

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 4 av 82

 "Hemma pÄ min gata i stan..." :  Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda

This essay investigates the statements of VÀxjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. VÀxjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

FörutsÀttningar för skred i Huddinge kommun idag och i ett framtida klimat

It is imperative to provide more information regarding changed conditions resulting landslide events in a future climate. The aim of this thesis is to assess landslide susceptibility in Huddinge Municipality in middle Sweden. The main purpose is to produce a map, to visualize landslide susceptible areas, and to integrate the result with changes in physical factors such as climate change. Also, the thesis aims to analyze anthropogenic factors such as changes in land use and an increasing population in Huddinge Municipality. Methods used are GIS-analyses, interviews with staff of Huddinge Municipality, and field observations.

Teknik- finns ett medvetet arbete med teknik? : En enkÀtstudie av pedagogers arbete med Àmnet teknik i grundskolan, Är F-5.

The purpose of this degree project is to study if there is a intentional work with technology in the elementary school, preschool to fifth grade, in a municipality. The work will also study what conditions there are in the schools in order to work with technology. 95 questionnaires were distributed to the responsible teachers in all primary schools in the municipality, from preschool to fifth grade. The results of the survey show that more than half of the respondents do not consider themselves to work with technology in the school. The conditions, in order to work with the school subject technology in the municipality, are primarily external such as: material, facilities and the ability to divide students into smaller groups.

 En modern kommun med ett modernt resemönster? :  en studie av pendlingsmönstret mellan mÀn och kvinnor i Knivsta kommun

This essay investigates the statements of VÀxjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. VÀxjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Rosa flickor och blÄ pojkar ? fÄngar i vÄrt kulturarv och vÄr sociala miljö : en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser ochtankar kring genus ur ett pedagogperspektiv

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was VÀxjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Filialsystemet pÄ Kristianstads stadsbibliotek 1967-1977. Filialerna i FÀrlöv och pÄ GamlegÄrden

The purpose of the thesis is to describe the developing of the branch libraries of the public library of Kristianstad between the years of 1967 and 1977. The municipality of Kristianstad was grounded by a unification of the city of Kristianstad and ten small municipalities. The fusion takes place in three different stages during the years of 1967, 1971 and 1974. The first stage included the city of Kristianstad and the municipalities of Araslöv, Nosaby, TrÀne and VÀ. The municipality of Araslöv got free small villages and village of FÀrlöv was the biggest one.

Tro, hopp och samarbete: en fallstudie av Olofströms mellankommunala samverkan i vÀstra Blekinge

The municipality of Olofström is intensifying the co-operation with Sölvesborg and Karlshamn, the two other municipalities in the west of Blekinge. They co-operate in two local federations and for the moment negotiations are going on about a third local federation in continuation school, but the municipalities do not agree. The aim of this thesis is to examine why Olofström co-operate with Sölvesborg and Karlshamn, if there are any problems and where the limit of this co-operation is. The method in the thesis is qualitative interviews with local politicians and officials and an actor-structure-perspective is used. The result shows that Olofström is a municipality where the population is decreasing, and it has lost state subsidy during the last decade.

Hemlöshet, inte bara ett storstadsfenomen? : - En kvalitativ studie av hemlöshet i en mellanstor kommun.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze homelessness in a medium-sized municipality from an organizational perspective. Some of the central questions in this study are: How is the cause of homelessness explained? How do different actors in the community address, prevent and combat homelessness? Who is responsible for the homelessness?This study is based on four semi-structured interviews with organizations that work with homelessness. The analysis is based on problem definition theory.The result of this study shows that homelessness is a problem in this medium-sized municipality even if it is not a big one and that it is often closely combined with substance abuse. The responsibility for the homeless is on the homeless themselves and the social service because that causes is, according to this study, individual based.  .

FÖRSTASPRÅK I FÖRSKOLAN : En studie av vilket stöd barn med annat förstasprĂ„k Ă€n svenska fĂ„r pĂ„ nĂ„gra förskolor i en kommun i Mellansverige

The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers can support multilingual children and promote their development in their first languages. It was chosen to look at a specific municipality to see how the preschool teachers there work with multilingual children. By using the method of structured interviews, it was learnt that they do, in fact, work actively with multilingual children. The preschool teachers interviewed received the same questions in order to make the answers as comparable and measurable as possible. The results seem to indicate that more resources are needed to fulfil the needs of children with another first language than Swedish.

Den demokratiska döden : En motivstudie av döden i Vilhelm Mobergs Din stund pÄ jorden och Jan FridegÄrds Torntuppen

The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools.

Ett lyckat integrationsarbete? - en fallstudie av Botkyrka kommuns integrationsarbete

AbstractAuthor: Josefine KostinTitle: A succesful work of integration? ? a case study of the integration work within the Botkyrka municipalityThe last decades, Sweden has become more ethnic heterogenetic. Generations of immigration have affected the Swedish society in many ways; the language that are spoken at work and in schools, culture and the political agenda etcetera. In 2008, Botkyrka municipality was chosen to be the second best at working with integrating immigrants. On the other hand, Botkyrka has been referred to as a municipality which has failed with the integration of immigrants; for example, unemployments amongst the immigrants and segregation.

Drogförebyggande arbete riktat mot barn och ungdom : Vad som görs i skola och kommun i tvÄ kommuner i SkÄne

This paper is about drug prevention. In my paper the aim is to examine when, where and how the drug prevention work, by law, is being realized, on local levels, in school and municipality, towards youth.My central questions are among others: What does it imply, how the municipality and school value the drug prevention work?, Which prevention programs do the municipality and school use? and Does the drug prevention work give any results? The method I've been using is qualitative interviews and studies of literature and research.The main results I gained with my studie are, that the work of politicians is not in phase with the development in society. And in spite of the fact that drug prevention programs are used, the young ones are using drugs and alcohol more than ever..

UtvÀrdering av upphandlade Àldreboenden

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was VÀxjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Omlastningsteminal - En studie av miljöeffekter vid införande av omlastningsterminal och ruttplaneringssystem i Kalmar kommun

 Title:Transshipment Terminal ? A study of environmental effects from the introduction of a transshipment terminal and a route planning system in the municipality of Kalmar Examiner:Andersson, PetraKey words:Transshipment terminal, route planning, environmental impact Purpose:The study aims to examine how a transshipment terminal and a route planning system may have implications for the municipality of Kalmar from environmental concerns. Methodology:The thesis is a case study on the municipality of Kalmar. A positivistic -and an objectivistic approach have been used. The strategic approach that was used was quantitative.

Friluftsliv i ett fo?ra?ndrat kommunikationslandskap : En kvalitativ underso?kning kring hur ny mediekonsumtion pa?verkar Umea? kommuns kommunikation

The aim of this study is to examine which communication channels and communication strategies Umea? municipality could use for information concerning outdoor recreation. To achieve this aim the following theories and views have been applied: social communication, communication strategies, two-way symmetrical communication, social media and uses and gratifications. The study was conducted through four focus group interviews and one informant interview. The focus groups consisted of four groups of outdoor enthusiasts in Umea? municipality: outdoor interested students, organized outdoor enthusiasts, active families and active seniors.

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