

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 6 av 183

Vana texturerare : En uppsats om minsta motståndets väg, invanda mönster och liknande gränssnitt

This essay brings up how experienced texture artists in game development can get comfortable in their workflow and therefore not spend time on learning new techniques that in the end could be more efficient. We base this on theories that people often choose the path of least resistance, which in the case of an experienced texture artist would be the path they have learned and are comfortable with. We also talk about the popularity of Photoshop and that many of today?s texture artists in the game industry are using it and that this could be because Photoshop was one of the first programs that could be used well for texturing. Because of this many learned to use it and stuck by it and then taught Photoshop to new texture artists because that is the program that they know.

Dataspelsarvet - klassiker och kanonisering

This master thesis deals with computer game classics and a possible computer game canon. It looks closer at four computer game genres - adventure, RPG, action and strategy - in order to discern which games are considered classics and what characterizes them. To answer the first question a quantitative research method was used. 675 computer game reviews from 5 Internetsites were examined in order to see which games are mentioned most often in this context and therefore might be considered classics. To answer the second question a qualitative research method was used.

Captr.net - Utveckling av iPhone-applikation och hemsida

Within the literature and film sciences there are clear models of storytelling and methods of creating a good story. In the game industry it's more difficult because the games are often non-linear, and games are a less established medium than the other two. With this study our purpose was to examine game developers and methods they used when creating a videogame, with focus on storytelling. Four interviews were made with representatives from four different videogame companies in Sweden. The information from the interviews was put in relation to theories regarding the structure of videogames and an established model for creating videogames.

"Ya know, I don't mind being labeled a crackhead." : En semiotisk analys av hur tv-spelet Grand Theft Auto V skildrar hudfärg, klass och kön

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the representation of race, social class and gender in the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V. Postcolonial theory, including terms such as cultural hegemony, whiteness and Michel Foucaults definition of power, has served as the basis for the analysis. The postcolonial theory has been combined with class theory and gender theory for an intersectional analysis. Semiotic analysis has been used as the method in the thesis, and a total of nine story missions ? three for each protagonist in the game ? have constituted the material.

Hearty Horror

I denna text diskuterar jag produktionen av Hearty Horrors, ett spel programmerat och designat helt i flash. Jag diskuterar svårigheterna för de olika delarna i att skapa ett spel. Tankar och jämförelser mellan onda och goda karaktärer och vad man, som speldesigner, bör och inte bör göra för att få spelare att känna sig manade att spela vidare. In this text I discuss the production of Hearty Horrors, a game programmed and designed completly in flash. I discuss the difficulties of diffrent parts in the making of a game. Thoughts and comparances are made between evil and good characters and what you, as a gamedesigner, should and should not do to make the player want to continue playing..

Spelreferenser i akademiska publikationer. En kartläggning av referenspraktiker inom spelvetenskap.

This is an empirical study mapping out different citation practices to games in the fieldof game studies. From an analysis of 7 journals, 3 conferences and 22 canonical bookswithin game studies, 5 different strategies for game referencing have been identified.Games scholars can either totally refrain from referring to the games they discuss, onlyreference some specific games, cite them as something special and deviant from othersources, refer to them in accordance with other sources or refer to games with regard totheir unique properties as a reference. For the reference librarian working with issuesrelating to game studies the diverse reference practices among game scholars pose aspecific challenge. A challenge that partly can be overcome by knowing how gamescholars frame games and how these frameworks are in conflict with the ways librariansframe and classify sources due their physical properties..


En studie av svensk e-sportjournalistik. Undersökning av DN, GP, AB. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie av Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten och Aftonbladet. Genom att använda oss av Mediearkivet och dess sökfunktion plockade vi fram de artiklar som behandlade e-sport och dataspel..

Inlevelse genom narrativ i spel

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker problemet med konvergeringen av narrativ och interaktion och varför en konvergering mellan dessa hämmar deltagarens inlevelse i ett spel. Utifrån spelet Traverser redovisas i detta kandidatarbete processen och resultatet av hur ett interaktivt narrativ kan väcka inlevelse hos deltagaren genom att låta berättandet ske subtilt och icke-linjärt, där spelaren uppmanas till att vilja utforska narrativet på egen hand i form av en miljö i Traverser. This bachelor?s thesis discusses the problem of converging narrative and interaction and why the convergence between the two tends to arrest the participants immersion within a game. Through an interactive narrative by letting the narration take place subtly and nonlinearly, this bachelor?s thesis reports the process and result of how an interactive narrative could provoke immersion within the game Traverser, where the actor is urged to explore the narrative independently in the shape of an environment..

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

"Tears are not a Momans Only Weapon" : En historiebruksanalys av HBOs tv-serie Game of Thrones

The middle ages is a time in our history that is often used as a frame when portraying fantasy on tv. HBOs immensely popular series Game of Thrones could easily be counted as one of these. But to what extent does the creators of the series approach the history of our world while creating their own? The aim of this essay is to analyse a number of characters from the tv- series out of gender- and their place in the social structure and then compare the findings with the image of the middle ages that is given in academic research. By analysing the two released seasons of Game of Thrones the study has shown that there are many similarities between the fictional world and the actual world but that it also differs through choices made by the creators of the series. .

??Integrerad video och digital grafik med fokus på postproduktion

I detta examensarbete beskrivs kombinationen av video och digital grafik vid filmproduktion. Jag kommer att förklara filmproduktionens olika stadier med fokus på postproduktionen. Jag behandlar frågor som förklarar vad postproduktion är, hur det går till samt olika tekniker inom den digitala postproduktionen för att kombinera video och digital teknik. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka och beskriva det digitala arbetssättet inom modern filmproduktion genom att förklara metoder och tekniska lösningar generellt samt i ljuset av ett mindre videoprojekt.Nyckelord: examensarbete, postproduktion, redigering, digital postproduktion, keying, keyframing, tracking, mask, matte, färgkorrigering, video..

"TV-spel är inga konstigheter!": En enkätundersökning om tv-spel på folkbiblioteken

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the lending of video games at the public libraries in Sweden. The thesis focused around a web survey, which was sent out to all public library directors, as its research material. The results were compared with those found in a master thesis by Olle Berg and Thomas Nyström from 2008. This was done to gain a better understanding of why the libraries provided video games. The other results of the survey were analyzed with a quantitative method.The results indicate that half of the responding libraries provide video games for borrowing.

Brandskydd i bevarandevärda byggnader : Under ombyggnads- och reparationsarbeten

In this study we examine how much latency is required in an RTS-game (Real-Time Strategy) before the player quits the game. In the study latency is simulated in the games Age of Mythology and Starcraft: Brood War with the program WANem, and then the testplayers are asked ?Do you want to quit because of latency??. This data is then gathered and compiled into graphs to show the results. These results show that the limit for when players want to quit differs between the two games and that there are two factors that play into this.

Den estetiska kompetensen som bedömningsgrund : En jämförelse mellan privat och offentlig sektor

Since a few years back television has been on a verge of an enormous digital change. Web-TV is now growing at an incredible rate and is said to completely change the way we consume TV. The purpose of this essay is to determine and gain an understanding of how representatives of the broadcast industry looks at the phenomenon of web-TV and especially the different kinds of online video services and how they believe this will affect the television. Methods used are qualitative interviews which we compared with previous studies on the subject and acknowledged communication theories. The respondents were people with good insight and understanding of the media and TV industry.

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