

1824 Uppsatser om Viral Marketing - Sida 40 av 122

Effect of TV displays on impulse purchase

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Rekryteringsstrategier inom marknadsföring och kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie avhur individer och organisationer hanterar sökandet efter medarbetare/arbetsgivare och hur rekryterare skapar matchning

This paper describes and analyzes how individuals and organizations that operate in careers in communications and marketing deal with the search for employees / employers, and how recruiting managers and recruitment consultants are working to create a match between the parties. The study was conducted on behalf of a recruitment agency that offers services in recruiting and staffing for organizations in communication and marketing. The empirical material consists of ten qualitative interviews from three different perspectives on the labor market, recruitment consultants, managers and employees. The interviews were analyzed from sociological and social psychological theories of organizations and individuals opportunities and strategies in today's western labor market. Conclusions that emerged are that organizations need for decreased amount of tied assets provides increased need for temporary employments.

Pedagogik - konsultens marknad

PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market of pedagogic consulting and how the customers look upon these kinds of services and what the consultants think about the market. The following five questions were investigated:What is the situation of the market of pedagogic consulting?-          What needs and what demands are there of pedagogical consulting services? -          What are the economic possibilities for schools and municipalities to buy professional development and consulting services?What do schools and municipalities think about their needs and what do they think about buying professional development from consultants?-          How are the professional development offerings of the consultants recieved by schools and municipalities and is there a difference between the private and public sector of education? -          What impact could professional development have on schools?In what way is the marketing for pedagogic consulting done?Method In this study I have chosen to have a qualitative approach with an abductive perpective. I made these choices to get closer to what I wanted to investigate. Through the abductive methodology it was possible to go between theory and empirics.

Läkares användning av medicinska tidskrifter ? Är sjukhusbibliotekets bestånd en viktig källa?

The purpose of this study is to find out how and to what extent doctors use the hospital library?s collection of print and electronic medical journals. Major changes have the last years occurred in the journal collection. The journals are very costly and little is known about the user satisfaction with them. Therefore it?s important to examine how satisfied the users are with the collection and how they utilize it.

Diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of bovine rotavirus and coronarvirus in Brazil

Rotavirus and coronavirus are the two most common viral causes of neonatal calf diarrhea and their presence causes a lot of economic damage to the farmers as well as suffering to the animal. By getting better knowledge about the viruses we may help in tracing transmission and in producing new vaccines. This paper served to study the molecular epidemiology of rotavirus and coronavirus in fecal samples collected from two different farms in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. These samples have been studied with focus on the gene VP4, VP7, NSP4 in rotavirus and the gene S1 in coronavirus. From the first farm the screening PCR showed that 12/48 samples were positive for rotavirus and 4/48 positive for coronavirus.

Marknadsföring på webbplatser för ungdomar. Hur bibliotekarier arbetar med bibliotekets webbplats för att nå ut till ungdomar

The aim of this study was about how librarians in Sweden work with their web page to reach young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Most of the youths in Sweden today use Internet every day for several reasons, and the library should have an obvious place there as well. It shouldbe obvious because almost all youths uses Internet every day and therefore the library needs to be seen there as well to reach out to them. Earlier research has shown that librarians and youths think differently in this question. Youths think that the library web page is more important for the librarythan the librarians do.How do the librarians work with marketing for youths on the web page? Do their policy documents help them in their work?To study this area we have interviewed librarians from six quite large public libraries from different parts of thecountry.

Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn

The customer behavior is constantly changing along with the developement of new technical improvements. Together with knowledge and higher demands the physical store has received a viral competitor. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon e-commerce and how it has developed in recent years. The study will focus on identifying different success factors relevant for this field of interest. Furthermore the purpose is to analyze how relationships, service and value in the e-commerce sector and how they are connected to each other.

