

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 62 av 82

HÀlsoprojekt : idé till rehabiliteringsmodell för lÄngtidssjukskrivna

Aim and questionsThe purpose for this study was to investigate how marks and mark settings are formed in physical training at some compulsory schools. We also wanted to see how the criteria for marks are formed. These were the main questions during this study.? How do the students find the evaluation and the making in physical training?? Are there differences between different student groups when it comes to their experience around estimation and marking in physical training? (gender, marks, schools etc.)? How do the teachers motivate their marking in physical training?? Are there any differences between the criteria for marking between different schools?MethodThe study was carried out during the spring 2005 at eight schools in a municipality in the middle of Sweden. The study involved 339 students opinion polls and 12 teacher opinion polls.

Projektet som skapade ett vi : En fallstudie om Karlstads kommuns projekt att stÀrka arbetsgivarvarumÀrket

Studien har genom en kvalitativ fallstudie pÄ Karlstads kommuns projekt om attstarta sitt employer branding beskrivit hur employer branding kan bedrivas i projektform.Employer branding handlar om hur företag och offentliga organisationerkan arbeta med sitt varumÀrke som arbetsgivare gentemot sina nuvarande ochframtida anstÀllda. Genom sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med projektbestÀllare,projektledare och projektdeltagare framkom att projektets resultat har varit lyckat.Vi har genom denna studie kommit fram till följande slutsatser:1. Att arbetet skedde i projektform signalerade att uppgiften var viktig för organisationen,vilket skapade effektivitet i arbetet och underlÀttade för enhetssamarbete.Inga nackdelar med att arbeta i projektform kunde hittas.2. Projektarbetsformen kan ha varit en förutsÀttning för att Karlstads kommunsemployer branding skulle lyckas och fÄ spridning ut i organisationen. Genom attde lyckades fÄ förankring visade man inför hela organisationen att employer brandingÀr ett viktigt omrÄde att arbeta aktivt med, men förankringen bidrar ocksÄ tillatt förÀndringen inte gÄr för fort.3.

Skolskogen som ekosystemtjÀnst : En fallstudie om det sociala vÀrdet hos skolskogen

The concept of school forest was drafted in 1970 by the Forest in School organization and is defined as an area occupied by a school for outdoor educational activity. The main purpose of this study was to examine how schools use the school forest in practice, how it can be linked to the forest as an ecosystem service and find out how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning. The study is mainly qualitative in nature and has been based on interviews conducted with educators engaged in outdoor education at four selected schools in a municipality in Sweden. Focus has been on the cultural ecosystem services for school forest, for example the physical characteristics that are considered as positive, forest influence on students' physical / mental health and the educational benefits available to be in the woods. Search has also been made to see how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning and also what a contract agreements involves.

Alternativ till fiskbaserat foder till karnivora fiskar

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

FörtÀtning ur ett socialt perspektiv

Urban densification as a planning strategy is of interest in the planning context of today. It is also seen as a part of the sustainable development. Urban densification as a concept is commonly used in the discussion of a sustainable development. Thus, the question about urban densification is an important challenge in the current planning context. A deeper understanding of the process which urban densification has developed from is necessary, since planners then will be more able to manage this challenge.

Vindkraftens pÄverkan pÄ sin omgivning : En fallstudie

Purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of wind turbines on their surroundings. It also aims to analyze how the communication looks between the authorities, the planner and local residents prior to the establishment of wind turbines in LĂ€nnĂ€s/Odensbacken in Örebro, where three wind turbines set up in a group.The results of this survey show that the participants experience themselves not as especially disturbed of the turbines in the form of large noise, shadows, and sleep disturbance indoors and outdoors. Participants felt that no change had taken place on the natural environment (52%) since the turbines became operational. It was 49% of participants had got no information about the establishment of Örebro Municipality, Örebro County Administrative Board or Wind Power Company. Scientists/­experts had the highest confidence of 86%, politicians and the media/journalists had least confidence.

Samverkan för barnens bÀsta : Ett organisatoriskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv pÄ övergÄngen mellan förskola och förskolaklass

Each municipality in Sweden have to offer all children a place in a pre-school class starting the autumn term of the year the child turns six until it starts compulsory school. Despite the fact that it is a non-compulsory education, 95 % of all six-year-olds attend pre-school class.The purpose of this study has been to explore how pre-school and compulsory schools organize the pre-school children?s transition to pre-school. It also aims at examining how teachers? co-operate in order to fulfill the commission of the national curriculum and how they make a smooth transition to the new school for the children.Research questions: In what way do teachers in pre-school and compulsory school co-operate in in order to make the children?s transition easy? What part of the process and which operators are most important for the children in the transition? To what extent does the school organization fulfill the commission of the national curriculum regarding co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method where I have made seven interviews as well as a text analysis of annual reports from the studied schools.

