

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 2 av 81

Media, en ignorerad länk i den strategiska berättelsen : En kvantitativ studie över medias projektion av det svenska Afghanistannarrativet

The Afghan war post 9/11 has become the source of multiple case studies. Recent studies suggest that variations in domestic support for deployment of troops in Afghanistan can be explained by means of the strategic narratives provided by the policymakers of the contributing state; a strong consistent narrative increases public support. Scholars recognize a Swedish catch-all narrative, which suggests weakens the narrative, thus raising the uncertainty among the public. This thesis investigates the projection of Swedish strategic narrative through elite Swedish newspapers. The content analysis reveals an inconsistency between the policymaker?s formation of the strategic narrative and the narrative projected by individual newspapers.

Spel som ett berättande medium : Att kartlägga narrativets utveckling inom Tv-spel

This essay is about the use of narrative in video games, and the discussion surrounding it. For years ludologists (game researchers) and narratologists (narrativity researchers) have been arguing about how to analyze narrativity in games. While ludologists have chosen to see games as a product by itself, and therefore something to be analyzed separately, narratologists instead see games as a narrative medium alongside film, theater and books. This essay starts by taking a look at the arguments from both sides, and then introduces three questions regarding narrative in games, and how this phenomenon has changed over the past 13 years. To answer these questions, five case studies are carried out, analyzing games with the help of a new framework built on narrative theory.

Charlie och Sara : Narration, heteronormativitet och lesbiskhet i Margareta Subers Charlie

This essay explores the novel Charlie by Margareta Suber (1932) through lesbian narrative theory. The result is a revealing on how the lesbian main character can be established as a lesbian subject against the male and heterosexual narrative; how she escapes a simple male positioning in the narrative, how she subverts categorisation, how she parttakes in female bonding, and how she disturbs heteronormativity..

Grafisk profilering för butiksmiljö : Creating a visual identity for a store

A new visual identity for the ski store Alpingaraget in Stockholm has been proposed as the result of this thesis. Theproposal includes a new logotype, various printed matters, design planning of the store, interior design, signs and otherapplications.The theory section is within the field of graphic profiling and with some focus on profiling in stores.A clear visual identity is important for a company because what the company communicates internally and externallyshould be kept as consistent as possible. This is especially important nowadays when more and more similar products andstores are available. This means that the visual identity becomes part of the competition with other products and stores.The base elements in a visual identity are logotype, colors and typograpy. Using these elements according to rules andtemplates makes a consistent visual profile..

En jämförande studie av Visual C++, C# och VB.NET

Programmeringsspråken Visual C++, C# och VB.NET (Visual Basic.NET) jämförs, med tyngdpunkt på en praktisk jämförelse av fyra exempelapplikationer. Exempelapplikationen WordCount visar att Visual C++ har förutsättningar förbäst prestanda, men att även C# och VB.NET ger helt godtagbar prestanda. Valet av färdiga klasser är viktigare än språket. Ett olämpligt val kan göra prestandan mycket sämre än förväntat, medan den allra bästa prestandan ofta erhålls med en egen implementering. Applikationen FFT visar att flyttalsprestandan är bättre i C# än i VB.NET.

Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"

The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.

Synstörning vid fall och fallskador En registrering av det dokumenterade

Falls and fallinjuries are very common in peoples own homes in various institutions. Hospital inpatients often fall during daytime in connection with their visit to the toilet. Visual impairment such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can cause falls. The purpose of this study was to examine patient´s records where falls and fallinjuries were documented at an emergency clinic and to examine if they were registered to visual impairment. The records from 68 hospital inpatients from the age of 65 years and older who did fall during the year of 2004, were examined.

En actionberättelse : en analys av de narrativa delarna i actiondatorspelet Halo

This essay is a narrative analyze of the computer game Halo. The purpose of the essay is to see what function the narrative elements have in a computer game of the action genre. The analyze is done with a neo-formalistic approach according to the theory of David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson. The choice of game was based on it's positive reviews mentioning the story. The essay tries to give a picture of research in the field and researchers views on narratives and computer games.

