

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 19 av 183

Konkurrens inom hotellbranschen : En jämförande studie om uppfattad konkurrens utifrån två perspektiv

The hotel industry in Stockholm is characterized by intense competition, and within the next couple of years the construction of a number new hotels is planed. As the number of hotels in Stockholm increase, the competition will increase and the importance of having well functioning strategies will become vital. The purpose of this essay is to examine how two hotels within the hotel industry in Stockholm experience and handle the competition. The two hotels that are included in the study are Clarion Hotel Stockholm and Scandic Continental. The essay derives from models and theories that are related to marketing and competition.

Den outforskade retoriken i tv-spel : analys av retoriken i Uncharted 2 och en jämförande studie med den muntliga kulturens särdrag

Uppsatsen handlar om retoriken i tv-spel. I tv-spelsforskningen pågår en debatt mellan ludologin och narratologin där ludologin menar att spel ska ses som spel och inget annat ? exempelvis som en fotbollsmatch där spelet självt är det huvudsakliga innehållet och där ingen frågar efter ytterligare mening. Narratologin menar att spel i grunden är berättande eller bär på berättande drag ? att en fotbollsmatch följer en överskådlig dramaturgi och berättande mönster.

Projektorganiseringen som drivkraft och hinder för industriell förnyelse i byggindustrin : en fallstudie av Skandionkliniken

Understanding how innovation and renewal occurs in an industry is important for how to manage technical development for individual companies. It is also important for creating a beneficial industrial context for renewal, from both a political and an industrial perspective, in which new solutions can arise and spread through the involvement of several actors of the industry. How innovation and renewal occurs in the construction industry in Sweden is however viewed differently. One challenge that has been pointed to is that most of the work performed in the construction industry is organized in projects, which in turn should affect how innovation and renewal can be achieved. The aim of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how the project organizing in the industry affects innovation and renewal. This is executed through a case study of the construction of Skandionkliniken, a proton therapy clinic, and by using an industrial network theory that challenges the traditional view of how innovation is achieved.

Gamification och Gameplay : Att höja motivationen med hjälp av gameplay

Denna studie har undersökt hur en användares motivation att samla mynt i ett serious game påverkas av att dessa är sammankopplade med spelets gameplay. För att undersöka detta har två versioner av ett serious game skapats, ett där mynt endast kan användas för att köpa kosmetiska uppgraderingar och ett där uppgraderingarna som kan köpas, utöver kosmetiska förändringar, även påverkar spelets gameplay. 12 personer har deltagit i testet och värderat hur mycket motivation de känt då de spelat spelen. Resultatet tyder på att det inte existerar någon markant skillnad mellan hur mycket motivation testdeltagarna kände inför att samla mynt i de båda versionerna. Undersökningen skulle kunna utvecklas genom att fler tester utförs på flera olika typer av mjukvaror..

Konkurrenskraft på öppet hav : Effektiva konkurrensstrategier inom den svenska båtindustrin

The Swedish boat industry is considered quite conservative and subject to only limited development. The purpose of the study is to explain the structure of the boat industry, to analyze and evaluate ways of competing and provide recommendations for developing a competitive strategy. The aim of this thesis is to explain how to be competitive in the Swedish boat industry. To be able to do so three areas are used to deepen as well as broaden the understanding. The three areas within competitiveness we have chosen to highlight are differentiation, individualization and distribution.

ALTERNATIVA ASFALTSBELÄGGNINGAR : Möjligheten att använda icke petroleumbaserade bindemedel

This report investigates the possibility to use non-petroleum based adhesive (biobitumen) in asphalt. The main reasons for replacing bitumen are the fact that oil prices are rising, the threat of peak oil and the fact that the asphalt industry is becoming more environmentally friendly.The main purpose of this report is to investigate whether there are any non-petroleum based adhesives on the market. If so, how can they be used? The questions covered are:? Are there any other alternative asphalt coatings available?? Can bio-oils be used in asphalt?? If the bio-oils can be used, what are the details their properties?? How does a cold climate affect the bio binders?? What is the Swedish asphalt industry?s opinion about bio asphalt?The project was concluded through literature studies, consultations with people in the asphalt industry and through several interviews.The conclusion of this report is that there are some existing non-petroleum based adhesives on the market. They are mainly used for bike paths, sidewalks and parkareas.

