

1386 Uppsatser om Variable transport delays - Sida 9 av 93

Transport och terminalhantering av plantor på Södra

This study has been carried out at Södra´s 31 local forestry districts and within six plant terminals. The production and sale of seedlings at Södra is managed in collaboration with ?Södra Odlarna?. Approximately 35 million plants are cultivated each year, providing Södra´s members with a wide choice of high quality plants. The seedlings are nurtured at nurseries before transferred to plant terminals where they are stored and watered.

Fordonsgas ur gödsel och vall

AbstractThe dependency of fossil fuels in the transport sector causes large emissions of carbondioxide. This problem can we reduce by using vehicle gas from digested solid manure and leftover of pasture. I have studied the potential for this in the county of Västernorrland. Thepurpose is to investigate how much vehicle gas that can be extracted.One central, large scale digestion and upgrade plant should be placed in Härnösand. Theamount of pasture and manure that is economical and practical available is enough to produce2,7-3,5 millions Nm3 vehicle gas.

Detection of mutations in dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) and dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) in Plasmodium falciparum in eastern Sudan

ABSTRACT: Commercial swab transport systems are used for collection and transporting of fecal and other microbiological samples. This system must maintain viability and contribute to survival of microorganisms during transport to the laboratory. Four swab transport systems have been compared, eSwab, ?- Transwab and fecalSwab, all three with flocked swabs, and Copan Venturi Transystem with rayon swabs. The study followed the recommendations from the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute; document M40-A for recovery of Samonella, Shigella, Yersinia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae after storage for 0, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h at room- (22-25°C) and refrigerated (2-8ºC) temperature.

Svenska idrottsprofiler i reklam: älskar, älskar inte..Älskar!

The aim of this paper is to examine, by means of a quantitative method, whether using a Swedish athlete endorser in a sports advertisement will increase its effectiveness. We examine which characteristics an athlete endorser needs to be able to make people form a positive attitude towards the athlete endorser and thereby make him or her successful in advertising. We also look into whether an interest in sports can affect the advertisement effectiveness when using a Swedish athlete endorser. The results show that a well-liked Swedish athlete endorser generates highest ad effectiveness and that the most important characteristics that contribute to form a positive attitude towards an athlete endorser are trustworthy, physical attractiveness, success in sports and ?successful in respondent?s mind?.

Utbildningsnivåns och demokratins inverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

Effektiva godstransporter : kartläggning av bakomliggande faktorer på transporters utförande

The society of today can?t manage without transportation. We need transports to getfood, to go to work and to create new products. The transportation ofgood is thus an important part in the function of the society and they?ll increase, bothin number and in amount.

Bevisvärdering ur ett rättsäkerhetsperspektiv : Om vilken metod som bör föredras i skatteprocessen med hänsyn till den allmänna domstolsprocessen

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Säljare och kompensationer : En kvalitativ studie anga?ende sa?ljares upplevelser av olika kompensationsplaner

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Avgiftsfri kollektivtrafik i praktiken : En studie av Kuxabussarna i Ockelbo kommun

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

Miljöhänsyn inom EU:s sektorspolitik - integrering genom "nya" policyinstrument?

To integrate environmental concerns into non-environmental policy making has become an important policy objective within the European Union. This essay investigates policy instruments in use to achieve environmental policy integration in the EU's transport sector respectively fisheries sector. The point of departure is a theoretical discussion about governance and the use of different policy instruments for environmental management at the EU-level. The focal point is the argumentation that regulatory policy instruments alone cannot achieve environmental policy integration satisfactory. By using Jordan et al's classification of so called "new" environmental policy instruments (market-based instruments, voluntary agreements and ecolabels) as complements to regulatory measures, the essay investigates whether the first-mentioned are used within the two sectors.

Kan ?Gnaget? och ?Stig-Helmer? påverka infrastrukturen? : En studie om turismens påverkan på infrastrukturen

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether, and if so, how tourism effect the construction of a new city district with a stadium in focus. The study is based on a case study of Swedbank Arena and Arenastaden as nearby area. There has been an interest from the writers to study Swedbank Arena and Arenastaden, as it is a current subject, and both of them are under construction, which means that it was possible to see how the process works from the ground up. It has been shown that Swedbank Arena is built up in an entirely new district in which there will be new infrastructure that is tailored to the stadium and the crowd it?s expected to attract.

Betal- och biljettsystem i kollektivtrafik : en kartläggning av aktörer och roller

An Interoperable Fare Management system for public transport has been a struggle for the actors in industry of public transport. A lot of effort has been put into creating a smart card solution that enables the travellers to use the same card for paying and holding the ticket regardless geographical position in Sweden. That project has failed, mostly due to a lack of taking non-technical actors and aspects into consideration during the project process. This thesis highlights the major actors and their responsibilities. The ARKTRANS framework is used as analytical tool to identify different roles. Throughout the thesis a sociotechnical perspective is used. The developed method in this thesis is suitable for mapping of actors and responsibilities in a network surrounding a complex technical system.

Transportekonomi : Underlag för prisförhandlingar

The report addresses four main tasks, situation analysis of the company's total costs and transportation volume, cost analysis associated with the adjustment of the filling ratio, transport costs for the expansion and new expenses on a combination of expansion with new adjusted filling ratio.  Increasing transport costs for the company was the main reason for the request of the current situation analysis. A survey of the total cost with the actual volumes and transport provider pricing is the basis of the analysis that extends from May 2006 to October 2008. The results show an increase in costs, both overall expense and per cubic meter of transported goods. Volume spreads, trends, and seasonal variations are according to our and the company?s expectations.

Metod för att mäta förändring av city logistik : - En casestudie på Sandvikens kommun

To distribute goods to customers in urban areas is necessary to support the economic and social development in the cities, but has consequences that affect both residents of cities as well as the environment. The environmental effects of these types of transport involves not only the emissions of various pollutants, but also an increased noise level inside the cities. Many companies and organizations are working hard to change the distribution pattern to streamline transport in the urban area, while environmental impact is reduced. This is in line with what is called the City Logistics. The purpose of this thesis is to create a method for describing and measuring a given transport solution in order to compare it with an altered transport solution to achieve a more sustainable development.

Säkerställning av kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

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