4574 Uppsatser om Vilhelmina Model Forest - Sida 38 av 305
Kan vi prata om det? Deliberativ demokrati, mångfald och politisk kamp
In recent years the liberal representative democracy has been subject of a substantial critique because of its inability to accommodate difference and createa genuinely democratic political process. One such critique comes from the theory of deliberative democracy. Supporters of deliberative democracy try to promote a model of democracy that take its vantage point in free and equal deliberationbetween all relevant actors in a political community. This model has with some success opposed the aggregative model of democracy, and in important ways turned the attention to the potential of deliberative processes.However, the deliberative model is still somewhat underdeveloped when it comes to issues of diversity and difference. This essay deals with such deficiencies by analysing deliberative democracy in the light of the critiquelaunched by difference- and radical democrats.
Bokbloggen i de litterära kretsloppen : En litteratursociologisk analys
This thesis explores the position of book blogs in the literary system through Robert Escarpit's socio-literary model of the book market. Simultaneously the thesis serves as a test for Escarpit's theory: by actively applying his theory and model to a very new and contemporary actor on the book market I hoped to reach or confirm new insights into the usefulness and validity of Escarpit's work for contemporary socio-literary studies.Three book blogs were selected for the analysis and interviews were carried out with the authors. The interview questions were formulated specifically for the purpose of extracting the kind of information necessary for an analysis using Escarpit?s theory. As a complement to the interviews, statistics on the type of books reviewed on the blogs were also compiled.
1-D Modellering av Piezoelektrisk Injektor
A piezoelectric injector was modeled, in this Master Thesis Project which was carried out at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, in GT-Fuel. GT-Fuel is simulation program from Gamma Technology.The simulation model for the piezo injector was divided into a hydro-mechanical system and an electrical system (Piezoelectric element). First the hydro-mechanic model was duplicated from Advance Continuous Simulation Language model (ACSL). The simulation results were then compared to the ACSL, to verify that the hydro-mechanical system was modeled correctly. The simulation results for the electrical model were also compared with a Simulink model.
Hotbild för ädellav Megalaria grossa i Uppland och på Gotland :
Megalaria grossa is classified as Near treatened on the Swedish Red List. It is also a so called signals spieces, e. g. a spieces that function as an indicator, signalling a forest that is worthy of protection. The aim of this study was to clarify the status at selected localities in the province of Uppland and Gotland.
Inventering av processvattenbalans : fastställande av fjärrvärmedistributionens läckage inom Vattenfall Värme Uppsala AB
Heat is distributed to the district heating customers through pipes with water as a heat carrier. The district heating system is complex. To decide what is leakages from the district heating net versus what is the water consumption of the plant, is difficult.
Therefore, the purpose of this master thesis is to establish a model where the district heating net?s leakages but also the water consumption of the plant can be followed
daily. The project is performed at Vattenfall´s district heating power plant in Uppsala.
Information is gathered through discussions, drawings of the plant and guided tours of the plant.
Utmattningsdepression : En studie om det moderna arbetslivets relation till psykisk ohälsa utifrån fem kvalitativa intervjuer
The purpose of this essay is to try to understand the relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of burnout. By using the method of qualitative interviews we wanted to see if the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model could be applied to the data we had collected. Two questions have been highlighted in our research: ? Is it possible to establish a relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of burnout among the subjects interviewed? ? Is it possible to explain the development of burnout among our interviewed subjects through the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model? Our theoretical frames are the general theories of the modern society and the modern working life as developed by Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt Bauman. We have also used Johannes Siegrist?s medical-sociological Effort-Reward Imbalance Model (ERI-Model).
Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocess
Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.
Trähägn en tänkbar metod för viltskydd i Svenskt skogsbruk?
This survey was made to investigate the possibility of using an alternative method of fencing inSwedish forestry. The most common way of fencing in Sweden today is made by a two meter highmetal net that is attached to turned impregnated poles. The fencing methods that have beeninvestigated is a fencing system made completely out of wood so called ?German wood fence?.Browsing of game in forest regeneration areas is often a big problem and some kind of protection ofthe plants is often necessary. There is several ways of building fences and the most common way isto use metal nets and impregnated poles, this leads to a problem when the fence has profiled itspurpose.