Visuella effekters påverkan på minne och popularitet : Reklamfilm för bilar

Car-commercials are something that many people come in contact with on a daily basis.This is a study on commercials for cars and is focusing on visual effects that are madein post-production. In this report we are trying to find out if and how visual effects incommercials for cars affect how the observer remembers them. The second subjects thatwe use in this report is popularity and we try to find out if and in that case how visualeffects affect the commercials for cars popularity. We also investigated how frequentlycommercials for cars are showed on TV and how the visual effects are in them, it givesa better foundation to the other parts.The methods we applied were interviews, quantitative and qualitative content analysisof car commercials and also observation analysis of the 6 swedish TV-channels thatshows commercials and have the most viewers, to get an idea how frequently thesecommercials are shown. The commercials that were applied in this paper was from late2011 to early 2012.

GRAFISK PROFIL TILL EN BLOMSTERHANDEL - corporate identity for a flower shop

This project aims to explore how to create a working concept-based flower shop visual identity, with focus on brandig, eco-branding and visual communication. My main question is: How do I create effective visual communication for an ecological flower shop? The results of this thesis are that there are things to consider when creating a visual identity with an ecological concept. The most important question is if there is any benefit for your company to go green, otherwise positioning of your company will be hard. What I realized during the design part of my project was that if I use the methods described in this thesis and consequently applying my choices after the flower shops identifying words, a working concept-based visual identity will be possible to create..

Scenografi, min käre Watson! : En studie i scenografiska teknikers påverkan på spelare

This study explores Environmental Storytelling techniques and whether these can beused in combination with each other to lead a player through a game scene in aspecific pattern, affect the player?s narrative and exploratory view and explorewhether Self-paced Exploration can be combined with these techniques.It is a qualitative study conducted by six gaming sessions with accompanyinginterviews in which six people get to play one of three versions of the same gamescene. The only differences between the scenes are the different guidance techniquesused. The informants' movement patterns are identified and interviews recorded byaudio, as well as screen recording. The results shows that Environmental Storytellingtechniques can very well be used to control the player's exploration patterns, bothnarratively and navigation purposes and Self-paced Exploration can be utilized to agreater efficiency in combination with these..

Inlevelse genom narrativ i spel

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker problemet med konvergeringen av narrativ och interaktion och varför en konvergering mellan dessa hämmar deltagarens inlevelse i ett spel. Utifrån spelet Traverser redovisas i detta kandidatarbete processen och resultatet av hur ett interaktivt narrativ kan väcka inlevelse hos deltagaren genom att låta berättandet ske subtilt och icke-linjärt, där spelaren uppmanas till att vilja utforska narrativet på egen hand i form av en miljö i Traverser. This bachelor?s thesis discusses the problem of converging narrative and interaction and why the convergence between the two tends to arrest the participants immersion within a game. Through an interactive narrative by letting the narration take place subtly and nonlinearly, this bachelor?s thesis reports the process and result of how an interactive narrative could provoke immersion within the game Traverser, where the actor is urged to explore the narrative independently in the shape of an environment..

Hur naturfilm berättas : Narrativa strukturer och verklighetsbeskrivning i naturfilm

In our attempts to understand the world, wildlife films play a significant role. Wildlife films help us to see new places and learn about animals in remote locations, that we otherwise wouldn?t be able to do. Yet wildlife films have throughout history been criticized, mainly for the ambivalent relationship between science and storytelling. While the films give us a scientific impression and say something about the ?reality?, they clearly have the intension to amuse, capture and entertain their audience.

Ämneshantering hos flerspråkiga med Alzheimers sjukdom

In previous studies there has been indications that multilingualism has a delaying effect of the onset of dementia and damage on cognitive abilities (Bialystok et al., 2007; De Bot & Makoni, 2005, s. 58). Cognitive abilities refers to memory, attention, language, abstract thinking and understandings among other things (Läkemedelsverket). Other studies have seen that individuals with Alzheimer's disease (Swedish abbreviation AS from here on) have difficulties with managing a conversation (Hyltenstam & Stroud 1989). This study aims to describe the topic treatment in bilingual individuals with AS and compare their different languages.

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