

3268 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 1 av 218

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In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.

Välkommen in? En studie om socialkontors väntrum

This is a paper about the social services waiting rooms. Our aim with the study has been to:?Describe and problematize the physical environment in social services waiting rooms. A wider purpose is to lift the question about the waiting room as a significant part of peoples encounter with the social services.? To be able to achieve this purpose, we have used two questions: What does the physical waiting room environment look like in social services in Stockholms län? How can we understand and problematize the physical environment factors impact on people who visits these environments? We have observed and photographed ten waiting rooms in ten different social services in Stockholms län.

Väntetidsrelaterad frustration på akutmottagningen

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe what nurses experienced in connection with waiting time related frustration among patients and relatives in the emergency department and also what strategies nurses use to manage waiting time related frustration.Background: The numbers of emergency department visits are increasing and lead to waiting times which can cause frustration among patients and relatives, a frustration that nurses encounter in their everyday work and need strategies to deal with.Methods: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Interviews are conducted with five nurses, transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.Findings: The nurses feel inadequate and powerless when they meet patients and relatives frustration. In order to deal with patients and relatives frustration, they use the strategy of participation, which implies to involve and meet patients and relatives needs for information and to be seen. In order to prevent themselves becoming frustrated they use adaptability, by creating an inner calm, not take it personally and to distance themselves from the frustration.Conclusion: The result highlights the importance of managing the activity to reduce waiting time related frustration, for example through reflection and working for reducing waiting times. Further research is also needed..

Patienters upplevelser av ett akutmottagningsbesök

The pressure is getting tougher on Accident and Emergency departments. Therefore it is crucial to study how the patient?s perceive their visit to the Emergency department. Knowledge about this enables improvement of routines, patient participation and patient safety. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient?s experiences of their visit at the Emergency department.A descriptive design was used.

Analys av monteringslinan för luftbehandlingsaggregat (EC)

The purpose of the work is to analyze and balance an assembly line at Fläkt Woods in Jönköping. The work is going to answer the questions about today?s throughput time, how much waste that occurs, number of staff at the assembly line, how the supply of material works and possible improvements that can be made at the work stations. The work is also going to give a proposal of improve-ments that can be made.The methods used to get the result include observations and measurements, con-versations with technicians and operators and also data from Fläkt Woods? data-base.Large variations in throughput time are measured during the measure period, from 3 hours up to 5 hours and 35 minutes.

Det är värt att vänta! : Köbildning som marknadsföringsverktyg

This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine the marketing effects of waiting lines on the customer- and brand experience. Our ambition has been to describe how the waiting line can be used to heighten the positive experiences. The study has had a qualitative, as well as an inductive approach towards the subject. The study is mainly based on nine interviews with a total of ten respondents employed at nine different companies relevant to the subject. In the final chapter of this study we present our results and conclusions..

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients? subjective experiences.

Upplevelser som påverkar livskvaliteten hos patienter som väntar organtransplantation : En litteraturöversikt

Each year, 800 people wait for an organ transplant in Sweden. The development of drugs for organ rejection has evolved over the past 60 years, which has increased the survival of patients who have undergone organ transplantation. The most common organ transplanted is the kidney, liver, lung and heart. There are more studies done on quality of life after an organ transplant, but very few studies on quality of life before organ transplantation.The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of quality of life among patients waiting for an organ transplant.A literature overview of eight articles was analyzed in both similarities and differences. The articles were published between 2002 and 2012.The result is presented in four themes, hope of life, living in uncertainty, the body fails and need for support.

Matematikverkstaden : Dess påverkan på elevers förståelse och färdigheter för tals betydelse, storlek och olika uttrycksformer

This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine the marketing effects of waiting lines on the customer- and brand experience. Our ambition has been to describe how the waiting line can be used to heighten the positive experiences. The study has had a qualitative, as well as an inductive approach towards the subject. The study is mainly based on nine interviews with a total of ten respondents employed at nine different companies relevant to the subject. In the final chapter of this study we present our results and conclusions..