Utvärdering av gränssnittet hos en VOD-tjänst : En undersökning av användbarhetsproblem hos Netflix? gränssnitt med hjälp av en lätt modifikation av Jacob Nielsens ?usability heuristics?

For better understanding of how users interact with the video on demand service Netflix a study was conducted in 10 Swedish households. This study is based on the well-established heuristic evaluation method of Jacob Nielsen, which we modified slightly by letting the users to act as ?evaluation experts? and informing them about the heuristic rules of thumb during the evaluation process. The purpose of this study was to identify usability problems when people interact with Netflix? interface.

Spelarens Värld : en fenomenologisk studie av hur individer som spelar Counter-Strike upplever sin nutida värld

The purpose with this qualitative interview study was to try to describe, through a phenomenological viewpoint, the meaning that Counter-Strike players put on there contemporary world. We started to explore this Game World with field research studies on the world?s biggest Game exhibition Dreamhack in the city of Jönköping. This helped us to develop our main question for this study.The thirteen participants of the interview were selectively chosen from a Game Café in the city of Karlstad. They were interviewed with five questions that dealt with their experiences of playing Counter-Strike and their experience of time perception in their world.

Försjunken i den digitala spelvärlden : ett forskningsarbete om inlevelse i first-person shooters

Inlevelse i den digitala spelvärlden är ett utspritt begrepp bland spelare och spelutvecklare, men har termen samma innebörd för alla. Detta forskningsarbete tar upp tidigare forskning inom ämnet inlevelse i digitala spel men också vad spelare idag anser om termen och vilka faktorer de anser är viktiga att fokusera på när man vill skapa ett inlevelserikt spel i genren first-person shooter. Genom en litteraturundersökning av tidigare forskning samt en enkätundersökning framgår det att inlevelse kan delas in i tre olika nivåer: involvering, försjunkning och total inlevelse. Forskningsarbetet bekräftar tidigare forskning på området och för ämnet om inlevelse i first-person shooter genren vidare, där inlevelsen styrs av spelelementens fyra pelare: estetik, spelmekanik, story och teknik men är också högst beroende av en spelares personlighet, mentalitet och inställning till det spel denne spelar. Enkätundersökningen pekar också på ytterligare faktorer som kan stärka respektive hämma inlevelsen i FPS..

The Female Assassin : Ett Game Writer manuskript om Franska Revolutionen

Uppsatsen syftar till att diskutera och jämföra tre olika metoder för karaktärsutveckling och diskutera dessa i förhållande till The Female Assassin; ett spelmanuskript som utspelar sig under Franska Revolutionen. För att få en god bakgrund för examensarbetet valde jag att läsa ett antal böcker om Franska Revolutionen, karaktärsutveckling och Game Writing. Jag har använt mig av personlighetsdiamanter och mallen Character Template för att skapa karaktärer till manuskriptet. I rapporten diskuterar och jämför jag dessa två metoder samt arketyper. Jag kom fram till att de tre metoderna för att utveckla spelkaraktärer fungerar utmärkt och kan kombineras för att få fram mer avancerade karaktärer.Spelmanuskriptet är skrivet utifrån mitt High Concept om spelet La Meurtrière (se Bilaga 2) framtaget för kursen Modellkonstruktion för Interagerbara Medier/Spel A11.

"Jag känner mig liksom inte handikappad längre." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om teckenspråkiga döva och hörselskadade individers upplevelser med smartphones

This c-level essay examines how deaf and hearing impaired individuals use smartphones to live and communicate in a ?hearing world?. The main target is to find some understanding of the struggles of this population and smartphones have made it easier to adapt to the hearing worlds? demands with the applications that follow. To acquire the information for this essay, representatives from both the deaf and hearing impaired communities were interviewed.

Revisorns yrkesroll ? Är myntets två sidor verkligen åtskilda?

