
Utvärdering av upphandlade äldreboenden

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation. The empirical data was retrieved by semi-structured interviews with representatives from Växjö municipality and the suppliers. Empirical data was also retrieved from documents concerning the procurements and the evaluation process present in this study. The empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the neo-institutional theory and previous research that explain the implementation and use of evaluations. The result shows that evaluations are used as audit to control the suppliers and occur at three different levels in the municipality. The result also shows that the context and legitimacy of an organization affects the implementation and use of the evaluations. The result has made us question the use of evaluation at the overall level in view of the political debate at this level. The source of our doubts lies in that there are ideological differences in how politicians value procurement that may influence the use of evaluation. The ways the municipality implements and uses evaluations appear to be institutionalized.


Nabil Koubaissi Jonas Mårtensson

Lärosäte och institution

Linnéuniversitetet/Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA)


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