

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 5 av 23

Vårdnadsbidraget : En fallstudie av hur vårdnadsbidraget har påverkat barnfamiljer i Växjö kommun

The first July 2008 did the Swedish government introduce a new family policy, the child care allowance. This essay is a case study of how the child care allowance has influenced families and which possible effects that the child care allowance can lead to. In order to respond to the issue has family models been used in order to analyze the results from a questionnaire survey distributed to households which has become granted child care allowance in Växjö municipality. Therefore is this essay?s premier contribution to the social science a description of how families have reasoned and decided about their child-care.

Integritetsskyddet vid forskning : - En analys av det rättsliga stödet för att lämna ut och behandla känsliga personuppgifter vid registerforskning

The study explores collective action in Sweden between 1980 to 1995 using time-series data from the European Protest and Coercion Database. In spite of severe hardship during the crisis of the early 1990s, Swedish strike-rates declined. However, contention merely shifted from workplaces into the streets; there was indeed a protest movement against austerity, as shown by a series of large demonstrations, and some riots, between 1989 and 1993. Further analysis indicates this movement faded as it was increasingly chanelled into the electoral campaign of the labor pary; having won the 1994 election, the organised labor movement no longer had an interest in sustaining the protest movement against austerity..

Agentrelationer och styrning i familjeföretag

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the competitiveness of family firms is affected by governance mechanisms. The thesis addresses four governance mechanisms: inefficient labor markets, inefficient capital markets, self control and altruism. We have conducted an abductive method to be able to perform a qualitative research study. In this study two family firms have been examined, ROL and Indiska Magasinet. We conclude that the presence of inefficient labor and capital markets within the studied family firms give rise to negative effects in terms of difficulties of hiring talented employees.

Konsten att hitta ett arbete  : En fråga om socialt kapital?

 The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals' social capital can affect the opportunities for finding a job. That is, what benefits social contacts can provide in the hunt for a new job. The main questions that will be answered throughout this study are:- Of what importance are social contacts when looking for a job?- What are the advantages and disadvantages that the respondents present with recruitment thru informal channels/social contacts?-What are the advantages and disadvantages that social contacts can provide in terms of personal recommendations when looking for a job according to the recruiters?The study is based on five qualitative interviews with mainly recruiters from various parts of the labor market. The collected empirical data that the study has yielded indicate that individuals' social capital of the highest degree is crucial for the opportunities they have to find a job.

Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhållanden på arbetsmarknaden

Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS? financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012?Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa?s power cube.Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power relations between them, in favor of the company.

Socialt kapital på arbetsmarknaden - En möjlig väg ut?

People are constantly using there friends in order to ask for a favor or to get hold of some information. This is usually done unconsciously and it is just viewed as everyday life behavior. The function and the use of these links definitely have a value, which means that it can be viewed as a form of capital. But this capital is not caught in the traditional theories of physical capital or human capital; it demands it?s on theorization.

Förbigående av företrädesrätten till återanställning med hjälp av bemanningsföretag : -Att anses som ett kringgående av LAS?

The aim of this essay is to discuss the problems concerning the right of priority for re-employment in connection to employing temporary agency workers. This will be done with the help of relevant laws, preparatory work and literature that fall within the scope of the legal dogmatic method.Using temporary personnel is becoming considerably more common throughout the Swedish workplace. In recent years there has been a rapid growth of work agencies and a tendency to employ temporary personnel. At the same time employees are made redundant, suffering the consequences that arise from the workplace failing to abide by the rules of re-employment. In order to claim that the employer has failed to follow the right of priority for re-employment, evidence must be sufficient.

Att anställa artister som skapar upplevelser i världsklass : En fallstudie om hur Parks and Resorts Scandinavia AB använder sig av ett artistkoncept i sin rekrytering

Arbetslivet är i ständig förändring. Från att ha gått från ett Sverige där en stor del av befolkningen har arbetat fysiskt inom industrisektorn kan det idag sägas att det krävs mer personligt engagemang av medarbetarna. Denna studie är en fallstudie som ger ett exempel på en organisation som, genom att införa ett artistkoncept, kan presentera för sina medarbetare vad som förväntas av dem i arbetet. Organisationen är Parks and Resorts Scandinavia AB och syftet med denna studie är att studera hur deras rekryteringschefer gör för att vid nyrekryteringar presentera vad det innebär att arbeta för ett företag med ett artistkoncept samt hur detta synliggörs genom rekryteringsprocessens olika delar. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en kombination av datainsamlingsmetoder såsom text- och innehållsanalys, observation samt intervjuer.

