

1386 Uppsatser om Variable transport delays - Sida 37 av 93

Är ökad pressfrihet dåliga nyheter för korruption? - En kvantitativ dataanalys som testar styrkan i sambandet mellan pressfrihet och korruption.

This paper aims to broaden the discussion on how press freedom can be a powerful tool in the war on corruption. Previous studies have shown a significant relationship between more press freedom and less corruption, it also shows that the causal link runs from press freedom to corruption and not the other way around. There are quite a few studies on the impact of a free press on corruption and therefore there is a lot more to be published on this issue.This paper looks at press freedom as one of the most important parts of a democratic society and that it plays a vital role in reducing corruption as both an informant on key issues and also as a ?watchdog? on society. But press freedom cannot be seen as an ?easy fix? in a country or the international community's struggle to reduce corruption.

Transportolyckor med farligt gods: Inventering och insatsplaner för Räddningstjänsten Östra Skaraborg

Denna rapport gjordes på uppdrag av Räddningstjänsten Östra Skaraborg då de kände ett behov av att ha insatsplaner för olyckor vid transport av farligt gods. Rapporten innebär ett första skede i hur framtagning av insatsplaner ska gå till och hur de ska se ut. Behovet av insatsplaner kommer främst från att de ska verka istället för den erfarenhet som är så svår att få för stora olyckor med farligt gods. Insatsplanen ska vara ett stöd i beslutsfattandet och påminna om viktiga åtgärder. Det finns ingen speciell mall för hur en insatsplan ska se ut, därför har inspiration hämtats från andra räddningstjänster och dokument med hur dess uppbyggnad kan se ut.För att bedöma vilka ämnen som insatsplanerna skulle innehålla och var olycksscenariona skulle utspela sig så gjordes en inventering av det farliga godsflödet i och genom regionen och därefter en sannolikhets- och konsekvensbedömning av detta.

The role of cell cycle control mechanisms in regulated and sustained cell proliferation

The cell cycle is the time a cell spends between two cell divisions. The cell cycle includes several parallel processes, all of which must be completed before a cell is mature for dividing. In the first place, all subcomponents (RNA, protein and membrane lipids) need to double in quantity and this occurs continuously through the cell cycle. Furthermore, the genome and some chromosomal proteins must double and this take place during a limited interval in the middle of the cell cycle (S-phase). On either side of the S-phase are two "gaps" which is called G1 and G2. When the cell has passed a point in the G-phase they are irreversibly programmed to progress through the remaining of the cell cycle and will undergo the next cell division. When a cell have passed a point in the G1 phase, approximately four hours after mitosis, a normal cell is in a state of indecision.

3D-skrivarens intåg i immaterialrätten : - Om 3D-bilder, 49 § URL och vikten av lämpliga avtalslicenser

The current study aimed to test the public self-consciousness impact on creative performance. An experimental design was used in which 40 participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other was the control group. A mirror was used in the experimental group to induce public self-consciousness among the participants while they performed creativity tests. A consequence test was used where the participant had to give suggestions for the given scenario "What would happen if everyone became blind?" which was then measured in the number of proposals (fluency).

Solceller som energikälla och solskydd för tält

This degree project is an investigation of solar cells and their ability to deliver electric power as well as reducing the need for cooling. The main object of interest is a BASE-X shelter. The shelter is purchased by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV to be used for command and camp in the new force called Nordic Battlegroup, NBG. The demand on the equipment is firstly that it should have a small weight to be easy to transport and handle and secondly to be easy to bring up fast. Therefore the choice of solar cell technology fell on thin film cells.


Objective: In recent years there has been an increasing interest within the clinical (medical) science in measuring people?s health. When estimating quality of life, present practise is to use the EQ-5D questionnaire and an index which weighs the different questions. The question is what happens if the individuals estimate there own health, would it differ from the public preferences? The aim is to make a new prediction model based on the opinion of patients and compare it to the present model based on public preferences.Method: A sample of 362 patients with unstable coronary artery disease from the Frisc II trial, valued their quality of life in the acute phase and after 3, 6 and 12 months.

Styrtransmission för bandfordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to construct a steering transmission, for a trackedvehicle, containing two hydraulic circuits which are connected. The steeringtransmission should be mechanical to avoid steer-by-wire.BAE Systems Hägglunds has in an earlier study examined a system with two hydraulicpumps and one hydraulic motor, but the safety of the system wasn?t sufficient.To achieve sufficient redundancy there must be two hydraulic motors, which arecontrolled separately. When the two systems are connected in one point, this point is acritical part of the system because it directly affects both circuits. If one of the hydrauliccircuits fails the other should be able to operate independently as a steeringtransmission.

