

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 31 av 81

Grafisk helhetslösning för Resize Design

This report describes and explains the development of a comprehensive solution including visual identity, print catalog, website and online shop for the furniture company Resize Design. The development and production of these have occurred in the iterative processes with relevant theories as a basis. The theories include user-centered work processes, usability, design principles, interaction design, design patterns and web-compatible solutions. The report documents and discusses the work which is divided into different phases. .

Utvärdering av Windows 8-applikationer ur ett utvecklarperspektiv

With Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 8, a new type of applications were introduced, Windows Store Apps. These applications must meet certain requirements in order to be uploaded to Windows own store for apps. There are also guidelines to follow. The requirements and guidelines include appearance and functionality, such as a common search function in the applications to contribute to a more unified experience. How does these requirements and guidelines influence developers? Whether the development of the Windows Store Apps gets more difficult, or perhaps even simpler, is studied and evaluated in this report.

Känsla för vatten : rekreation i innerstad med fokus på bad

This graduation thesis is about baths and beach like places in city centers. It focuses on recreation and the creation and development of public, social spaces in the city containing water as a visual and useable element. The thesis is divided into three parts; background, inspiration and application. The background examines four factors which we consider important for the occurrence of inner city baths; water, the history of bathing, inner city recreation and social life in public places. A discussion of the (future) importance of inner city baths and beach like places' is then presented. The inspirational part is divided into examples of existing places and examples of types of places. The first is used in an attempt to examine the function and importance of inner city baths and beach like places as well as the opportunities and challenges associated with them. The latter contains a presentation of six categories developed by us to facilitate the planning of inner city baths and beach like places.

Portrayal of animal communication in wildlife documentary

Many people turn to documentaries for knowledge about animals, but do documentaries give us a truthful portrayal of animals and their behavior? This study looks at how the communication behavior of the portrayed animals is depicted in three episodes of The Life of Mammals. These episodes were observed after which the contents were compared to scientific literature on the same topics. The results show that quite little communication is actually shown in the episodes about plant predators and meat eaters and relatively much of it is shown in the episode named Social Climbers, involving primates. The matching literature suggests that based on the narrative and the accompanying footage, the viewer is getting a realistic picture, with the exception of a few questionable cases..


Examensarbetet har utförts på Weland Lagersystem AB i Gislaved som tillverkar och säljer lagersystem. Företaget är en del i Welandkoncernen och ägs därmed av Weland AB. Arbetet handlar om att effektivisera konstruktionsprocessen på Weland Lagersystem AB, för produkten grenställ1. Konstruktionsprocessen består idag av ett flertal moment. Ett av dessa moment, som idag utförs manuellt och är tidskrävande, är skapande av geometriska modeller.

A web-based tool for managing intellectual property laws

Ipendo Systems AB är ett företag som tillhandahåller en webbaserad tjänst, Ipendo Platform, för administration av immateriella rättigheter. De lagar och regler som reglerar hur immateriella rättigheterna hanteras skiljer sig från varje land och tjänsten måste då innehålla information om alla dessa. Dessa lagar eller regler, hädanefter regler, hålls uppdaterade utanför tjänsten i ett Exceldokument, därefter importeras de till Ipendo Platform manuellt. Innan det görs måste de valideras enligt förutbestämda restriktioner, detta för att de dels ska vara i rätt format för Ipendo Platform eller någonting annat som måste vara i rätt format.Syftet och motivationen till detta examensarbete är att man vill ersätta denna process med ett enklare webbaserat adminstrationsverktyg som låter back-office hantera och uppdatera reglerna och sedan själva utföra validering och importering. Detta gör att tid sparas och de personer som jobbar med att uppdatera regler får feedback direkt från valideringen istället för att man ska vänta på att en annan avdelning gör valideringen.

Utveckling av karttjänst i ASP.NET

Syftet med projektet var att tillverka en webbaserad kartvisningstjänst för att visualisera geografiska och infrastrukturella förändringar över tiden. Detta genom att historiska och dagsaktuella kartor överlappas och presenteras som en bild.Applikationen utvecklades i ASP.NET med programspråket Visual Basic. Som databashanterare användes Microsoft SQL-server 2000. För bearbetning av kartmaterialet användes Arcview 8. Som utvecklingsmetod användes David Siegels modell för att konstruera webbplatser.

