

1386 Uppsatser om Variable transport delays - Sida 7 av 93

Hur påverkas aktiemarknaden av räntan, valuta- och obligationsmarknaden? : En empirisk studie under perioden 2005-2009

Introduction: Interplay between all the different subsystems of the financial markets is currently considered as an important internal force in the market. In a financially liberalized economy exchange rate stability is a basis for a wellbeing stock market. If these interactions between all the different subsystems of the financial markets are not detected, this means that there is information inefficiency in the markets.Problem: Can we find any correlation between changes in currency, interest rate and bonds with the stock market index? If so, how do these changes affect the Stockholm Stock Exchange?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if there is any linkage between the interest rate, currency and bonds with the stock market. The researchers wanted to find out how these variables affect the stock market index OMX S30 which consists of the 30 largest companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.Method: This research has been based on a quantitative approach.

Trafikstyrning med variabel trafikutrustning : en behovsanalys för Vägverket Region Stockholm

When traffic in large cities increases, it becomes more vulnerable to disturbances such as accidents, stalled vehicles or construction; therefore, traffic jams are more likely to occur. For better control of the traffic at a disturbance the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) has traffic equipment which can be controlled from a command centre. This traffic equipment consists of gates and signs with variable messages. This report will discuss the system used for traffic control in Stockholm. It will present proposals designed to improve it.

Den riskfyllda transporten ? Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner

Bakgrund: En intrahospital transport (IHT) är en förlängning av patientens fortsatta vård och därför en naturlig del av intensivvårdssjuksköterskans uppgifter, en uppgift som är förknippad med höga risker för patienten. Syftet: Att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av oförutsedda händelser i samband med IHT samt deras reflektioner på patientsäkerheten vid IHT. Metod: En pilotstudie genomfördes med en fokusgruppintervju bestående av fem intensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Fokusgruppen har erfarenheter av oförutsedda händelser som är av både system- och patientrelaterande art.

Konstruktionsoptimering av självrensande dysa

 We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.

Digitalt tidtagningssystem för Agility

 We have chosen to write our thesis within a transport company. The work was carried out at DHL activities in Uppsala. DHL is one of the leading transport companies worldwide. Our interest lies in more efficient and advanced transportation and terminals, as globalization and new trends require effective solutions.The aim of our work is to explain the need for information technology applications in road haulage and associated terminal operations. Furthermore, we analyses terminal and applied information technology.

Hållbara transporter i Hemavan Tärnaby och Åre : En innehållsanalys av 13 Svenska turistaktörers hemsidor

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

Statistisk behandlig av driftsdata : Ur Garpenberggruvans driftcentral

Boliden Mineral Ab's mine in Garpenberg, Dalarna is going through a massiveexpansion. The annual ore production is being increased from 1,4 million tons to 2,5million tons in less than two years period of time. Along this expansion thedepartment of mining techniques is administrating a project of optimizing the shortterm planning for the mining production. Garpenberg have since mid 90s storedinformation from all mining processes in a database.The information consists of time data from all the different activities required in themining process, for example charging, blasting, loading etc. The database also containstime data of delays that are affecting the production.

Högriskfonder kontra aktieindex : En studie av makrovariablers påverkan på olika fondalternativ

Abstract  Title: High-Risk Funds vs. Mutual- Index FundsA study of macro -variables influence on different funds choice Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moses Yokie & Bo Lemar Supervisor: Ogi Chun & Cheick Wagué Date: 2011-05-25 Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to compare two different types of mutual-index fond and a high-risk fund in relation to the macro variables. The purpose also includes an investigation about if an investor will receives a higher return on high-risk fund than on mutual-index fund in a 10 years period.Method: A quantitative method has been use in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in graphs and tables on the empirical capital, in order to analyse and compare it with the theories and the selected macro- variables to see if there will be any correlation. Conclusion: This research shows that there is no possibility that the macro-variable factors can benefit an investment on high-risk fund or on mutual-index fund in the short run.

Järnvägens banutnyttjandeplanering : nuläge och förbättringsförslag

The Swedish National Rail Administration has changed in the past decade, from its origin after a less dramatic separation from the Swedish State Railways to becoming an authority with its own identity. Today the National Rail Administration is a large organisation with several different departments, each with its own unique function. To operate train services the railway needs to be ?in shape?, leading to a need for maintenance, reinvestments and new investments. For this purpose, the National Rail Administration carries out public procurement where contractors, who are able to perform maintenance and new construction, submit tenders.