Effektivare informationsutbyte vid kombinerade land- och sjötransporter av farligt gods

Vid transporter av farligt gods är informationen en avgörande faktor. Att rätt information vid rätt tidpunkt finns tillgänglig är väldigt viktigt vid händelse av olycka. Informationen utgör även en viktig faktor vid transportuppdrag som omfattas av flera olika transportslag i en dörr till dörr transport. Ett transportslag som i hög grad är beroende av andra transportslag för att utföra den här typen av transportuppdrag är sjöfarten. Sam-tidigt som internationella krav ställs på ökad säkerhet vid sjötransporter är Sjöfartsverket i hög grad intresserade av att effektivisera sjöfarts-näringen.

Kreativitet och offentlig självmedvetenhet : En experimentell sutdie om hur offentlig självmedvetenhet påverkar kreativitet

The current study aimed to test the public self-consciousness impact on creative performance. An experimental design was used in which 40 participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other was the control group. A mirror was used in the experimental group to induce public self-consciousness among the participants while they performed creativity tests. A consequence test was used where the participant had to give suggestions for the given scenario "What would happen if everyone became blind?" which was then measured in the number of proposals (fluency).

Formgivning av ögonduschkork : Examensarbete, formgivning

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Aktiv ventilstyrning

To achieve an optimal combustion, an even air/fuel ratio in the combustion chamber is required. An optimal combustion leads to reduced amount of emissions due to a more complete combustion, which is an important matter because of the sharpened environmental laws. This can be attained, among other things, by applying entirely variable cam times. To optimize the engines efficiency and its emissions at all workloads and speeds, an active valve control can be applied. This means that the intake and exhaust-valves can be opened and closed at any time, independent of the crankshaft position.

Djurtransporter i Europeiska Unionen-En analys av Eurogroup for Animals påverkan i EU:s beslutsprocess

Our thesis is a single-case study in which we try to answer the question: Why didn?t the lobbygroup Eurogroup for Animals get enough support for their demands in the latest regulation regarding transport of animals? As an example of their cooperation with their memberorganisations, we have chosen the Swedish organisation Djurens Rätt. Through interviews with key-persons involved in the process and with the use of Jeremy Richardson's theory regarding lobbying in the EU, we found that there were many different factors that effected Eurogroup for Animals chances to get an animal friendly legislation. For example by setting too ambitious demands Eurogroup for Animals wasn?t considered to be a serious actor during the legislation process.

Minderårigt nätpokerspelande : En explorativ studie om minderårigas reflektioner och upplevelser av nätpoker

This study represents seven adolescents? perspective on online poker gambling. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe adolescents? thoughts and experiences of online poker gambling, thus gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of how gambling affects youths in their living conditions and in their identity development. This was done by studying the symbolism and meaning that gambling has in these youths every day live and in their identity development.

Effektivisering av produkionsflödet för stora cylinderrör på Företaget AB

 This study was conducted in autumn 2008 on the Company AB, which is currently in a growth phase. The company manufactures hydraulic systems for the heavy vehicle industry and has annual sales of approximately 250 MSEK with 165 employees.The rapid growth and unchanged planning is the starting point for this report. It all began in 2005 when the company received an unusually large order. During this period, the first priority was to satisfy customers and all other focus was disregarded. This has primarily resulted in a messy production and long throughput times.

Avtal om styckegodstransport och befraktningsavtal. Var går gränsen?

Fokus i denna uppsats ligger på gränsdragningen mellan avtal om styckegodstransport och befraktningsavtal. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva skillnaderna mellan avtalstyperna och hur man rättsligt kan avgöra vilken avtalstyp som är förhanden. I syftet ligger en ambition att tydliggöra motiven bakom uppdelningen och med detta som bakgrund tydliggöra vilka rättsliga och kommersiella faktorer som är relevanta att ta hänsyn till vid en härledning till avtalstypen i oklara fall. Uppsatsen har en delvis tillbakablickande karaktär vars primära syfte är att tydliggöra den kommersiella och rättsliga utveckling som resulterat i sjölagens uppdelning i avtal om styckegodstransport och befraktningsavtal. Men uppsatsen är också framåtblickande då ett ytterligare syfte är att peka på de skillnader som FN-konventionen om transport av gods helt eller delvis till sjöss (Rotterdamreglerna) kan komma att medföra för den nämnda gränsdragningen..

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