496 Uppsatser om Volume rendering - Sida 8 av 34
The aim of this final thesis is to make it easier for the customer of a new designed house to get a picture of what the house will look like inside before it has been built.A method, which can be applied by any construction company who likes to visualize there buildings, has been designed and tested. One works after a regular design planning which is transformed into a three dimensional model of the house. In a rendering program, materials and surfaces are chosen for the model and then a picture of the finished product is made. The programs used for this work are ADT 2006 and VIZ Render.To evaluate the use of this method I?ve chosen to cooperate with LB-Hus which is a housing company that is specialized in building detached houses.
Lodgepole pine - stability after thinning
SCA has today almost 300 000 hectares of their forest land planted with lodgepole pine(Pinus contorta var. latifolia). Due to initial extensive planting in the 1970ies the area oflodgepole pine forests in the thinning age has grown rapidly from the end of the 1990ies.During the years 1996-2005 first commercial thinning of lodgepole pine at SCA took place.The goal of the hereby presented study was to investigate the growth and stability in thosefirstly-thinned lodgepole pine stands a few years after thinning. Furthermore, the objectivewas to investigate the relationship between stand stability and different stand parameters.Additionally, lodgepole pine stem quality was estimated.The study is mainly based on the data collected during an inventory project carried out atSCA in 2008. Altogether 91 lodgepole pine stands in northern Sweden were measured afterthe first thinning.
Design och konstruktion av sparkcykel för sommar- och vinteranvändning
This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the IT Company MPQ consulting AB in Halmstad. The task we were assigned by MPQ concerned the development of a scooter that can be used year round. We have with the companydeveloped the criteria and requirements for the product in which the goal is toproduce a primary solution that meets the set criteria and fall within the project'sboundaries.The project involves a wide range of different design methods for idea generationand idea development. The project also addresses engineering methods such asprinciple and primary engineering. Occurringmethods in the project include FredyOlsson principle and primary engineering in cooperation with SVID's - Swedishindustrial design process, etc.The final solution will be presented in the form of sketches, CAD models withassociated drawings and a rendering from the program Keyshot..
Naturvärden i en värmländsk bruksskog : en skogshistorisk studie av Åbengtshöjden/Bogranghöjden
In this study I have analysed the history of a forest belonging to Saxåhyttan in Värmland. The study area is 448 hectares and has been used by iron industry since the 16th century. A forest that has been used by man during at least 400 years should have few ecological values. This inventory however shows the opposite.
The aim of the study is to interpret the history of the forest in the area, i. e.
Att förmedla rum i bilder
Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med arkitektkontoret Equator, som ärbeläget i Stockholm. Syftet med vårt uppdrag har varit att ta fram ett intresseväckandebildmaterial för receptionsmiljöer. Vårt fokus låg i att förstå hur man bäst förmedlar rumi bilder. Den övergripande frågeställningen var; hur får man i en bild, information omrummet och dess rymd?Metoder vi använde oss av för att nå vårt mål var litteraturstudier, enkätundersökningoch utprovningar.
BIM vid installationsprojektering
Planet rendering plays an important role in universe visualization and geographic visualization. The recent tools and methods allow better data acquisition, usually with very high resolution. However in computer graphics, there is always the limitation on the resolution of geometry and texture due to numerical imprecision. Not many applications can handle high resolution data effectively.This thesis introduces, Implicit Surface Scene, a level of detail scene management inspired by dynamic coordinate system and SCALEGRAPH? which change over time depending on the current camera position relative to the planet surface.
Profitability of Momentum Strategies on the Nordic stock market
Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the profitability of Momentum Strategies on the Nordic stock markets. This will provide insight and contribute to the debate on efficient markets. Finding profitable Momentum Strategies will provide strong evidence of inefficiency in the market. A secondary purpose is to examine factors which might cause or impact the profitability of the Momentum Strategy. We will look closely at the relationship between the profitability and factors such as risk (CAPM-beta), market capitalization, trading volume and seasonality.
Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader
The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.
Krav och önskemål på skogsbruksplanen : förbättringspotential med laserskanning
In 2009 The National Land Survey of Sweden, Lantmäteriet, commenced a project intended to provide a new digital elevation model (DEM) of Sweden. The method chosen for the project was airborne laser scanning (ALS). In addition to information about the land surface the project will also provide information about the forest, this as a by-product. This data can be used to estimate forest variables such as height and volume. The estimates are often more reliable than what is standard today.