Gerillakriget : En kvalitativ studie om taget utrymme

Forskningsfråga: Vad karaktäriserar framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att tydliggöra de väsentliga inslagen i gerillamarknadsföring för att öka förståelsen för denna marknadsföringsmetod. Vi gör detta genom att analysera och klarlägga kärnan i gerillamarknadsföring, metodens olika inslag samt dess styrkor och svagheter. Vi kommer sedan att analysera den funktion gerillamarknadsföring kan ha i företags och organisationers samlade marknadsföring. Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ studie som utgått från en deduktiv ansats med en induktiv karaktär. Den empiriska datainsamlingen gjordes främst utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter med spetskompetens inom det valda forskningsämnet. Slutsats: Vår studie visar att framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring karaktäriseras av stor kreativitet, men att gerillaaktiviteten inte får ta över budskapet.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Entreprenöriell marknadsföring : Hur marknadsförs småföretag startade av entreprenörer

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och precisera innebörden av entreprenöriell marknadsföring sett ur småföretags perspektiv samt huruvida marknadsföringsmetoderna karaktäriseras av entre-prenören eller av den bransch som denne är verksam i. Metod: För att uppnå vårt syfte valde vi att genomföra en kvalitativ studie. Studien bestod av fem djupintervjuer med entreprenörer i Karls-krona. Vid intervjutillfället lade vi även fram ett case för att få en djupare insikt i hur entreprenörerna skulle agera i en given situa-tion. Detta för att de verkar i olika branscher.

Reklam i mobilen? En studie av förutsättningarna för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefon som marknadsföringskanal

Titel Reklam i mobilen? En studie av förutsättningar för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal Författare Beata Jungselius Kurs MK1500 - Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin VT-09 Uppdragsgivare Dagspresskollegiet Handledare Oscar Westlund Syfte Att studera förutsättningarna för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal. Metod Omvärldsanalys med hjälp av analysmodellen PEST samt intervjuer Huvudresultat Mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal har visat sig vara väl lämpad för olika former av marknadsföringsåtgärder för tidningsföretag. Särskilt väl kan den antas fungera för tidningsföretag som utlåter annonsutrymme i form av så kallade reklambanners på sin mobilanpassade webbsida då dessa i regel ger ett högt observationsvärde såväl som en hög klickfrekvens. SMS-utskick kan även de fungera väl, förutsatt att mottagaren gett företaget tillåtelse att kontakta dem på detta vis helst på eget initiativ.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this hasforced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized byincreased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companieshave had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on thecustomer. To build lasting customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, havebecome an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer datais essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assistorganisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing allaspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards thecompany. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalizedoffers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing.

Psykiska avståndets påverkan på internationell handel

The global market is becoming increasingly integrated and to keep up with growing competition and to achieve even greater success, companies expand to foreign markets. Previous studies have shown that the concept of psychic distance has an important impact on international performance regarding small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The aim of our study is to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of how psychic distance influences export performance regarding Swedish SMEs. Through a single case study of a Swedish SME, we chose to research three different markets in three different continents. Our findings show that psychic distance influences export performance through export marketing strategy and active learning.

Produktutveckling i stadens tjänst : en explorativ studie om design av souvenirer

It is increasingly important for cities to attract visitors, potential new residents and businesses. Jönköping is one of the cities working with place marketing, a strategy that intends to mediate a positive image of the city, in order to accomplish just that.People often have a need to preserve the memory of a trip into something tangible. Anyone visiting Jönköping encounters a souvenir choice, much like the one in many other cities. Linked to the idea of positive place marketing, our work aims to investigate how we as product developers can create a product that en¬hances the image of Jönköping based on the thought that all residents are con¬sig¬nors. Accordingly, we develop three different products from the residents' own image of the city.Our research questions are:Based on the photographs, what image of Jönköping do the ambassadors mediate of their own city?As designers, what in Jönköping's history versus the image of Jönköping today, can we seize in order to give products for visitors a sense of authenticity?As designers, how can we use knowledge of place branding in the development of souvenirs?We performed interviews within three different aspects: history, souvenirs and place branding, all focused on the city of Jönköping.

Se inte ner på golvmarknadsföring! - En kvantitativ studie om effekter av golvmarknadsföring i köpcentrummiljöer

Shopping malls have been growing in numbers during the last few decades. As an effect, consumers are increasingly placing a greater amount of their purchases under one roof. The problem is that stores within these malls have to fight for the consumers' attention in competition with all the other stores. Thus, making consumers noticing their store is critical for success. Creating attention through floor advertising could be a potential way of doing so.

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