

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 4 av 23

Maybe it would be better if I was Swedish: En studie av internationella mastersstudenter i Sverige och deras utmaningar och m?jligheter p? arbetsmarknaden

Recent changes in Swedish law suggest new groups of ?desired? labor migrants, which international students is an example of. Despite this, international students in Sweden have received little previous attention in the literature. The current study focused on international master students? experiences of job searching in Sweden and challenges they face in job searching, recruitment, and workplaces.

Företrädesrätt till återanställning : - En begränsning enligt bemanningsdirektivet mot arbetskraft som hyrs ut av bemanningsföretag?

In the directive 2008/104/EC on Temporary agency work there is a regulation concerning that there shouldn?t be any restrictions or prohibitions in national legislation if it can not be attributed to the public interest. According to that the purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the Swedish law about reemployment in 25 § LAS is a restriction for temporary work agencies, it?s role on the labor market and also to investigate what consequences a restriction can have from a diversity perspective. To fulfill the purpose I have been using a legal dogmatic method based on determination of the current law.I have by the legal research determined that reemployment is not a restriction for temporary work agencies.

Statens rätt i konkurs : Lika rätt för borgenärerna?

This essay is questioning if the state as an unsecured creditor in a bankruptcy proceeding, according to the principle of equal treatment, has the same rights as the other unsecured creditors. The principle of equal treatment means that creditors with unsecured claims are supposed to have mutually equal rights to dividends in a bankruptcy. In the Swedish bankruptcy law from 1987 there are recycling rules which means that some legal actions taken by the bankrupt debtor before the bankruptcy can be recycled to the bankruptcy estate. These rules do not apply on taxes. This essay analyzes whether the state should have this advantage or not.

Gender, labor and decision-making : the woman?s situation in family businesses in a Swedish agricultural setting

The inequality and separation of sexes seen in organizations may lead to inefficient use of human resources. Therefor, a more equal organization could lead to higher productivity and efficiency. Inequality within organizations is a problem also for the society as a whole since who is chosen for a position is not depended upon merits, leading to inefficiency. To not reflect upon traditional division of labor and decision-making could also lead to an undemocratic and unjust society. The aim of this thesis is to explore women and men?s engagement a family business in an agricultural setting. Gender theorists argue that gender arises from the social situation in society.

Vägen mot den Svenska vardagen : En utvärderingsstudie om kommunpolitikers, Arbetsförmedlingens och Invandrarservice uppfattningar kring implementeringen av Etableringslagen

This essay is an evaluation of the act of establishment (2010:197). The act is about different operators' responsibility and accountability for new arrivals to get a more effective integration into society and to speed up the new arrivals' establishment on the labor market. The purpose of this act is to get more new arrivals involved in the Swedish labor market directly. By doing so, it gives these people a possibility to become self-sufficient. This study has focus in four different operators; Employment service, Immigration service and two local politicians from Social democrats (Socialdemokraterna) and Conservatives (Moderaterna).

Analys av institutionell kapitalförvaltning: Stiftelserna som bildades ur de forna löntagarfonderna

This paper studies the research foundations created in 1994 from the former wage earners? funds out of a portfolio management point of view. Firstly it describes the seven largest foundations and their different portfolio management structures. Secondly it analyses the performance of these foundations measured as the intercept, Jensen?s a, in a linear regression of the excess returns of a portfolio versus a proxy for the market, as well as the Sharpe-ratio.

Revolten som uteblev? : Kollektiva aktioner i Sverige 1980-1995

The study explores collective action in Sweden between 1980 to 1995 using time-series data from the European Protest and Coercion Database. In spite of severe hardship during the crisis of the early 1990s, Swedish strike-rates declined. However, contention merely shifted from workplaces into the streets; there was indeed a protest movement against austerity, as shown by a series of large demonstrations, and some riots, between 1989 and 1993. Further analysis indicates this movement faded as it was increasingly chanelled into the electoral campaign of the labor pary; having won the 1994 election, the organised labor movement no longer had an interest in sustaining the protest movement against austerity..

Adam Smith och den problematiska värdeteorin

Adam Smith?s economic theory is often subject to criticism, in which it is claimed to be inherently inconsistent. Recently, criticism from well-known scholars has arisen claiming Smith should be characterized a labor value theorist anticipating Karl Marx. This study seeks to analyze whether such criticism is legitimate. Firstly, the economic theory of Smith is discussed in terms of consistency, and secondly, a number of typical and main points of the critique, from the most influential of his contemporary critics, are lifted up and analyzed.