This study is based on interviews with employees and members of the forest owner association Södra in southern Sweden.
Död ved i gallrad skog och nyckelbiotoper : en jämförelse av habitatkvaliteter för vedlevande lavar och mossor
A high amount of dead wood is one of the most important prerequisites for high biodiversity on forest land in Sweden. Dead wood is most abundant in young forests, thinned forests, woodland key habitats and protected forest land. In old-growth forests most of the dead wood consists of logs and snags, whilst in managed forests a huge proportion of dead wood is made up of logging residues like stumps and FWD, fine woody debris (< 10 cm diameter). All these different types of dead wood may serve as substrates for epixylic bryophytes and lichens. However, few studies have been conducted on the relative importance of these different fractions of dead wood for the occurrence of bryophytes and lichens, especially when considering dead wood on thinned forest land.
Att marknadsföra kultur ? utvecklingen av en ny visuell identitet för Malmö konsthall
In recent years the arts institutions? role in society have changed. With increased demands on attracting greater number of visitors they use concepts from corporate marketing to communicate with greater success. Theories from museum studies show that the importance of rendering authenticity now has become the new imperative in order to retain the status of a reputable institution. This thesis aims to discuss the development of a new visual identity for the public and non-profit institution Malmö konsthall.
Kortsiktig omsättning och avkastningar-En studie på enskilda aktier på Stockholmsbörsens A-lista
VÃ¥r studie bygger pÃ¥ artiklarna â€Fads, Martingales and Market efficiency†och â€Volume and Autocovariances in Short-Horizon Individual Security Returns†och är ett replikat av dessa.
Studiens syfte är att undersöka förhållandet mellan förändringar i aktieomsättningen och veckoavkastningar för enskilda aktier på Stockholmsbörsen..
Recidivmönster hos glioblastom
Syfte: Identifiera recidivmönster hos glioblastom samt studera betydelsen av erhållen stråldos beträffande uppkomsten av recidiv.Metod: 50 patienter som strålbehandlats för glioblastom valdes ut till studien och deras magnetkamerabilder från uppföljningen jämfördes med behandlingsplanen frånstrålbehandlingen. Lokala, marginella eller distala recidiv identifierades baserat på om recidivet låg innanför, tangerade eller låg helt utanför PTV (planning target volume). De marginella delades in i två grupper, de som hade en fysisk koppling, connex, till GTV (gross tumor volume) och de som inte hade det. Vidare lästes erhållen stråldos i recidivet ut från strålbehandlingsplanen.Resultat: 35 stycken patienter hade fått recidiv på 42 unika lokaler. Av dess 42 recidiv var 66,7 % (28 stycken) lokala, 9,5 % (4 stycken) marginella med connex till GTV, 19 % (8 stycken) marginella utan connex till GTV och slutligen 4,8 % (2 stycken) distala.
Ökad vinstpotential genom styrning av kunders beställningsmönster - En fallstudie på Oatly AB
Degree project in Logistics, 30 credits, The Business Administration and Economics Programme, Linnaeus University, 4FE05E, Spring 2013Authors: Ida Nilsson & Malin Skacke Tutor: Peter Berling Examiner: Helena ForslundTitle: Increased profit potential by controlling customers? ordering patterns -? A case study at OatlyBackground:Oatly manufactures and sells oat-?based products and deliveries are today carried out through an external distributor. The company is going through a re-?organisation and will in the future be managing stock keeping and planning of deliveries with their own resources. The customers? present ordering frequency and volume differ substantially, leading to unnecessary costs.
Stubbtransporter - en jämförelse av tre olika transportsystem
In Sweden, the demand for bio energy has increased in recent years due to the current energy and climate debate. In 2008, the energy supply of Sweden was 612 TWh, biofuels accounted for 123 TWh of these. Stumps have been highlighted as a potential fuel in recent years and the Swedish Forest Agency expects a technically and biologically feasible potential of 20.7 TWh annually between 2010 and 2019. The idea of utilize stumps is not new. During the 19th century stumps were used for tar production and during the 70?s and 80?s attempts were made to use stumps in the pulp industry.