information. Archives are authentic and reliable information and also provides long term accessibility. But the public archives potential isn´t utilized enough at a societal level. The public archives are organized in a decentralised manner, and there are no common accesspoint at a national level. In the thesis this issue of accessibility and use at a societal level, is discussed in terms of collective memory.

Arkiv, bibliotek, museer: en jämförelse av katalogiseringselement vid tre minnesinstitutioner.

This masters thesis concerns three different types of cataloguing within three different memory institutions museums, archives and libraries. The focus lies on the cataloguing elements which are compared in order to illuminate similarities and differences. The Regional Archive and The National Museum of World Cultures - both in Gothenburg - were chosen and compared to KRS, the Swedish counterpart to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, AACR2, 2: nd ed. The purpose of this comparison is partly to display the elements in order to make students disciplines, but also the staff within archives, libraries and museums to become conscious of each others cataloguing methods in regard to future cooperations within the memory institutions and to see if it is possible to create common cataloguing rules for archives, libraries and museums. The questions asked in this thesis are: 1.

Könsligt minne : Ett kvalitativt receptions- och minneskvasiexperiment med killar och tjejer

The purpose of this study was to see if there are any differences between high school girls and boy?s reception ability and memory after reading two Swedish lifestyle magazines.9 boys and 9 girls from ages 17-18 were chosen to participate in the study. They were placed in a room one by one where they had to read one women?s magazine (Cosmopolitan) and one men?s magazine (Café). They did not know this was a memory and reception test until after they finished their reading.With help from former reception studies and the magazines, questions were selected so the interviews would give as much information as possible.The study gave some unexpected results, for example both genders seemed to remember numbers very well even if they didn?t remember the article itself.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

FALSKA MINNEN OCH SJÄLVKÄNSLA - med utgångspunkt i DRM-proceduren

Does a person´s self esteem contribute in the process of creating false memories? Previous studies show that mood is related to false memories as well as to self esteem. This led to the focus of this study, to examine the relationship between false memory and self esteem. The question is examined by comparing the amount of false memories produced in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) procedure with people´s scores on Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale. 59 people participated in a test with three different elements, a self esteem test and a memory test with both recollection and free recall.

Användargränssnittets positiva effekter på minnet

Studies in the field of interaction design and the human memory claim there can be positive effects on the memory when information is presented for the user as a graphical pattern rather than a series of numbers. This thesis aims to influence designers to choose graphical patterns as an interface for information display. Low-fi and hi-fi prototypes of graphical patterns were constructed and tested in a variety of configurations by two users. The users showed differences in the ability to memorize a sequence of digits depending on how this sequence was presented. This study suggests that users are more easily able to recall information presented via a graphical user interface than when the same information is only presented digitally..

Ansiktsigenkänning inom Wechsler Memory Scales - påverkas prestation av kön och etnicitet?

I samband med att Wechsler Memory Scales-III översatts och utprovats för svenska och norska förhållanden har deltestet Ansikten analyserats med avseende på fenomen som sedan tidigare är kända kring ansiktsigenkänning. Med hjälp av signaldetektionsteori har den eventuella förekomsten av own race bias och könsskillnader undersökts samt kontrollerats för ålder och utbildning. Slutsatsen är att varken kön eller etnicitet har någon avgörande påverkan på testresultatet och de behöver därför inte särskilt beaktas när personer liknande de som ingår i utprövningsgruppen testas med WMS-III. Förslag ges på fortsatt forskning kring deltestet Ansikten i Sverige..

Simulering av miljoner grindar med Count Algoritmen

A key part in the development and verification of digital systems is simulation. But hardware simulators are expensive, and software simulation is not fast enough for designs with a large number of gates. As today?s digital zesigns constantly grow in size (number of gates), and that trend shows no signs to end, faster simulators handling millions of gates are needed. We investigate how to create a software gate-level simulator able to simulate a high number of gates fast.

Historieskrivning och nationellt minne i Turkiet: en studie i hur historia kan glömmas och omöjliggöra ett folks upprättelse

The aim of this study is to examine Turkish nationalism in order to find what factors that play a part in Turkey's inability to confess and discuss such events as the Armenian Genocide, which took place between the years of 1915.-1923, by the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The factors found and examined closely are collective memory and the use of history. The paper is a case study of Turkey with a theoretical approach, trying to apply theories of nationalism, collective memory and history-writing on Turkish nationalism, in order to find an answer to how these factors stands in the way of reconciliation.Conclusions are that Turkey as a nation is stuck in a romanticization and glorification of the time of their founding leader, Atatürk, and the thought of the pure, homogenous Turkishness. This makes the nation incapable of discussing and accepting what others in this case acknowledges as historical facts. The taboo-making of these matters makes reconciliation today not possible..

Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken

National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections.

ADHD och musik : Jobbar skolan med musik som inlärningmetod för barn med ADHD?

A pupil with ADHD is constantly getting new impulses and is unable to focus and remain concentration on their task at school. When the pupil loses concentration he or she can often be loud and thereby disturbing all the other pupils in the classroom. One of the reasons for losing their concentration is that these pupils got poor working memory. A recently study shows that working memory can be improved by playing and practice music.A theory that all people have a multiple intelligence that emerges from learning is a part of this study because school should encourage all children and ensure their individual learning. Multiple intelligences means that each person learns in different ways, for example through the musical intelligence that this essay partly focuses on.

Personer med utmattningssyndrom: : Finns det ett samband mellan subjektiv och objektiv kognition?

Research shows that people with burnout experience a high degree of impairments in a range of cognitive functions including memory, attention and concentration. The overall aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is a correlation between subjective estimates of cognition and cognitive performance with objective tests in people with burnout with a focus on working memory and executive functions. Three specific questions were addressed; First, what cognitive problems are described and to what degree? Second, is the performance of executive and working memory tests related to self-reported cognitive problems? Third, are the self-reported cognitive problems related to measures of psychological distress? The study included 77 patients, 65 women and 12 men, with a mean age of 43.48 years. The results show that patients with burnout perceive themselves as having significantly impaired cognition in everyday life, which is clearly evident on the basis of the self-assessment forms PRMQ and CFQ.

Det populärkulturella minnet i samtida skönlitteratur : En intertextuell läsning av Amanda Svenssons Hey Dolly

Adapting the concept of the ?popular cultural memory? and its necessary ?context knowledge? established by Karin Kukkonen, this bachelor thesis seeks to examine how this memory is ?at work? and expresses itself in contemporary fiction, by doing an intertextual reading of the swedish author Amanda Svensson's debut Hey Dolly. Within the intertextual structures of Hey Dolly the reader encounters allusions and references that address almost everything from contemporary popular culture to established authors in the swedish canon, mainly as means for the characters to help them express their emotions and thoughts, by ?choosing? from already available content of popular culture to use and modify. The intertextuality alluding to the popular cultural memory does at the same time address the concept of the ideal reader throughout the novel.

Visuellt & Auditivt korttidsminne

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds.

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