Berätta med form : om innehåll i utställningar

Shaping visual stories - content in exhibitions is an essay on how content has been shaped in the two exhibitions "Memento mori" and "Hästen - tyglad, piskad, älskad". The study focuses on how exhibitions can be defined through their content as well as how the exhibitors'different intentions towards the exhibition affect the working process as well as the result. This is put in relation to theoretical models and discussions on ideals in the field of exhibition and what impels these to find an answer to the question: What makes an exhibition?.

2000-talets änglasymbol : en djupanalys

The contemporary angel-symbol is deeply rooted in our cultural history, with connotations and implications leading to that inner transitional space where all creative activity takes place. This essay investigates the history of the depiction of angels, visions of angels both ancient and modern, and includes psychological aspects of symbols as such. A closer look at surrounding symbols of angels will hopefully result in a greater understanding of the role of the angel-symbol within the context of visual culture, seen in the light of our own symbolic universe..

Kritik av humanismen som grund till värden i svensk skola med perspektiv från Nietzsche & Kant : En narrativ ideologianalys av läroplanens värdegrund och de oförytterliga värdenas genealogi

This thesis in Educational Sciences consists of a narrative ideology-analysis of the Swedish school's fundamental values with perspectives from the philosophy of Nietzsche and Kant, which also analyzed the same way, with the aim to trace and problematize the ideological foundations of "our society's shared values" that teachers should convey to the students. Based on a theory that a humanism crisis occurs when important values are perceived as threatened, does the introduction of the basic values of the curriculum appear as a response tosocietal changes. Nietzsche and Kant represent completely different idea currents that both have been reflected in the curriculum in which basic values have different meanings. Nietzsche has inspired social criticism, postcolonial and postmodern thinkers to a critical constructivist approach that is an asset in the multicultural classroom to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices. That culture, ethnicity, morality and religion do not have an objective essence, but seen as social constructions, using a critical approach is a way of thinking which was developed with inspiration from Nietzsche.

Hundens kommunikationssignaler

This literature study summarizes the signals dogs use in intraspecific communication. The purpose is to clarify the way dogs communicate so that situations where their intentions are misjudged can be avoided. The signals are divided into olfactory, visual, auditory and tactile and every section starts with a short anatomic and physiologic description of the sense organ that is used to register the current signal type. The interspecific communication between dog and human regarding its development and function is brought up. To end with suggestions are given of how veterinary technicians in clinics can make use of knowledge about the way dogs communicate.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

Kulturarv som livsvärden : En kritisk undersökning av kulturarvsbegreppet

This critical examination of the concept of cultural heritage is based on an overall phenomenological approach, with focus on Alfred Schütz?s further development of Edmund Husserl?s idea of the lifeworld. With strong emphasis on the subjective and intersubjective dimensions, the concept of cultural heritage is contextualized, analysed and criticized from different aspects for the purpose of enriching the discourse of cultural heritage.A literature based methodology is used, including a hermeneutic analysis of theoretical texts in the field of cultural heritage studies and the new Swedish Culture Environmental Law (?Kulturmiljölagen?) and related bills. Qualitative interviews deal with people?s notions about the concepts of culture, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.


The main objective of this thesis was to develop appropriate strategies and find factors that affect the usability of parameterized designs. This was accomplished by investigate the user-interface and how it is designed to meet the user's information needs. The thesis also embraces the basic theories in terms of investigation, cognitive design principles and human behavior patterns in the interaction with the machine. The approach has led to an explorative investigation in this subject area.The thesis also had the purpose to achieve more efficient ways for development of motor chainsaws at Husqvarna AB's department Global Cutting Equipment. That can be achieved through reduce costs of development per sold unit.

SharePoint apps

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 är en plattform som är väldigt populär för utveckling av intranät. Möjligheterna för kommunikation inom en organisation bidrar till större och bättre informationsflöde inom organisationen samt leder till effektivare arbete inom organisationen. Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 är alltså ett intranät som blir ett centrum att vistas på samt där man träffar sina kollegor för att dela information och mycket mer.Detta examensarbete utgår från Microsofts välkända intranät Sharepoint 2013. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att skapa ett ärendehanteringssystem utifrån företaget Precio Systemutveckling AB:s beställning samt kravspecifikation . Utvecklingen har baserats på ?The great new app model? som under början på detta år (2013) introducerades utav Microsoft i den senaste versionen av Sharepoint: Sharepoint 2013.

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