

1768 Uppsatser om Veterinary nursing - Sida 37 av 118

Utvärdering av Sensus amningsutbildning för blivande föräldrar

ABSTRACTStatistics show that breastfeeding prevalence for Sweden has fallen since the mid 90´s. Studies show that breastfeeding offers health benefits to both mother and child and that the mothers' belief and confidence in their ability to breastfeed is a key factor to having a positive breastfeeding outcome. In 2010, Amningshjälpen in collaboration with Sensus studieförbund, started a nursing course, for mothers-to-be, who wished to breastfeed their babies and its aim was to prepare them for a successful and enjoyable experience.Objective: To examine whether a preparatory breastfeeding course can affect mothers' confidence in their ability to breastfeed and if that ability can affect the breastfeeding outcome when the child reaches four months. A further aim is to investigate the experience of  perceived problems surrounding breastfeeding and what affect these might have on the mothers' confidence in breastfeeding when the child reaches four months.Design/Methods: A quantitative approach with prospective experimental design was used to evaluate the study. The questionnaire Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF) was used three times to measure women's trust in lactation.

Zoonotic respiratory infections and great ape conservation - an emerging challenge

The conservation of great apes faces many challenges, one of which is the threat of infectious disease outbreaks. Zoonotic transmission of respiratory diseases from humans to wild great apes has recently been confirmed. Since respiratory disease is one of the major causes of death in both gorillas and chimpanzees, this gives reason for major concern. Little is known about the risks of disease transmission from humans to great apes in natural environments, and there is a need for systematic risk evaluation. Researchers, conservation staff and tourists spend time in very close proximity of wild great apes, sometimes during long time periods, which poses a potential risk of disease spillover. However, the presence of researchers and tourists has been shown to decrease the risk of poaching, making the matter increasingly complex.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symptomvid demenssjukdom : En litteratur studie

Bakgrund:I takt med att antalet äldre i Sverige ökar, ökar också antalet insjuknade i demens. Nio av tio personer som drabbas av demenssjukdom kommer att uppvisa beteendemässiga eller psykiska symtom någon gång under sjukdomsförloppet. Dessa symtom har visat minska livskvalitén och utgör den vanligaste orsaken till att personer med demenssjukdom flyttar till ett särskilt boende då belastningen på anhöriga och omgivningen blir alltför stor.Syfte:Att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder i arbetet med patienter som uppvisarbeteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom.Metod:Studien är en litteraturstudie baserad på niovetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats som sökts fram via databasen Cinahl. Artiklarna har analyserats med fokus på att finna likheter och skillnader i resultatet av de valda studierna.. Analysarbetet resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier som visade sig vara viktiga faktorer som påverkar omvårdnadsåtgärder för denna patientgrupp: utbildning, personcentrerad omvårdnad, musik, dans och beröring.

Symptom patienter upplever efter dagkirurgi till följd av anestesi

Ambulatory surgery is common and develops alongside surgery and anesthetic methods. Time admitted is short and aftercare takes place in the home environment.Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate which symptoms patients experience after ambulatory surgery related to anesthesia. Furthermore how strongly symptoms affect the patient. Symptoms appear as a result of anesthesia and surgery and can therefore be interpreted as nursing induced suffering.Method: Participants were recruited at ambulatory clinics at a Swedish university hospital spring, 2015.  Prior to the study permission was granted from the clinic managers. The study is a quantitative descriptive longitudinal study.  Data collection forms were administered and data collection was performed by phone.

Uppkomst av metaboliska rubbningar hos häst under tävling i distansritt ? omvårdnad och förbyggande åtgärder

During an endurance riding competition the onset of metabolic disorders leading up to elimination from the race are common. As many as 8,7 % of the horses participating in international endurance riding competitions are eliminated due to metabolic causes such as tachycardia, absence of borborygmi, hyperthermia and dehydration. To prevent the onset of metabolic disorders in the horse the rider must be able to determine the physiological and physical status of his or her horse. This requires good knowledge in nutrition, physiology and performance training. The risk of developing metabolic problems is reduced through the right feeding management and training.

Diabetes hos hund : en uppföljning av behandlade hundar ur ett djurägarperspektiv

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders among dogs. The disorder has a complex background, and successful treatment requires a well-functioning co-operation between pet owners and the veterinarian. The purpose of this study is to investigate the owners? perspective of diabetic treatments offered, and to estimate expected length of survival post-insulin therapy. The research findings are based on a survey mailed to 77 pet owners, whose dogs were diagnosed with diabetes between 1999 and 2003 at the small animal clinic of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The median survival for the dogs that underwent insulin treatment was 31 months, i.e.

Fenylbutazon - tillåta vid tävling?

Phenylbutazone has been discussed in the world of the equestrian sport several times and different countries have diverse opinions on its use in competitions. The progressive list that permits phenylbutazone with plasma levels up to 8 µg/ml was presented at the FEI General Assembly in November 2009. The list was voted to be accepted, but later several countries realized the consequences and after protests the list was rejected and is going to be discussed again at the FEI General Assembly 2010. In this literature study I have studied the relationship between the concentrations of phenylbutazone in plasma and the effects on lameness. The purpose was to establish whether the limit of 8 µg/ml phenylbutazone in plasma affects the equestrian sport.

