

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 20 av 183


This thesis aims to examine the phenomenon of gambling and consequences that may result from having a gambling problem. The thesis also intends to investigate opportunities for support and a few explanatory- and treatment models. Games are taking on new shapes and access to gambling for money is on the rise. Studies on gambling have primarily been focusing on epidemiological factors rather than factors increasing or decreasing the risk of developing gambling-related problems. The empirical material is based on eight qualitative semi-structured interviews.

Plan för multifunktionella buffertzoner längs Vramsån påMalörten AB : s jordbruksfastigheter

To create multifunctional buffer strips along a watercourse in an economically sustainable way requires consideration of many different factors. In this plan we have selected pollutant reduction as the main purpose of the buffer strip. We have also strived to achieve minimal income loss due to reduced production, increased biological diversity, good game preservation that leads to higher income from hunting, aesthetical satisfaction and possibility to profit from available subsidies. This is done mainly to make landowners/farmers more interested in creating buffer strips along water courses.As sand is the dominant type of soil in the area, the water course is less affected by surface runoff compared to if the soil would be clay or some other finer texture. Game preservation and subsidies have therefore been the main factors when establishing the width of the strip, because these require wider buffer strips in some cases.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

Patterns of Touch : En analys av touchspel till iPad utifrån gränssnittspatterns

For this essay we used pattern theory from interface design and applied it in an analysis of touch games. In order to make full use of the patterns, we selected five of them and adapted these slightly with the help of game related patterns to be useful for the framework of this essay. The selection of games were the top eight games on the App Store?s ?What?s Hot?. The results showed, among other things, that the games had a clear focus on getting a pleasant apperance, and they did it relatively well.

Mitt Komponerande, Kreativitet Och Teknik : Självstudie av den egna kompositionsprocessen

This essay describes a single case self-study of a music composer in order to track the compositional process in real time. In the study the subject and the researcher are the same person. The study builds on previous empirical studies that have used methodological approaches such as analysis of computer-based digital data collection, verbal protocol and video observations. It deals with issues of the compositional process related to for example time consumption, number of artistic decisions, the different roles and skills of a music composer, and methods of research in the musical composition process. During three shifts the researcher worked as a music composer dealing with the issue of converting an audio sketch of a composition into a representative finished audio product.

?Ni på sittplats, är ni klara?? : Ett arbete om musikens påverkan på en ishockeypublik

The question formulation for this work has been "is an ice-hockey audience influenced by music during time-outs in a game?". The method was to observe one period with Färjestads BK and Mora IK, but a recording was also made, together with a conversation with the arena DJ. From the recording, the audience reactions were graded from a given scale. The grades were compilated to a diagram that shows the audience reactions in relation to the time, from the first face-off to the final whistle.

Plan för multifunktionella buffertzoner längs Vramsån på Malörten AB: s jordbruksfastigheter

To create multifunctional buffer strips along a watercourse in an economically sustainable way requires consideration of many different factors. In this plan we have selected pollutant reduction as the main purpose of the buffer strip. We have also strived to achieve minimal income loss due to reduced production, increased biological diversity, good game preservation that leads to higher income from hunting, aesthetical satisfaction and possibility to profit from available subsidies. This is done mainly to make landowners/farmers more interested in creating buffer strips along water courses. As sand is the dominant type of soil in the area, the water course is less affected by surface runoff compared to if the soil would be clay or some other finer texture. Game preservation and subsidies have therefore been the main factors when establishing the width of the strip, because these require wider buffer strips in some cases.

Närvaro på distans : medietekniska innovationer i sjukvårdsscenarier

Forskning och nya innovationer inom området medieteknik skapar nya möjligheter inom den svenska sjukvården. I denna rapport undersöks fem telemedicinska scenarier från Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Stockholm och tre systemkoncept från forskningsgruppen Mediating Presence. Systemkoncepten är: Hydra, Det Medierade Ritbordet och Video Orchestration. Syftet är att utforska potentialen hos dessa systemkoncept i de undersökta sjukvårdsscenarierna. Genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och observationer har information samlats om scenarier och systemkoncept. Med detta som grund har ett framework tagits fram för att utvärdera vilken potential dessa tre systemkoncept har i de undersökta sjukvårdsscenarierna.

Är den tryckta bokens död författarens bröd? : En studie i hur förlagens och författarnas relationer förändras till följd av introduktionen av e-boken.

