

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 32 av 81

Joharifönster och spel : att identifiera en målgrupp

This is the report on a study made to find a correlation between the Johari window and the games that the possessor of given Johari window enjoys to play. A Johari window is a graph that shows an individual?s ability to receive and give feedback. One obvious correlation was found between individuals enjoying role playing games and their possessing Johari windows showing a good ability to give feedback. The reasoning behind this is that the ability to give feedback is based on the capability to express oneself to the external environment, and that one would need to be comfortable with expressing oneself to an external environment in order to enjoy interacting with the narrative that takes place within the role playing genre..

Från ett tunt lager av modernitet till ett sekulärt socialt etos - Akademiska berättelser om sekularism och modernitet i Turkiet mellan 1980 och 2007

This study analyzes academic narratives about modernity and secularism in Turkey between 1980 and 2007 using the concepts historical orientation, narratives of modernity and landscape of modernity formulated by the German theoretician Jörn Rüsen and developed by Swedish historian Martin Wiklund..

Culhwch & Lúthien : Keltisk mytologi i J. R. R. Tolkiens sagovärld

This study investigates in what respects Celtic mythology influenced J. R. R. Tolkien when writing the sagas incorporated in the mythopoeic compilation of The Silmarillion. Through narrative and comparative analysis, stories from the Irish prose collection Lebor Gabála Érenn, as well as the Welsh medieval manuscript Mabinogion, are collated to the tales of The Silmarillion in order to illuminate possible influences.

En karneval går inte att stoppa! : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer

A carnival can not be stopped! A design pedagogical study of children and norms In Basel, the only Protestant carnival in Europe takes place. The carnival is called Fasnacht. For three days, there is a wild and uninhibited play with tradition, crossing borders and social criticism.The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of the concept of the carnival, and how to use it for an educational purpose. Three children from Basel have been involved in an workshop where they designed and talked about norms and power structures through the carnivalesque principle. The study is based on the questions: How can you use the carnival as a starting point for designing and talking about norms and power structures together with children? And; How can the design process support such a project? To spot this, I made arrangements for a design educational project.

Förpackningsdesign i en varumärkesstärkande process : En fallstudie av varumärket Coca-Cola

Nowadays, packaging design is seen as a competitive tool and its importance for corporations is becoming increasingly apparent. The rivalry within homogeneous markets puts high demands on differentiation and the ability to create something more than the product itself. With this fundamental question, the soft drink industry has been examined and a case study of the brand Coca-Cola has been performed. The aim is to investigate how packaging design is used as a tool for strengthening a brand and to explore which additional values this contributes. In addition, the study observes the most important factors in the development of packaging design.A theoretical work of reference, consisting primarily of theories related to branding, design development and visual identity, has been developed to support the study.

Effektivisering av klimatskärm : a?tga?rdsfo?rslag fo?r bostadsfo?reningen Stocken

This study explores Environmental Storytelling techniques and whether these can beused in combination with each other to lead a player through a game scene in aspecific pattern, affect the player?s narrative and exploratory view and explorewhether Self-paced Exploration can be combined with these techniques.It is a qualitative study conducted by six gaming sessions with accompanyinginterviews in which six people get to play one of three versions of the same gamescene. The only differences between the scenes are the different guidance techniquesused. The informants' movement patterns are identified and interviews recorded byaudio, as well as screen recording. The results shows that Environmental Storytellingtechniques can very well be used to control the player's exploration patterns, bothnarratively and navigation purposes and Self-paced Exploration can be utilized to agreater efficiency in combination with these..

Implementation av en renderare för Agency9

The visual complexity in real-time applications, like computer games, is increasing with customer demands on vissual apperance. This trend is supported by even better graphics cards from the hardvare industry. This must be taken into consideration when the architecture of a new graphics engine is to be designed. The engines renderer is responsible of generating a picture of scene data. The renderer must cope with increasingly more complex scenes, and must be able to render them depending on available hardvare capasity.


Mobila lösningar blir allt vanligare och appar kan utvecklas för att hjälpa mobilanvändaremed det mesta. Att utveckla appar är populärt och kan göras i en mängd olika språk ochutvecklingsmiljöer, och projektet har haft som mål att både utveckla en användbar appoch utvärdera en sådan utvecklingsmiljö.PaddelAppen som utvecklats i projektet fyller ett tomrum genom att vara en resurs förpaddelintresserade. Samtidigt har utvecklingsarbetet resulterat i en utvärdering av utveck-lingsmiljön Xamarin, som använts tillsammans med Visual Studio för att plattformsobe-roende utveckla appen för både Android och Windows Phone..