Unga och arbetslösa : En diskursanalys av talet rörande unga arbetslösa

In this paper, I am using a critical discourse analysis a la Fairclough to examin how various actors talk about the group of unemployed youths in the 52 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. What?s written in media often portrays different ideas that individuals use in social practice. My theoretical points are social constructivism, risk-, expert-, and media society. Four themes crystallized in the analysis; young and unemployed, education, jobbgaratin and youth and labor market.

Akademiker i Sverige- En studie om tillströmning till utbildning och etablering på arbetsmarknaden

This essay deals with the relationship between the influx to higher education and the situation on the labor market in Sweden. It also examines whether overeducation as a phenomenon is present among Swedish academics and if there is any obvious discrimination between the sexes. The Swedish government has an outspoken goal that at least 50% of every age group shall undergo an academic education. Therefore, they have expanded the possibilities ofobtaining one. We have used three economic theories to investigate the subject of this thesis and applied these on the statistics of 4 different educations.

Regionförstoringens effekt på den lokala kommunikationstillgängligheten : En fallstudie av Strängnäs och dess omland

The aim of this study has been to describe the ongoing region enlargement process in the region Mälardalen, located in the east part of Sweden, and to investigate how this process can affect the local level. The study is especially orientated on public communications and accessibility. The intention has also been to examine how the local accessibility can affect the re-gional development in Mälardalen. The local investigation object that has been chosen for this research is the city Strängnäs, situated in the province of Södermanland. The city of Strängnäs and the cities in it?s near geographic surroundings has been the benchmark for this casestudy, in which the local accessibility with public transportation has been investigated.

Demografiskt perspektiv på Employer Branding : En kvantitativ studie om hur Ålö kan attrahera ingenjörsstudenter med Employer Branding

Engineers are a group of individuals who are attractive when companies are in need for competence in technology. Today it is a shortage of these competences in the labor market. Because of this there has grown a competition among companies when they strive to recruit the best engineers. Therefore companies spend more resources on marketing themselves as an attractive employer. This study was set out to find what engineers think is an attractive employer through a demographic perspective.

Moderaternas, Sverigedemokraternas och Socialdemokraternas integrationspolitik : -med fokus på arbetsmarknadsintegration, bostadssegregation och språkkunskap

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to compare the integration policy between Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna and Sverigedemokraterna with focus on labor-market integration, housing segregation and language knowledge. The international immigration has in recent years increased significantly and this has also enriched the receiving countries and still the numbers of extreme right parties have increased. In Sweden a racist populist party, Sverigedemokraterna, are only a few steps away from entering the parliament. The question in focus is: What differences or similarities are there between the integration politics between Moderaterna, Socialdemokraterna and Sverigedemokraterna with focus on the areas housing, work and language?  By applying the theoretical framework to the data, I have been able to present answers and build up an analysis. The study concludes that there are more similarities than differences in the integration policy between Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna.

?Man ska vara slängd i käften och rolig? En kvalitativ studie om fysiskt funktionsnedsatta personers upplevelser och tankar om delaktighet i samhället.

Background Participation in the community is vital to mental health and is beneficial to individuals and society. Many studies discuss this issue in relation to the disabled, and this study investigates this further. The goal of this survey, performed in Göteborg, Sweden, is to study issues relating to the participation of people with physical disabilities, according to their own perceptions and experiences on this issue. Method Qualitative methodology was used to explore experiences of participation in twenty physically disabled adults by means of semi structured personal interviews. Results From a social constructionist view, disability is explained in terms of being socially constructed.

Förmånsrätt : Har alla borgenärer lika rätt?

By the time the law of preferential right was legislated the purpose of the law was to give all creditors equal rights. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to analyze the law in force and unravel whether the purpose of the law has been fulfilled or not. If a deviation has been made I will decide whether it can be justified.Since 1st of January 2004 the preferential right regarding taxes has been abolished. Since then the claims of the Government do not have any preferential right.

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