

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 63 av 82

"Följ oss på Facebook!" : En kvalitativ studie i hur sociala medier kan påverka en kommunal förvaltning

Sedan Internet förändrade hur världen kommunicerar har den teknologiska utvecklingen i dess kölvatten och i synnerhet de sociala medierna inneburit ett paradigmskifte i vår vardagliga kommunikativa verklighet. Även organisationer har hakat på utvecklingen. Men för många råder ovisshet om hur sociala medier påverkar deras verksamhet. I synnerhet våra svenska myndigheter som har att förhålla sig till offentlighetsprincip, yttrandefrihet och ett genomgående medborgarperspektiv. Mot denna bakgrund ville vi undersöka hur sociala medier påverkar arbetet med samhällskommunikation inom en kommunal förvaltning.

Läxhjälp : en undersökning och jämförelse mellan två skolor

This is a comparative study examining one school with scheduled homework assistance andone school without homework help tuition. The study has investigated the use of the schoolbasedhomework assistance program at a grade school in a municipality outside of Stockholm.To what extent do the pupils use this resource, and what are their attitudes to it? Do theyregard it as a useful resource? What is the opinion of the teachers involved, do they findhomework tuition relevant and meaningful?The governing documents for the Swedish schools do not make the handing out of homeworkmandatory, and do not require that schools organize homework assistance. The emphasis inconnection with homework is that pupils should learn to take responsibility for their ownstudies. There is, however, a commersial market for homework assistance, at prices that arenot accessible for most parents, and some municipal schools have stared programs forhomework tuition.

Rollspel som pedagogiskt verktyg i fritidshemmet, En studie om m?jligheter och utmaningar.

This thesis examines how role-playing games can be used as an educational tool in after-school programs and identifies the challenges and opportunities perceived by both students and teachers. The study is based on qualitative methods, with interviews with after-school teachers and children in after-school programs with their observations of role-playing activities in a municipality. The results show that role-playing games promote social development, creative thinking, problem-solving, and language development. Students reported increased motivation and engagement, while teachers observed improved relationships and an inclusive environment where students could explore different roles and perspectives. The research links these findings to previous studies that highlight the potential of role-playing games to develop empathy, collaboration skills, and critical thinking (Daniau, 2016; Trespalacios et al., 2011; Suryani et al., 2020). Furthermore, our findings support the curriculum goals of student influence and situational learning, emphasizing the importance of students' own initiatives and responsibility in educational activities (Lgr22, 2022). The study also identifies challenges, such as teachers' uncertainty about introducing and leading role-playing games due to a lack of expertise.

Utskrivning från sjukhus ? En studie av utskrivningsprocessen vid en medicinklinik

Introduction: The interaction between different care facilities and professions is important in the care of older patients. Patients do not always get enough time to recover and often have a continued need for care. A discharge process of good structure in which the patient and relatives are participating and the continued need of care is assured is of importance in care of older patients.Objective: The overall purpose of this study is to compare the discharge process for patients over 75 years old admitted to a emergency medicine ward respective a emergency medicine ward with geriatric focus at a medicine clinic, to compare discharge process between these wards and evaluate the patients situation at home after discharge.Methods: A survey of medical records with a protocol and a telephone survey have been performed. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistic. Patients at the medical wards MAVA and care unit number 21/34, which are 75 years or older and are discharged to their own home, within the municipality of Göteborgs stad, in Sweden, are included in this study.Results: The discharge process differed between medicine wards with emergency medicine and geriatric focus.

Hållbar utveckling i svensk planeringspraktik : en diskussion kring förtätning och andra ambitioner

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.

Bostadsutvecklingen i Uppsala kommun : En undersökning av unga vuxnas och studenters framtida boendesituation

This thesis presents the residential development in the city of Uppsala, targeting theliving conditions of young adults and students. In cooperation with Sweco Architect inUppsala. The purpose of this survey is to reveal difficulties and possibilities for theearly development of the construction process for studio apartments. Theinformation has been obtained through both a literature review and interviews. Theliterature review is based on Swedish regulations and previous studies in the field, andthe interviews were conducted with organisations and people in leading positionswithin Uppsala.

Fritidshusturism i Värmdö kommun : En studie om dess hållbarhet och framtid

Syfte: Att belysa fritidshusturismens styrkor och svagheter i tre olika aspekter av hållbarhet: ekonomiskt, miljömässigt och socialt, samt att undersöka fritidshusens framtida betydelse för den hållbara turismen i Värmdö kommun.Metod: För denna uppsats har vi använt en kombinationsstrategi. Denna utgörs av fyra intervjuer med personer som är centrala för syftet, en enkätundersökning bland lokalbefolkningen på Djurö i Värmdö kommun samt sekundärdata bestående av bland annat statistik från SCB och planeringsdokument från Värmdö kommun.Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Uppsatsen utgår från teorier om hållbarhet, fritidshus påverkan på destinationer, toppkonsumtion samt fritidshusturismens framtid.Resultat: Fritidshusen utgör ett positivt komplement till den traditionella turismen som äger rum i Värmdö kommun främst under sommaren. Detta eftersom fritidshusägarna i större utsträckning än de traditionella turisterna besöker kommunen även under resten av året. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv har fritidshus både positiv och negativ påverkan på lokalsamhället, där framförallt de positiva ekonomiska effekterna är framträdande. Den traditionella turismen i kommunen bedöms öka till följd av ett flertal destinationsutvecklingsarbeten.

