

1386 Uppsatser om Variable transport delays - Sida 8 av 93

De svenska börsbolagens prioriteringar mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik : En studie av sambandet mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik i förhållande till börsvärde

The relationship between dividend policy and investment is a controversial area and the relationship between these two may differ depending on the company's priorities. The study examines this more closely by studying dividend policy's impact on investment and how it differs depending on the company?s market capitalization. The study is based on companies listed on the OMX Stockholm within the segments Large Cap and Small Cap, during the period between 2003-2012. Secondary data was obtained from each company's annual reports where relevant data was used to operationalized into measurable variables.

Transportkvalitetshöjande åtgärder : en fallstudie vid GP-Last

This thesis has been done on a haulage contractor company named GP-Last (AB Gustav Perssons Åkeri) and the purpose with the paper was to analyse their traffic from Malmö to Stockholm and leave suggestions on efforts that GP-Last can use to increase their level of transportation quality. This has been done with two main questions, which problem do they have today and which efforts they need to do to solve their problems? Through a case study with interviews as method to collect data it showed that GP-Last had four main problems.        Not enough information about their freights. The transport planning unit in Malmö doesn?t have the exact delivery address when GP-Last begins to bring in the gods.        There are no clear routes.

Modularisering : Modulbaserad arkitektur ? flexibel motormodulline

 We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.

BIM på Trafikverket : Förslag till en utvidgad investeringsprocess

2013 a decision was made that all projects at the Swedish Transport Administration shoulduse BIM (Building Information Modeling) to some extent from 2015. BIM is an approachthat allows for streamlining of projects by the use of a 3D-model created in an early stage ofthe project. The 3D-model can carry information about the facility throughout its life cyclefrom planning to management. The use of a 3D-model can help the project to detect errors inearly stages of the project when it is easy and cheap to fix the error instead of finding theerror in the construction phase when it is costly and time consuming to fix it. 3D-models alsolead to improved communication both within the project groups and with the public.

En ansats för stadsmiljön : ekosystemansatsen som vägledare för Uppsala kommuns ekologiskt hållbara stadsutveckling

The aim of this paper is in part to distinguish the ideas raised in the Swedish political debate on the new discrimination law in relation to protection of groups. Is protection by law against discrimination needed for the individual or the group? If it is needed for members of groups, are these groups viewed on as static or variable. Are there any conflicts present between group interests? We link these ideas to three different theoretical perspectives: multiculturalism, feminism and intersectionality and further examine the differences and contradictions between the perspectives represented by members of parliament.

En kvalitetskontroll - Snustillverkaren Fiedler & Lundgren kvalitetstestas

This paper aims to describe the variation and develop a method to control the production for the product Metropol Kaktus from the snuff developer Fiedler & Lundgren. We are going to use the requirements from the product specifications as limits of the expected quality when we present methods to control the process. One method attempts to control during the process and the other attempts to maximize the number of products with strived quality before the process starts. Metropol Kaktus is a product produced with high quality, the mean weight is 20,023 gram and this is very close to the weight, 20 gram, which is reported in the product specifications. The variation in weight variable is less than what is reported in the specifications and the minimum weight is over the limit set by Livsmedelsverket.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda kritiskt sjuka personer inom flygmedicinsk transport.

Syftet med studien var att beskriva specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda kritiskt sjuka personer inom flygmedicinsk transport. Totalt intervjuades sju intensivvårdssjuksköterskor vid två sjukhus med helikopterverksamhet knutna till sig. En kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys utfördes på intervjuerna och resulterade i ett tema och sex kategorier. Temat som framkom var Säker intensivvård under flygmedicinsk transport. Kategorierna som framkom var Att egen erfarenhet och teamsamarbete behövs i svåra situationer, Att ställas inför dilemmat om närstående kan närvara eller ej, Att känna patientens och egen rädsla, Att uppleva vårdmiljön som en intensivvårdsplats med begränsat utrymme, Att en högljudd miljö försvårar kommunikationen under pågående flygtransport, Att planera och kontrollera för att minimera risker.

Energieffektivisering av linjesjöfarten till och från Tasmanien

Tasmania is a state in Australia, and is also the country?s largest island. It is separated from the main land by a 429 kilometer wide strait. Every year, a large amount of people, cars and goods are transported to the island using a government owned ferry line, which generates approximately 300 million Australian dollars to the state?s economy ,every year. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility of reducing the fuel consumption for the ferry traffic to and from Tasmania, which would also reduce the overall cost.

Hur tar du dig till skolan? : En kvantitativ studie om elevers transportvanor till skolan

Syfte och frågeställningar:Syftet med studien är att kartlägga skolelevers transporter på en skola i en stödjande miljö.- Hur stor andel av eleverna använder aktiv transport?- Vilka faktorer påverkar de elever som inte använder aktiv transport till och från skolani en stödjande miljö?Metod:Studien genomfördes med en enkätundersökning som delades ut till sammanlagt 63 av 75 eleveri årskurs fyra på en skola i en söderförort till Stockholm. Det externa bortfallet bestod av deelever som av någon anledning inte var i skolan på undersökningsdagen. Skolan ligger i enstödjande miljö för fysik aktivitet. En pilotundersökning genomfördes på ca 60 elever i årskursfem där synpunkter kunde lyftas fram och enkäten reviderades innan den slutligaundersökningen.Resultat:50/63 elever använde någon form av aktiv transport till skolan.

