

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 6 av 23

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Middle managers in social care find themselves in a middle position. The middle management position involves demands from several interested parties. The demands affect and generate feelings both within themselves and within others and the middle managers have to deal with them all.The aim of this study was to investigate the social care middle manager?s personal experiences of emotions in work.We have completed interviews with four middle managers who are assigned to carry out social care. When doing the interviews we used an interview guide divided into different interview areas.

"ANDAS SKA MAN ÄNDÅ GÖRA" : - Föräldrars förlossningsupplevelser då psykoprofylax använts som förlossningsförberedelse

Several factors can affect the childbirth experience among parents. Previous research showed that parental education was insufficient. Parents who participated in both regular parental classes and psychoprophylaxis education were more satisfied with the psychoprophylaxis education compared to those who participated in only traditional parental classes. Psychoprophylaxis should be more considered as it could help the woman to handle her pain and contribute to increased self-esteem. The aim was to describe and illustrate the parents' childbirth experiences when psychoprophylaxis was used as childbirth preparation.

"matt i lacken kan man säga att man blir" : -en studie om hur enhetschefer i social omsorgsverksamhet upplever emotioner i arbete

Middle managers in social care find themselves in a middle position. The middle management position involves demands from several interested parties. The demands affect and generate feelings both within themselves and within others and the middle managers have to deal with them all.The aim of this study was to investigate the social care middle manager?s personal experiences of emotions in work.We have completed interviews with four middle managers who are assigned to carry out social care. When doing the interviews we used an interview guide divided into different interview areas.

Föräldraledighetens historia : Förslaget om individualiserad föräldraledighet

Rules on parental leave have over the years been the subject of several gender debates. The big question has particularly been whether a further individualization of the days should be established. Sweden is a relatively equal country but differences still exist between men and women in the labor market, such as differences in wages. A fact that is considered encouraging for this is the uneven distribution of parental leave between men and women. It has now been nearly 40 years since the introduction of the first parental insurance but we have still not achieved gender equality in working life which was the main purpose.The main purpose of this essay is to study the motives for the proposal of individualized parental leave, and in addition examine how this change of rules could impact on gender equality in the work place.

Förlossningsupplevelsen. Ett designtillägg i förlossningssalen med fokus på mental ergonomi.

In this project I have created a design for the delivery rooms of Swedish hospitals with the psychological aspects ofbirthgiving in focus. This is something that I think the delivery rooms lack and so far it has been the midwifes job to,without any tools, give the women in labor the mental support and encouragement they need.My goal was to give the midwifes a tool to work with when it comes to encouragement, something helping themhelping the woman to feel safe and relaxed, strengthened, informed and in control of the situation.I choose to focus on the difficulties measuring the physical work the woman in labour had done and what was leftof the labour. I wanted to visualize the process of the birth, allowing the woman to see and being able to focus onwhere during the labour she is, how far she has left and also being strengthened by the amount of work already managed.Further I wanted to make the woman feel invited to take control over the birth and the room in which she isin labour. I wanted her to be able ? if she wanted ? to make her own settings of the mood in the room, deciding forherself if she wanted a more relaxed environment or perhaps a more energetic.

VD-bytets påverkan på aktiekursen : En studie ur ett genusperspektiv

In the last decades the Swedish labor market has been characterized by a stereotype perception on women?s role and position on the market. The perception speaks of the characteristics of female leadership as being less qualified causing the gaps between the two genders to transform into a gender segregated society. The historically slow progress has limited the career opportunities for women to reach top management. However the increasing discussions during the 21st century on how to reduce the gender differences in the labor market has made it more acceptable with women on higher positions.