Åtagande och motivation ? Studie av frivillig extern rörelse bland chefer i kommunal verksamhet

I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ studie genomförts angående chefer i offentlig förvaltning och vad som påverkat dem att säga upp sig. Forskning som redan finns angående motivation och åtagande är till stor del framtagen och applicerad i privata organisationer och företag, vilket var en av motiveringen till denna infallsvinkel i uppsatsen. Empirin har hämtats från en av Sveriges största kommuner, där alla deltagare tidigare arbetas som chefer men avlutat sin anställning under 2012. För att belysa ett fenomen med hög chefsomsättning har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med chefer som arbetat i områdena äldrevårdsomsorg och funktionshinder. Data i form av information och uttalanden samlades in från deltagarna angående vad som påverkat deras beslut om uppsägning.

Strategic forest planning using AHP and TOPSIS in participatory environments : a case study conducted in Vilhelmina, Sweden

When a decision is to be made on what long term strategic forest management plan to use, consideration must often be taken to multiple objectives. Such decisions are very complex and a promising approach to handle them is by Multiple Criteria Decision Analyses (MCDA). The study is based on the problem that the MCDA that have been implemented into forest management planning have only had capacity to compare and evaluate a limited number of management plans; which means that there is a risk the most suitable plan is missed. The aim with this study was to test the applicability of combining the MCDA tools: the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for including consideration to multi-objectives into strategic forest management planning. The study was based on the process of creating and selecting a management plan, using Heureka PlanWise, suitable for all the major objectives found in the forest holdings of a municipality in northern Sweden.

"Hela inlandet ligger ju i medieskugga" : Vilhelminabors upplevelser av lokaljournalistik

In the light of the problems the media industry are struggling with, local news reporting is only one of the challenges the news organizations are facing. When local editors is being moved to the cities the tie with the local community is being severed.The aim of this study has been to analyze how the inhabitants of Vilhelmina municipality talks about their experiences of local journalism. With methodological inspiration from the Critical discourse analysis (CDA) this study examined the discourses of local journalism, social media, journalism's role and municipal policy. The theorectical framework consisted theories of media and democracy, convergence culture and discourse theory.The survey was conducted with four focus groups interviews. The focus groups were divided in different cathegories based on the participants experiences, ages and employment.

Informationskompetens : En fenomenografisk undersökning av skolledares uppfattningar om informationskompetens

The aim of my ?two years master thesis? was to examine school administrators perceptions about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control, perceptions about what role the teachers and the librarians have in teaching students information literacy and perceptions about the collaboration between these groups. My questions have been: Have the school administrators reflected upon the conception of information literacy? What conceptions do school administrators have about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control? What role do they consider the teachers and the librarians to have in making all students information literate? How do they consider the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work? What role do they consider themselves to have on a management level to make all students? information literate? I used a phenomenographical method and carried out six qualitative interviews with school administrators from five senior high schools in the municipality of Gävle. Both public schools and independent schools were included in the study. Most of the school administrators considered information literacy to be the same as criticism of sources, which they also considered as one of the most important information literacy skills.

Säg det! : En undersökning om hur rektor kan synliggöra lärares undervisningsförmågor likväl som läraren kan synliggöra elevens lärande ? en parallellprocess

-------------------------- 4AbstractThis study is a qualitative case study in order to delineate how visible learning processes in the classroom. The study draws its theory from researcher John Hattie's findings about effective teaching. Data collection is taken from a class in grade 2 in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. The result demonstrates how the communication takes place in the classroom based on the teacher's strategies and planning in relation to pupils' interests and their own initiative. Is there a mutual feedback between teachers and students while teaching? From five perspectives, and the definition of what visible learning is all about, the results shows many good examples of excellent teaching.

Miljökommunikation : Att effektivt kommunicera och motivera hållbar utveckling

Under de senaste åren har samhällets oro för världens miljötillstånd växt och gett upphov till en så kallad grön marknadsföring. Miljö är ett svårt ämne att kommunicera på grund av dess breda omfattning och svårigheterna som finns med att förenkla informationen utan att tappa helhetsförståelsen. Stora samhällsaktörer såsom företag och statliga organisationer har ett ansvar för förändringsarbetet i och med att de kan visa vägen för en grönare social norm och kollektivt agerande. En kvantitativ studie av miljökommunikationsteori som den beskrivs i litteraturen har utförts, dess praktiska tillämpning har sedan undersökts kvalitativt genom fallstudier av två organisationers miljökommunikation. Studien söker svar på vilka skillnader som finns mellan företags och kommuners miljökommunikationsprocess samt hur den kan förbättras för att åstadkomma positiva beteendeförändringar i samhället och därmed ta steg mot en hållbar utveckling.

Jämförelse mellan gamla PBL och nya PBL : Med fokus på bygglovets överklagande och möjlighet att vinna laga kraft

This thesis provides a comparison of the old Planning and Building act (PBA) from 1987 with the new PBA, which entered into force in May 2011. The essay consists of a descriptive part that presents the regulation of both laws. The new PBA consists of several differences compared to previous regulation. This thesis will, however, primarily be centred around the regulation regarding building permit appeals and the possibility of building permit, to gain legal force.In the old PBL, there were no regulations that result in a building permit decision could be made effective. Instead, a building permit could, long after the decision had been made, be over-challenged.

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