The name of the thesis is?Istheprintedbook?sdeaththeauthorsbread??Astudyinhowthepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipschangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book?Thee--?book,whichisadigitalcopyoftheprintedbook,hasbeenonthemarketforovertwodecades.However,itisnotuntilnowthatchangesarehappeningwithintheindustry,whichaffectsthedifferentactors.Amazonhasforexamplelaunchedane--?readerbythenameKindleonthemarketandApplehaslaunchedasurfpadbythenameiPad,bothwhichyouareabletoreade--?bookson.Thetechnologicalchangesthatarehappeningaffecttheactorswithinthebookindustryaswellasthestructureoftheindustry.Theresearchquestionofthisthesisis?owdothepublishinghouses?andtheauthors?relationshipswithinthebookindustrychangeduetotheintroductionofthee--?book??Actor--?networktheoryisusedtoinvestigatethis.Thetheoryincludesbothhumanandnon--?humanactors,whichtogethercancreateanetwork.Theactorswithinthenetworkconnectthemselvestoeachotherandtherebyformthenetwork.Thepurposeofthisthesisistocreateanunderstandingforhowactorsandtheirrelationshipswithinanestablishedindustrystructureareaffectedbydigitalisation.Toachievethis,semi--?structuredinterviewswereconductedwithpublishinghousesandauthors.Theboomofthee--?bookinlargepartdependsuponthetechnicaldevelopmentthathasoccurredandwhichhasintroducedsmartphones,e--?readers,surfpadsetceteraonthemarket.Moreactorswillariseinthebookindustryduetothedigitalisation,whichinturnwillaffecttheexistingrelationshipsofthepublishinghousesandtheauthors.Thepublishinghouseswillkeeptheirroleinthenetworksasakeyplayer,butcomeintocontactwithmoreactors.Theauthorsaregiventhechancetoself--?publishtheirbooksase--?books,whichmakethemcomeintocontactwithmoreactorsaswell.Asmoreactorsarise,thestructurewithintheindustrybecomesrelaxed.Hence,thepublishinghousesneedtoenrolthenewactorsinorderforthemtokeeptheirpositioninthenetwork..

Captureteorin : Regleringar och konsten att fånga politiska beslut i den demokratiska processen tillämpad på den svenska läkemedelsmarknaden

The Capturetheory wants to give an alternative explanation for the need of regulation. From this point if view the government does not have enough information to make an optimal regulation. There is a possibility for different interest groups to take advantage of the political arena by rent- seeking behaviour. An industry may be willing to be regulated to protect itself from competition. The objective of this paper is to account for the pros and cons of the theory of regulatory capture and also if it can be applied to the Swedish market of pharmaceuticals.

Stress i byggbranschen : Orsak till stress i byggbranschen samt förslag på åtgärder

Stress and burnout are two words that are commonly occurring in many contexts today. More and more people experience that they are stressed and that they does not feel well. The long term sick -leave increases as a consequence of people being burned out. These phenomena prolong over all ages, sexes, classes and professional categories, which probably means that the construction industry would not be spared.  In the construction industry, stress and bad health are no new phenomenon, already during the 1970s and big parts of the 1990 s, the construction sector were exposed to the phenomena.A sector that has a large turnover annually cannot presumably be faultless.

Retrospel : En studie i hur retrotrenden påverkat digitala spel

I det här arbetet undersöker vi hur retrotrenden påverkat digitala spel. Vi undersöker hur retro blivit en erkänd stil och varför den har blivit det. Vi undersöker dess koppling med nostalgi, hur nostalgi fungerar och varför man kan tänkas vilja använda sig av det när man ska utveckla ett digitalt spel. Retro är inte ett fenomen som är medie exklusivt till digitala spel, vi undersöker hur retro verkar i andra medier och hur medierna blandar retroelement med varandra. Det är inte ovanligt att samtida digitala spel influeras av retrospel eller rent av utvecklas i syfte att bli ett nyproducerat retrospel, detta är något som vi gestaltar i vår produktion av ett digitalt spel.

Webbsida med interaktiv banguide

This degree project is made for Sundbyholms Golf&Country Club in Eskilstuna. The aim of the report is to produce a website which include a golf course interactive guide and an online game. Programs that have been used during the project are Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Director, Discreet 3DS Max and the plug-in 3DS Max Exporter. The choice of programs are based on experience and knowledge from the university education Media and Communication Engineering at Linköping University. The golf course guide contains a 2D-guide (image) and a 3D-guide (interactive image).

Fantasygenrens kvinnoskildringar : Fördomar och möjligheter i den fantastiska litteraturen

In this essay a conclusion about the way female characters are portrayed in fantasy novels will be attempted through an analysis of one selected female character from each selected novel. The works that have been chosen are; J.R.R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings, Robert Jordan?s The Eye of the World and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.The analysis will be done with the help of examples and theories from both feministic criticism and gender studies.

Stenhuggaren på Korpåsberget : vilken bild förmedlas av stenhuggarens liv och arbete på Korpåsberget?

My essay aims to explore, "What image is conveyed by the stone mason's life and work on Korpåsberget". In my essay I have been working with respondent interviews to examine the purpose. I've been trying to get interviewees to talk freely, but have also had a number of indicative questions for support. In order to process and understand the interviews, I also have a part in the essay aiming to provide background information to the stone industry in Bohuslän, an area along the westcoast in Sweden, and foremost in the area of Bovallstrand.The text discusses the stone industry's development in the area, its development and the time until the stone industry at large was closed. As for the stone industry in Bovallstrand I have chosen to focus on the largest quarry in society, namely the Korpåsberget. The background text also briefly covers stonecutter?s lives and work.

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