The name of the thesis is?Istheprintedbook?sdeaththeauthorsbread??Astudyinhowthepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipschangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book?Thee--?book,whichisadigitalcopyoftheprintedbook,hasbeenonthemarketforovertwodecades.However,itisnotuntilnowthatchangesarehappeningwithintheindustry,whichaffectsthedifferentactors.Amazonhasforexamplelaunchedane--?readerbythenameKindleonthemarketandApplehaslaunchedasurfpadbythenameiPad,bothwhichyouareabletoreade--?bookson.Thetechnologicalchangesthatarehappeningaffecttheactorswithinthebookindustryaswellasthestructureoftheindustry.Theresearchquestionofthisthesisis?owdothepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipswithinthebookindustrychangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book??Actor--?networktheoryisusedtoinvestigatethis.Thetheoryincludesbothhumanandnon--?humanactors,whichtogethercancreateanetwork.Theactorswithinthenetworkconnectthemselvestoeachotherandtherebyformthenetwork.Thepurposeofthisthesisistocreateanunderstandingforhowactorsandtheirrelationshipswithinanestablishedindustrystructureareaffectedbydigitalisation.Toachievethis,semi--?structuredinterviewswereconductedwithpublishinghousesandauthors.Theboomofthee--?bookinlargepartdependsuponthetechnicaldevelopmentthathasoccurredandwhichhasintroducedsmartphones,e--?readers,surfpadsetceteraonthemarket.Moreactorswillariseinthebookindustryduetothedigitalisation,whichinturnwillaffecttheexistingrelationshipsofthepublishinghousesandtheauthors.Thepublishinghouseswillkeeptheirroleinthenetworksasakeyplayer,butcomeintocontactwithmoreactors.Theauthorsaregiventhechancetoself--?publishtheirbooksase--?books,whichmakethemcomeintocontactwithmoreactorsaswell.Asmoreactorsarise,thestructurewithintheindustrybecomesrelaxed.Hence,thepublishinghousesneedtoenrolthenewactorsinorderforthemtokeeptheirpositioninthenetwork..

Filmspridning och ny teknik i samband med huliganvåld : En studie om hur filmklipp sprids och hur dagens teknik används av svenskafotbollshuliganer och supportrar

We have in this study preformed a quantitative examination on how hooligans use film and new technologies to spread private videos on the Internet. With today´s technologies it is very easy for hooligans to publish their videos. In this study, we have choosen to do a questionnaire poll based on seven questions about what people think of hooliganviolence on online video sharing sites. We have also conducted an online interview with a former swedish hooligan. The people who participated in our study are all anonymous, and therefore we have no age or gender included in our study.

Vad anser du vara en verklighet? : Kan en virtuell värld vara en verklighet?

Contents:The evolution of today?s computer influenced society has taken giant steps towards virtual reality, game addictions and the possibility of not having to meet the people we communicate with. What is a reality today?To give a more concrete image of our question we?ve chosen the online game World of Warcraft as an example and to describe our connection to an alternative reality. We have performed different investigations, interviewed both gamers and non gamers, all this to give us the opportunity to see if the term reality has started to change in a direction that will allow us to call this alternative world a reality, or if it?s just a world wide phenomena of for example gaming addiction.

Skånes landskap - ett industriminne? : en betraktelse med utgångspunkt i Findus ärtodling

This paper argues that the food industry in general and the one taking place in Scania in particular, are disregarded in the official management of industrial preservation carried out in Sweden today. Despite the articulated ambition of a cultural heritage that as many as possible could identify with, the practice tend to create an industrial heritage based on stereotype ideas about the landscape in Sweden and the characteristics of industry. The way the open land of Scania differs from the traditional image of the appearance of Sweden, is used as one possible way to explain why the food industries of Scania are overseen in the management of industrial heritage. It is also argued that the high number of female employees might bee a reason why the food industries in general are given low priority in the practice of cultural heritage. By putting the Findus pea industry and the cultivated landscape that provides the factory with primary products against the official criteria for industrial memories, it is examined what values for preservation the food industry contain..

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