Mätning och analys i 3-D för applikationer inom

I denna rapport presenteras en översikt över några befintliga metoder för mätning i 3 dimensioner baserade på bildbehandling och strukturerat ljus. Mätning via triangulering med laserplan och kamera beskrivs och har implementerats i Visual C++. En kalibreringsprocedur för denna mätmetod som med hjälp av laserplanet belyser ett referensobjekt beskrivs också och har utvecklats i MATLAB. Ett antal olika mätningar har sedan utförts med den implementerade mät- och kalibreringsmetoden och vissa initiala analyser av mätdata i MATLAB har gjorts för att ligga till grund för eventuell fortsatt produktutveckling och forskning..

Studie av utvecklingsverktyg med inriktning mot PLC-system

Datoranvändningen i samhället växer för varje dag. Det är då viktigt att programvara håller hög kvalité, då vissa programvaror styr kritiska maskiner som exempelvis flygplan. Ett sätt att få kvalitativa programvaror är att använda bra utvecklingsverktyg. I detta arbete utvärderas fem olika utvecklingsverktyg: GNAT (Ada), Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft J++, Borland Delphi och Active Perl. Inriktningen på utvärderingen är mot utveckling av programvara för PLC-system.

Mirror, mirror on the wall? -en kulturanalytisk studie av hur folksagor återberättas i vår tid utifrån exemplet Snövit och de sju dvärgarna

This essay examines two modern retellings of the classic fairy tale of Snow White and the seven dwarfs in the version of the brothers Grimm. By analyzing the differences in the modern version to the more original one my aim is to be able to see how these objects of popular culture are affected by the type of society they are created within.In my two-step analysis I have first used the theory of narratology to find what changes had been made in the two retellings. Here I have the help of several key concepts of the theorists Vladimir Propp, Gérard Genette and David Bordwell. The narrative differences, which turned out to concern the characters mostly, I have then sought to explain in the light of the sociological theories of Zygmunt Bauman regarding liquid modernity and liquid fears..

Gångvägsljus :

Discussing light and lighting in the night-time environment of Tensta, a Stockholm suburb built between 1962 and 1970, this thesis suggests that lighting should be designed for the outdoor environment as a whole. The feeling of safety and human perception are important components in this thesis. Starting with some comments on visual perception and how we adapt our sight to an interval of the visual input we get, makes it possible to understand that more light sometimes hides, rather than reveals, things. Amongst the dispersed houses, in the green parks of Tensta, this turns the pedestrian roads, lit by pole-top-mounted fixtures, into light tunnels in a dark surrounding. Talking about the feeling of safety I am inspired by, amongst others K. Lynch, B. Hjort and J.

Femåringar berättar på svenska och engelska : Referensdata och jämförelse med 6- och 7-åringar

År 2009 startades det europeiska forskningsprojektet COST Action IS0804 med syfte att få mer kunskap om flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling och utveckla bedömningsmaterial anpassade för flerspråkiga barn. Inom COST Action fokuserar arbetsgruppen Narrative and discourse på berättelser (narrativer) som ett sätt att bedöma språk hos barn. Berättande liknar naturlig språkanvändning och anses ge en mer rättvisande bild av flerspråkiga barns förmåga än andra logopediska test. Av narrativgruppen utvecklades bedömningsmaterialet MAIN (Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives). Med MAIN kan barns produktion och förståelse av berättelser undersökas på makrostrukturell nivå.

Ledarskap och Stress : en kvalitativ studie om ledarrollens betydelse i stressiga situationer

Previous research in the area of leadership and stress has shown that the leader plays an important role but in what way is still an issue to explore. A qualitative approach was used in this study to develop an increased understanding of the leader's experience of stress using four themes; leadership, stress, control and organizational factors. A total of 12 semi-structured and un-structured interviews were carried out with 6 leaders, three females and three males. The data was transcribed and thematic as well as narrative analysis was conducted.The results indicates that leadership stress is caused by a lack of control and that factors intrinsic to the role as a leader both facilitates and complicates the leaders situation when facing stress..

En jämförelse mellan ljus baserat i naturalism och pictorialism : En studie om ljussättning i spel

In this study, we investigate various lighting applications in a virtual environment, where we compare between light based in naturalism (natural light) and pictorialism (artistic light). The purpose of this study is to gain further knowledge in lighting, which is increasingly important for game graphics. Theory are examined to gather information and recommendations on how to use various light settings that convey different emotions. We then use this information to illuminate the environment that we have built. The environment is presented in Unreal 4 for respondents who are allowed to move around freely in the environment.

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