Diseases and causes of death among camelids in Sweden : a retrospective study of necropsy cases 2001-2013

Camelids, especially alpacas, have increased in popularity during the last decade, with the result that they are more frequently encountered by field practicing veterinarians and pathologists. Knowledge regarding their health care and their diseases under Swedish conditions is, however, limited. This became clear in a postal survey among Swedish alpaca owners conducted in 2008. To improve knowledge about camelids in Sweden, this study has examined 107 necropsies, including 93 alpacas and 14 camels, conducted at the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) in Uppsala and at Eurofins in Kristianstad and Skara during the period 2001-2013. The study has shown that camelids in Sweden suffer from diseases similar to those previously reported in other countries in Europe and North America.

Vegetarisk kost - om sjuksköterskors kunskaper. En empirisk studie.

The purpose of our study was to establish whether the knowledge about vegetarian diet was enough among nurses in order to practise professional nursing. We made an empirical study based on a questionnaire. Twenty-one registered nurses answered the questionnaire that consisted of mostly open questions. The result showed that almost everyone experienced that they gave dietcounselling and many nurses mentioned that dietcounselling was important. The majority of the nurses thought that they had enough knowledge to be able in order to deliver a fundamental dietcounselling but nobody considered that they knew much about vegetarian diet..

The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?

Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.

Riskkapitalbolagens uppköp av djursjukvården : Effekter på arbetsmiljön

Marknadsstrukturen för djursjukvården har förändrats på grund av de riskkapitalbolag som sedan slutet av 2011 började visa starkt intresse och köpte upp ca 85 djursjukhus och djurkliniker runtom i Sverige. Från att ha varit kraftigt decentraliserad har nu djursjukvården på kort tid omstrukturerats till några få stora koncerner som till stor del dominerar branschen. Med detta som bakgrund är det högst aktuellt att skapa en förståelse för vad ägarförändringen och omstruktureringen i den svenska privatdjursjukvårdsbranschen har medfört för effekter på personalens arbetsmiljö i de riskkapitaluppköpta företagen. Tidigare forskning har visat att företagsuppköp har effekter för personalens arbetsmiljö. De effekter som studeras är personalens upplevelse av arbetsuppgifter, arbetsbelastning, engagemang, arbetsplatsbyte, rekrytering och uppsägning efter riskkapitalbolagens uppköp.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser och vård av patienter med aggressivt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård

BAKGRUND: Studierna visar att våldet har ökat med åren. Riskfaktorer och riskbeteenden har identifierats och orsakerna kan vara flera till att patienten upplever ohälsa. Forskningen inom detta fält har hittills fokuserat på bakomliggande orsaker till patientens aggressiva beteende och bedrivits under många år. Ökade kunskaper om sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter med aggressivt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård kan bidra till att utveckla omvårdnad anpassad till situationen, i syfte att främja hälsa.SYFTE: Studiens syfte är att utforska sjuksköterskans omvårdnad och upplevelse av att vårda patienter med aggressivt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård.METOD: Litteraturstudie av kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier.RESULTAT: Analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier och 12 underkategorier. Huvudteman som uppkom var;sjuksköterskan i interaktion med patienten, organisatoriska faktorer och personliga faktorer samt underkategorier som handlade om; avledning av hotfulla situationer, personligt utrymme, information och bedömning, gränssättning, riskfaktorer kopplade till aggression, bristande support från chefer, bemanning, personalsäkerhet, erfarenhet och kommunikationsfärdigheter, lojalitet gentemot patienten och arbetet, hopplöshet och besvikelse samt coping.SLUTSATS: Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor upplever vårdandet av patienter med aggressivt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård på olika sätt.

Smärtbehandling - Sjuksköterskans inställning till ordination och dokumentation - En empirisk studie

The aim of this empirical study was to investigate how nurses on a ward within the emergency clinic deal with analgesia prescriptions and the pain management documentation. The used method was divided into chart reviews and qualitative interviews with nurses in clinical practice at the ward. This means that both a qualitative and quantitative approach was desired. The results incline that nurses generally apply to the laws and restrictions surrounding the nursing discipline, as used in pain treatment. Thus they generally fulfill the obligations accounting to documentation.

Digital kompetens : Äldreomsorgspersonals upplevelser av en digitaliserad arbetsplats

This study highlights the importance of computer technology and its impact on elder care staff's skills development in the public sector. The government presents the digital agenda within which information and communication technology today is considered to have a potential for sustainability, growth and development. According to the EU Commission, there are several important elements that should be improved to digitize the workplace. Among these are digital literacy, collaboration between agencies and increased investments in research, education and innovation. New technology can be understood in different ways by individuals, some see the computer as something positive and exciting, while others may find it hard to see the opportunities for learning and development.

Sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till personer med HIV : en enkätundersökning

Bakgrund: HIV/AIDS är idag en sjukdom som varit känd för oss i snart tre decennier. Synen på människor som har HIV har förvisso ändrats. Trots förändringar upplever personer med HIV fortfarande negativa attityder, diskriminering och socialt utanförskap både ute i samhället och inom sjukvården. Vid en närmare granskning av litteraturen visar det sig att attityder och rädslor finns kvar mot personer med HIV även hos sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till personer med HIV.

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