

336 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 1 av 23


This essay is using theories about social norms, and wage determination to evaluate why there is a gender wage gap on the Swedish labour market. To identify the essence of the gender wage gap investigations on specific jobs where the genders are over-, under and equally represented has been made. Also a poll has been sent out to alumni business economics from School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg to evaluate their labor market from a gender wage gap perspective..

?Tvärtom kan det gagna att vara bipolär. Kreativitet och sånt.? : - En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder att komma ut på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden

Our aim of this study was to investigate barriers and opportunities for people with mental disorders getting in to the labor market. This from experiences by people whose daily job contains work rehabilitation for this group in particular. On the basis of five qualitative interviews the results showed that prejudices towards people with mental disorders are a barrier for them to get a Wage labor. Furthermore the results showed that low self-esteem within the target group and also high educational demands becomes a barrier to a Wage labor. The results also showed that to focus on the healthy aspects may serve as an opportunity for people with mental disorders to get in to the labor market and be able to have a paid job.

Arbetslöshetens bestämningsfaktorer i ekonomisk-historisk belysning - En analys av lönebildning, totalfaktorproduktivitet och löneutrymme under perioden 1911-1960.

This paper analyzes the Swedish labor market during the interwar and early postwar period within the framework of modern labor market theory. The development of unemployment during this period - according to the commonly cited source of labor union reports - represents a conundrum for research. The unemployment rate rose after the initial diverse shock of 1921 and stayed at a permanently higher level for the rest of the interwar period. This development was reversed after World War Two when the unemployment rate decreased and stayed permanently low for the rest of the postwar period until the oil price chock of the 1970s.In a first step the available sources of unemployment statistics is investigated and compared. The general conclusion is that the labor union reports overestimate the level of economy wide unemployment while being a reasonably good indicator of movements in the rate.

Varför lönearbeta? : En studie om två individers erfarenheter och värderingar kring arbetslivet

The aim of this study is to describe how two wage-earners experience and value their work. I chose a descriptive reserch approach and I conducted a qualitative study in the form of two interviews. I have applied two well-known theories from the field of social psychology ? the individualisation and Sence Of Coherence (SOC) ? to enhance my arguments and to improve my comprehension in the subjekt. The study reveals that my informants feel good and get motivated as wage-earners. By waged labor they feel securcity, meaningfullness, confirmation and belonging, which makes salaried work high valued.

Införandet av bemanningsdirektivet på svensk arbetsmarknad : vad innebär det för arbetstagarna i branschen?

The essay shows that temporary agency employees work in a complex business. Both labor and management differs from other businesses in the Swedish labor market. Regarding the unemployment insurance, they have previously been separated from other businesses through legislation. Based on the essay question regarding workers protection has the statutory rights for employees been strengthened. This by the implementation of the directive on manning into Swedish law and now covers all workers in the business.

Lönearbetet, Arbetslösheten och Möllevången : En studie i arbetslöshetens vardag och dess platser

The study is divided into three parts ? the development of wage labour towards becoming the dominant norm in society, how this norm is challenged in a specific geographical context, and lastly a study of two unemployed individuals and their everyday activities, what and especially why certain behaviour occurs. The main purpose with the text is to study unemployed people in a specific geographical context in a overall society where wage labour is thought to be the norm. Questions that is being asked is how the unemployed individual works in a society where wage labour is the dominant activity for the day. This is connected to a study of Möllevången, a district of Malmö, where the wage labour norm can be thought of as being challenged.

Den svenska lönebildningen i förändring

Problem: The Swedish wage-setting has changed since the time for the breakthrough of the industrialism until today. Before that, wages often consisted of perquisites or goods that could be exchanged against other goods. Rural people were often self-sufficient. In some cases the farmer owned the land, in other cases they where tenants. At the time for the breakthrough of industrialism the demand for similar labour were increased.

Daglig verksamhet : En väg till arbete, eller ?

The purpose of this study was to examine two medium-sized municipalities are working to people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to go from daily activities to a paid employment in the regular labor. Work is seen as a civil right and is a measure of participa-tion in society. The Swedish government believes that the work must be available to all that includes people with intellectual disabilities. Even so, daily activities, the contribution of LSS is increases the most. The daily activities will offer incentives, development, and community and shall contribute to people get access to work or studies.

Skattereduktion : Bör arbetskostnaden regleras i lag

The Income Tax Act is enacted what criteria must be met to obtain a tax reduction of household work. Household work is the common term for ROT- and RUT-works. The purpose of the tax reduction is to increase job opportunities and to discourage that undocumented work performs.It is only for the labor cost as tax reduction is given for. The concept of labor cost is defined in law as it is not comprised of cost of materials, equipment or travel. The preliminary work provides no closer explanation what the labor cost includes.

På vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.

Löneutvecklingens bestämningsfaktorer i Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to acquire variables that explain and may be used as a base for wage estimation in the private sector in Sweden. The factors that are assumed to have an impact on wage estimation are based on earlier Swedish and international studies. Business survey data, which is based upon monthly questions to firms in various sectors of the Swedish economy posed by the Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, will be analyzed to find out weather they have an impact on Swedish wage settings or not. Tests including business survey data are yet rarely frequent, why this essay will be some kind of a pioneer within the area. To estimate significant factors that influence wage setting in Sweden, three different wage equations have been modeled and tested with a regression model.

Hur valfri är valfriheten? : En diskursanalytisk studie om arbete och individ i rådande arbetsmarknadspolitik

The purpose of this paper is to examine how work and individuals is portrayed in today?s labor market policies and workrelated coaching. To do this I am using discourse analysis. My theoretical points are social constructivism, governmentality, coaching and theories regarding activity. The results portray a picture of work as the foundation of society and the main way to break isolation.

Den lilla kommunen : En fallstudie av Torsås kommuns arbetsmarknadspolitik

The essay's purpose is to find out why municipalities engaged in local labor market policies and the study focused on a smaller survey unit. In the paper an analysis is made of the Torsås municipality's labor market policy. The work also intends to structure the political organization and their cooperation with other players. The survey methods used were interviews and a case study. The essay results are based on two interviews.

Hur har handeln med omvärlden påverkat det effektiva utbudet av arbetskraft i Sverige? - faktorinnehålls-analys för år 1995 och 2000

Through trading with countries that have a relative aboundant supply of labor, Sweden changes it's effective supply of labor, in a Factor Content perspective. This essay does two Factor Content analyses, one for year 1995 and one for 2000. The first comparison of these analyses shows that Sweden exports about 27 600 labor-years more year 2000 than 1995. However, since Factor Content analysis arguably underestimates the imported labor, some assumptions are made in order to correct for this. This correction has great importance for the final analysis.

?Flykten till Sverige var en flykt till frihet och inte till destruktivitet av min identitet? : En studie om invandrarakademiker på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

The aim of this essay is to examine how educated immigrants from former Yugoslavia are experiencing the Swedish labor market and if they feel that there are factors that complicate their ability to establish themselves in the Swedish labor market. We have also examined whether and if so, how their status has changed in connotation with the move to Sweden. The method we have used is a qualitative interview study where we asked questions from a semi-structured interview guide. We chose to make use of both previous research and a number of analytical tools for using these to interpret inequality and discrimination that exist in the Swedish labor against educated immigrants. The results presented four factors that our respondents perceive contribute to difficulty in establishing themselves in the Swedish labor market, these are: contacts, name, validation and trainee post.

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