VÀgen till heltid : Om institutionell förÀndring i kommunal jÀmstÀlldhetspolitik

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze why or why not Swedish municipalities implement the gender equality policy ? ?right to work fulltime?. In order to understand this institutional change, the analysis is based on a theoretical framework consisting of two fields: political representation and feminist institutionalism. The study is divided into two empirical inquiries. The first part is based on a quantitative survey that describes the casual relationship between two independent variables; womenÂŽs political representation and party ideology, and the dependent variable; political decision about ?right to work fulltime?.

Relationen mellan ledare och medarbetare i en decentraliserad organisation. : Hur tar den sig uttryck i en LSS-enhet

We have completed our investigation on a LSS organization located in VÀstra Götalandsregionen. This organization has four leaders who has responsibility for multiple devices but do not have any physical contact daily. We have seen that organizations constantly living in some kind of change, which means that organizations are becoming more decentralized. This decentralization affects leaders' way of working in the organization, because the employees are geographically dispersed in the municipality. Our survey shows that the physical meetings between managers and employees are an important factor in creating a motivated team.

SprÄktest vid antagning till vÄrd- och omsorgsutbildningarna för vuxna i VÀrmland. : En kartlÀggning av anvÀndandet och testets validitet.

In view of the difficulty of recruiting staff to care profession and in terms of the increasing need to find ways of ensuring a good language level in the profession, have an interest in language tests been revealed. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the use of language tests for admission to the care courses for adults in VĂ€rmland. What provided This is a survey of the prevalence and an examination of the validity of the test. The issue that this study assumed is: How is language test in connection with admission to the certified health and social care courses for adults in VĂ€rmland? How well correlates intent of the use of the language test with the test's validity and reliability?The methods used to seek answers to these questions has been a combination of questionnaires and experiments.

Infectious bronchitis in Brazil : a minor field study in Bastos municipality, Sao Paulo

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious viral respiratory and productiondepressant disease distributed world wide. The disease is caused by the InfectiousBronchitis Virus (IBV), a positive RNA strand Avian Coronavirus within thegenus Gammacoronavirus. Due to a combination of high mutation rate and atendency of recombination a constant emergence of new genotypes and serotypesis seen. In Brazil, a country with an extensive poultry production and majorproblems with disease control, the diversity of circulating strains are wide andoutbreaks of clinical disease despite intensive use of vaccines are common. Theaim of this study was to investigate the presence of IBV and to identify genotypesof isolated IBVs in a limited number of layer flocks in Bastos, SĂŁo Paulo, as partof the screening for circulating genotypes in the country.

Att undervisa i musik pÄ mellanstadiet: Tre berÀttelser utifrÄn hur lÀrare som undervisar i musik pÄ mellanstadiet talar om sin undervisning i förhÄllande till Lgr11

My interest in the problem I have chosen has grown from my practise as a music teacher in Swedish compulsory schools. It springs from my own reflection, that the content pupils meet during music lessons in year 4-6 of compulsory school, seems to vary. My ontological and epistemological standpoints belong to a life-world-phenomenological way of thinkink. This kind of thinking implies that human beings are indissolubly connected to the world, which means that the only way to access the world is trough human beings lived experience. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how music teachers, who work in years 4-6 of compulsory school, talk about the subject music and its content in relation to the new curriculum, Lgr11.

Syns du inte sÄ finns du inte. - En studie om irreguljÀra immigranter och socialtjÀnsten

Different studies have shown that somewhere between 10 000 and 75 000 persons live in Sweden as undocumented migrants. They are not entitled to basic human and social rights such as access to health care on the same basis as persons holding a residence permit in Sweden. Undocumented migrants are often exploited as workers in the informal economy and they are not allowed to organize in unions. The Swedish Social Services is by law bound to care for all people living in Sweden, though in reality undocumented migrants are excluded from benefits and efforts granted by the Social Services. Our aim with the study has been to investigate the situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden and in relation to Social Services.

E-förvaltningens roll i frÀmjandet av demokrati. En fallstudie om offentlig förvaltnings relation till demokrati med stöd av IT

Information technology (IT) with its enormous capacity involves more and more in our daily activities and public sector is using IT to make their activities more efficient. The government goal with electronic government (e-government) among other things is increasing the availability and service to the public as well as improving the democratic process. Democracy can be strengthened by involving citizens in public decision making process but this goal has not been achieved yet and the development of e-government has mostly been focused on improving efficiency within administration and electronic services (e-services). Promoting the democratic process has been postponed in the development of e-government because of the lack of political commitment and decision. Digital divide is also preventing public sector to promote democracy with the support of IT.

HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En arbetslivssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

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