Hur påverkas hundar av transport?

Det har blivit allt vanligare att ta med sin hund på resa, vilket bland annat kan bero på att det numera är både billigare och lättare att resa med hundar, sedan Jordbruksverket 1 januari 2012 införde nya regler rörande införsel av hund. I denna litteraturstudie sammanställs tillgänglig litteratur för att undersöka hur sällskapshundar påverkas av stress och om transport är stressande, samt vilka faktorer som är av betydelse under transporten. Stress kan ge både fysisk och psykisk påverkan och på sikt påverka immunförsvaret och öka mottagligheten för infektioner. I flera studier på olika djurslag har en ökning av bland annat hormonerna kortisol, adrenalin och noradrenalin uppmätts vid stress. Olika typer av beteendeförändringar kan också uppkomma i samband med stressfyllda situationer, men vilka beteenden som uppkommer varierar mellan individer och olika stressorer.

Vibrationsisolering av gruvmaskinshytt

Detta examensarbete, på uppdrag av Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, syftar till att kartlägga de problem gällande vibrationer som finns och uppstår vid användandet av produkten Scaletec MC och komma med förslag till lösningar på ett nytt system som bättre hanterar vibrationer än det befintliga. Lösningarna är avgränsade till hytten och hyttens koppling mot ramen. Kartläggningen av Scaletec MC visade att den största problemskaparen är den långa bommen med den tunga hydraulhammaren framtill. Den skapar rörelse i hytten både vid skrotning och vid transport. Vid transport är även den odämpade stolen, de ojämna vägarna och det faktum att axlarna är stela ett stort problem som genererar helkroppsvibrationer hos operatören.

Animal welfare in Ethiopia: handling of cattle during transport and operations at Kera Abattoir, Addis Abeba

The main objective of this study was to evaluate animal welfare situation in Ethiopia during slaughter and to investigate chain activities between animal markets and Kera abattoir in Addis Abeba. In total, 442 animals were observed within 52 groups of cattle; both ox and calves with different breeds. The study was divided into four different sets of data collection; behavioural observations, recording of slaughter process, observation during transport and interview. During the behavioural observations, an ethogram was used with 46 behaviours observed, categorised into 5 different groups. The data was calculated using Excel and SAS. The results indicated that a significant correlation (p-value.

Den nya diskrimineringslagen - särskiljande eller sammanhållande? : En innehållslig idéanalys av den svenska interpellationsdebatten.

The aim of this paper is in part to distinguish the ideas raised in the Swedish political debate on the new discrimination law in relation to protection of groups. Is protection by law against discrimination needed for the individual or the group? If it is needed for members of groups, are these groups viewed on as static or variable. Are there any conflicts present between group interests? We link these ideas to three different theoretical perspectives: multiculturalism, feminism and intersectionality and further examine the differences and contradictions between the perspectives represented by members of parliament.

Hallsta Pappersbruks virkesförsörjning

Competition of spruce fiber raw materials has increased dramatically in the last few years, leading to the fact that transportation costs in the current situation represents a much larger share of the total raw material cost. The Holmen-owned pulp industry Hallsta Paper Mill's location on the coast also constitutes a problem, because of the lack of raw material, which is much larger there, than for a pulp mill located in the hinterland. For a coastal industry it?s therefore natural to import much of the raw material by boat or to buy it from the timber terminals, in order to maintain good profitability. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the size of Hallsta Paper Mill timber supply area, without competition, with competition and with terminal use, affects the company ?s transport costs.

Introduktionen av tapeter på den svenska landsbygden 1850-1890 : en studie av attityder vid kulturspridning med utgångspunkt i Nordiska museets frågelista om tapeter

The aim of this essay is to examine how people living in the Swedish countryside looked upon changes in the interiors through modernization in 1850-90. For the first time, there was an abundance of objects available in stores in the countryside that the majority of the population had money buy. Many novelties were introduced in the interior decoration of ordinary peoples´ homes. This study focuses on the introduction and use of wallpaper and is based on a questionnaire about wallpaper sent from the Nordiska museet, National museum of Culture history in Sweden, to people all over Sweden in 1948. 148 people responded to the questions about use and attitudes toward wallpaper during the second half of the 19th century.My theoretical perspective is cultural diffusion, the spread of cultural items, more specific the diffusion of innovations from larger to smaller places, often influenced by social elites, hierarchical diffusion, and between individuals, contagious diffusion.The analytical perspective used for the analysis is based on the concepts of basic and variable modernity, initiated by the historian Sven-Eric Liedman.

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