Två nya trailerkoncept för transport av rundvirke hos Stora Enso : en analys av prestation och flexibilitet

The need for roundwood transport capacity vary throughout the year. The need during a period is influenced mainly by the volume transported the period, the number of days during which transport can be carried out, seasonal variations in road conditions and the weight of the roundwood, and the origin of the wood (private forest owners/ forest companies). The need for transport capacity generally increase during the winter and in spring, after thawing. Lack of logging trucks combined with a lack of drivers for these trucks make it hard to hire extra help during periods of increased transport capacity needs. It is also very expensive to keep logging trucks for use only during these periods. In this thesis, two new concepts based on the partial transport by truck tractors have been examined, to find out the possibility for increased performance and flexibility.

Svensk asylpolitik En studie av väntetiderna och dess konsekvenser

During the 20 century millions of people have escaped from war, threat against their human rights, economic injustices and pursuit. The great numbers of fleeing people have lead to difficulties in asylum investigation in the countries, which receive the asylum seekers. Sweden is a country, which has ratified the Genéveconvention 1954, and receives the asylum seekers. The great numbers of asylum seekers have caused among other things long time of waiting for the asylum seekers, sometimes up to 2-3 years. This implies some consequences both for the asylum seeker and for the community.

KBT och mindfulness i gruppinterventioner för insomni: en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie

There is strong evidence that cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective. The aim of this study was to compare 7 group-sessions of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for insomnia (MBCT-I) with 3 group-sessions of CBT-I, on sleep measures and sleep related psychological processes, such as pre-sleep arousal, thought control strategies and mindfulness. Participants (N = 44; age 18-66) with long term insomnia were stratified and randomized into waiting list, MBCT-I and CBT-I. Significant improvements were seen in both groups, compared to waiting list, for instance on insomnia severity, sleep latency and restorative sleep. Small improvements on psychological processes were also found in both groups.

Rumslig vägledning Tandvårdscentralen, Luleå

ABSTRACTMy degree project has resulted in the improvement of the guidance in the dental center?s entrance. The patients will now find it easier to understand and find the environment?s various functions, which is the reception, registration, payment, and waiting rooms. Norrbottens läns landsting has a concept ?hälsofrämjande väntrum? that provides guidelines for how they want their patients to experience their waiting rooms.

Man promenerar i dimma - En studie av flyktingars berättelser om asylprocessen

This essay is based on seven lifestoryinterviews with people who are undergoing orhave undergone a long asylum process. Four women and three men have contributedwith their stories about their experiences of waiting for a determination of theirapplication for residence permit. The main aim of the essay is to give betterunderstanding of how to be a refugee and a long asylum process affects people's abilityto narrate and thus examine their opportunities to be active in the construction of theirown identity.The questions that are debated and discussed are:? What can it mean for an individual's identity to escape her country and for a longtime wait for decision of asylum?? What stories can be told?? What reality are highlighted as central in the stories?? How do they handle their situation and give meaning to their lives?The analysis is based on two main theoretical perspectives: narrative theory and identitytheory. The approach is that people create meaning of events through storytelling andthat they through this process of narrating construct (and reconstruct) their identities -the self image as one have and wants to present to others.In the analysis three different types of stories are distinguished, stories that arerepresented in the empirical material: the story that can not be told, the story that mustbe told and the story that are gladly told.

I väntan på en ny njure : Individens upplevelse

Kronisk njursvikt ökar varje år och vid terminal njurinsufficiens ses njurtransplantation som förstaval av behandling. Behovet av donerade njurar är större än tillgången, vilket leder till en lång väntan för individen. Studiens syfte var att beskriva individers upplevelser i väntan på en njurtransplantation. Metoden var en litteraturstudien där tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades. I analysen framkom tre teman som utgjorde resultatet: behandling för att överleva där dialysbehandlingen sågs som en begränsning i livet och gjorde det svårt att leva som dem gjort tidigare, känna hopp där en transplantation var något att hoppas på, ett sätt att ta sig ur dialysen och få tillbaka sitt gamla liv, samt känna hopplöshet där rädsla för att njurtransplantationen aldrig skulle bli av och känslor av att vara på is i väntan uppkom.

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