På väg mot ett hållbart resande? : En fallstudie kring den lokala kollektivtrafiken i Umeå tätort

Sustainability and the traffics impact on the environment have become increasingly central within spatial planning. For many years, planning has been focusing on building new roads - this has resulted in increased use of automobiles, which many believe is unsustainable in the longer term. Therefore, authorities at national, regional and local level want to increase the use of alternative transport modes ? such as walking, cycling and traveling by bus.The thesis intends to study if the Municipality of Umeå?s policies for sustainable development have led to an increased use of public transportation. The use of public transport in Umeå is also compared with developments at national level, in order to see if there are differences in the level and trend.

Att ta cykeln till arbetet : en studie av Stockholms satsning på cykelpendlare i jämförelse med Köpenhamn och London

The bicycle is an individual means of transport. Many people prefer to cycle over short distances and in congested areas rather than take travel by car or public transport. This is a study of the use of bicycle as an option for commuting to work. It is a comparison between three cities: Stockholm, Copenhagen and London. The comparison is focused on solutions that benefit commuter cyclist and performed by studying cycle policies and other related documents.

Undersökning av affinitet till TS1-218, TS1-2182 och HE1-Q enkelkedjeantikroppar i multicellulära tumörsfäroider cytokeratin 8 för TS1-218, TS1-2182 och HE1-Q enkelkedjeantikroppar i multicellulära tumörsfäroider

In vitro-test för upptäckt och behandling av tumör eller mikrometastaser har de senaste 30 åren gjort stora framsteg tack vare immunokemi och nya framgångsrika cellodlings- tekniker som bättre reproducerar celltillväxt i tre dimensioner (3D) och det omgivande stromat (multicellulär tumörsfäroidodling). TS1-218 scFv (single chain variable fragment) är en monoklonal antikropp som har affinitet till ett protein tillhörande cytoskelettet (cytokeratin). Av TS1-218 har skapats olika varianter (en dimer TS1-2182 och en mutant HE1-Q) med syftet att öka affinitet och retentionstid på platsen för dess verkan. I det här projektet försökte vi att testa och jämföra egenskaper hos alla 3 joderade antikropparna genom att inkubera odlade Hela Hep 2 tumörcellssfäroider med dessa antikroppar. Alla tre antikroppsvarianter visade god förmåga att penetrera sfäroider och att binda deras epitop i cytokeratin 8.

Geografisk prioritering av CTI-utrustad virkestransportkapacitet

Previous studies of central tire inflation (CTI) in truck transport of roundwood have shown potential benefits to include more even wood flow and reduced road damage. The greatest benefits are found to be during periods of low bearing capacity such as spring thaw. No previous studies have examined geographical variations in the potential benefit of CTI-equipped trucks. The aim of the study was to develop and use a simple method for geographically prioritizing the use of CTI-equipped trucks within a forest company´s sector of activity.The host company for the study was Holmen Skog. The area studied consisted of Holmen Skog?s entire sector of activity extending from the province of Västerbotten to the province of Småland.

Ledtidsreducering ur ett värdeflödes-perspektiv

This case study is performed within the production of Sherwin-Williams, Bellö. The purpose is to increase the understanding how a value stream can function more efficient, from a lead time perspective. With the analytical model that is build up on known theories, the purpose have been fulfilled. Mapping of value and non value time for four products thru their respectively process reveals wastes, which is, waiting, transport and movement, incorrect processing and set-up time that in it self create transport and movement. Thru identified wastes that causes loss in lead time suggestions of improvement has been proposed.

CSR inom livsmedelsbranschen : Studie över ICA:s CSR-arbete inom transport av varor

Corporate Social Responsibility, ett företags samhällsansvar, har på senare år fått större plats i näringslivet. CSR bygger på idén att företag frivilligt redovisar vilket socialt, etiskt, miljömässigt och ekonomiskt ansvar de tar inför sina intressenter. En företagsbransch med daglig inverkan på världens samhälle är livsmedelsbranschen. Branschen har ett välutvecklat och komplext logistiksystem där transportverksamheten är en central funktion. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och utvärdera dagens CSR-arbete ur ett miljöperspektiv inom livsmedelsbranschens transportverksamhet.

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