Identity Construction of Young Professionals in a Late Modern Emotion-Intensive Context: Multiple Faces of Family Discourse in a Big Four Auditing Firm

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the adaptation of recently recruited young professionals to a top consulting firm through their identity construction efforts. We analyze the influence of a major organization-related discourse on young professionals in order to account for the effects of emotional labor on their adaptation to work. Methodology: We have studied our empirical material in the light of a reflexive pragmatic approach. Thus throughout the analysis of interview material, we try to interpret carefully the material from various perspectives. As authors, we also reflect critically upon our own interpretations.

Organisering av arbetsträning : En kvalitativ studie om handledares syn på arbetsträningens organisering och arbetet med socialt utanförskap

This study is about job training for people with psycho-social problems without income. The purpose with this sort of job training is to bring these people back to the regular labor market as well as the experience of having a job. In the labor market situation in Sweden today there?s no guarantee that the individual will return to the labor market after having undergone job training. The aim of this study is to understand how supervisors at job training activities experience that the organizations of the activities and resources affect their work.

Fackföreningars roll i implementeringen av CSR och levnadslöner : En flerfallsstudie av svenska fackförbund och deras påverkan på multinationella företag

Den ekonomiska globaliseringen och ökade världshandeln har lett till att multinationellaföretag till viss del fått ta sig an den roll som stater tidigare har haft och många företaghar börjat använda sig av corporate social responsibility (CSR) som ett verktyg för detta.Frågan är om utvecklingen har gjort att andra aktörer, såsom fackföreningar, som tidigarevarit en självklar aktör på den politiska arenan och en given del av den svenskaföretagssfären, nu kommit i skymundan. Det leder vidare till frågan om vadfackföreningar i så fall har för roll idag. Det föreligger ett gap i forskningen vad gällerfackföreningarnas roll i CSR-diskursen samt levnadslöner i utvecklingsvärlden, som kanses som en del av CSR-konceptet. Ambitionen är att denna kvalitativa flerfallsstudie skakunna bidra till den kunskapsbrist som tycks finnas gällande svenska fackföreningar ochderas syn och roll vad gäller CSR och specifikt levnadslöner. Resultatet av studien visaratt svenska fackföreningar överlag är skeptiska till CSR och att ett införande avlevnadslöner är komplext.

Facket och invandrarna : en postkolonial diskursanalys

Racial discrimination can occur in many ways ? intentional and non intentional ? and in many places ? perhaps most observed in the labor market. The Swedish labor union, LO, is an important party in this market, and discusses the issue frequently in a number of different documents. These documents are being analyzed as discourse in this study, with attention paid to the rhetoric regarding ?immigrants?, i.e.

Möjligheter, behov och strategi för företagsetableringar inom High Voltage Valley

The structure of the thesis is based on opportunities to attract businesses to the region, the need of establishments in the region and benchmarking with establishment strategies of other cluster initiatives. The identified opportunities are the local business relationship with ABB, the prerequisites of life quality in the region and the availability of financial support. Further on has a number of opportunities to be developed been identified; diversification of the existing businesses, an expansion of the cooperation with universities and to simplify the contact with local authorities. Challenges that HVV is facing is: creating a more dynamic labor market, secure long-term labor supply, spread the image of the brand HVV and finally putting HVVs geographic scope. Two of the identified needs of establishments are strategically important: to establish a third-party logistician and commercializing systems for distributed generation and energy storage.

Hur skapas en journalist? : En biografisk studie på nyexaminerade journalister

The study - Hur skapas en journalist? - examines why so many people choose to turn tothe journalist profession when the conditions for a secure position on the labor market ispoor. The study also highlights how recently graduated journalist perceives their temporary and insecure position on the labor market.The study was performed trough ten biographical interviews with recently graduated journalists. Via the interviews I examined what has formed the individuals to perceive journalism as a rational or pragmatic choice for a career. The study shows that journalists, who come from families with high cultural capital, have been shaped by a particular culture of education, which focuses on education as a step towards selfrealization.

Employer Branding i små företag: En studie i hur små kunskapsintensiva företag kan förbättra sitt Employer Brand genom att tillämpa HR-modellen People Capability Maturity Model

In light of the coming workforce shortage in Sweden the competition for human capital will be intensified on the market where employers compete in order to attract skilled labor. The competition will be most noticeable in the knowledge-intense industries, where the employees are seen as the companies? most valuable asset. The purpose of this paper is to examine how small knowledge-intensive companies can improve their position in the labor market by using the HR-model People Capability Maturity Model in order to affect their companies' Employer Brand. We take the basis of the theoretical framework in which we examine and identify the key dimensions of the Employer Brand concept and present the People Capability Maturity Model more closely.

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