Modell för idéutveckling
The purpose of this report is to create and develop a model that streamlines and helps the innovationprocess of an idea owner and also in the development of ideas.This model should be able to apply for workshops and in innovation advice or business devlopment. I used the qualitative method in my essay just to get a maximum clear data collection, where the seven respondents were included in the interviews. However, much of the information retrieved from the theory books and research/science articles, in order to answer the research/Sceince question in the best possible way.
Omfattning och differenser av gränshävder kontra registerkartan i Boda, Skellefteå kommun
The cadastral index map is a great benefit to the surveying and governments. The map's main purpose is to show how the overall cadastral division looks in Sweden. The lack of quality of the cadastral index map dose not allows property-owners to know where to draw the boundary between their and others' property. In order to know where to find the boundaries between two properties, is it up to the property-owners themselves (self or in company by the other property-owner) to construct various usucaption at the boundaries. The main objective of the study is to verify the existence and extent of usucaption on forest properties in Bodan, a village outside Skellefteå.
Påverkar jordbruk flödet av akvatiska insekter till land? : Effekter av jordbruk på akvatiskt tillflöde till land vid norrländska bäckar
Streams and riparian zone are closely linked by reciprocal flows of energy and nutrients. A large part of the transportation from water to land is in form of emerged aquatic insects. Conversion of land from forest to agriculture can greatly affect aquatic ecosystems, and due to the close link, also affect the adjacent terrestral zone. Investigating how the presence of agriculture in the surrounding area affects amounts of emergent aquatic insects gives an indication on how agriculture, in turn, may affect the terrestral enviroment. The study was preformed alongside ten streams in northern Sweden; five in landscape transformed by agriculture and five in undisturbed forest areas.
Public Service Begreppets olika ideal och tolkningar
With this master thesis we wanted to find out in which way the concept of public service is connected to different perspectives, ideals, visions of the future and forms of organizations. The purpose with our thesis was to do an analysis of different concepts regarding to public service. To the analysis of concepts we used Swedish newspapers and analysed the issue of public service that had been discussed in articles written during the last five years. From this material and other papers about public service we developed a model of public service ideals. We wanted to find out what the different perspectives thought about the Swedish television and their commission.
Utveckling och tillämpning av en GIS-baserad hydrologisk modell
A distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model has been developed using a GIS integrated with a dynamic programming module (PCRaster). The model has been developed within the framework of the EU-project TWINBAS at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and is intended for use in WATSHMAN ? a tool for watershed management developed at IVL. The model simulates runoff from a catchment based on daily mean values of temperature and precipitation. The GIS input data consist of maps with soil type, land-use, lakes, rivers and a digital elevation model.
Reservdelslogistikens kamp mot kostnader : Drivande krafter vid en centralisering
Syftet med denna studie är utreda hur en ökad centralisering av Komatsu Forests reservdelslogistik kan bidra till minskad kapitalbindning samt ge större möjligheter till flexibilitet och kundanpassning i den fysiska distributionen.Idag distribuerar Komatsu Forest reservdelar från sitt centrallager till 21 stycken olika servicedepåer som drivs av dotterbolaget Komatsu Forest Sweden och som har till uppgift att leverera till alla kunder på den svenska marknaden. Servicedepåerna lagerhåller produkter där historiska data skall styra vilken mängd artiklar som skall finnas tillgängliga. Problemet idag är att de förväntade lagervolymerna inte överensstämmer med de faktiska och företaget erhåller därför extra kostnader för lagerhållning, lagerföring, transporter samt administration.Studiens teori bygger på en bearbetning av Mats Abrahamssons drivkraftmodell och empiriska data grundar sig på en enkätundersökning där ett urval ur Komatsu Forest Swedens kundpopulation fått möjligheten att delta. Enkätens frågor fokuserar på åsikter kring köpbeteenden, attityder, pris och tillgänglighet. Enkäten skickades ut via ett webbaserat system med en svarsfrekvens på cirka 35 %.
Analys och gestaltning av miljön kring vattentornet i Uppsalas stadsskog
The water tower in Uppsala city forest was built in the late 1950's in what is now a nature reserve. The unique place was supposed to be visited by people, which is currently not the situation. This bachelor thesis aimed to perform an analysis and make a design proposal for the environment surrounding the water tower. The analysis was performed using the methodology previously described by architect Arne Branzell. The methodology focuses on how a space is perceived by a person moving through it.