

363 Uppsatser om Vehicle lighting - Sida 10 av 25

Belysning i provrum

Varför ser både din kropp och tröjan som du hittade i butiken annorlunda ut iprovrummet? Belysning i provrum är ett återkommande problem.Belysningsbranschens blomstrande framfart borde ha löst denna angelägenhet förflera år sedan. I denna studie utreds problematiken ur tre olika intressenterssynvinklar för att kunna redogöra för rekommendationer som behandlarbelysningen i provrum. Följande frågeställningar formulerades:1. Vilka kriterier definierar god belysning i provrum?2.

Arbetsmiljövänliga låsvätskor i stötdämpare

This master thesis is a study of anaerobic thread lockers and is done in cooperation withÖhlins Racing AB, which is a Swedish manufacturer of vehicle suspensions.The suspension in vehicles is constantly exposed to high vibration levels and a suspensionunit has several screw- and cylindrical joints. As an extra safety precaution so that thecomponents in the suspension doesn?t fall apart when using the vehicle, an anaerobicthreadlocker is added in these joints. The handling of these threadlockers is not totallyharmless and could lead to allergic reactions, and therefore there are Swedish laws to limit theuse of these. However, new types of anaerobic threadlockers have recently been launched onthe marked that are not considered under this law.

Rundstyrning i lokalnät : En förstudie i tekniska och ekonomiska konsekvenser för Värnamo Elnät AB

Värnamo Elnät owns and operates a ripple control system which is used to control loadsespecially when the grid is heavily loaded and for control of street lighting. This report aims atclarifying technical and economic aspects of the ripple control system?s future. The system wasinstalled from 1975 and onwards and its use was greater in those days when the controllableloads where greater then today, the current controllable load level is about 3 MW. The reporthighlights three different aspects of the ripple control system?s future ? retain the currentsystem, reinvest in a newer system or discontinue the system.In the report the author also discusses relevant connections to Smart Grids and future meteringsystems and tariffs.

Är euron en internationell valuta?

Denna uppsats syfte är att ta reda på om euron är en internationell valuta och omeuron kan konkurrera med dollarn om titeln som världens ledande valuta. Teori omvalutamarknaden, en valutas uppgifter och vad som avgör vilken valuta som användsinternationellt behandlas och för att kunna svara på uppsatsens frågeställningar (syfte)redogörs siffror på eurons internationella användning. Sådana siffror visar att euron ären internationell valuta då den används i valutans funktioner internationellt, men attdollarn fortfarande är den världsledande valutan utan att vara särsklit hotad i sinställning av euron..

Hur ljussätter man ett bostadsområde?

Bakgrund: Kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerad sjuksköterska beskriver att det är sjuksköterskans ansvar att ge patienten en god och säker vård ur ett etiskt perspektiv samt genom beprövad erfarenhet. Patientnärmre vård är ett arbetssätt som sätter patienten och dennes problem och behov i centrum. Omvårdnadens kvalitet ökar och ger en snabbare rehabiliteringstid för patienten. Syfte: Att granska vad den patientnära tiden innebär för sjuksköterskan och se vad den innehåller. Hur mycket tid, totalt, läggs ner på patientnära tid under ett dagspass? Metod: Empirisk, strukturerad icke deltagande observationsstudie med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats.

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r elektrifierade lastbilar med eHighway inom svensk gruvindustri : En ja?mfo?relse av olika transportslag mellan Mertainen och Svappavaara

The Swedish government has a goal of achieving a fossil-free vehicle fleet in 2030. Heavy transport constitutes a significant part of Sweden's transportation sector and the vehicles are driven almost exclusively by fossil fuels. Siemens has developed eHighway, a concept for electric road systems enabling electrification of trucks, in order to reduce the environmental impact of heavy transports. This study aims to investigate the potential that eHighway has on transporting iron ore from the mine of Mertainen to a processing plant in Svappavaara. Electrified trucks are compared with conventional trucks, and diesel and electric trains.The evaluation was made with respect to energy consumption, environmental impact, and cost.

Gruppmålföljning av markobjekt

This Masters Thesis considers tracking of ground targets. Since ground targets often are difficult to detect with sensors a track is easily lost in ground target tracking. The main question in this thesis is whether information on close targets and observations of them can be used to make the tracking more reliable. An algorithm using Kalman filters and JPDA-association to create a group track for vehicles travelling together has been implemented in Matlab. Using the state of the centre of the group the state of a vehicle in the group can be updated.

Positionsindikering i bilder och video för WITAS dialogsystem

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med en utökning av ett dialogsystem till en UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, obemannad flygande farkost). Arbetet är utfört i WITAS-projektet (Wallenberg laboratory for research on Information Technology and Autonomous Systems), ett projekt som har som mål att utveckla en helikopter som ska kunna verka autonomt i t.ex. en trafikmiljö. Syftet med dialogsystemet är att en operatör med talspråk ska kunna ge kommandon till och få information från helikoptern. Detta examensarbete har som mål att utöka dialogen till att bli multimodal, dvs.

Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö

The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

Grafisk design i en eTjänstekontext

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used.

CAP KC3-12 : Design and finite element analysis

In offshore oil production FMC Subsea systems use a product called cap. The cap´s mainly task is to protect hubface and seal areas on inboard hub against dirt, corrosion and mechanical damage under installation of a subsea system. A new model of a cap has been designed and analysed using finite element method. The model is called KC3-12 and has a new function, emergency release, which is a backup method for the ROV (remote operated vehicle) to release the cap from the hubface when it is placed under water. The cap KC3-12 was found to fulfil the criteria under the test load pressure, according to ASME VIII, div2.

Rumslig vägledning Tandvårdscentralen, Luleå

ABSTRACTMy degree project has resulted in the improvement of the guidance in the dental center?s entrance. The patients will now find it easier to understand and find the environment?s various functions, which is the reception, registration, payment, and waiting rooms. Norrbottens läns landsting has a concept ?hälsofrämjande väntrum? that provides guidelines for how they want their patients to experience their waiting rooms.

Effektivisera materialflödet med hjälp av självgående truckar

The thesis that follows is performed in collaboration with Nitator in Oskarström.The factory in Oskarström focuses on laser cutting, robotic welding and surfacetreatment of steel for the automotive industry.The project aims to streamline the flow of materials in production by automatingthe movements of the forklifts, running to and from the interlayer, and betweenworkstations.The project started with a systematic literature search. The literature searchshowed the research position around the AGV-system. Also a review of studentliterature was made, so that a suitable method for practical implementation couldbe developed and applied. Selected method uses both quantitative and qualitativeapproaches, which is analyzed by using triangulation.The work has resulted in a modified layout of the current facility in Oskarströmthat can be used for the implementation of the AGV-system. It has also resulted inthe tender documents and profitability calculation from several of AGV-suppliers..

Energikartläggning och energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i Zoologen på Göteborgs Universitet

The question of excessive global energy use needs to be solved. All energy production and usage have negative environmental impacts, which are best solved by reducing energy consumption and by using energy more efficiently. A large part of the Swedish energy use is concentrated to the building sector and to reduce the total energy consumption real efforts need to be made to make buildings more energy efficient.The aim of this study was to investigate how energy is used in one of Göteborg University?s buildings and to find measures that can be taken to improve its energy efficiency. The chosen building Zoologen, is used for research and education.The main method of the study is computer simulations of the present building and of possible energy reducing measures to be made in the future.

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