Känslor på kvinnojouren : Jourkvinnors upplevda känslor i möten med våldsutsatta kvinnor

The aim of this study was through theories of emotional labor; understand how staff and volunteers within women?s shelter handled their emotions in the encounters with battered women. To examine this we used a qualitative method and interviewed four staff members and three volunteers spread across four different women?s shelters. The data collected was analyzed using Hochschilds? theory of emotional labor.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

EU:s jämställdhetspolitik ? ett janusansikte? En studie av EU:s jämställdhetspolitik med mammaledighetsdirektivet som belysande exempel

This bachelor thesis explores the conditions for a harmonized EU gender equality policy. Recently the maternity leave directive has been introduced by the European commission and seeks to improve the conditions for pregnant workers. The controversial subject of this maternity leave has illustrated many of the problems connected to the development of a social dimension in EU. First of all, the debate concerning the maternity leave directive in the European Parliament has shown that both sides in the parliament seem positive towards creating legislation in this matter on EU level. However, parties at the right tend to disagree to many of the amendments in the proposal, such as the maximum entitlement.

Va?gen till ett va?rdeskapande HR : En kvalitativ studie av personalarbete i en offentlig organisation

The field of work and employment is constantly undergoing changes. In order to help organizations to adjust to new conditions, different models for organizing have been developed. Many of these models are spread worldwide, due to the need for organizations to meet demands of flexibility and efficiency. In this study, a small number of models, which contains solutions of how to organize work in Human Resources, have been selected. The author and scientist Dave Ulrich, who has had a large influence on the development of the work in Human Resources, originally founded these models.The aim of this study was to examine how these models were functioning, in reference to the different departments of Human Resources labor within the township of Uppsala.

Konsultmässighet i bemanningsbranschen : Hur konsultchefer arbetar för att möta krav från omgivningen

Denna uppsats undersöker bemanningsföretagen och hur konsultcheferna arbetar för att tillgodose krav från kundföretag och omgivningen. Som en del av detta studeras även vilka krav som ställs på de uthyrda konsulterna och vad uppförandet har för betydelse inom bemanningsbranschen. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som används i uppsatsen är dels nyinstitutionell teori och främst begreppet legitimitet, dels Hochschilds teori om emotional labor. Det insamlade empiriska materialet består av nio intervjuer med konsultchefer från fyra olika bemanningsföretag. Resultatet visar att konsultchefsarbetet präglas av rutiner och att det ställs krav på uppförande på den uthyrda personalen för att passa in i konsultrollen.

Familj eller karriär i arbetslivet, måste man välja? : -en uppsats om arbetstagares skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet.

Pregnant workers are considered at risk in the labor market and therefore need extra protection from employment discrimination . The purpose of this essay is to investigate what protection of pregnant workers against discrimination in employment situations and  if  there  is  no  corresponding  protection  for  female  workers  claim  the  right  to parental leave.The essay describes the national and EU rules on applications and practice, showing how pregnant women and workers on parental leave are treated in the labor market. Through Sweden's accession to the EU , we must apply the requirements nationally EU imposes on its member countries.The essay shows that pregnant employees have a strong legal protection from discrimination in employment , from both DL and by EU directives . Employers who deny workers employment because of pregnancy is guilty of direct discrimination on grounds of sex, because it is only women who may become pregnant. It is not important whether it is a temporary or permanent position .

Könskvotering i bolagsstyrelser : Ett instrument för att främja en jämställd arbetsmarknad?

The European Union has been working to promote equality between women and men for a long time. Despite this, Sweden still have a gender segregated labor market where men generally has the leading positions. According to European law the member states shall promote gender equality and to take all appropriate measures. Statutory gender quotas for company boards is one such measure that some of the European member states have implemented in national law. The Swedish law has no provisions governing gender quotas and therefore the purpose of this study is to explain how gender quotas for company boards relate to current law, both of European law and national legislation.

Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).

Arbetsliv och föräldraskap : Missgynnande på grund av föräldraledighet

The main purpose of this essay is to study the Swedish labor law concerning employees who are, aspire to be, or are expected to become parents, both men and women. Thereby accomplishing a gender perspective on the issue at hand. The study also take in to account the laws issued by the European Union, and their impact on the Swedish law system, so as to gain an international perspective. The laws regarding parental leave, both Swedish and European, involve protection for workers from being treated in a less favorable way than someone in a comparable situation, as employers are forbidden to disfavor any employee or job-seeker in basically all situations in the work place or in a recruiting context, if the disfavor is in any way related to the parental leave. The only situation where an employer is allowed to disfavor an employee regarding his or her parental leave, is if the disfavoring is a necessary consequent of the employee?s absence.

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